Java-selenium Automation Test Developer Resume
New York, NY
- Over 6+ years of experience in Automation Test developing, Automation Framework design, API/Web Services testing and Mobile application testing.
- Experienced in working within fast - paced Agile/SCRUM systems maintained by JIRA.
- Strongly experienced in writing and executing detailed test cases and test design documents for back and front end testing.
- Strongly experienced in Page Object Model to Automate Functional and Regression Testing by creating Hybrid Framework using Eclipse, Maven, Java, TestNG and Selenium WebDriver.
- Experienced in developing Automation Framework using Page Object Model (POM) with PAGE FACTORY CLASS for The Web and Mobile Applications.
- Experienced in performing Mobile testing by developing and executing test scripts for both Android and iOS platforms using Appium, JAVA, TestNG and Maven.
- Experienced in developing Automation Framework using Cucumber BDD, JUnit, Gherkin, Java and Selenium WebDriver.
- Experienced in using Selenium Grid, Sauce Labs, and Docker for cross platform and cross browser testing by running the Test Scripts on various virtual machines.
- Experienced in generating Test Reports using ReportNG and ExtentReport.
- Experienced in configuring Jenkins as a Continuous Integration server with GitHub and Maven.
- Experienced in using Swagger for REST API specification.
- Experienced in using POSTMAN and REST-assured for RESTful Web services/REST API testing.
- Experienced in automating Test Cases using Groovy programming in SOAPUI.
- Performed Back-End/Database testing by writing SQL queries.
- Experienced in writing Code.
- Strong understanding of Web Application and Web Services architectures.
- Strong Knowledge in Core Java, JSP, JDBC, Java Servlet, JavaScript, JSON, XML, and HTML.
- Very good understanding of Java based developing Frameworks such as Spring, MVC, Hibernate, Jersey etc.
- Experienced in using Apache JMeter for Load Testing.
- Ability to use a wide variety of open source technologies and tools.
- Strong working experience in Financial, Digital Media, E-commerce and Healthcare domains.
- Very Quick Learner.
UI Automation Testing: Selenium WebDriver, Protractor, Cucumber BDD, Appium
Testing Frameworks: TestNG, JUnit
Build and Dependency Management: Maven
Continues Integration(CI): Jenkins
Repository Systems/ Version control systems: Git and GitHub, SVN
API/Web Services Testing: Ready API, REST-assured, SoapUI, JMETER, POSTMAN, Swagger, RAML, MuleSoft, apigee
Distributed Execution: Docker, Sauce Labs, Selenium Grid
Project Management: JIRA, HP ALM
Programming Language and Frameworks: Core JAVA, JSP, C, C++, Python, JavaScript, Groovy, SQL, XML, JSON,HTML, YAML, jQuery, Ajax, AngularJS/2/4, Spring, Hibernate, Servlet, Jax-RS, Jax-WS, Jersey, Apache CXF
IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ
Application Servers: WebLogic, WebSphere, Tomcat, JBoss, GlassFish
RDBMS: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL
NoSQL/ Document-oriented databases: MongoDB
Cloud Technology: AWS, MS Azure, mLab, Sauce Labs
OS: Windows, MAC, Linux, Solaris, iOS, Android
Confidential, New York, NY
Java-Selenium Automation Test Developer
- Followed Test-Driven Development (TDD) in an Agile/Scram Environment.
- Extensively used JAVA OOP’s concepts for developing Automation Frameworks using Eclipse, Maven, Selenium WebDriver and TestNG.
- Used JAVA singleton technique to create Frameworks.
- Created various generic methods for capturing SCREENSHOT, sending E-MAIL, reading and writing EXCEL file, connecting DATABASE, and generating LOGs.
- Created various custom methods for handling FRAME, MULTIPLE WINDOW, LINK, POP-UP and other WEB ELEMENTS.
- Created common data provider using Hashtable for all test cases using TestNG and Java.
- Created customized XPATH and CSS for identifying dynamic elements.
- Used Page Object Model (POM) to create Automation Framework using Eclipse, JAVA, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven and Apache POI.
- Extensively used TestNG Listener to generate automatic response on Test failure, Skip, and Success.
- Used ReportNg and Extentreport for creating Test reports.
- Used Jenkins with Maven for continuous integration.
- Developed Automation Framework for Acceptance Testing using Cucumber BDD and JUnit.
- Developed Features, Scenarios and Step Definitions using Gherkin, Java, WebDriver.
- Performed Mobile testing by developing and executing test scripts for both Android and iOS platforms using Appium and JAVA.
- Created a Hybrid Automation Framework using Page Object Model (POM) with PAGE FACTORY CLASS for Mobile App using Appium and JAVA.
- Used Sauce Labs for distributed test execution where multiple Test Suits ran parallel on different platforms and browsers.
- Configured Jenkins for generating Extent reports.
- Used Swagger to get REST API Specification and Documentation, Created and Tested Mock Service for the specification using SOAPUI Pro.
- Created End to End Automation Framework for RESTful Web services testing using POSTMAN and REST-assured.
- Automated Data Integrity testing using SQL, JDBC, and Selenium.
- Participated in Daily Scrum /Stand-up meeting, Sprint Planning meeting, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective meeting.
Environment: JAVA, JAX-RS, Apache CXF, Jersey, Spring AOP, Spring JDBC, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Angular 2, Swagger, JSON, XML,YAML, Jira, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven, Jenkins, Cucumber, Appium, SOAP UI, REST-assured, Eclipse, Oracle, Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, Android, iOS, Windows Server and Linux etc.
Confidential, New York, NY
Selenium Test Automation Engineer
- Extensively worked on Agile development and management process.
- Performed Smoke Testing, Functional Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing, System Testing, Database Testing, and Black Box testing at various phases of the development and test cycles.
- Wrote Test Automation Script using Java, Selenium WebDriver and TestNG which performed sanity testing on every deployment performed in QA Environment and sent Email Notification on failure.
- Developed a Hybrid Framework using Page Object and Data-Driven Model on top of TestNG and Selenium WebDriver for test automation.
- Used TestNG DataProvider and Apache POI for Data Driven Testing.
- Performed Data Driven Automation Testing using SQL, JDBC connection, and Selenium WebDriver.
- Used Page Object Model (POM) to developed End to End Automation Framework for Mobile App testing using Appium, TestNG, Maven and Java.
- Configured Jenkins as a Continuous Integration server with GitHub and Maven.
- Generated Test Report using ReportNG and Extentreport in Maven Project.
- Used Sauce Labs and Selenium Grid to perform cross browser testing and parallel execution of the Tests.
- Tested both SOAP-based and RESTful APIs/Web Services using SOAPUI.
- Automated Test Cases using Groovy programming in SOAPUI and used assertions for verification.
- Developed and executed SQL queries in the database to conduct Data integrity testing.
Environment: Selenium WebDriver, Appium, Selenium Grid, TestNG, Maven, Jenkins, TOAD, Windows Server, Sun Solaris, Android, iOS, MySQL, Tomcat, Eclipse, WebSphere, SOAPUI, XML, HTML, JSON, jQury, Ajax, JavaScript, AngulerJS, Java Servlet, JSP, MySQL, MongoDB etc.
Confidential, New York, NY
Selenium Test Engineer
- Performed Data Driven testing using Java, Maven, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG and Apache POI.
- Used Page Object Model to Automate Functional and Regression Testing by creating Hybrid Framework using Maven, Java, TestNG and Selenium WebDriver.
- Created a End to End Framework for Acceptance Testing using Cucumber, JDBC, Maven, WebDriver, Java and TestNG.
- Used Selenium Grid for cross platform and cross browser testing by running the Test Scripts on various virtual machines.
- Performed Back-End/Database testing by writing complex SQL queries.
- Used complex joining to retrieve date from multiple tables to verify the expected result.
- Performed Web services testing using SOAPUI.
- Tested REST APIs in SOAPUI and automated test cases using Groovy.
- Created batch scripts to execute test cases from command line tool.
- Integrated the project with Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
- Wrote and executed Test Cases for User Stories and Logged Defects for test failures using JIRA.
- Followed Agile testing methodology, participated in daily SCRUM meetings and tested each SPRINT deliverables.
Environment: Java, Eclipse, Maven, JUnit/TestNG, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, Jira, Apache Tomcat, SQL, Oracle, TOAD, Web Logic, JavaScript, dot Net, Windows Server, Linux Red Hat, SOAPUI, Jenkins etc.
Confidential, New York, NY
Selenium Automation Engineer
- Created Test Plan and Test Cases for DataBase Testing.
- Performed Back-End testing by writing SQL queries.
- Tested Database table’s structures by using Schema/Table structure.
- Tested Data Constraints by writing SQL Queries.
- Used complex joining to retrieve date from multiple tables to verify the expected result.
- Worked on Views, Stored Procedures and Triggers and tested them by writing SQL Quires.
- Raised defects and performed defect tracking using JIRA.
- Created Automation Scripts for Functional and Regression testing using Selenium.
- Created an End to End Hybrid Framework using Java, Selenium and TestNG.
Environment: Java, TestNG, Selenium, Jira, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MS Office, Windows Server, Oracle GlassFish server, SVN etc.