Senior Qa Automation Test Engineer Resume
Tampa, FloridA
- Skilled IT professional with over 8+ years in Quality Assurance. Through understanding of software quality activities throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC). Detailed understanding of QA methodology (Agile, Waterfall) to ensure quality control. Proficient in preparing the test plans, scripts and test cases by analyzing Business Requirements for various domains such as Health Care, Insurance, Banking and E - commerce.
- In depth understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) and Bug Life Cycle (BLC). And QA methodologies including Waterfall and Agile methodologies to ensure appropriate Quality Control.
- Well versed in reviewing and analyzing the Business requirements and developing Test Plan, Test strategies, Test cases, Test data, Test procedure, Test reports and documentation of Manual and Automation Tests.
- Experience in developing manual and automated Test scripts and test cases based on the client provided BRD, FRS and SRS.
- Good understanding of Core Java and Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) concepts and Experience in designing, developing, enhancing automated test scripts for Selenium using Java.
- Good experience in creating, modifying and enhancing both manual Test cases and Test Scripts created in Selenium Webdriver with Test NG and Junit frameworks.
- Experience in Functional Testing, Smoke Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing. Regression Testing, GUI Testing, Adhoc Testing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Compatibility Testing.
- Testing the Functionalities using Black Box testing technique. Excellent knowledge and working experience in test execution and test results analysis.
- Extensively Used Mercury Quality Center, JIRA, Bugzilla to create Test cases and report Bugs in Defect Module.
- Experienced in Web Services testing using SOAPUI tool. Validated request and response XML, SOAP and RESTFUL Web service calls using Assertions.
- Used various Selenium Locators like ID, name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, XPath, CSS, DOM for identifying correct GUI elements in creating automation scripts.
- Performed Continuous Integration of code and scripts using Jenkins and triggered the continuous delivery process using Jenkins build jobs.
- Developed Test Scripts to implement Test Cases, Test Scenarios, behavioral features and step definitions for BDD (Behavior Driven Development), TDD (Test Driven Development) using Cucumber.
- Experience in configuring application framework using Excel spreadsheets and process the spreadsheets using Apache POI.
- Expertise in setting up selenium grid using different machines as nodes and one machine as hub to distribute the execution of selenium test scripts on all node machines.
- Experience in Data Driven Testing, Cross browser testing and Parallel Test Execution using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG and Selenium Grid.
- Experienced dealing with Ajax Requests in Selenium Webdriver using Synchronization.
- Created manual Test Cases in HP QC/HP ALM for various User Stories based on Release and Sprint Plan.
- Backend testing using SQL Queries. Involved in creating theScenarios forsingle and multi-user test. Expertise inData driven testing, Back-End testing.
- Generated test logs using Log4j property file for various log levels.
- Experienced in Mobile Testing using Appium
- Maintained the Java and selenium test source code and resources in the SVN, GIT version control tool.
Test Approaches: Waterfall, Agile/SCRUM, SDLC, STLC
Testing Tools: Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium GridTest NG, JUnit, Cucumber, SoapUI, Jmeter
Test Build & Integration Tools: Maven, ANT, Jenkins
Frameworks: Keyword Driven, Data Driven, Hybrid, Page Object Model (POM)
Programming Languages: C, C++, JAVA
Markup Languages: HTML, XML
Databases: MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server
Browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari
Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, LINUX
Defect Tracking Tools: HP QC/HP ALM, JIRA, Confluence, Bugzilla, Rally, Remedy.
MS Office Tools: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access
Utilities: Eclipse, SVN, Git, FireBug, FirePath, BitBucket, AutoIT
Confidential, Tampa, Florida
Senior QA Automation Test Engineer
- Assessed and analyzed user stories and participated in Sprint planning, Review Sessions and Scrum Meetings.
- Participated in writing High Level Test Plan, Test Scenarios, Test cases based on the requirement and analyzed the results.
- Performed Regression testing to check compatibility of new functionality with the existing functionalities of the application using Selenium.
- Created automation test scripts using data driven framework and Page Object model to test the web applications using Selenium WebDriver with JAVA and maven.
- Utilized Apache POI jar file to read test data from the excel spread sheets and load them into required test cases.
- Performed parameterization of the automatedtest scripts in Selenium, TestNG to check how the application performs against multiple sets of data.
- Expertise in grouping of test suites, test cases and test methods for regression and functional testing using TestNG Annotations like Groups, Parameter, Data Provider and Tags.
- Performed Cross browser testing and parallel testing on Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer using TestNG and Selenium grid.
- Expertise in using Selenium Grid to run test scripts on different platforms and against different browsers in parallel to save time.
- Used FireBug, FirePath to debug, edit and locate the objects based on ID, Name, XPath, CssSelector, Link, Partial Link, Attributes and Tags.
- Automated webservices testing using SOAP UI and performed Restful webservices testing using get, post, put and delete methods
- Handled the special mouse events and selected the options from the drop-down menu using Selenium Actions builder, mouse hover.
- Developed test scripts using different web element locators like id, name, Css selector, DOM, XPath, TagName, Link text.
- Performed the Selenium Synchronization of the scripts for Ajax web pages and application background processing.
- Handled the web based pop-up using the Alert interface in Selenium Webdriver.
- Interacted and worked with the development team to analyze the defects and reported them in JIRA and tracked them for closure.
- Prepared user documentation with screenshots for bug reporting and UAT (User Acceptance Testing).
- UsedGITas a central repository for version control. Worked with merge conflicts
- Configured and launched builds using Jenkins jobs and analyzed the Test Results from Jenkins.
- Used Maven to perform build from Jenkins Continuous Integration.
- Implement Test Cases, Test Scenarios, behavioral features and step definitions for BDD (Behavior Driven Development) using Cucumber, JUnit.
- Participated in peer review with team and developers to reviewtest cases/ test scripts.
- Performed backend testing by writing and executing SQL queries to validate that data is being populated in appropriate tables and manually verify the correctness of the data with front-end values.
- Implemented JDBC connections in the automation framework to validate data in the database.
- Worked with the Business Systems Analyst, Developer and Project Manager to resolve defects identified during the testing cycle.
- Stored the flow details of Selenium Automation in a file using Log4j.
- Involved in performance Testing using JMeter
- Performed System, Integration, Smoke, Functional, Positive and Negative and monitored the behavior of the applications during different phases of testing using testing methodologies.
- Planning fortest Execution activities to accomplish tasks on daily/weekly basis.
- Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and discuss enhancement and modification request issues and defects in the application.
Environment: Agile, Java, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, Eclipse IDE, TestNG, Jenkins, SoapUI, HTML, Log4j, XML, JIRA, Microsoft Office, Cucumber, Eclipse, Maven, GIT, SQL Server, FirePath, Firebug, XPATH.
QA Engineer
- Analyzed business requirements and functional documents, created the test strategy document that define the test environment, phases of testing, entrance and exit criteria into different phases of testing and resources required to conduct the effort.
- Worked on Agile Environment and tested the application under SCRUM Methodology. Attended Kickoff meetings. Reviewed requirements, functional and technical Design Documents.
- Involved in writing Test Case by using Design Docs and Acceptance criteria.
- Participate in requirements, functional design, technical design and release notes walkthroughs.
- Maintained the Java and selenium test source code and resources in the GIT source control repository tool.
- Developed Automation framework usingSelenium WebDriver and Extended TestNG Framework by adding some helper classes and methods.
- Utilized TestNG new feature (TestNG Reporting, IReporter Interface and Screenshot), Soft Assertion, to capture multiple failures of the test case instead of stopping at the first failure.
- Created and tested Positive and Negative Test scenarios to test the functionality and the error handling capability of the application.
- Created scripts to automate Windows pop-ups using AutoIT
- Wrote Maven build scripts to automate the compilation and execution of TestNG test Cases/suites.
- Created Cucumber Feature Files comprising of various Test Scenarios and Step Definitions for BDD (Behavior Driven Development).
- Designed Data Driven Framework to extract the data from excel sheets using Apache POI and to drive the data into the test cases.
- Developed Java Test scripts using TestNG annotations.
- Wrote Selenium script for taking screenshots using Extent Reports API and implemented actions class to perform mouse movement.
- Design and Build Automation Framework from scratch using Selenium WebDriver, Eclipse, TestNG and Java in Windows platform.
- Used FirePath, Firebug for inspecting web pages and to locate Web Elements.
- Wrote CSS Selector and XPath manually to work on dynamic Web Elements.
- Performed testing on Web Services using WSDL and SOAPUI to check the communication between different services.
- UsedSelenium tool (Selenium IDE is a plug-in for Firefox) to record and playback tests and then export the recorded test in other language e.g. html, Java. The Exported test can be run in any browser and any platform.
- Queried, updated and created tables for testing purposes.
- Updated Quality Center with test case execution status.
- Maintained theSelenium & JAVA automation code and resources in source controls over the time for improvements and new features.
- Tested complete product life cycle in all browsers.
- Involved with Risk team to fraud check testing and performed End to End testing and UAT testing.
- Create documents on build process and flow, script.
- Participated in defect triage, data migration checkpoint meetings.
- Worked with Development andQA teams to establish a build schedule.
Environment: Java,Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Jenkins, Cucumber, SOAP UI, Agile, Maven, XPATH, Firebug, XML, HTML, CSS, Eclipse, Quality Center, SQL, Windows.
QA Analyst
- Analyzed the violations and separated the violations in various categories.
- Actively interacted with the dev team and conducted meetings for clarifications.
- Involved in Preparation of Test cases based on Backlogs.
- Involved in testing of application using the Scrum (Agile) methodology.
- Performed integration and functional testing for different applications.
- Developed automated test cases for all manual tests cases provided.
- Implemented automation using Selenium Web Driver, JAVA, Selenium Grid, Cucumber and Maven.
- DevelopedKeyword Driven to retrieve test actions, test data from Excel files and SQL Databases.
- Developed BDD testsusing Cucumberby writing features and step definitions using Gherkin. Developed required Selenium support code in JAVA for Cucumber.
- Extensively automated regression and functional test suites bydeveloping test cases, test suites using Selenium Web Driver, JAVA, and Junit.
- Implemented Page Objects framework, Hybrid framework and Page classes to represent web pages.
- Worked on capturing screenshots on failure to analyze the test failure reason.
- Performed Smoke, End to End and Regression tests in Test environment and Production support environment.
- Performed cross browser testing in different browsers and operating system using selenium grid.
- Handled broken links and inter application links in development test and production environments using Selenium WebDriver.
- Deployed jobs on individual stages on Jenkins, and running automated and manual functional tests.
- Coordinated with application team to ensure resolution of all issues and completion of work on time.
- Maintained and issued weekly reports on all automation tests.
- Involved in creating, updating and executing of Test Cases according to requirements.
- Involved in preparation of test plan for every product created, updated stories and tasks in JIRA.
- Actively participated in daily Status calls, Retrospectives and Team meetings.
- Defect tracking was done in JIRA.
- Successfully wrote SQL queries to verify the database updates, inserts and deletion of the records.
- Worked with client to establish and maintain a consistent test methodology to resolve questions during the testing process.
Environment: Selenium Web driver, Agile, Selenium IDE, Microsoft Office Excel, JIRA, Eclipse, Maven, Java, SQL, XPATH, FirePath, Firebug.
QA Analyst
- Responsible for working within a team to create document and execute Test Plan, Test Cases, and test scripts in support of a set of global tools, systems and databases.
- Involved in test approach & test case walkthrough, review with peers and test leads. The Work group consist of business system analysts, developers and architects.
- Prepared Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to trace test cases to functional requirements.
- PreparedTest cases for positive and negativetest scenarios as referred in the user stories keeping in mind the Boundary Value Limitations, Equivalence classes.
- Implemented automation framework for SmokeTest to ascertain that the crucial functions of the application work and implemented RegressionTest to detect bugs after enhancement and configuration settings of the code.
- Prepared test data based on Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Class Partitioning.
- Deployment jobs on individual stages on Jenkins, and running automated and manual functional tests.
- Integrated Automation scripts on Continuous Integration tool Jenkins for nightly batch run of the script.
- Developed Manual Tests by analyzing product use cases, and requirements as well as technical design and implementation artifacts to create test cases that execute the specific product functions.
- Prepared the data to cover various scenarios and wrote SQL scripts to verify the database updates, inserts and deletion of the records.
- Used Bugzilla for bug tracking and reporting, also followed up with development team to verify bug fixes, and update bug status.
- Analyzed the performance based on the reports generated.
- Responsible for providing regular status report to the management.
- Performed System, Integration, Smoke, Functional, Positive and Negative and monitored the behavior of the applications during different phases of testing using testing methodologies.
- Successfully wrote SQL queries to verify the database updates, inserts and deletion of the records.
Environment: Java, TestNG, Apache POI, Eclipse, Windows, Oracle, Maven, SVN, Bugzilla.
Java Developer
- Involved in designing and development of the product and also involved in Unit and Integration testing.
- Involved in the Requirements gathering & Analysis from the business team.
- Worked on the JAVA Collections API for handling the data objects between the business layers and the front end.
- Created the design documents with use case diagram, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
- Developed Graphical User Interfaces using HTML and JSP for user interaction.
- Used Java Scripts for client side validations and validation framework for server side validations.
- Developed Unit test cases using JUnit.
- Responsible for writing SQL Statements and Stored procedures for back end communication using JDBC.
- Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
- Fixed application issues and helped to mitigate defects.
- Involved in the Bug fixing of various modules reported by the testing teams in the application during the integration
Environment: Windows, Eclipse, JSP,Core Java, JDBC, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SQL, JUnit, Log4J.