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Senior Qa Automation Engineer Resume

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Wallingford, CT


  • Experienced Senior Automation Quality Assurance Analyst with 8+ years of experience in all the phases of SDLC, reviewing business requirements, preparing Test plans, and Develop detail documentation of test cases, Writing Test Scripts for both manual and automation tests using Selenium Suite, BDD Cucumber, Rest Assured and Appium to deliver the quality products in the domains of Hospitality, Banking, Retail etc.
  • Expertise in Entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Test Development Life Cycle (TDLC) in Agile as well as Iterative development environments.
  • Experienced in Functional, Interface (GUI), Integration, Regression and User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
  • Strong knowledge in implementing Waterfall and Agile (Sprint/Scrum) Methodology by analyzing requirement specifications
  • Experience in Web page Automation Testing using Selenium Suite (WebDriver, RC, IDE, Grid), UFT/QTP.
  • Used Log4j to maintain Log files and debugging of automation scripts and web applications.
  • Implemented the Selenium Synchronization using implicit and explicit waits.
  • Proficient in handling the SSL certificate error using Desired capabilities in all the web Browsers.
  • Experienced in using Apache POI to read the data from external sources in order to drive TestNG based Data Driven testing.
  • Experience in writing Test Scripts using TestNG which involves in - depth understanding of OOPS and HTML Knowledge.
  • Hands on experience in core Java Object Oriented programming.
  • Performed Parallel and Cross Browser testing on different browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox where multiple tests were run at the same time.
  • Expertise in using Defect tracking and project management tools such as Jira, Rally, Bugzilla, ALM, and HP Quality Centre.
  • Designed and Implemented different automation frameworks like Keyword Driven Framework, Data Driven Framework, and Hybrid Framework and POM (Page Object Model) for different projects.
  • Experienced in using build automation tools such as Maven (to manage framework dependency jar files, build) and Ant for automating software build processes by configuring build dependencies in POM.Xml
  • Developed test scripts to implement Features, Test Scenarios and features for BDD and ATDD using Cucumber in Gherkin format.
  • Used Version control tools like Git, SVN for efficient remote team working, also stored the framework and all the developed test cases
  • Expertise in Grouping of Test Cases, Test Methods and Test Suites for regression and functional testing using the TestNG annotations like Groups, Parameter, Data Provider.
  • Knowledge with functional testing Cross Browser Testing using Selenium & TestNG to check that the web application works as expected in different browsers.
  • Used Firebug/ IE Developer Toolkit and Selenium IDE to locate Element and validate html IDs, Name, Link Text, Partial LinkText, XPath, CSS Locators and DOM to identify web elements.
  • Handled Ajax Requests and synchronization in Selenium using implicit and explicit wait conditions.
  • Experience in handling Pop-ups with Selenium and AutoIt.
  • Experience in testing and handling different frames (frames, iframes) of a HTML page with having different DOM's for every iframe.
  • Used Selenium Utility Methods provided by Selenium APIs to Capture Screen shots of failed Test Cases.
  • Experience in Handling Keyboard and Mouse events using Actions and Action classes.
  • Experience in using Firefox Profile and Desired Capabilities for dealing browser Versions and Certificate errors in Selenium.
  • Involved in functional testing of SOAP and RESTFUL APIs using SOAPUI Tool. Validated Request and Response in XML, JSON Formats.
  • Responsible for planning Test Objective, Test strategies, Test Scenarios, Test procedures, Test Schedules, Tasks, Test Matrices, Test summary reports, documents for both automated and manual testing as per User requirements, System requirements and Functional requirements.
  • Experience in White Box and Black Box testing for functionality and structural flow of an application.
  • Strong working experience on Functional testing, GUI testing, Integration testing, User Acceptance testing, Regression testing, Smoke testing, Sanity testing, Positive testing, Negative testing, Boundary Value testing, Backend testing, End to End testing.
  • Experience in writing Test cases and Test scripts for Functional performance testing.
  • Experienced in Back-End testing to ensure data consistency on front-end by writing and executing SQL queries for data validation.


Automation Tools/ApI’s: Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Server, Selenium Grid, Cucumber, TestNG, JUnit, Sikuli, AutoIT, Log4j, Appium, SoapUI, Postman, Rest Assured, Protractor, Mocha, Chai.

Frameworks: Hybrid, Data driven, Keyword driven, Page Object Model, BDD

SQA Technologies: SOAP, REST, WSDL, Web Services

Programming Languages: JAVA, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, XML, JSON, AJAX, SQL, VB Script Methodologies

Methodologies/Approaches: Agile Scrum, Waterfall, V- Model, SDLC, STLC, TDD, ATDD, BDD

Defect Tracking: Jira, Bugzilla, Rally, Rational Unified Process (RUP), HP Quality Center

Build, Version control, CI/CD Tools: Maven, Ant, TFS, SVN, Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, CVS, Jenkins

Database Technologies: Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, Toad

Operating Systems: Windows, OS X, Linux, Unix

Mobile testing: Android, iOS, Android Studio, Appium, XCode

Office Tools: MS word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook, TFS, OnTime.

Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, Edge


Confidential, Wallingford, CT

Senior QA Automation Engineer


  • Assessed and analyzed user stories and participated in Sprint planning, Review Sessions, Scrum Meetings and developed Test scenarios, Test cases, Test data, Test reports.
  • Developed and Executed Test Scripts using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, analyzed Test Results.
  • Involved in preparing test cases using Selenium WebDriver to validate all UI components, Popups, Browser navigations, Mouse Movements.
  • Implemented TestNG automation framework for Smoke Test to ascertain that the crucial functions of the application work and implemented Regression Test to verify the existing functionality is affected and to check the configuration settings of the code. Ability to connect with the Database to perform database testing and execute SQL statements for validating data.
  • Experienced in using Apache POI to read the data from external sources to perform data driven testing
  • Performed Data driven testing to validate the components displayed on the website using Selenium.
  • Performed Parallel and Cross Browser testing on different browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox where multiple tests were run at the same time.
  • Designed and Developed test automation Artifacts (scripts, functions, scenarios, processes) for simple to complex automated testing situations using various tools like Selenium, Cucumber, TestNG and XPath.
  • Used Hybrid, Keyword/Data Driven Framework, POM and extracted data from external Excel files using Apache POI and loaded into the variables in the scripted code.
  • Configured the Test Cases to receive input Test Data Sets for the corresponding test cases using TestNG Data Provider Annotation.
  • Managed individual sprints user stories and tasks using Jira as tracking tool.
  • Used Firebug, FirePathto debug, edit and locate the objects based on ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selector, Link, Partial Link, Attributes and Tags.
  • Performed BDD (Behavior Driven Development), ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development) using Cucumber Features, Scenarios and Step Definitions in Gherkins format.
  • Involved in Web services testing using SOAPUI Tool. Validated request and response XML. Added assertions to validate the XML, JSON in SOAP and RESTFUL services.
  • Performed Automation of API using Rest Assured. Tested GET, PUT, POST Restful methods.
  • Tested Mobile Apps on IOS and Android Platforms with Appium. Inspected the App using Appium Inspector on Different platforms. Configured Appium desktop.
  • Used GitHub as a source repository system to share code within the office as well as with the team in overseas.
  • Used Protractor to test AngularJS pages. Performed data driven and end to end testing with the Jasmine based framework.
  • Managed the framework dependency jars using Maven.
  • Maintained the Selenium and Java Automation Code and resources in source controls like Git for improvements and new features.
  • Configured Jenkins build jobs to perform CI and automatically schedule Regression.
  • Performed black box testing, database testing, and web-based testing on several test phases. Developed components for each transaction used in the test script or scenario by using Selenium.
  • Interacted with the development configuration and operations team to ensure the quality of software to user expectations.
  • Verified the integration of various components in the application and executed end-to- end testing.
  • Participated in Release Review/Requirement Analysis and Design review meetings.

Environment: Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, Jenkins, SoapUI, Soap, Restful, Rest Assured, HTML, XML, JIRA, Microsoft Office, Cucumber, Gherkin, Appium, IOS, Android, Eclipse, JUnit, Maven, TestNG, Agile, Oracle, Jasmine, Protractor, SQL, XML, CSS, XPath.

Confidential, Charlotte, North Carolina

Senior Automation Engineer


  • Interacted with the Project Manager, Business Analysts and Developers to understand the application design and functional specifications.
  • Implemented Hybrid automation test framework with Selenium WebDriver, Java and TestNG.
  • Used Apache POI to read data from external sources and provide them as parameter to the locators in the test script.
  • Used Firebug, FirePathto debug, edit and locate the objects based on ID, Name, XPath, CSSs elector, Link, Partial Link, Attributes and Tags.
  • Tested broken links and inter application links (page redirects to respective URL's) in development, test and production environments.
  • Used Selenium WebDriver and TestNG to run paralleltesting by creating Groups and categorizing test cases.
  • Performed Selenium Synchronization using Explicit & Implicit waits.
  • Selected the Test Cases to be automated and performed functional testing of the front end using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver) & created Data Driven framework using JUnit.
  • Performed Cross browser compatibility testing on Chrome, Firefox, IE browsers using TestNG.
  • Worked on Capturing Screenshots on Failure or Pass to analyze the test failure reason.
  • Coordinated with application team to ensure resolution of all issues and completion of work on time.
  • Created test reports generated out of TestNG and captured the error screenshots.
  • Dealt with Accessing Links & Tables using Selenium WebDriver and Java collections framework.
  • Used Cucumber by creating the Features and Step Definition files to execute test scripts.
  • Used Jenkins tool for continuous integration of the builds.
  • Implemented automation test scripts in SOAPUI for web service testing.
  • Performed BDD (Behavior Driven Development) using Cucumber Features, Scenarios and Step Definitions in Gherkins format.
  • Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data for database and Used SQLqueries for retrieving data from database for executing user specific test cases.
  • Involved in Web services testing using SOAPUI Tool. Validated request and response XML.Added assertions to validate the XML in Web services SOAP and RESTFUL service.
  • Schedule and prioritize work and plan a sequence of testing activities that accomplish the planned targets. Set priorities and provide reports to the management

Environment: Selenium WebDriver, Appium, Eclipse, Oracle, HTML, XML, SVN, JUnit, TestNG, Jenkins, SoapUI, JIRA, Maven, Cucumber, Soap, Restful.

Confidential, Houston Tx

Senior Selenium Tester


  • Assessed User Stories, participated in Sprint planning, Review Sessions and Scrum Meeting.
  • Developed Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Test Data, Test Procedure and Test Reports.
  • Worked in Regression testing, Parallel Processing usingJava, SeleniumWebDriver in TestNG.
  • Involved in development work using Java, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Wrote automated component test cases using Java.
  • Used JDBC to save and retrieve the pdf files using the database.
  • Performed the build and maven dependencies using Maven build tool.
  • Developed test scripts by identify the web Elements through locators using FireBug and FirePath plugins.
  • Performed Parallel and Cross Browser testing using TestNG on different browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox to simulate production environment.
  • Used XPath and DOM to work with dynamic and static objects inSelenium..
  • Created test reports generated out of TestNG, XSLT Reports, Cucumber JVM and created the error screenshots.
  • Achieved synchronization using implicit and explicit wait conditions.
  • Designed Selenium scripts to find, verify, select, edit and perform various operations on web elements.
  • Developed Selenium scripts to get the data from the webpage by using the methods like getUrl, getTitle,getAttribute.
  • Developed scripts to navigate to various iframes and to handle multiple windows and performed operations on the web elements. Dealt with Accessing LinksandTables using Selenium WebDriver. Incorporated the test data in Test scripts from Excel using Apache POI API.
  • Createdautomationscripts usingPage Object Model(POM)and Data-driven development framework. DevelopedBack-end testingusing complex queries to retrieve the user information to cross validate in UI and databases.
  • Performed Sanity testing and Ad-hoc testing when required.
  • Maintained the Java and selenium test source code and resources in the Git source control repository tool.
  • Analyzed test results, tracked the defects and generated reports using JIRA.
  • Continuous test integration and automatic build was maintained using Jenkins and mailed the build outputs to the team members.
  • Identified the Elements usingAppiumInspector. Configuring theAppiumfor the Mobile IOS using selenium
  • Configured Appiumfor the Mobile Android Native App using selenium.
  • Tested RESTFUL and SOAP web services using different assertions like HTTP assertion, Security assertions, and XPATH assertions in SoapUI.
  • Developed feature files and test scripts using BDD (Behavior driven development) in Cucumber. Created the Features and Step Definition files to execute features, scenarios in Cucumber.
  • Performed Database testing, scripted SQL queries to verify data integrity and validate updated data for the Test cases in different modules of the application.
  • Conducted Conflict Management meetings with the team, stakeholders for the better-quality outcomes.

Environment: Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Selenium IDE, SeleniumWebDriver, TestNG, Firebug, Fire path, XML, XPATH, DOM, Cucumber, JIRA, Git, Agile, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Oracle, Appium, Jenkins, SoapUI, Gherkin, Eclipse, Maven.


Senior QA Analyst


  • Performing the role of QA Test Automation engineer in a fast-paced agile team.
  • Reviewing requirement documents, system documents to ensure technical accuracy, completeness and compliancy.
  • Participating in design reviews to provide inputs on functional requirements, product designs and schedules.
  • Creating Test Plan, Test Strategy and Test Cases manually for in-house developed products and software applications developed.
  • Identifying and creating test data needed for carrying out execution of all functional and regression scripts.
  • Interfacing with other groups like, Configuration Management team and Database team to test all features of the application in the perspective of End-to-End.
  • Maintaining all manual test scripts and other artifacts like test data, test results and defect reports using JIRA.
  • Involved in the enhancement of Hybrid framework combination of Data driven and Keyword Driven using Eclipse and Java.
  • Used AutoIt to for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting.
  • Participated in weekly QA status and project status meetings to report any defects and issues encountered in application.
  • Handled mouse actions classes, alerts, window pop outs in selenium.
  • Using knowledge of SQL and database query tools like Oracle SQL Developer, to perform data validations for Backend testing.
  • Utilizing knowledge of XML and experience of SOAP UI tool in Web Services testing in multi-tiered application architecture.
  • Performed Interruption testing using cloud-based technologies in mobile testing.
  • Designing automation test suites for regression testing using knowledge of java programming language and Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver
  • Using data-driven framework to accomplish a regression cycle which is robust and reusable across multiple applications.
  • Maintaining existing QTP scripts written for functional testing and enhancing the existing keyword-driven framework to meet the current need and to have an effective automation suite in accomplishing optimal results.
  • Coordinating with other cross team to ensure the newly developed features function End-to-End.
  • Performing production checkout before each production deployments and supporting the operations team in identifying and resolving all production issues.

Environment: Core Java,SOA, Web Services, XML, XSD, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Eclipse, WebLogic, JIRA, MySQL, XPath, XSLT, SOAP UI, JUnit, Windows, Unix.


QA Tester


  • Experience in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application.
  • User Interfaces were designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Was involved in API development using Core Javaconcepts and developed the code as per functional requirement.
  • Designed and implemented XML parsing for XML order conformations.
  • Created database pool, multi-pool, data source and mapped them to roles.
  • Configured Action Mapping XML for each logical request that may be submitted.
  • Consumed web services WSDL, SOAP and REST for management.
  • Implemented JMS for sending and receiving the messages on the queue.
  • Wrote complex business rules as SQLqueries for the end user to use in reporting.
  • Developed different components of the application such as JSPs, Servlets.
  • Coordinated Unit Testing by JUnit, Integration and UserAcceptanceTesting and developed test cases for bean components.
  • Used Subversion for maintaining the component and for release and version management. And JIRA for defect tracking.
  • Maven tool has been used for the build and deploy procedure scripts inUNIX, Linux.
  • Been though Release process for project execution as part of SCRUM.
  • Actively participated in meetings with business groups to update the project related details.
  • Participated in enhancement meetings and was also responsible for weekly status updates, troubleshoot new releases and production issues.
  • Worked on System testing, User acceptance testing for a responsive design of the interface.
  • Developed detailed Manual test strategy and test cases for Functionality Testing.
  • Collaborated closely with clients during testing process and Handled Regression & Smoke test suites with more than 1000 test cases

Environment: Core Java,SOA, Web Services, XML, XSD, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Eclipse, WebLogic, AJAX, Maven, Jenkins, Restful, SOAP, JIRA, MySQL, XPath, XSLT, SOAP UI, JUnit, Windows, Unix.

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