Sr. Aws Devops Engineer Resume
Atlanta, GA
- Around 8 years of experience in DevOps, AWS, Cloud, Build and Release administration including broad work towards code arrangement, bundling, building, troubleshooting, automating, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Release Management and Cloud Implementations tuning and deploying code over multiple environments, also familiar with Data Centres, Elastic IP's and managing security groups on AWS.
- Experience architecting and building solutions leveraging DevOps tools such as Ansible, Chef and Jenkins, Git, etc.
- Good understanding of automation practices throughout the development, build and deployment phases of the application life - cycle.
- Demonstrated ability to support and administer pre-release and production environments for internal facing applications.
- Experience with build management and continuous integration tools (Jenkins, Maven).
- Experience using an operational ticketing system to record changes and work history details such as RT, Remedy.
- Ability to build deployment, build scripts and automated solutions using scripting languages such as Shell scripting (Bash), Python, Ruby, PHP PERL.
- Worked on web servers like Apache and application servers like Web logic, Tomcat, WebSphere, JBOSS to deploy code.
- Experience with cloud services (AWS) elastic capacity administration and cloud deployment and administration tool.
- Build automation using Maven/ANT and implementation of Continuous Integration through Jenkins/ Teamcity.
- Experience in Administration for various environments in software development life cycle (SDLC) Linux, Windows and involved in developing manifests.
- Implement and manage infrastructure as code through Ansible.
- Implement and manage continuous code build and deployment with Ansible.
- Designed DevOps culture through building relationships with Development & Operations and driving enhancements to the end-to-end release process (workstation to production).
- Administer to various tools supporting SCM & Release Mgt including Source Control, Continuous Integration, Artifact Management & Change Management.
- Good Knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC), Well versed in AGILE Methodologies.
- Experience in installing Firmware Upgrades, Kernel patches, system configuration, performance tuning on Unix/Linux systems.
- Used Ansible to run ad-hoc commands and playbooks to automate tasks and written playbooks.
- Protected encrypted data needed for tasks with Ansible Vault.
- Experience with Ansible Tower to more easily manage enterprise Ansible deployments
- Worked with Ansible in conjunction with Vagrant in a DevOps environment.
- Experience in development with OSS's like C, Java, JavaScript, Python and Perl.
- Utilize AWS CLI to create and access Resources.
- Utilize Ansible,Puppet for configuration management of hosted instances within AWS.
- Possess good interpersonal skills that have been put to good use in coordinating with the Project Teams and providing customized solutions.
- Helping testing team by making sure that all the back-end jobs works effectively Confidential the time of QA and UAT.
- Cluster management integrated with Docker Engine: Using Docker engine CLI to create Swarm of docker engines to deploy Application services.
- Build expertise in Workflow for Amazon Web services including Security Groups, IAM, EC2, S3, ELB, EBS, Policy, VPC, Docker, Kubernetes, CloudFormation,Chef, Jenkins, Vagrant, Apache, Tomcat, Git and GitHub.
Configuration Management Tools: Ansible, Chef, Puppet
Build Tool: Ant, Jenkins, Maven, Terraform, Quick Build, Team City
Web/App Servers: Apache, Tomcat, JBOSS, WebLogic, WebSphere
Version Control Tools: GIT, Subversion, CVS, Clear Case, Perforce
Scripting Languages: Shell, Yaml, JSON, Perl scripting
Programming Languages: Python C, C++, Java/J2EE, Ruby
Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS, XML, Java Script, PHP
Operating System: UNIX, Linux, Windows, Solaris
Bug Tracking Tools: Jira, Bugzilla and IBM Clear Quest, Quality center
Container Technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, Rancher
Database System: My SQL, Oracle 9i/10g/PL/SQL, DB2, MongoDB
Amazon Web Service Tools: EC2, VPC, S3, EFS, Glacier, Lambda, CloudFront, Dynamo DB, RDS, ColudWatch, Beanstalk, ELB, Route53
Others: MS Outlook, Azure, Agile, SCRUM
Sr. AWS DevOps Engineer
Confidential -- Atlanta, GA
- Build expertise in Workflow for Amazon Web services including Security Groups, IAM, EC2, S3, ELB, EBS, Policy, VPC, Docker, CloudFormationand Chef.
- Installing Git, Apache Tomcat Application servers on Unix Servers.
- Designing and deploying a multitude applications utilizing almost all of the AWS stack (Including EC2, Route53, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, SNS, SQS, IAM) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and autoscaling in AWS Cloud formation.
- Involved in creating highly available and scalable infrastructure in AWS cloud by using various AWS services like EC2, VPC, Auto scaling, ELB, RDS, Route53.
- Migrating a production infrastructure into an Amazon Web Services utilizing AWS CloudFormation, Code Deploy, EBS and Ops Works.
- Used AWS Elastic Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications.
- Involved in writing Java Script functionality for the frontend validation.
- Used AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS.
- Designed and DevelopedJavaObjects based onJavaPatterns and UML Specifications.
- Possessing very good experience in developing and consuming RESTful web services using JSON.
- Played a key role during Analyzing, preparing technical and functional design specification documents as per the Requirements, Architecture, Development and Maintenance of high traffic application built inJava/J2EE.
- Migrated rails applications from Rackspace to Amazon Web Services (AWS) services including Elastic Beanstalk, RDS and Elastic cache.
- Configured and managed source code using Git and resolved code merging conflicts in collaboration with application developers Provided consistent environment.
- Automated the periodic ami rehydration of EC2 instances using Lambdaand ColudWatch
- Optimized the EC2 instances run time using Lambda functions and ColudWatch events.
- Involved in leading Automation Deployment Team by working withUrban Code Deploy.
- Involved in setting up the architecture of proposed environments with all the CI/CD tools.
- Configuring and Networking of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Written Cloud formation templates and deployed AWS resources using it.
- Built end to end CI/CD Pipelines in Jenkins to retrieve code, compile applications, perform tests and push build artifacts to Nexus.
- Responsible for merging, tagging and conflict resolution in GIT.
- Implemented Chef to spawn new serverswithright configuration.
- Unblocked development effortswithadditional or upgraded Chef Capabilities. Wrote new chef cookbooks and utilized LWRP's from community cookbooks and recipes to build new OpenResty (nginx) application server and MongoDB server roles.
- Repaired broken Chef Recipes and corrected configuration problemswithother chef objects.
- Developed Scripts and great ideas to automate system deployment to scale infrastructure.
- Leading the automation of implementation and configuration work through Chef.
- Using Jenkins to install pluggins, triggering the tools Git to get source code, Ant to build, EC2 instances, web servers.
- Using docker as a container service to continuous deployment of applicatons and Docker swarm management to CD of application.
- Nagios as a monitoring tool to monitor load balancers, web servers, rooters.
- Configure AWS SNS for simple notifications about servers, RDS.
- Using Chef deployed and configured Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK) for log analytics, full text search, application monitoring in integration with AWS Lambda and Cloud Watch.
Environment: GIT, Jenkins, Chef, Lambda, AWS EC2, AWS S3 and RDS, Beanstalk, AWS ELB, AWS SQS, AWS CloudWatch and Route53, ANT, Shell (bash), Nagios, Apache Tomcat Application Server, Docker.
AWS DevOps Engineer
Confidential - Little Rock AR
- Helped in migrating and managing multiple applications from on premise to cloud using AWS services like S3,Glacier, EC2, RDS, SQS, SNS, SES, Cloud Formation, VPC etc.
- Worked onAnsible to configure the source code for continuous integration. Worked on jinja2 templates which recreated Cisco config files. Designed and implemented VRFs for enterprise network for three different services using GNS3.
- Converting existing AWS infrastructure to Serverless architecture(AWS Lambda, Kinesis)deployed viaterraformor AWS Cloud formation.
- Created or converted existing logging system to utilize cloudwatch logging with auto-generated lambdas.
- Converted existingterraformmodules that had version conflicts to utilize cloudformation duringterraformdeployments to enable more control or missing capabilities
- Worked with team to replace our reliance on databases by using S3 storage or cache to reduce AWS costs.
- Configured and maintained user accounts for Dev, QA and production teams and created roles for EC2,RDS, S3, Cloud Watch, EBS resources to communicate with each other using IAM.
- Created and Configured Red Hat, Windows Server, Ubuntu, CentOS, Solaris and Fedora Virtual Machines in AWSusing EC2, ElasticIP, VPC, Subnets, RouteTables, NATGateway.
- Configured SNS, SQS, Data Pipeline, RDS, DynamoDB, S3, IAM, Cloud Front and ELB to setup environment ready for cloudification.
- Architected and designed Rapid deployment method using Ansible to auto deploy servers as needed.
- Using Git for deployment scaling and load balancing to the application from dev through production, easing the code development and deployment pipeline by implementing Docker containerization with multiple name spaced.
- Integrated Docker container based test infrastructure to Jenkins CI test flow and set up build environment integrating with Git to trigger builds using Web Hooks and Slave Machines.
- Maintained Artifacts in binary repositories using JFrog Artifactory and pushed new Artifacts by configuring the Jenkins project using Jenkins Artifactory Plugin.
- Used to deploy ELK for automating continuous deployment(CD) and configured Slave Nodes and deployment failure reporting.
- Created and maintained Ansible Inventories, Ansible playbooks to manage configurations and automate installation process.
- Using Ansible Galaxy to get the playbooks related to application, plugin the Ansible Modules.
- Linux and Windows servers upgrade and Patching.
- Developed Python Scripts to automate various system tasks, OS patches for dev environments, and deployment of applications to testing/prod environments using Python OS modules.
- Write YAML surpits on playbooks to perform auto deployment.
- Automated daily manual tasks by running cron jobs using BASH Scripts that report on a user defined frequency about versatile issues on Linux-based servers.
Environment: Git, Maven, Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, Beanstalk, Lambda, AWS S3, AWS EC2, AWS RDS, AWS ELB, Dynamo DB, AWS Lambda and ColudWatch, AWS IAM, Cloud Front.
AWS DevOps Engineer
Confidential, Seattle WA
- Provides operations and maintenance support for several public facing websites.
- Responsible for building out and improving the reliability and performance of cloud applications and cloud infrastructure deployed on Amazon Web Services.
- Automate Deployment using configuration Management tool like Puppet to provision amazon AWS Instances to enable continuous Deployments.
- Developing and customizing new alarms to existing features using Java Spring Boot.
- Developed a software test suite that tests file usage, database integrity, and processes restarting frequently using Python, JSON, and Postgres SQL. Interacted with support team for requirements.
- Maintenance and customization for legacy PHP application.
- Consuming Restful web services and getting them in JSON format and displaying data in the view controllers.
- Maintained the Tags, Branching and merging the code in the parallel development of two phases and applied the vendor patches to the Trunk and All branches in Subversion Repository.
- Worked on web service calls, XML and JSON parsing included in the project.
- Placed data into JSON files using Python to test Django websites.
- Used Python scripts to update the content in database and manipulate files.
- Sending the Uptime and Downtime notifications to teams regarding Servers Status as a part of the Build Engineerrole Confidential the time of deploying the EAR and WAR package in JBoss 4.3 Admin Console.
- Maintained the Tags, Branching and merging the code in the parallel development of two phases and applied the vendor patches to the Trunk and All branches in Subversion Repository.
- Participated in the release cycle of the product which involves environments like Development QA UAT and Production.
- Automated EC2 instances for DevOpsCloud Formation scripts.
- Written Cloud formation templates and deployed AWS resources using it.
- Performed and deployed Builds for various Environments like QA, Integration, UAT and Productions Environments.
- Strong Experience on Configuring the Chef-Repo, Setup multiple Chef Work stations and Developing Cookbooks for automating deployments via Chef.
- Experience in installing configuring and deploying of Java/J2EE/.Net applications in Application Servers like WebSphere, WebLogic and JBoss.
- Able to create scripts for system administration, AWS using languages such as BASH and Python.
- Used AWS S3 service as Build Artifact repository to created release based buckets to store various modules/branch based artifact storage.
- Design an ELK (Elastic Logstash Kibana) system to monitor and search enterprise alerts.
- Implement, support and maintain all network, firewall, storage, load balancers, operating systems, and software in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud.
- Work with Terraform key features such as Infrastructure as code, Execution plans, Resource Graphs, Change Automation.
- Carried out deployments and builds on various environments using Puppet continuous integration tool.
- Documenting the process of code promotion, defect tracking and user guide for Subversion.
- Implemented common spark jobs using EMR Hadoop framework for each costumer to move data from traditional files to IBM JDM data ware house using HDFS.
- Experience in boot strapping, puppet agent installation scripts, yum updates, EBS, mappings and mountings.
- Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, Python, Ruby and Docker on familiar server such as Apache.
Environment: Terraform, Subversion (SVN), Jenkins, Nagios, Puppet, Docker, AWS ColudWatch and Beanstalk, AWS RDS, JSON, AWS EC2 and S3, AWS SQS, WebLogic, MAVEN, Shell Scripts.
DevOps Engineer
Confidential, Pleasanton, CA
- Designed roles and groups for users & resources using AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) and managed network security using Security Groups, and IAM.
- Integrated Maven with Subversion to manage and deploy project related tags.
- Build and managed RPM based Linux environment (mainly on Red Hat 5 /6, Oracle Linux Distributions) on both physical and virtual machine.
- Configured various services, devices as well as applications of UNIX servers and worked with application team to customize the environment. Worked with Apache and developed several UNIX scripts to automate web tasks.
- Handled integration of Build Forge with Blade Logic and raising a build request through Clear Quest.
- Experience in Shell and Python scripting to automate system administration jobs.
- Installing, integrating, tuning and troubleshooting Apache HTTP server, Tomcat.
- Created & maintained PERL scripts for automation of build and release process.
- Experience in Shell scripting (kasha, bash) to automate system administration jobs.
- These scripts provided the following functionality: application startup and shutdown, monitored systems and applications health, and web site management Installation, Management, Configuration of LAN/WAN systems utilizing Cisco switches and routers.
- Maintained the Tags, Branching and merging the code in the parallel development of two phases and applied the vendor patches to the Trunk and All branches in Subversion Repository.
- Using Weblogic servers to deploy applications.
Environment: Subversion (SVN), Jenkins, Ruby, MAVEN, Web Logic, AWS S3, AWS ColudWatch, AWS EC2, Cloud Formation templates, Perl Scripts, Shell Scripts, Perforce, JIRA, AWS Glacier.
System Engineer
- Looking Confidential production QA, Dev, Mirror Servers Administration located Confidential the US Data center including Code & SQL 2008 Database server.
- Installed and maintained Solaris servers, Administrated RedHat, Centos machines, troubleshooting hardware, OS, Applications, Network & performance issues. Deployed patches etc.
- Worked with Bash scripts to automate routine activities.
- Install and configure DHCP, DNS, SSH, Apache, IIS, SMTP, IMAP, POP 3, file servers on AIX and Linux servers.
- Doing tuning all Remote Servers, Responsible for 24X7 Net connectivity to Indian office. Configuring routers
- Managing VPN, SQL Backup, FTP, Web Server, Memory, Monitoring & Scheduling SQL Database backups and Code Backup.
- Installing .Net, Service Packs, .NET Framework, Vault, Web Server, VPN, JVM, VS 2008 required tools in all desktops.
- Maintaining Mail Exchange Servers and all the desktops. 24X7 Production website Monitoring and attending the alarms of the Production, QA, Development and Mirror servers.
- Created users, managed user policies / permissions, maintain user & file system quota on Red Hat, Centos, Aix.
- Worked with EMC storage for virtual machine, involved in monitoring and scheduling SQL database backups and code backup.
Environment: SVN, ANT, Unix, Linux, Perl Scripts, Solaris, WebSphere Application Server.
System Engineer
- Worked with EMC storage for virtual machine, involved in monitoring and scheduling SQL database backups and code backup.
- Level 2 Support for Applications Running on Production servers and ensure high availability to internal and external users/clients by responding to application related issues or requests.
- Providing production critical Application support for banking application (coded in Java) which runs on Solaris, AIX and Windows servers.
- Checking system and application logs for errors in various services and to troubleshoot the same.
- Monitoring the server for CPU usage, Memory usage, Network usage and disk utilization using netstat utilities.
- Running SQL update queries to fix production issues.
- Interacting with Application developers while working on a production fix.
- Testing new applications that are in pipeline which will replace the existing applications and to create documents and establish a process to do future troubleshooting.
- Participate in Enterprise Change Management process (ECM) to install/upgrade patches for different applications running on production and test servers.
Environment: Windows and Linux Operating Systems SQL 2000/2005 Database Servers, PoP3 Email Services, Network Protocols, Web Servers.