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Business Object Consultant Resume

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Wilson, NC


  • Over 7 years of experience as Business Analyst and Business Objects developer including Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Testing, migration and support for Data Warehouse applications.
  • Experience in Business Objects Enterprise XIR2, XI 3.1
  • Extensive experience with Business Objects development with Web Intelligence, Web Intelligence Rich Client, Desktop Intelligence and Crystal Reports.
  • Excellent knowledge of Universe Designer XI 3.1.
  • Creating Universe especially for Ad - hoc reports
  • Involved in identification of Facts, Measures, Dimensions and Hierarchies for OLAP models.
  • Designed and Create WebI reports for User and presentations.
  • Excellent analytical skills, problem solving skills, and Technical writing skills.
  • Excellent knowledge of Star Schema and Snow Flake Schema.
  • Involved in UAT.
  • Experience in building & retrieving data using Universes and used functionalities like Combined Queries, Slice and Dice, Drill, Crosstab and Master Detail Reports.
  • Worked on BO Designer Functionalities like Derived Tables, Linked Universes, Index aware, Contexts, Aliases, complex joins, Customized LOV’s, Cascading Prompts and Aggregate Awareness for the Optimization and Performance tuning of Database.
  • Created universes, classes and objects by retrieving the data from various data sources and defining the necessary connections.
  • Experience in managing Security in Business Objects Product Line and Crystal Reports using CMC. Primary responsibilities included giving access privileges to users to use different universes.
  • Good experience in creating Sub Reports, On Demand Reports, Linked Reports, Mailing Labels, Cross Tab Reports and Graphical Reports. Expert in using shared and global variables across the Crystal reports.
  • Involved in SAP BI components like Info Cubes, Multi Providers and Data Sources etc.
  • Worked with the BOE XI 3.X and OBIEE suite of applications: WEB Intelligence Rich Client, Dashboard Manager, Live Office, and Xcelsius.
  • Efficient in Optimizing, Debugging and testing SQL queries and stored procedures written in SQL.
  • Good knowledge and experience in using MS SQL Server 2008/2012, Oracle 10g/9i/8i.
  • Interacted with the users to analyze the changes for improvement they needed in existing reports, and developed the reports to satisfy their needs and requirements.
  • Worked with Data Services management Console to schedule jobs, monitor log files and managing access rights to users
  • Worked with all the stages of ITIL, specifically Incident, Problem Management and Release management.
  • Working knowledge of ITSM.


  • Business Objects XI 3.1/XIR 2/6.5.1/6.0/5. x ( Designer
  • Reporter
  • WebI/XI - CMC
  • CCM
  • Designer
  • DeskI
  • Web Intelligence
  • Data Services XI 3.1
  • Business Objects SDK
  • ITIL
  • Performance Management
  • PMP
  • SSIS 2008/2005
  • Crystal Xcelsius
  • Crystal XI
  • Oracle 10g/9i/8i
  • PL/SQL
  • MS SQL Server 2000/2005/2008
  • VBA MS Access 2000/2005
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • SQL
  • T-SQL
  • HTML
  • Windows XP/NT/2003/2000
  • UNIX/Linux.


Confidential, Wilson, NC

Business Object Consultant


  • Designed and created reports based on technical specifications provided.
  • Developed search queries and strings to filter and sort the data from centralized server
  • Created combination component to combine data extracted from different database servers and in different formats
  • Analysed the requirements for the new custom universes. Analysis was done by designing a data model for all the required fact and dimension tables referred from datamarts.
  • Modified the existing universes and created additional objects as per the requirements in the change request. Tested the modified universes by creating reports and by matching the data with the report generated
  • Created new universes based on the Users requirements, data modelling and group meetings with IT team.
  • Customized LOVs in Universes for quicker performance of reports
  • Created complex conditions (Dates), Prompts in the universe. Defined logical classes and objects and hierarchies for analysis and drilling on hierarchies in the WEBI reports.
  • Resolved universe issues like loops by creating aliases and contexts, traps, joins hierarchy, lov’s, parameters and connection issues.
  • Create webI Reports and export to PDF, Excel etc. using BO Java Report Engine SDK
  • Performed parse function and eliminated unnecessary and corrupted files from the database
  • Defined sections and sub-sections for the reports.
  • Designed and Create WebI reports for User.
  • Worked on CMC (Central management console) in maintaining objects, Universes, Connections, Resources, Users, User Groups

Environment: Business Objects XIR/3, WebI, Crystal Reports, Universe Designer XI R/3, Desktop Intelligence, CMS, Info View, PL/SQL, SQL 2008, Windows XP.

Confidential, Mount Laurel, NJ

Business Objects Consultant


  • Analyzed the existing database and designed the Universes using Business objects Designer Module.
  • Worked on dimensional modeling to Design and develop STAR Schema's, identifying Fact and Dimension Tables for providing a unified view to ensure consistent decision making.
  • Modified the existing universes and created additional objects as per the requirements in the change request. Tested the modified universes by creating reports and by matching the data with the report generated
  • Involved in creating flow charts using VISIO, writing help documents.
  • Helped In Building & retrieving data using Universes
  • Created Cardinalities, Contexts, Joins and Aliases for resolving Loops and checked the Integrity of the Universes.
  • Assisted in developing project timelines/deliverables/strategies for effective project management.
  • Customized LOVs in Universes for quicker performance of reports.
  • Changed the universe parameter settings to optimize the performance of universe.
  • Regularly interacted with end users in order to generate the reports required.
  • Extensively tested and debugged the code in various database environments. Worked on Performance Tuning of the SQL code.
  • As a Member of BI team, Analyzing the data involved in Business content, Data Sources, Info Cubes etc.
  • Worked extensively with Business Objects. Made universe changes as per the Reports design document.
  • Developed standard Full Client reports and Web Intelligence (WebI) reports, and extensively used Business Objects functionality’s like Queries, Slice and Dice, Drill Down, Custom sorts, Cross Tab, Master Detail and Formulae's etc.
  • Created dashboards and visualization for better decision making using Xcelsius.
  • Row level and object level securities were implemented.
  • Used various @Functions like @Prompt (for user defined queries), @Where (For creating conditional filters) and @Select.

Environment: Business Objects XI R/3, Universe Designer XI R/3, WebI, VBA, Crystal Reports XI, Xcelsius, Designer, Desktop Intelligence, CMS, InfoView, PL/SQL, SQL 2008, Windows XP, MS project, MS Visio.

Confidential, New York, NY

Business Objects Consultant


  • Involved in requirements gathering and designing the reports using DESKI/WEBI.
  • Design and development of requirement definition documentation, based upon previous interview sessions with business users.
  • Created complex reports on ad hoc basis for power users and static standard reports for a vast majority of users that were compiled only once.
  • Worked on Business views and Universes in Business Objects.
  • Designed and developed Dashboards for churning analysis and implemented Dashboard strategies Using Xcelsius.
  • Implemented Sub Reports & dynamic cascading prompts for parameter passage.
  • Created Parameterized reports, Cross-Tab reports, Drill down reports & Summary reports.
  • Designed and developed Dashboards and implemented Dashboard strategies.
  • Creation of reports from multiple data providers and making use of Merge Dimension functionality.
  • Handled adhoc reports and formatted to the users according to the user requirements using Slice & Dice, Drill down etc and Defined Business Views for crystal reports development.
  • Used various @Functions such as @Prompt, @Where and @Select and @Variable
  • Prepared user documentation for hands on for end user community.
  • Designed Production System support and handling opened user cases.
  • Created the new Views and Aggregate tables for report performance.
  • Helped in Creating Users, Folders, Assigning access Permissions to repository Users
  • Involved in redesigning the Universe objects based on Business requirements
  • Developed Hierarchies to provide the drill down and Slice & Dice functionality.

Environment: Business Objects XIR2, Universe Designer, Web Intelligence, InfoView, Desktop Intelligence, Crystal Reports 10, Crystal Xcelsius, Oracle 8i, PL/SQL, MS SQL SERVER 2008.

Confidential, Columbus, OH

Business Objects Developer


  • Participated in project planning sessions with project managers, business analysts and team members to analyze business requirements and outline the proposed solution.
  • Generated Reports in Excel using the Universe as the main Data provider and also using personal data files provided by the users.
  • Created several reports using the universes on daily, weekly, year to date basis. Developed critical reports by creating Hierarchies to provide drill down, Slice and Dice and master/detail.
  • Created Derived Tables, Lov’s in the Universe to create frequently used reports
  • Created complex reports using the multiple data providers, free hand SQL, stored procedures and functionalities like Combined Queries and synchronized data providers by linking the common objects to create common reports.
  • Scheduled reports on a daily, weekly, monthly basis in Crystal Enterprise. Also, scheduled reports based on events
  • Created and scheduled SSIS packages for running AM and PM feeds from various departments and multiple servers and resources to Development Servers.
  • Designed and developed Crystal Reports, Cross Tab Reports, Top N Reports for highlighting significant data and summary reports with drill-down capabilities.
  • Created standard, summary reports in Crystal reports and also using, crystal sub-reports, and reports with prompts, multiple groups, parameter fields and cross-tab reports.

Environment: Business Objects XIR2, Web Intelligence, SQL Server, Crystal Reports, Windows 2003, MS Excel, Crystal Xcelsius, MS Access.

Confidential, Warren, NJ

Business Objects Developer


  • Interacted with functional experts to gather the project/client requirements and conducted GAP analysis.
  • Involved in translating business process into business and technical requirements.
  • Designed and developed Universes by defining Joins, Cardinalities between tables.
  • Created classes and object and defined the business names, created predefined conditions, prompts and customs hierarchies.
  • Defined Alias and Contexts to resolve loops and also tested them to ensure that correct results are retrieved.
  • Created complex reports using multiple queries and involved in tuning the reports in order to increase accessing speed.
  • Created Crystal Reports using command prompt, Cascading prompts and written complex queries including Sub Queries.
  • Created various full client reports according to the user’s requirements and exported them to the repository to make resources available to the users using Web Intelligence.
  • Modified the existing universes and used @ functions like @select, @where and @prompt in the process of building the universes.
  • Monitor Business Objects services using Shell Script.
  • Designed and developed Dashboard reports and published in the corporate portal Using Xcelsius.
  • Created corporate reports using Web Intelligence, Desktop Intelligence and Crystal reports.
  • Resolved the loops, Cardinalities, contexts and checked the integrity of the Universe.
  • Improved the performance of the reports both in Report level and Universe levels.
  • Creates new universes to meet the requirements and modified the universes available in rapid decision
  • Developed end-user documentation.

Environment: Business Object 6.5, BOXI, Crystal Reports, Oracle 9i, SQL Server, Windows, Pivot Tables, Xcelsius .

Confidential, Richardson, TX

Business Objects Developer


  • Development of reports using Crystal Reports.
  • Designed new Universes and modified the existing Universes based on the report requirements.
  • Used Designer Module to implement Universe, Joining the Tables, Create Prompts and queries, parsing the Objects, apply Contexts and Alias Tables to remove cyclic dependencies.
  • Managing security by Adding, Enabling, Disabling and Deleting of Users/Groups and the granting of privileges using Supervisor
  • Created Required restrictions sets to maintain the security for the user in Business Objects Xi
  • Extensively worked on CMC (Central management console) in maintaining objects, Universes, Connections, Resources, Users, User Groups and Categories in BO Xi.
  • Technical hands-on expertise in using CMS.
  • Move reports from 6.5.1 Categories into XI3 Folders.
  • Worked closely with Data Modelers in designing various data warehouse schema techniques.
  • Tuned the queries to improve the Performance of the existing Reports for various functional areas.
  • Developed Hierarchies to support drill down reports.
  • Applied security features of Business Objects like report level & object level security in the universe so as to make the sensitive data secure.
  • Created the reports on the web by using Web intelligence.
  • Involved in supporting end users in resolving issues related to BO.
  • Designed and developed Dashboards for churning analysis and implemented Dashboard strategies.
  • Worked on the data provider that forms the basis of the ad-hoc analysis

Environment: Business Objects 6.5, SP2, Crystal Reports, SQL 2003, Windows XP.

Confidential, Bridgewater, NJ

Business Analyst


  • Provided support to Service Management Meetings related to preparation, coordination, meeting minutes and follow-up
  • Coordinate the initiation and completion of Problem Reviews with Service Delivery Areas and WT Areas post incident restoration, including but not limited to: -
  • Coordinated meetings for detail gathering, Documentation completion.
  • Coordinated solution for Problems that lack ownership.
  • Status tracking, escalation of past due plans.
  • Responsible for responding to customer service complaints and managing problems within specified SLA targets.
  • Used MS Project extensively.
  • Assisted in maintenance and updates of documents after application and business changes occurred.
  • Liaised with IT staff to ensure quality, timeliness, and efficiency of technical document updates.
  • Involved in creating flow charts, writing help documents
  • Involved in Ariba software.
  • Involved In KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Project.
  • Involved in Preparing KPI Documents
  • Worked with all the stages of ITIL, specifically Incident, Problem Management and Release management
  • Worked with Performance Management Group
  • Communicated root cause of Major Incidents which meet Pre-defined criteria
  • Implementation of Service Improvement Action Plan
  • Responsible for creating reports for open problem review forms and Action Items

Environment: ITIL, SQL, Microsoft Office suite, MS Visio, MS Project, HTML, XML, Ariba, OS - UNIX/Linux

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