Web Developer Resume
Columbia, SC
- Twenty - five years of enterprise desktop and web development experience, with a broad exposure to business processes, workflow and automation, and a strong background in mathematical, statistical, accounting and amortization techniques.
- Masters of Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering
- Currently developing web sites, portals and extranet consoles using SPA frameworks (Knockout / jQuery / HTML5 / JavaScript / CSS 3) with Microsoft server-side technologies (ASP.NET MVC 5 / WebAPI / Ninject / Unity / SignalR / EF6 / LINQ / C# / SQL Server / Visual Studio / SharePoint / IIS).
- Experienced BI & ETL designer and developer using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), including advanced data modeling, seeding, migration and backup using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).
UX Technologies: HTML5 JavaScript CSS3 jQuery RaphaelJS jsPlumb KineticJS d3 ThreeJS SVG WebGL AngularJS Backbone Underscore Knockout Upshot
Microsoft MVVM Applications: C# Razor VB.NET WPF Silverlight Prism Ninject Unity MEF SignalR
Microsoft Enterprise: SharePoint 2007/2010/2013 Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0/.NET/ 2005/2008/2010/2012 SSIS SSDT Microsoft Office 2003/ 2007/2010/2013 (Word, Excel, Access, OneNote, InfoPath) Visual Source Safe Project 2003 Microsoft Visio 2003 Macromedia Studio MX Oracle Developer 2000 NUnit NAnt log4net NHibernate WCF & EF 5
Java EE Enterprise: ColdFusion 9 Eclipse 3.2 JBoss 4.0 Tomcat 5.5 Servlet 2.4 - JSP 2.0 - JSTL/EL - JSR-168 Portlets Struts 1.2 - Shale Spring 1.2 Hibernate 3.x EJB 3.0
Business Intelligence: Microsoft Analysis Services XML for Analysis MDX Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables Pentaho - Mondrian - Jpivot - JFreeReport
Software Modeling: UML 2.0 Visio 2003 IBM Rational Rose UML Together UML ER/Studio
Component Technologies: COM - DCOM - MTS - COM+ - ActiveX Windows Services Web Services EJB 3.0 RMI CORBA RPC XML-RPC AJAX JMX SQLXML 3/4
Programming Languages: Visual C++ - ATL/WTL 8.0 - ANSI C/C++/STL - POSIX C# - VB.NET - LINQ - VB 6.0 Java 5 VBA - VBScript - JavaScript Intel & Motorola Assembly
Web Technologies: HTML 4/5 - XHTML - CSS/2/3 XML - DTD - XSLT - XSD - Xpath Apache 2 IIS 5.0/6.0/7.5 ASP - ASP.NET 2.0/3.5/4/4.1 AJAX - jQuery SOAP - WSDL ISAPI
Database: ADO 2.8 - ADO.NET - LINQ Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 R2/MSDE/2012 DB2 Oracle PostgreSQL 8 HSQLDB Derby JDB SQL - TSQL - PL/SQL - pgSQL ODBC - OLEDB - JDBC
Operating Systems: Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 AS400 v5 Windows CE 3.0 UNIX ( SunOS Solaris AIX HPUX IRIX Linux ) MS-DOS 6.22 & 7.0
Confidential, Columbia, SC
ASP.NET Web Developer
- Created small web applications using ASP.NET MVC 5 Stack (Razor, C#, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Knockout, CSS3) with web services for data access.
- Provided additional SQL Server data repository using Entity Framework 6 Code-First.
- Developed web services using ASP.NET WebApi2 on existing legacy data access layer.
Confidential, Columbia, SC
ASP.NET Web Developer
- Migrated WinForms application with DB2 backend to a modern responsive web portal for Confidential Rabies Investigations using ASP.NET MVC 5 Stack (Razor, C#, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Knockout, CSS3, SVG).
- Provided SQL Server data repository using Entity Framework 6 Code-First.
- Replace Crystal Reports forms with pure HTML5 for printing directly from browser.
- Wrote programs to accurately extract, archive, and migrate legacy system data.
- Authored all project documents using Microsoft Word and OneNote.
Confidential, Columbia, SC
SharePoint & ASP.NET Web Developer
- Designed & developed responsive web and document portal for SC Tax information, forms, and legal documents using SharePoint 2013 as content repository and using ASP.NET MVC 5 Stack (Razor, C#, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Knockout).
- Designed and built SharePoint 2013 apps for content collection and management.
- Created custom content markup to allow access to form and document registries.
- Created data-driven PowerShell scripts to provision SharePoint 2013 site collections.
- Provided documentation, development notes, and mentorship using Microsoft OneNote.
Confidential, Charleston, SC
ASP.NET Web Developer
- Developed multi-tiered architecture for surveillance scheduling using ASP.NET MVC 5.
- Analyzed and migrated Oracle 8i Forms, Reports, and PL/SQL of legacy applications
- Designed single-page application (SPA) UX for complex workflows using jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Knockout, ASP.NET, MVC 5, Razor, C# and custom JavaScript components.
- Created data tier using Entity Framework 5 Code-First to SQL Server 2012 backend.
- Created custom security filters, service framework, and a custom Ninject dependency injection kernel using C# in Visual Studio 2012.
- Provided documentation, development notes, and mentorship using Microsoft OneNote.
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Senior Web/Windows Developer
- Developed analytics solutions for P&C insurance using SSAS and Performance Canvas.
- Developed reports and datasets for accounting and performance using BIDS.
- Created automated ETL packages using SSIS and SSDT.
- Automated document processing using MS Word and Adobe PDF.
- Designed and developed custom components and programs for document workflow using ASP.NET MVC 2, MVC 3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, VB.NET and Entity Framework 4 & 5, Prism, Unity, WPF, Silverlight.
Confidential, Salt Lake City, UT
Senior Software Engineer
- Designed and implemented RIA web interfaces for medical documentation analysis and improvement using HTML 4 / CSS 2 / JavaScript, X Library from
- Developed AJAX-enabled web services for dynamic content analysis of in-patient encounter medical documentation and coding
- Utilized Visual Studio 2008, Eclipse 3.4, Apache web server w/ FastCGI, Tomcat 6, C++/STL, Java 6, JDBC, JDB, XML & XSLT, AJAX, Ant, Nant, log4j
ETL & Web Service Developer
- Designed and created ETL applications to extract proprietary medical coding content from Excel spreadsheets hosted on SharePoint using C# and the Microsoft Office Interop Assemblies
- Designed and prototyped secure MVC 3 web applications for hosting in SharePoint to replace the manual Excel spreadsheet based system
- Created custom assemblies and web services for maintaining and versioning medical coding systems in C# 4 using WCF, Entity Framework 4, VS Unit Testing Framework
- Utilized Visual Studio 2008/2010, SQL Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5, Windows XP/7
Confidential, Dallas, TX
Cloud Web UX Developer
- Created a suite of highly-interactive cross-browser page-as-application features for Confidential cloud computing environment using jQuery, YUI and ColdFusion 9.
- Utilized Coldfusion 8 & 9, CFM Templates, CFC web services, SQL Server 2000, TSQL, IIS 7.0, SQLXML 3.0, XML, XPath, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, jQuery & plugins
Confidential, Seattle, WA
Product Line Training Manager
- Developed, reviewed, tested, and edited training material for mobility software development for Confidential Blackberry devices using J2ME/MIDP2 and Windows Mobile 6 devices using Eclipse 3.2 and Visual Studio .NET 2005
- Utilized Windows XP Pro, Microsoft Office 2007, WebEx, Eclipse 3.2
- Designed and authored documentation and training materials for new product line of enterprise mobility software platform in ASP.NET 2.0, C# and SQL Server 2005
- Utilized Windows XP Pro, Microsoft Office 2007, Visual Studio 2005, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET 2.0, SQL Server 2005, TFS, NAnt, Log4net, JavaScript
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Microsoft .NET Web Solutions Developer
- Designed and built small business portals using ASP.NET 2.0, including Master Pages, WebParts, Themes, Profiles, Membership, and Custom Object Data Sources
- Utilized Windows XP Pro, Microsoft Office 2003, Visual Studio 2005, C#, VB.NET
- Trained novice programmers to build complete multi-tier web sites with only Visual Studio 2005, using ADO.NET DataSets and ASP.NET Custom Object DataSources
- Created curricula for a series of training sessions in .NET 2.0 enterprise development
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Microsoft .NET Enterprise Specialist
- Performed design, functional, and security analysis of large scale enterprise ASP.NET website supported by firewalled web service layer
- Prepared and presented seminars on .NET 2.0 API and Visual Studio 2005, including topics on Visual Inheritance/Master Pages, Provider Models, and ADO.NET DataSets
- Utilized Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2003, Visual Studio 2005, C#, WinForms, VB.NET, ASP.NET 2.0, ADO.NET 2.0, SQL Server 2000, MSXML 6.0, NUnit, NAnt, Log4net, Visual SourceSafe, VBScript, Jscript
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Application Architect/Developer
- Developed desktop applications and windows services using C#
- Developed ASP.NET 2.0 web applications using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2005
- Utilized Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2003, Visual Studio 2005, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET 2.0, SQL Server 2000, MSXML 6.0
- Created business intelligence solutions for large P&C insurance company complete with dashboard, reports and workflows using Open Source Business Intelligence tools
- Designed, built, and executed ETL procedures against transactional database systems integrating both legacy data and proprietary extensions
- Utilized Windows XP, AS400 v5 with DB2, Microsoft Office Suite 2003, Eclipse 3.2, Microsoft Analysis Services Console, Tomcat 5.5, JBoss 4.0, Pentaho, Mondrian, JPivot, JFreeReport, Microsoft Analysis Services, SQL Server 2000, PostgreSQL 8.1, JDBC 3.0, Hibernate 3.1, JAXP, Xerces, Xalan
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Java Enterprise Architect/Instructor/Trainer
- Authored curriculum, prepared class materials, and delivered a six-week intensive course on Enterprise Java Programming to a team of 10 COBOL legacy programmers
- Enterprise Java Development and Automation
- Architected and developed enterprise web portals in Java EE 5 environment
- Utilized Windows XP, Eclipse 3.1, Java SE 5, Java EE 5, Tomcat 5.5, Struts 1.2, Spring 1.2, Hibernate 3.1, PostgreSQL 8.1, HSQLDB, Aqua Data Studio, Quantum plug-in for Eclipse, Hibernate Tools for Eclipse, Jetspeed 2, Xerces, Xalan
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Java Enterprise Application Architect/Developer
- Lead team of 4 developers to implement enterprise applications to expose a web interface to a legacy mainframe insurance policy management system with J2EE
- Designed and produced a workflow-oriented web application for quoting and binding General Liability insurance policies
- Utilized Windows XP, AS400 v5 with DB2, Eclipse 3.1, Tomcat 5.0, Struts 1.2, JSTL 1.1, Hibernate 2.1, Sysdeo plug-in for Eclipse, Quantum plug-in for Eclipse
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Java Enterprise Application Architect/Developer
- Lead a team of six developers and designers that implemented Alumni Portal and Administrative Services browser-neutral web applications for USC Moore School of Business using Java Enterprise technologies
- Utilized Windows XP, Java, UML, XML, HTML 4.0, JavaScript, CSS, JDK 1.4, ANT 1.6, Eclipse 3.0 IDE, MiddleGen 2.0, Tomcat 5, Struts 1.1, Servlet 2.4, JSP 2.0, JDBC 3.0, Hibernate 2.1, MySQL 4.1, PostgreSQL 7.4
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Application Architect/Developer
- Built a Mortgage Calculator ActiveX component compliant with all federal standards
- Built a PKI application security ActiveX component for desktop and web applications .NET Smart Client Development
- Designed and prototype a mortgage broker management desktop enterprise application for a major national mortgage company
- Utilized Windows 2000, VB 6.0, DHTML, JavaScript, VB.NET, XML, Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Word), ASP.NET, SQL Server 2000, ADO.NET, Visual SourceSafe
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Loan Origination Application Developer
- Designed, created, and executed functional, load, and regression test scenarios to ensure the quality and performance of COM+ business tier & desktop applications
- Completed a 5-day Mercury Interactive LoadRunner mentorship to become a Certified Load Testing Technician
- Utilized Windows 2000, LoadRunner, Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook), Visual Studio 6.0, VBScript, VB 6.0, ActiveX, COM+, MSXML 4.0, SQL Server 2000, DTS, SQLXML
- Responsible for accuracy of legal documents, including contracts, mortgages, and collateral, for southeastern USA and Puerto Rico
- Built a complete document automation solution, including form design, deployment, archiving, and printing of documents and document packages, using VB 6.0 and COM+
- Utilized Windows 2000, Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook, Project), Visual Studio 6.0, VBScript, VB 6.0, ActiveX, COM+, VMP’s I-32 Forms ActiveX component library, MSXML 4.0, SQL Server 2000, SQLXML
Confidential, Columbia, SC
Oracle Developer/2000 Applications Developer
- Designed and developed complete applications using Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports
- P&C Filings Processing System
- Accounts Receivable System
- Visitor Logging System
- Mail Logging System
- Quick Info Rapid Query System
- Mailing Labels and Lists Generation System
- Hardware and Software Management System
- Created dozens of Oracle forms, canvases, reports, and PLLs
- Created custom DLLs for systems integration using Borland C++
- Created additional applications using Microsoft Access
- Analyzed and migrated applications from legacy COBOL mainframe applications
- Authored system design specifications
- Authored user manuals and technical documentation
- Provided user training in a computer classroom environment
- Utilized Oracle Developer/2000, Microsoft Office Pro, Borland C++, IBM AIX