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.net Developer Resume

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  • 8+ years of web development experience as Full Stack .Net developer in Microsoft .Net Core, .Net Framework, ASP.NET MVC5, ASP.NET Core Web API, Dapper, Entity Framework Core/6, WCF, ADO.NET, C#.NET, Visual Studio, Azure, MS SQL Server.
  • Experience in developing Web based applications and Client - Server technologies using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, Angular 7, React.js, TypeScript and JSON.
  • Proficient in working with Angular 7 including Directives, Component, Service, Router, Data binding, Reactive Forms and Form Validation to build Single-Page Applications (SPAs).
  • Develop and implement highly-responsive user interface components using React.js and Redux including DOM manipulation and the JavaScript object model.
  • Good experience and strong fundamental architecture design included Data Structure, N-tier architecture, Microservice architecture, design pattern (Dependency Injection), architectural patterns (MVC, MVVM), and algorithms (Searching, Sorting, Recursion).
  • Skilled in DOM (Document Object Model) to use in interacting with objects in HTML, Bootstrap and CSS for layouts, text, padding, margin, table, background, border and classes.
  • Experienced implementing and developing ASP.NET Core Web API for HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and consuming RESTful / Web API on Angular services.
  • Good working knowledge in ORM tools such as Dapper and Entity Framework Core like Database First approach and Code First approach.
  • Expertise in Database Design and Database Programming (Stored procedures, Triggers, Packages, Cursors, Indexes, Transaction, Joins, Constraints, T-SQL, PL/SQL, No-SQL) using SQL Server, DB2 and Oracle 11g.
  • Having good knowledge about testing and debugging the Web API using Postman, Fiddler tool and unit testing with NUnit, FakeItEasy, XUnit, MS test, MOQ and NSubstitute.
  • Experienced in using version control tools such as GIT, Team Foundation Server (TFS), TortoiseSVN and GitHub.
  • Working knowledge in Microsoft Azure platform for building, managing applications and deploying web applications.
  • Hand on experience in designing and deploying microservices for a high-performance, scalable, and maintainable with containers for the system.
  • Working knowledge in SDLC (Agile and Waterfall) phases including Requirement Analysis, Design, Development, Testing of web applications.


Languages & Database: C#, C, Java, Swift, T-SQL, PL-SQL, SQL Server 2012/2014/2016/2017, Oracle 11g.

.Net Technologies: .Net Core, .Net Framework 4.5, ASP.NET Core Web API, ASP.NET MVC5, Entity Framework Core/6, WCF, LINQ, Dapper, ADO.NET.

Web Technologies: Angular 7, React.js, TypeScript, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX.

Version controls & Testing: Team Foundation Server, GIT, FakeItEasy, NSubstitute, Postman, Fiddler, NUnit, XUnit, MS test, MOQ, Jasmine, Jest and Mocha.

IDE Tools & Web Servers: VS Code, Visual Studio 2017/2015/2013/2012, SQL Server Management Studio, Azure, XCode.


Confidential, SFO, CA

.Net developer


  • Developed single page application with various web technologies such as Angular 7, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, TypeScript, ASP.NET Core Web API, Entity Framework Core according to requirements.
  • Implemented Angular 7 using TypeScript, components, two-way data binding, directives, pipes, routing and Observables.
  • Worked on Angular 7 Routing to enable navigation from one view to the next as customer performs application tasks.
  • Used Bootstrap grid system to make the user interface responsive and make compatible with mobile devices.
  • Used Web API to develop back-end application and performed database operations (CRUD) through Entity Framework.
  • Called Web API functions based on HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) in services by using HTTP and Observables.
  • Performed Code First Approach Entity Framework Core to provide code flexibility and to have more customization options and full control over the code.
  • Participated in MS Test(testing), migration and production releases for software upgrades and version upgrades.
  • Utilized MS Test and FakeItEazy framework for Unit Testing to write the test cases for the methods for the developed application.
  • Fetched medical information and prescription history data using RESTful services with ASP.NET Core Web API, Entity Framework Core, used Postman to test Web API exposed over HTTP.
  • Working with GIT as a source control for branching, check in and keeping source code up to date.
  • Creating microservices to process data throughout the application as well as worked in deploying application to Microsoft Azure Cloud
  • Utilizing tools and services to enable build and design of microservices as well as containerize them for the deployment pipeline.
  • Worked in Agile-Scrum methodologies to ensure delivery of high-quality work.

Environment: C#, VS Code, Angular 7, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Web API, Entity Framework Core, MS Test, FakeItEazy, Postman, GIT, Agile (Scrum), Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2016.

Confidential, Columbia, MO

.Net developer


  • Responsible for designing the ASP.NET application authentication using .NET Framework and Model View Controller MVC.
  • Implemented ASP.NET MVC 5 routing using convention-based and attribute-based routing.
  • Worked using Razor View Engine to manipulate the data easily on front-end and present data to user.
  • Designed and developed shared web pages by using Partial Views and Layout View.
  • Made AJAX calls with jQuery in order to update the Partial View without reloading the whole page.
  • Executed the jQuery library for visual effects, event handling, and document manipulation.
  • Performed jQuery plugins for Drag-and-Drop, Widgets, Menus, User Interface and Forms.
  • Used Action Filters for implementing user authentications, authorizations and role-based security.
  • Performed Dapper for faster and stable to access data and isolate the Data Access Layer.
  • Utilized Dapper for retrieving data using Models from SQL Server database and involved in writing SQL Queries based on complex business logic.
  • Implemented CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations to make requests to the API server and tested it by using Postman.
  • Implemented Unit Testing through NUnit with MOQ Framework and created tests for all functions used in the application.
  • Used TFS to save code changes, perform gated check-ins and to keep track of the assigned user stories.
  • Agile methodology and SCRUM for the development and Responsible for attending daily scrum meetings to accommodate client's requirements.

Environment: C#, Visual Studio 2015, ASP.NET MVC 5, Dapper, TFS, Agile (Scrum), SQL Server 2016, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, NUnit, MOQ, AJAX, Web API, JSON.


Customer CareNet


  • Developed application using ASP.NET MVC, C#, JavaScript, WCF, HTML5, CSS3, JSON and Bootstrap.
  • Implemented CRUD functionality with Entity framework in ASP.NET MVC and implemented sorting, filtering and paging with Entity framework in MVC.
  • Used C# to design and develop various abstract classes, interfaces, classes to construct the business logic.
  • Implemented Serialization and Deserialization of objects and Involved in unit testing, integration testing using XUnit and NSubstitute.
  • Implemented Unit Testing through NUnit with MOQ Framework and created tests for all functions used in the application.

Environment: C#, ASP.NET MVC, WCF, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Visual Studio 2013, SQL Server 2012, XUnit, NSubstitute.


Underwriting Tool


  • Involved in design and development of web applications with ASP.NET MVC and C# .NET as programming language.
  • Implemented Server and Client-side validations using HTML, jQuery and Bootstrap.
  • Utilized WCF SOAP services to build high performance and secured document retrieval layer to retrieve data from SQL server-based system.
  • Responsible for designing the ASP.NET application authentication using .NET Framework and Model View Controller MVC.

Environment: ASP.NET MVC, C#.NET, HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, WCF, SQL Server, Visual Studio, SOAP and Azure.


Application Data Centre System


  • Designed user interface for using ASP.NET, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS and implemented business logic using C#.NET.
  • Used ADO.NET technology to interact with SQL Server databases and developed SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers.
  • Used ADO.NET connection, command, datasets, data adapter and data reader to retrieve, manipulate and display the information and store the data in SQL Server.
  • Implemented the application interface using Template-driven and Reactive form. Responsible for input validation at the client-side.
  • Involved in creating Web API methods based on HTTP verbs for database operations (CRUD) through Entity Framework Core.

Environment: Visual Studio, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, C#.NET, ADO.NET, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery, MS SQL Server.

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