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Full Stack Developer Resume

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St Louis, MO


  • Around 6+years of experience in developing Web applications wif C#.NET, VB.NET, ASP.NET and ADO.NET.
  • Good working noledge in technologies ASP.NET Web Services (SOAP, WSDL), AJAX, Windows Services, WCF.
  • Hands on experience of Web programming using HTML, JavaScript, XSL, CSS, VB Script, JavaScript, JQuery, XML and HTML.
  • Experience in Object Oriented Design (OOD) and Development using UML based tools (Visio).
  • Expertise noledge in Internet languages like HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, VBScript, JavaScript, jQuery.
  • Experience in using Ajax Controls for Web Applications development.
  • Hands on experience in Language integrated query (LINQ) for getting Lists, arrays and collections.
  • Experience working wif ASP.Net Framework 4.0, VB.NET, C#.NET,.NET Web - service, WCF, ASP, VB Script, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, VB6, COM +, MS SQL Server, UNIX, Oracle, MS Project 2003 /2007, Microsoft Visio, Visual Source Safe, and Team Foundation Server (TFS).
  • Extensively worked on SOAP web services, WCF services, Restful services wif Web API during software development following SOA.
  • Worked wif JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX in web development for creating responsive web applications.
  • Expertise in Angular JS controllers, directives, components, factory and service resources, routings and events.
  • Expertise in reviewing, troubleshooting, designing and developing web services using Web API, WCF.
  • Designed and Implemented WCF Service for critical module exposing secure data to clients.
  • Experience in usingLanguage-Integrated Query(LINQ)query and retrieve data from differentto Objects, LINQ to XML, and LINQ to SQL).
  • Developed web application in ASP.NET web forms/MVC using Visual Studio.
  • Solid foundation in n-tier system architectures, design patterns, web based architectures and security.
  • Worked in JavaScript and JQuery to implement client side validation.
  • Developed Extensible Style Sheets (XSL) to transform XML data coming from SQL Server database in to specific required formats and display in Word files.
  • Experience working wif SQL Server 2012/2008/2005/2000 applications, SSRS, SSIS and Crystal Reports.
  • Highly experienced in creating complex Tables, Views, Stores Procedures, Triggers and User-Defined Functions, Indexes and Cursors using T-SQL to implement Business Logic and Data Protection.
  • Experience in using IIS server for Deployment of the application, monitored performance and supported production environment.
  • Extensively worked wif Agile and Scrum methodologies.
  • Experience in gathering requirements, analyzing and documenting using UML, creating prototypes, as well as user interfaces.
  • Highly dedicated, quick starter, solution driven pattern programmer and strong inObject Oriented (OOPS).
  • Proven ability to ensure projects are completed based on scope, project plan and deadlines.
  • Team player and strives to maximize productivity while working as a team.
  • Strong experience in consulting for product based and custom application development.


Development Tool(IDE): Visual Studio 2017/2015/2010/2008, SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS),MySQL WorkbenchProgramming Languages .Net Framework 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5, C#.Net,VB.NET,T-SQL, JavaScript, CSS, Sass/LESS, HTML, AJAX, MySQL, XML, JSON

Web Technologies: ASP.Net 3.5/4.0, MVC 3.0/4.0,Web Forms, XML Web Services, ADO.Net,WCF, WPF, SOAP 1.1.

Reporting Tools: SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Crystal Reports.

Databases: SQL Server 2012/2008,NoSQL

ETL: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista, Windows Server 2008/2003.

Configuration&VersionControlTools: Visual Source Safe -VSS, Team Foundation Server-TFS,TortoiseSVN,GIT

Frameworks/Libraries: AngularJS, Underscore JS, Node.js, Gulp.js, jQuery, Google Maps, VBScript, HTML5, XML, CSS3,jQuery,JSON,TypeScript.

Application Servers: Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0/6.0/7.0.

XML Technologies: AJAX 2.0/3.0, XML Web Services.

Packages: MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint etc.)

Business Modeling Tools: MS Visio

Design and Process: Design Patterns, Waterfall, Agile.

Others: LINQ, WCF Web Services, ADO.NET,Unit Testing,AGILE,SCRUM,Azure, JIRA, Bit Bucket, Git bash, Source tree,Git, Jira/Stash/Atlassian products, Responsive web design, Gulp, NPM/Yarn, NUnit, Jasmine, Chutzpah, ReSharper. TeamCity.


Confidential, St. Louis, MO

Full Stack Developer


  • Co-ordinate wif business analyst for better understanding of functional requirements, Analyze and implement the requirement.
  • Working in the Agile/Scrum development environment wif frequently changing requirements and actively participated in sprint planning, scrum meetings and reviews.
  • Built web application for universities, making heavy use of CSS Preprocessors likeLESSalong wif Angular JS, Typescript and JavaScript task runners likeGulp.
  • Worked on Responsive Web Design to make website Responsive for Desktop, mobile and Tablets using Bootstrap and Media Queries.
  • Leveraged angular resources for all data access, encapsulating URLs and standardizing data access interfaces.
  • Created custom directives, general use modules and components which extend the elements and modules of core AngularJS.
  • Created AngularJS controllers, services and filters to maintain data between different views.
  • Worked on building AngularJS components, UI services to consume rest services using Component based architecture provided by Angular 2.
  • Involved in building custom Angular 2 Directives and Services for single-page web application for agile-based team.
  • Used JSON for data interchange, as it's faster and can be parsed using JavaScript.
  • Extensively worked wif setting and retrieving client side and server-side cookies.
  • Created complex user screens for Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations, involving tables and grids wif paging and sorting functionalities.
  • Leveraged Underscore JS/Lodash JS functional programming wifout extending any built-in objects.
  • Involved in creating and consuming restful services using Web API for exposing data to the web application.
  • Developed a C#/ASP.NET MVC application to send an email notification to instructors upon expiration of licensed titles.
  • Designed and implemented a portal based MVC application utilizing search API which is hosted on Microsoft Azure platform.
  • Involved in implementing .NET Security Model using Role Based security andForm based autantication.
  • Used LINQ for querying, sorting, filtering the complex objects utilizing Entity Framework DB Context and Repository pattern for centralized data access.
  • Implemented Dapper ORM for Data Access Model.
  • Extensive use of SQL server, tuned SQL queries/ Stored Procedures, Functions, Views and Triggers, activities like Backup, Restore, Import and Export for SQL Server and installation, configuration.
  • Expertise in testing and debugging new programs using Fiddler, Postman and Developer tools.
  • Wrote Jasmine unit tests using Chutzpah to verify AngularJS modules and JavaScript utility routines.
  • Performed Unit Testing using NUnit for optimizing the efficiency of theapplication.
  • Refactoring of the code was done using Re Sharper and other latest tools and technologies.
  • Worked wif testing team to execute regression and smoke test using zephyr JIRA plugin.
  • Involved in code reviews using Bit bucket and JIRA tool and TEMPeffectively send/receive comments and improved code quality based on the feedback.
  • Used GIT, source tree for version tracking along wif issue trackers such as Bit Bucket.

Environment: Visual Studio 2017, C#, ASP.NET MVC 4.0,Java Script, JQuery, Angular JS 1.6,Angular 2,HTML5,CSS3,Git, Typescript, Team City, Jasmine,NUnit, ADO.NET, SQL Server 2017, MySQL Workbench 6.3, Windows Server 2012 R2,IIS 10.0.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

.Net Developer-Front End


  • Involved in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Architecture for internet/intranet, client/server Applications.
  • Responsible for analyzing, designing, developing and implementing the project application.
  • Implemented and maintained front-end code in multiple browsers and oversaw production of Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Designed the UI standards for the application using Bootstrap, Angular JS and Jquery.
  • Responsible for providing technical support queries and implementing the fixes for application process using MVC 5 wif C#/ASP.NET.
  • Used ASP.NET MVC framework to support the use of Dependency Injection to inject objects into a class, instead of relying on the class to create the object itself.
  • Adapted web application to run in Windows Azure against SQL Azure using Azure Queues for background processing.
  • Migration and rewrite of VB6 applications into C#. NET applications in order to overcome the performance and complexity issues.
  • Analyzed the Rail 432,997 and 864 EDI for modifying and debugging the migrated .net application.
  • Worked on designing and developing windows services using C# for logging error messages.
  • Worked on error handling, conversions of data types and COM objects while migration of application.
  • Worked on developing for Import/ Export and zip/unzip of EDI format messages in order to retrieve and store data into database.
  • Worked on error resolution in .NET migrated code.
  • Executing SQL queries to extract data from IBM DB2 tables for running test scripts.
  • Responsible for fixing the problems and rectifying them by modifying the system or databases.
  • Responsible for re-run of modified estimated and final crystal reports of railroad companies to show up on the Internet.
  • Provided technical support and ongoing maintenance for crystal reports.
  • Migrated each module in the application and did positive/negative test.
  • Created test applications for various scenarios for each migrated .net application as per EDI guidelines.
  • Regularly followed up wif testing team to analyze the defects identified.
  • Used TFS (Team Foundation Server) for integration, maintenance and security of code.

Environment: Visual Studio 2015/2008/2005, .NET Framework 4.6/3.5/2.0, C#, VB6.0, VB.NET, Win forms, Windows Services,MVC, ANSI EDI X12, ADO.NET, COM objects, IBM 400 DB2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, IIS 7.5.

Confidential, McKinney, TX

Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for designing, development phase and testing of the System.
  • Developed projects using SCRUM/Agile methodology and participated in Sprints.
  • Implemented Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to improve look and feel of theASP.NET MVC web page.
  • Responsible for writing and implementing JavaScript, AJAX and JQuery to interact wif web API and views.
  • Implemented of client-side validations using JQuery andASP.NET MVC Validation at Controller level.
  • Developed HTML/CSS/Angular JS for the Geo-Coordinates Locator module using Google Maps JavaScript API V3, for website and mobile.
  • Created views for user interactions using objects of HTML Helper class and Angular JavaScript.
  • Implement UI data grid/tables using Bootstrap and AngularJS tobuilda Single Page Application (SPA).
  • Developed complex MVC Controller, View Models and Helper methods linked to backend database.
  • Wrote a web API using Http Methods for accessing SQL database content using ADO.Net and posting it back to client.
  • Developed internal admin and public portal using MVC 4.0 Framework, Angular JS and Web API which was consumed by Native Mobile Apps.
  • Responsible for designing the ASP.NET application autantication using .NET Framework, Model View Controller MVC and IIS security model.
  • Implemented Web API using C# andADO.NET which can communicate data in a both XML & JSON.
  • Used theADO.NET SqlClient Objects like SqlConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataReader and SqlDataAdapter and Dataset object in the Data Access Layer to fetch the data from the SQL Server 2008 database.
  • Built Data sync job on Windows Azure to synchronize data from SQL 2012 databases to SQL Azure.
  • Involved in SQL Server database development in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 which can be used for easy data manipulation in database.
  • Created Complex Stored Procedures to perform automated rules, updating to related tables using SQL Server 2008.
  • CreatedViews, Triggers, TablesandComplex T-SQLqueries in SQL Server 2008.
  • UsedTeam Foundation Server(TFS) for project repository and versioning control.

Environment: Visual Studio 2012, C#, ASP.NET MVC 4.0, Java Script, JQuery, Angular JS, HTML5,CSS,TFS 2012, AJAX, ADO.NET,SQL Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008,IIS 7.0.

Confidential, Sunderland, VT

.Net Developer


  • Involved in SDLC life cycle from requirements to development, unit/Integration testing and deployment of the application modules.
  • Responsible for developing the Business, Data and Presentation layers of the application.
  • Extensively used data services and reference architecture components.
  • Involved in UI design using JQuery templates, Update panels, JQuery UI tabs and repeaters.
  • Wrote JavaScript, Cascading style sheets (CSS) to provide convenient and performance improved applications.
  • Extensively used .Net framework 4.0/3.5, C#, VB.Net, Visual Studio 2012/2010 and SQL Server 2012/2008, WCF, Ajax, JQuery.
  • Developed and managed the projects to replace the traditional web services wif WCF services.
  • Created WCF services and contracts for the business layer and deployed the service as Windows services.
  • Extensively used in-built ASP.NET web server controls, Validator controls, Custom expression validators etc.
  • Used Strategy and Observer design pattern to implement the repository and business layers.
  • Extensively used LINQ, WCF and JQuery aggressively throughout application.
  • Developed different objects in MS SQL Server 2012 database, such as Indexes, Stored Procedures and Views using Transact-SQL.
  • Experience in Extracting and Transforming data (ETL) from various sources and creating packages using BCP Utility, Bulk Insert command, SSIS and DTS Packages, Import/Export Wizard and Copy Database Wizard.
  • Expert in creating SSIS packages which involves processing and extraction of data from various flat files, Excel files, other databases, SQL server and loading into various Business Entities(Data Warehouse, Data mart).
  • Involved in deployment of application using TFS Builds.
  • Enable automated testing during the development cycle and adopt Test Driven Development (TDD).

Environment: C#, MVC, SQL Server,ADO.Net, Visual Studio .Net 2012, .Net Frame Work 4.0, Team Foundation Server, XML, Windows Server 2008, IIS 7.0, MS Visio, Microsoft Enterprise Library 4.0.


.Net Developer


  • Involved in design and development of UI screens using ASP.NET web server controls, server controls and user controls.
  • Developed & maintained Web Forms wif ASP.Net and C#.Net.
  • Participated in the database design and analysis wif the business users and technical team.
  • Created database components to interact wif the back-end data.
  • Built quick responsive pages by developing client-side programming using Java script and ASP.NET AJAX tools.
  • Involved in creation of .NET services using WCF and used AJAX for consuming the Services remotely.
  • Used ADO.NET and LINQ to SQL database programming to access and retrieve data from the SQL Server 2008 database.
  • Session and Application Cache was extensively used to store frequently used business entities and constant values throughout the application.
  • Designed and implemented reusable Web Menu and User Controls.
  • Stored and accessed data from XML files programmatically using C# and LINQ to XML.
  • Used customized Grid View extensively to bind data.
  • Implemented an Error handling procedure, which will automatically log errors and sends an email to administrator and preconfigured set of users from database.
  • Designed and implemented the security system for the Application using C# components and SQL Server.
  • Responsible for creating new reports as well as modifying the existing reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Wrote stored procedures, functions, triggers and optimized queries for performance using SQL Server.

Environment: .NET Framework, SSRS, C#, SQL Server 2008, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP.NET, XML, Visual Studio 2005/2008

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