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Head Of Application Development Resume

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Norwalk, CT


  • Technology thought leader with a diverse technology background within multiple disciplines including: Infrastructure, Application development, Database, Middleware, and Cloud.
  • Strong cost effective strategic and planning abilities. Out of the box thinking.
  • Experience in startups and emerging business environments where high growth, rapid change and constant challenge are the norm and excellence in customer service is mandatory.
  • Deep understanding of how technical implementations and business functions impact organizational change.
  • Ability to operate at both the strategic and functional level to manage project expectations, perceptions, deliverables and resources.
  • Extensive experience in all aspects of SDLC, Agile and Waterfall methodology, software development best practices, product management, release management, quality assurance, and customer service.
  • Strong knowledge in Application security, Network security, Internet security, Penetration testing, system and network administration.


  • 18+ years’ experience
  • Hands - on Application Development
  • Deep Technical Experience
  • E-Commerce Systems, B2C, B2B
  • Leadership & Supervision
  • Product & Project Management
  • Cross functional Management
  • Process Re-engineering
  • Client Relations
  • Vendor & Contract Negotiation
  • Enterprise Applications & Architecture
  • Application, Network & Internet Security
  • IT Infrastructure


Confidential, Norwalk, CT

Head of Application Development

Environment: ASP.NET MVC, .NET Core, C#, Html5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, Dependency Injection, WCF, REST API, Kendo UI, Telerik, SQL Server, Elasticsearch, NoSQL, SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Integration Services (SSIS), Reporting Services (SSRS), Silverlight, Windows 2016, TFS, Git, Visual Studio Online, IIS, nginx, VPN, SAN, Private Cloud, Azure, Hyper-V cluster, Docker, AppFabric, Redis, Couchbase, PowerShell, Xamarin, IOS, Android, Single sign-on (SSO), CMS, multi-tentant SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, Microsoft Dynamics, Selenium, TDD, Agile, Scrum, kanban, Microservices, SOA, DevOps, Excel, SharePoint, Wordpress


  • Supervise, build, lead, & mentor high performance technology team responsible for Freight trading platform, Enterprise applications, ERP, Financial and Accounting, Business intelligence and Risk management.
  • Successfully executed over 7 major projects covering all stages of the project viz. opportunity development, project scoping and analysis, security, re-engineering, design, configuration, development, testing, going live, documentation, knowledge transfer and support.
  • Provide leadership for technology strategies, architecture vision, integration and problem solving on an enterprise level to cultivate and drive innovation in support of business objectives.
  • Achieved over 35% savings annually and improved operational efficiency by consolidating various in-house hardware, cloud infrastructure, databases, software licenses and infrastructure.
  • Leveraged best practices, implemented process to reduce cost, improve quality of the software, reduce time taken to develop by 40% and improved speed to market.
  • Exceeded 99.99% uptime. Involved in defining strategies for uptime, SLA, disaster recovery, business continuity and scalability of platforms.
  • Architected mission critical, highly scalable, low latency, high availability and high-performance applications and databases with billions of rows and multi-terabytes of data.
  • Define roadmap and communicate project milestones, service level agreements (SLA), and resource allocation to executive team, business owners, stakeholders, department heads, support staff, and end users.
  • Led the development of BI Platform - Risk management & Big data self-service platform empowered executives and decision makers to make informed decisions about trends impacting the firm and analyze market data, P&L, KPI, hedging and trading strategies.
  • Perform penetration testing, code review and vulnerability analysis.
  • Built SSIS packages and custom ETL tools to aggregate data from exchanges, websites and sources like Morgan Stanley, Baltic, Imarex, Nasdaq, Platts, Nymex, ICE, etc. to feed Risk management and market analytics.
  • Ensure compliance with policy and regulatory requirements.
  • Planned and executed strategy for migrating data in large scale from legacy and disparate systems.
  • Provide last tier support for operations and support teams, including root cause and preventative analysis.


Systems Architect

Environment: ASP.NET, C#, SQL 2000, VS.NET, VSS, CSS, JavaScript, IIS5, Windows 2000


  • Requirements gathering, analysis & documentation.
  • Database design & wrote all supporting stored procedures.
  • Implemented synchronization logic to import data from Peoplesoft oracle database to SQL server.
  • Designed object relationship model using manager pattern.
  • Developed rules engine in accordance to state & federal government regulations.
  • Developed business layer, data layer, rich user interfaces and workflows for employees, admins & super admins.
  • Implemented role based security.
  • Deployment of application on staging server for testing and to production server.
  • Unit testing, functionality testing and bug fixes.

Confidential - SC

Senior Analyst

Environment: ASP.NET, C#, SQL 2000, VS.NET, VSS, CSS, JavaScript, IIS5, Windows 2000


  • Developed data layer, business layer & the presentation layer for user & admin functionalities.
  • Implemented role-based security.
  • Deployed application to staging server for testing.
  • Implemented data export logic for synchronization with oracle database.
  • Developed migration process to import data to SQL server. Scheduled to run nightly, this utility imported millions of records within a minute from CSV files.
  • Unit testing, functionality testing and bug fixes.

Confidential - SC

Senior Analyst

Environment: ASP.NET, C#, SQL 2000, VS.NET, VSS, CSS, JavaScript, IIS5, Windows 2000


  • Developed UI and Admin functionalities.
  • Developed logic to track changes made to the data.
  • Developed data migration queries to import millions of records from another sql server.
  • Unit testing, functionality testing and bug fixes.
  • System analysis, Requirement analysis and Project Management.
  • Planning & designing the application for high performance, availability and to scale in web farm & web garden.
  • Architected database using Visio and wrote supporting stored procedures.
  • Assisted team members in development.
  • Developed extensible framework that allowed users to easily integrate individual modules to add features to the application.
  • Developed database driven rich user interfaces, role based security and admin pages.
  • Developed 2 way SMS gateway for processing SMS messages using GSM device.
  • Integration with MS Outlook & Exchange server.
  • Developed algorithm for automated translator task distributor which sent out SMS/ Email at preset time until the task is accepted by a consultant.
  • Migrated Coldfusion code to .NET/ C#.
  • Automated deployment to staging and production server.

Confidential - VA

Team Leader

Environment: ASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET, VS.NET, ASP, SQL, CSS, DreamWeaver, JavaScript, VBScript, IIS5, Windows 2000, PC Anywhere.


  • Planning & Designing the application to support multi-byte/ unicode characters & right to left languages.
  • Architected database and wrote all supporting stored procedures.
  • Project management, manage and mentor team members and deliverables.
  • Front-end design for administering the application.
  • Developed CMS and CRM engine, several .NET components and web farm support for load balancing.
  • Implemented pre-sales chat to support prospective customers.
  • 24/7 working of the site. Remote administration of web servers and security.
  • Supported marketing team in their web marketing activities, SEO and Lead generation.
  • Bug fixes and maintenance.
  • Formulating ISO Process.

Confidential - IL

Team Leader

Environment: Windows NT, ColdFusion App Server 4.5.1 SP2, SQL Server 7.0, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Dreamweaver, Oracle Database, Netscape web server


  • Requirement analysis, application design and development using ColdFusion.
  • Project management and deliverables.
  • Developed Custom Tags/ Components in CFML to implement the Business Methods.
  • Designed MS SQL Database & wrote supporting stored procedures.
  • Real-time online credit card payment processing using Authorize.net API.
  • Implemented Membership based access levels to restrict certain features to certain groups.
  • Implemented Custom tag for dynamic generation of thumbnail image of specified dimension from an image uploaded by the member.
  • Created cross browser interactive web forms.
  • Developed high performance mailing list, messaging and chat module.
  • Bug Fixing and Maintenance.

Confidential - NJ

Sr. Web System Integrator

Environment: Servlets, JDBC, JSP, HTML, iPlanet web server 4.0, DreamWeaver 3.0, JavaScript, Netscape Application Server, Forte, WML, XML, Oracle, Sun Solaris


  • System study and preparation of Software Requirement Specifications.
  • Setting up development standards & processes.
  • Development of all modules & dynamic pages using JSP, HTML on Sun Solaris Server.
  • Client side validation using JavaScript.
  • Development of membership module.
  • Preparation of Program Specs for various Transaction and Business Processing.
  • Generated various Vendor & Customer related reports using Coldfusion. All the Reports were generated based on the specified Year, Month and Location. Wrote dynamic SQL queries for reports.
  • Developed applications to run on handheld devices using Web Clipping for PALM 7 & WML for Cell phones.
  • For deliverables & scheduling of project.
  • Developed prototype & coordinated with Directors for Delivery Schedule.
  • Maintained corporate website.

Technical Proficiencies: ProgrammingC#, ASP.NET, MVC, Html5, CSS3, Silverlight, WCF, Web API, Web Services, Windows Services, Ajax, jQuery, JavaScript, VB Script, Visual Studio, BASH scripts, PHP

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