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Sr.full Stack .net Developer Resume

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Houston, TX


  • Around 7+ years of software development experience in all the phases of software development life cycle (SDLC) wif Agile/ Scrum environment. Analysis, Design, Development, Integration, Implementation and Testing of various client/server, N - tier and Web Applications.
  • Professional level experience in design, development and implementation of Internet/Intranet applications using C#.NET, ASP.NET MVC, VB.NET, ADO.NET, Entity Framework, AJAX, IIS, HTML, XHTML, VB Script, Javascript, JQuery, AngularJS, XML, UML and PL/SQL, SQL Server (2008/2010/2012/2014 ), MongoDB.
  • Involved in the design and development of an N-tier distributed architectures, MVC and MVVM architectures.
  • Strong Object Oriented Programming concepts like Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Generics and Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Concepts.
  • Hands on Experience in creating Process Flow Diagram, Technical Design Document, Data Flow Diagram, UML diagrams (Class Diagram, Use Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagram).
  • Experienced in Agile Software Development, Waterfall cycle, and Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Database & Test Driven Development (TDD) methodologies.
  • Expertise in designing and developing professional UI web applications using front-end applications like HTML, HTML 5, DHTML, CSS, CSS3, Bootstrap 3, Angular 2.0/4.0,AngularJS, jQuery, JSON, Visual Studio, JavaScript, Flash and Hybrid Web Development.
  • Working experience in AngularJS, developing services, controllers, directives, Custom directives, UI routing, Isolated scope, Filters, Digest cycle and performed validations.
  • Designed user interface usingAngular 2.0 web forms. ImplementedAngular 2.0 Routing, Navigation, Components and Services. ImplementedAngular 2.0 pipes such as date, string length slice, and number.
  • Experience in consuming the web Restful APIs using Angular JS Http Providers and jQuery Ajax calls.
  • Hands on Experience on ASP.NET, MVC3/MVC4/MVC5 (Model-View-Controller) wif Razor Engine.
  • Implemented C#.NET, MVC and Object Oriented Programming concepts and created general Class library, Partial Class, Generics Using C#.NET
  • Knowledge in security features of .NET such as Authorization (Roles and Authorizing Users) and Authentication (Forms-based Authentication, Windows-based Authentication).
  • Experience in using Language Integrated Query (LINQ) in Web pages to retrieve and modify data.
  • Excellent skills in developing SQL Queries, PL/SQL stored procedures, T-SQL Queries, Packages, Functions, views, triggers, cursors and schemas to build business logic.
  • Good experience in using ADO.NET objects such as Connection Object, Command Object, Data Reader Object, Dataset Object and Data Adapter Object to access databases like SQL Server Application Express.
  • Experience in WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), and Windows Forms for designing applications using Web Services.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume RESTAPI's using Component-based architecture provided byAngular 2.0.
  • Knowledge of creating SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages and creating reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • In depth noledge on Restful Services using ASP.Net WEB API to provide services to HTTP Requests, good understanding on design, deep functional experience in creating, deploying and consuming RESTful Services wif WEB API.
  • Efficient in code tracing, Debugging and fixing the issues by using Fiddler 2/4.
  • TEMPEffective Communication skills, Fast learner, Enthusiastic to learn modern technologies, result oriented, work minded, Team Management skills.
  • Experience wif Unit and Integration testing by using VS Automated Unit Testing Framework, NUnit testing, load testing and Performance testing.
  • Experience wif multiple version control tools like Team Foundation Server (TFS), SVN and GitHub.


.NET framework versions: .NET 3.0 - .NET 4.6.2.

Languages: C#, Visual Basic .NET

Web frameworks: ASP.NET MVC 3-5, ASP.NET Web Api, ASP.NET Web Forms

Desktop frameworks: WPF, Windows Forms

Communication frameworks*: WCF, ASP.NET Web Api, Web Services

ORM: Entity Framework, Linq2SQL, ADO.NET

Database: SQL Server, PL/SQL, MySQL, Mongo DB.


Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports, SSRS.

Source Code Control Tools: Team Foundation Server (TFS), SVN, GitHub.

Scripting Languages: Java Script, AJAX, JQuery.


Confidential - Houston, TX

Sr.Full stack .NET Developer


  • Participated in discussions wif clients and Followed Agile(Scrum) methodology wif 2 week sprint involved in daily Standup Meetings, Status Meetings, Backlog Meetings and Code Review Meetings.
  • Expertise in using Angular JS directives, Controllers, Filters, Services, Templates, Events and injectors.
  • Implemented UI using HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Angular 2, AJAX and Forms Controls to create responsive web pages.
  • Designed and developed an n-tier architecture that included Presentation, Business and Data Access Layers using C#.Net, ASP.NET and SQL.
  • Used Angular Bootstrap for animations and pagination on the page, and UI components and performed Ajax calls using HttpClient in Angular 4.0.
  • Created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML5, NodeJS and ReactJS.
  • Maintained existing UI Applications and upgraded them using CSS3, JQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, React JS, NodeJs, JSON and HTML5.
  • Used Dependency Injection to inject objects into a class, instead of relying on the class to create the object itself.
  • Worked on Routes inAngular 2.0 creating the base route and extensions by using RouterConfig as an injectable URL path and customized component for each of the web page inAngular 2.0.
  • Redesigned and developed existing applications wif Clean Architecture using ASP.Net MVC, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 3, JavaScript, jQuery to make the applications more generic and configurable and reduce the code base and database that need to be maintained.
  • Experience in creating services as classes in typescript importing into the Components in Angular 2.0.
  • Involved in the Database design, wrote stored procedures, database views and T-SQL queries for the underlying SQL Server Database.
  • Hands on experience in working wif development of Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions, Queries, Indexes, Triggers and Views using SQL Server and T-SQL.
  • Worked wif Web API to provide services to HTTP requests.
  • Used Restful Web API services to implement the functionalities of business for the integration of application and bind data to the components from frontend.
  • TEMPEffectively deployed WCF services to provide our clients to efficient retrieval of the data from the database.
  • Wrote Web APIs endpoints allowing different HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE so that they can be consumed by single page and other frontend applications.
  • Design and Implement WCF services layer hosted on Windows Azure.
  • Expertise in Azure infrastructure management (Azure Web Roles, Worker Roles, SQL Azure, Azure Storage, Azure AD Licenses, Office365).
  • Used Windows Azureto deploy the application on the cloud and managed the session.

Environment: .NET Framework 4.6.2, C#, MVC 5, ASP.NET 4.5, Web API, Entity Framework 6.0, ADO.Net, NUnit, Web Services, SQL Server 2014, Windows Services, HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 3, Angular 2.0, Ajax, JavaScript, Typescript, JQuery, JSON, XML, Crystal Reports, IIS 8.0, Team Foundation Server, SQL server profiler, Fiddler 4.

Confidential - phoenix, AZ

Sr .NET Developer


  • Experience in all phase of SDLC like Requirement Analysis, Implementation and Maintenance, and extensive experience wif Agile and SCRUM.
  • Developed a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for a server-side & client-side web application wif ASP.NET, MVC, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS and REST Full Web Service in Visual Studio 2015.
  • Implemented Agile / Scrum methodology for the business modeling.
  • Developed using n-tier architecture Presentation layer, Business logic layer (BAL mid-tier) and DAL (Data access layer).
  • TEMPEffectively used ASP .NET MVC features like View Bag to pass data from Controller into the view, create multiple views/partial views, layout views and incorporated them into the ASP.NETMVC application.
  • Implemented Client-side validation using AngularJs custom form validation wif ng-show, ng-if and ng-hide.
  • Implement functionality such as Searching, Filtering, Sorting and Validating data using AngularJS framework.
  • Completed the Web API framework to implement HTTP services, generally sending and receiving JSON formatted data through a RESTful API.
  • Decent experience in AngularJS concepts like Dependency Injection, Promises, Services, Scopes, Controllers and Directives.
  • Developed front end validation in AngularJS using combination of HTML validator and ngRequired, checking them wif $invalid, $valid, $touched, $untouched, $dirty.
  • Designed a Web application using Web API wif AngularJS, leveraged Entity framework (EF).
  • Utilized Entity framework extensively for data retrieving, querying, storage and manipulation using LINQ.
  • Made use of several .NET AJAX controls to render the content dynamically on WebPages which are developed using C#.
  • Made use of JavaScript/JQuery to perform client side validations and catch the events on client's browser.
  • Extensively used Asynchronous JavaScript Calls (AJAX) to do data processing and loading the data from the database wifout doing the post back.
  • Hands on experience in using ADO.NET objects such as Command Object, Connection Object, Data Adapter Object, Data Reader Object and Dataset Object to access databases.
  • Designed and developed various SQL Server Stored Procedures, Built-In Functions, User defined Functions, Views and Triggers for all the application’s DML (Data Manipulation Language) functionality.
  • Created new methods to store and retrieve data from SQL Server using Entity Framework and LINQ queries.
  • Developed WebPages using Razor View Engine and MVC.
  • Used AJAX to fetch data from controllers to update user data asynchronously.
  • Developed Web services/Rest Services for building applications that send and receive messages over HTTP.
  • Worked wif Web Services, State Management, caching features, securing the web application and configuring optimizations.
  • Wrote test cases and implemented unit testing to test new features and did unit testing as well as integration testing.

Environment: .NET Framework 4.5, ASP.Net MVC 4.0, Entity Framework 5.0,, Visual Studio 2015, C#, ADO.Net, XML, JSON, HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 3, JQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, AnjularJs, Crystal Reports, Razor view Engine, SQLSERVER 2012, SVN, IIS 7.5, SQL server profiler, Fiddler 2.

Confidential - Dallas, TX

Sr.Net Developer


  • Involved in the complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance.
  • Implementation of 3-Tier architecture, facing key challenges on Business and Database layers.
  • Involved in developing the Front-End of the application using the Asp.Net framework 4.0 and HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.
  • Implemented Get, Post, Put, delete by using Controller actions and Caching by using Action Filters and Child actions in Controller and return Razor HTML to View through Action Results.
  • Efficient noledge on Software requirements management, UML.
  • Involved developing the Data Access Layer using the Entity Framework Code first approach and generate the C# code for Store Procedure.
  • UsedJavaScriptand .NET Validation Controls for performing client-side validations.
  • UsedJQuerybecause it is a lightweightJavaScript library that provides interaction betweenHTML and Java Script.
  • Developed programming scenarios in C#, object oriented Programming (OOP) concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.
  • Worked on SQL Server 2010 database design and development in writing SQL Queries, Joins, Stored Procedures, Indexes, Triggers, and Views.
  • Worked on RESTFUL Service API using WCF 4.0 which returns XML and JSON data using WCF attributes.
  • Used Entity Framework for ORM mapping to relational databases, classes to database tables and CLR data types to SQL server data types.
  • Designed and executed unit test case, assisted wif integration and user acceptance testing and system verification.
  • Created Data Access Layers &Business Logic Layer to implementthe MVC architecture.
  • CreatedFunctions, Stored Procedures, Triggersand ViewsinMS-SQLdatabase usingT-SQLfor maintaining and regulating the complex data.
  • DevelopedMaster pagesfor consistent look and feel of the application and embedded header and footers in it.
  • Extensively Used TFS (Team Foundation Server) for the maintenance and status of the developers for development of application.

Environment: .NET Framework 4.0, ASP.NET MVC 3.0, C#, SQL Server 2010, Visual Studio 2010, WCF, Entity Framework, ADO.Net, HTML 5, CSS3, JQuery, XML, JavaScript, TFS, IIS 7.0.


.Net Developer


  • Participated in designing, analyzing and prototyping the initial design.
  • Implemented Object Oriented Design (OOD) and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts throughout the system.
  • Developed User Interface pages usingASP.NET Web Forms, Web Server controls and custom user controls, HTML, XML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Used ASP.NET validations as well as developed custom validations using JavaScript in this application for validations.
  • Used JQuery, ASP.NET AJAX toolkit controls and CSS to give better performance and richness to the user interface
  • Implemented the code using C# as code behind and ADO.NET for connecting to the SQL Server database.
  • Developed the data layer class, Business layer class using C# which is reusable for data transactions of entire project.
  • Created and maintained database objects like complex Stored Procedures, Triggers, Cursors, Tables, Views and SQL Joins.
  • Participated in creating different modules of the web site asUser andAdmin.
  • Implemented ASP.NetWebpages wif the halp of AJAX.
  • AJAX Tab Containeris used to implement tabbed functionality on web forms.
  • Used ADO.NETobjects which are to create the data access layer that fetches data from database to User Interface.
  • Used XML based procedures for ADO.NET objects to facilitate importing of large XML datasets into SQL Server 2008 database.
  • Wif the halp of Crystal Reports, Integrated various reports into the application.
  • DevelopedXSLandXMLbased menus which are compatible wif Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers.
  • Involved in deploying the applications on theIIS server.

Environment: .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET, C#, ADO.Net,.NET Framework 3.5, Visual studio 2010, Windows Forms, Web Forms, SQL Server 2008 R2, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, XML, GitHub, Crystal Report, IIS 6.0.

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