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Sr.net Developer Resume

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Chattanooga, TN


  • Over 8+ years of IT experience in requirement Analysis, Design and Development of enterprise N - tier web Applications.
  • Proficient experience working with C#, ASP.NET, Win Forms, Web Forms, Web Services, SOA, SOAP, JavaScript, SQL Server, Oracle 11g, Windows Environments, ADO.NET, IIS 7.0/6.0, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS, Bootstrap, web controls, XML, XAML, AJAX, HTML/DHTML Framework 3.5, 4.0.
  • Experience working with Angular JS, used its key features like Declarative HTML approach, Two way Data Binding, MVVM Design Pattern.
  • Experience in Web services technologies like SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI.
  • Expertise in developing ecommerce of Point-of-Sale (POS) Applications.
  • Expertise in designing the application architectures using the Object Oriented Concepts.
  • Good experience in development of reports using Crystal Reports, SSRS and Data Reports.
  • Experience in design and development of XML Web Services using C# and SOAP.
  • Experience in conversion projects from COM to C#, XML Web services and Remoting.
  • Experience in manipulating XML, Converting Data between ADO.NET and XML and Proven Knowledge in DTD, Schema, XSL (XSLT, XPath, and XQuery) and LINQ to query XML.
  • Experience in migrating on-premise web application toWeb app.
  • Architecting Azure Web Apps for scalability and performance by deploying to multiple regions for high availability in different App Service plans.
  • Experience in CreatingAzure SQL database, performed monitoring and restoring ofAzure SQL database. Performed migration of Microsoft SQL server toAzure SQL database.
  • Excellent analytical and programming abilities to create elegant, flexible and maintainable solutions for complex development problems.
  • Experience on working with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) in .NET.
  • Extensive experience in developing .NET framework applications using ASP.NET, ADO.NET, VB.NET ASP.NET, MVC Web services WPF, WCF, Web forms, Win forms and AJAX.
  • Experience in creating Web Forms, Win Forms, User Controls and Custom Controls.
  • Agile delivery of software using practices from SCRUM.
  • Good working knowledge of Python, JavaScript, TCL, MongoDB and SQL.
  • Specialize in conversions of existing large and medium applications to .NET including Planning, Implementing and Development.
  • Strong Experience on performance tuning on MS SQL Server, experience with Data Integrity and Data Retention.
  • Strong experience in data analysis and data input/output processing.
  • Strong experience in improving SQL code performance efficiency.
  • Experience in analyzing and writing complex queries and stored procedures (SQL / TSQL)
  • Advanced relational development experience (i.e. Normalization, Referential Integrity, Stored Procedures, Triggers).
  • Expertise in developing Custom Site Collection Definitions, List Definitions, Features and automating the business processes by creating workflows using SharePoint designer 2007.
  • Experience in automating the business processes by creating workflows using SharePoint designer and custom workflows using Windows Workflow Foundation.
  • Developed portal and content management application using Custom feature development and custom web parts.
  • Custom web parts were provided with custom tool pane and custom properties that can be set using user interface.
  • Experience with .NET Framework 3.5 technologies- WPF, WCF, LINQ, and Silver light 2.0/3.0.
  • Experience with advance dot NET concepts like: Generics, Lambdas, Reflection, Multi-Threading and Asynchronous programming.
  • Effective leadership skills with good written, verbal communication and presentation skills.


Web Technologies: ASP, XML, HTML, XHTML,DHTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, XSLT, JavaScript, AJAX, AngularJS 1.0/1.5/2.0, knockoutJS, DOM, Silverlight 3.0/2.0, Kendo UI, Sencha Touch

Programming Languages: C#, VB.Net, SQL, T-SQL, PL/SQL, XML, ASP.NET, C, C++, PHP, JAVA, Python, Powershell, C#.NET

Databases: Microsoft SQL Server 2014/2012/ 2008/2005 , MySQL, Oracle 10g/9i

Reporting Services: Crystal Reports, SSRS, SSAS, SSIS

XML Technologies: XML, XSLT, XLink, XPath, XQuery

Version Control: Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server(TFS)

Design Methodologies: OOAD with UML, Design Patterns, Data Flow Diagrams, Flow charts

Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX and Mac

Cloud: AWS (Amazon web services):EC2, VPC, IAM, S3, Cloud Front, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, Glacier, Rds Config, Route 53, Sns,Sqs, Basic Concept Of Elastic Catche


Confidential, Chattanooga, TN

Sr.Net Developer


  • Interacting with business users to understand the business flow, help in gathering business requirements for application development, migration and general advisory services.
  • Responsible in Development, Testing, Deployment and maintenance of high-performance, scalable, .NET web service ApplicationLSASa largeWCFandASMXweb services infrastructure with 10+ Web logic clustered domains having 100+ web services by using software life cycle.
  • Actively been part of team that has been doing a project calledLTSS Field Toolwhich was migration of LSAS from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008.
  • As a part ofLTSS Field Toolhelped the team in converting old DTS Packages intoSSISPackages to run scheduled jobs by modifying the scripts and connection strings as a part of application migration.
  • Involved in Agile software development lifecycle which includes responsibilities like designing, coding, peer review, testing, debugging and supporting the web application in all areas
  • Developed Web forms usingHTML,CSS, JSON, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JSand other JavaScript libraries likeMoment JS, Require JS
  • Keeping Production, Development and Release SQL Data Base up to date based on changing requirements and enhancements for related web forms
  • Experience with version control RTC (Rational Team Concert) and HP ALM for maintain defects logs
  • Developed aRESTful Web Service for integration with a Java based Web Service usingJSONSerialization and De-Serializationresponsible for communicating and providing real time data from integrated server to Client Application.
  • Worked on Remediation of few web service calls of LSAS to useRESTfulWeb Service as an enhancement instead of using old SQL stored procedures.
  • ImplementedChannel SecureLoginanActive Directory GroupAuthentication to consume thisRestfulweb service, user authentication technique used widely overHealth SourceBank.
  • Involved in upgrading application from.NET Frame Work 4.0running onVisual Studio 2010toFrame Work 4.6.1onVisual Studio 2015.
  • Worked onWindows Communication Foundation (WCF)services to communicate between the processes viaSOAPXMLmessages and also worked onService Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Involved in Design and Development of a new logging tool to trace all XML request and response of all ASMX and WCF Web Services to enhance error capturing.
  • UsedEntity FrameworkModelto make log entries into database, Implemented front end User Interface to view the captured XML logs usingASP.NET, JQuery, Bootstrapalongwith search functionality to filter out calls at given time based on unique Call ID.
  • Designed Application Architecture diagrams usingMS Visioby analyzing the code written inVB.NET, C#for better understanding end to end flow of application.
  • Involved in debugging Member Info Web Service and PDF Web Service
  • Involved in Agile software development lifecycle which includes responsibilities like designing, coding, peer review, testing, debugging and supporting the web application in all areas
  • Actively involved in team status meetings and discussions on project status.
  • Worked on investigating outstanding issues in Production and Test Environments of application by analyzing root causes and possible resolution steps.
  • Designed Game plans for the steps and time frames to be followed during production deployment of application.

Environment: Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2012/2008 R2, .Net framework 4.6.1,VB.NET,C #.NET,WCF, ASMX Web Services, RESTAPI, MVC, SOAP, JSON,Anjular jsEntity Frame Work,SSIS, XML, IIS 7.0,SOAP UI, JMETER, IBM DB2 Server Runtime Client,MSMQ.

Confidential, Wilmington, DE

Sr.Net Developer


  • Involved in the complete SDLC (Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Production).
  • Used Agile Scrum methodology in SDLC.
  • Responsible for designing user Interface Applications using Angular JS.
  • Extensively used ADO .NET features like Data Set, Data View and Data Adapter.
  • Added JQuery for UI, Validation and Ajax submission.
  • Write JavaScript Code for client side validations.
  • Followed MVC Design Patterns for Application Development.
  • Creating and managing WCF platform for Web middle tier and back end call to Services.
  • Designed partial views in MVC applications to integrate them to main view according to the requirements and used shared views commonly in different Webpages.
  • Extensively worked on Consuming, Calling, Transmitting and Processing Web Services and WCF services.
  • Utilized the TFS source control software to keep track of new and past versions of code written in my application.
  • Designed and implemented XML Web services
  • Worked on creating Restful Services using Web API and C# to provide services to HTTP requests.
  • Implemented various client side validations using JQuery and AngularJS, ASP.NET MVC Validation implemented at Controller level using Data Annotations.
  • Used Entity Framework and LINQ to access the database so the user could create, edit, display, and delete data from the application's UI.
  • Used Result Filters for logging operations performed after Action Result and used Exception Filters for returning errors to the view in MVC.
  • Involved in writing complex SQL Statements and Stored Procedures, Indexes to validate data and ensure system integrity and security.
  • Created T-SQL Queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions and Views in SQL Server
  • Optimized queries to improve the performance of application.

Environment: C#.Net Framework 3.5/4.0/4.5, ASP.NET, VB.Net, Visual Studio 2015/2013/2012 , MVC 5.0,WCF, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, XML, LINQ, Ajax, AngularJS,NodeJs, SQL Server 2012, SSIS, SSRS, TFS, Entity Framework, Web Services, WebForms, IIS.

Confidential, San Diego, CA

Dot Net Developer


  • Designing and development of web forms of the e-Clearinghouse using ASP.NET Web and custom controls.
  • Involved in analysis, Design and coding for the Windows based Intranet application.
  • Implemented SOA using Microsoft web services.
  • Created View models and wrote client side validations using JQuery.
  • Worked on the enhancement of the application focusing majorly on ASP.NET, JavaScript, JQuery based on the requirements from the business.
  • Used JIRA software to develop projects and to track bugs and regressions.
  • Leading the team for successful implementation of this application in a timely manner.
  • Developed Server side programming and GUI using C#, ASP.NET.
  • Used performance-tuning techniques to reduce garbage collection times with the help of CLR profiling.
  • Designed and developed application in a MVC design pattern that converts database views to hierarchical XML documents which are then streamed to the ASP presentation layer.
  • Responsible for designing ASP.NET application authentication using .NET framework, model view controller MVC4, and IIS security model.
  • Modifications were made to the existing GUI using WPF for better look and feel.
  • Developed runtime animations using MS Silverlight and WPF. Used threading for operation to insert record simultaneously.
  • Development of MVVC based web applications on NodeJS, knockoutJS, Javascript and socket programming
  • Implemented a single page MVC based web application and connecting the unreal engine application at the remote server using javascript, knockoutJS, socketIO.
  • Performed Unit testing to ensure the application functioned as per the design and requirement.
  • Designed and Developed Web forms using ASP.NET, XML and XSL.
  • Creating applications using VB.NET and enhancing projects for .NET applications
  • Used ASP.NET Server Controls and HTML, DHTML controls to design the web pages.
  • Used ADO.NET Object Model to Interact with SQL Server Database using C#.
  • Designed and developed application in a MVC design pattern that converts database views to hierarchical XML documents which are then streamed to the ASP presentation layer using ASP.NET.
  • Developed the SQL Server Stored Procedures, Views and User-Defined Functions that are required for the application in MS SQL Server 2008R2.

Environment: Visual Studio, .NET Framework 3.0, IIS, SQL Server 2008 R2, WCF, MS SQL Server Management Studio 2008, MS Source Safe, Entity Framework, Database, ADO.NET, Windows Server 2008, HTML, XML, XSLT, AJAX, BizTalk 2010, WSB, XSLT, SharePoint, TFS, Agile Methodology, Smart Client Technology.

Confidential, Houston, TX

Dot Net Developer


  • Designed and developed rich and enhanced web pages using MVC, C#, Entity Framework, JSON, HTML 5, CSS3, jQuery and JavaScript.
  • Application integration and automation using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) web service.
  • Used MVC framework for developing the application as it will distribute the development in Model, Views and Controllers and also it supports stateless development.
  • Implemented .NET classes for Business Logic Layer using C# and used Entity Framework to implement data access layer.
  • Written SQL Queries for indexes, triggers, functions and stored procedures.
  • Migrated our services tier and security model from ASMX web services to WCF services.
  • Implemented Web services and WCF (SOA) for the communication between client and server using SOAP.
  • Hands on experience on implementing AJAX functionalities for partial page rendering through JSON.
  • Designed and developed web application using Microsoft..NET technologies, Web layer with ASP.NET and business layer with C#, Data access layer with ADO.NET entity framework advanced functionality and Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
  • Worked on Code First approach for the MVC and Entity Framework for designing the models.
  • Used Generics extensively in C# and ASP.NET Menu Controls and Tab controls.
  • Created and Modified Stored Procedures in SQL Server 2012.
  • Used LINQ to build set of operations, parameters and expressions (Binary, Unary, Lambda) during execution (aimed at "Querying") a set of data from SQL Server.
  • Experience in creating Stored Procedures, Triggers, and Views using T-SQL.
  • Identifying UI and data elements using Functional specification and creating technical documents.
  • Fixed number of defects during implementation and debugged the application within the deadlines.
  • Involved in SDLC of application developed using agile methodology.

Environment: .NET Framework 4, ASP.NET 4.0, ADO.NET, C#, Visual Studio 2010, Team Foundation Server(TFS), MVC 4.0, WCF, SOA, SOAP, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, DHTML, XML, XSL, XSLT, CSS, IIS, MS-SQL Server2012, LINQ, SQL /T-SQL, NUnit, Windows XP/2010.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Dot Net Developer


  • Interacting with client for requirements, discussing the feasibility of requirements, designing the layout of web pages, Architecture and participating in the development.
  • Involved in designing, trading and documentation of application flows and developed functional diagrams using Visio, worked on presentation layer for developing GUI and developed various Web forms using ASP.Net MVC.
  • The integrated environment Visual Studio.NET 2015 was used for developing the complete application based on the MVC pattern. Developed the application as a three-tier application with UI in the presentation layer, Business logic in the middle layer using C# and Database activity in the backend.
  • Developed ASP.Net Custom controls and User Controls
  • Involved in Developing Master Pages using CSS and for providing uniformity among the pages using ASP.NET MVC.
  • Worked on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for developing application.
  • Worked with ASP.NET Web Forms, Web Services, and State Management, Caching features, configuring optimizations and securing the web application.
  • Developed Web Services and invoking them by using XML, SOAP and WSDL tool for creating proxy classes.
  • Used Web Services (SOAP, WSDL) for communicating with other application and components.
  • Worked on AJAX frame work for interactive web application and used Microsoft ADO.NET to access data from database in them.
  • Extensively used the LINQ feature in .NET 4.0 for querying collections and integrating with SQL.
  • Used SQL server 2014 for writing Stored Procedures, Views and Triggers.
  • Developed web pages with data bound controls like Data Grid, Data List and Data Repeater using the methods Data Binding and Data Templating.
  • Designed large numbers of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Window Forms, Custom Controls and User Controls using XAML language for UI and Dynamic Web Parts for personalized content which allows Change, Edit, Move the content on pages as per users' own choice. Used WPF built-in set of data controls to bind and manipulate data within applications.
  • Extensively used Report Wizard, Report Builder and Report Manager for developing reports and deploying reports in SSRS.
  • Client and server side validations using JavaScript and Validation Controls and performing the tasks related Database issues.
  • Experienced in Software Configuration Management, setting up company Version policies utilizing Team Foundation Server TFS
  • Consumed WCF services to get the Customer Information from different legacy applications.
  • Implemented Javascript and Jquery script to implement UI validations with Angular JS for the Client side.

Environment: ASP.Net, Visual Studio 2015, ADO.Net, CNet, Linq, JQuery, IIS V.7, CSS, WPF, AJAX Controls, WCF, Web Services, HTML5, XML, XSLT, SOA, ASP.NET MVC 4, MVVM, SQL Server 2014, SSRS, XAML, Javascript, Angular JS.

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