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Sr. Fullstack .net Developer Resume

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Plano, TX


  • Around 6 years of experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Debugging and developingmulti - tieredsystems and distributed architectures using .NET related technologies such as C#, ASP.Net, VB.NET, ADO.Net, AJAX, Telerik Ajax, JQuery, JavaScript, WCF, SOAP and XML Web Services.
  • Experience in Development methodologies like Agile/ SCRUM, Iterative, and Waterfall models.
  • Strong technical expertise in using Entity Framework, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, ADO.NET, C, C++, C#, C#.NET, VB.NET, TelerikMVCKendocontrols,Angular.js, Node.js, Knockout.js, React.js, WCF, WPF, Win Forms, Web Forms, VBScript, JQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, Razor views, WAS, IIS, Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF), Web Parts, Custom Controls, NOSQL,SQLQuires, VB6.0, ADO, COM+, Web Services(SOAP, WSDL), CSS3, HTML5, XML, Crystal Reports and Web Patterns, Shell scripting (Bash/ Korn).
  • Experience in building Web services using ASP.NET Web API and performing CRUD operations using REST API.
  • Experience with ASP .NET MVC, creating View Models, Partial Views, applied Dependency Injection using NInject/Unity Container, Action Filters, Validations, Data Annotation, Custom model Binder and Routing, using Razor view with HTML halpers and AJAX halpers.
  • Expertise in implementing Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA & OOD) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methodologies.
  • Experienced in a fast-paced agile developmentincluding Scrum, Test Driven Development (TDD). Excellent written, analytical skills, verbal communication skills with a customer service oriented attitude and worked with the offshore team as onsite coordinator to provide the update on the daily basis.
  • Extensive experience in using Build Automation using deployment tools like Octopus,TeamCity, MS Build and Continuous Integration concepts by using tools like ANT, Visual Studio, Cruise Control.
  • Hands on experience in design using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles and Design patterns like Abstract factory, Singleton, Object pool a standard solution to common problems in software design.
  • ImplementedSolr, Elastic search engines for multiple websites.
  • Strong abilities in XML, XSLT, IIS 10.0, WSDL, UDDI, CLR, XML Web service,Securityin ASP.Net.
  • Developed service oriented architecture solutions (SOA andMicroservices) using Restful APIs.
  • Experience in developing Self Host Services by using MicrosoftOWIN.
  • Integrated MS DynamicsCRM2016 online with Azure Logic Apps, Web Jobs.
  • Working experience on the frontend using AngularJS,Angular2 and Kendo UI.
  • Expertise noledge on HTML5, XHTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap, VBScript, COM, DCOM,Classic ASPapplications, XML, XSLT, CSS3.
  • Experience in complete Systems Development Methodology (SDM) including requirement gathering, Analysis, Design, Deployment, Implementation, Testing, Supporting of n- tier client/server and web applications using .Net Framework.
  • Experience in using Angular.js to test views and to do end to end unit testing by using Continuous Integration/ContinuousDeployment(CI/CD)
  • Knowledge in creating rich content Web Forms, WCF and Restfulservices.
  • Implemented MVVM pattern in WPF Applications using PRISM framework.
  • Experience on version control systems Tortoise SVN, GitHub, Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Source Safe (VSS).
  • Created Entity classes, relationships between entity classes using LINQ to Entities, and LINQ to SQL, Oracle PL/SQL and Enterprise Library to manage relational data as objects.
  • Experience in development of GUI using Javascript, React.js,Redux, ES6, CSS3, HTML5, AJAX, JSON, and JQuery.
  • Worked on N-Tier Architectures like MVC (Model View Controller), MVVM (Model View, View Model) design patterns on the applications.
  • Experience in developing WebAPIControllers (WebAPI2) in ASP.NET MVC 5 to build, maintainRestfulAPI's.
  • Experience in Custom, Tabular, Matrix and distributed reports in multiple formats using Crystal Reports, MSSQLServerReporting Servicesand SQL Server Services (SSIS, SSRS).
  • Experience in creating SPA (Single page Applications) based on client side JavaScript frameworkAngular1.5/2 employing MVC, MVVM and Web API.
  • Created UI mockups using wireframe tools like Mockingbird.io, Pencil and Entity Relation (ER) diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
  • Strong noledge ofWebAccessibility, State Management, Caching, Enterprise Application Blocks and Security.
  • Extensive experience in creating tables usingPL/SQL,Oracle, reporting solutions like Crystal, RDLC reports.
  • Hands on Experience in databases such as MYSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle PL/SQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB(NoSQL).
  • Has strong experience and understanding in .Net framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.6, 4.6.2 features for designing and developing new application using WCF, NHibernate, GIT and WPF.


Sr. Fullstack .Net Developer

Confidential, Plano, TX


  • Configured the application to meet client's requirements using the Microsoft DynamicsCRM Customization Tool, Workflow Tool.
  • Involved in the complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance using agile methodology with daily scrums, paired programming using Test Driven Development (TDD) andcontinuousintegration.
  • Written custom Microsoft DynamicsCRMplug-ins and created custom workflows.
  • Designed the web UI using ASP.NET, HTML, DHTML, JQuery, Angular.js, Node.js, Ember.js, JavaScript, JSON, CSS, XSL, Web Forms and AJAX controls.
  • Created and developed UI components within single page application (SPA), by using ES6, React.js,Reduxstore and SQL Server 2014.
  • Worked with upgrading application from .Net Frame Work 4.6 running on Visual Studio 2015 to Frame Work 4.6.2 on Visual Studio 2017.
  • Design and development of responsive web design using HTML, ASP.NET, CSS, Bootstrapand Angular.js.
  • Developed GUI using ASP.NETWeb Forms with AJAX controls.
  • Used C# 6.0 and Win forms to collect data from different APIs usingmulti threadingand asynchronous operations.
  • Incorporated accounting systems (QuickBooks) into Microsoft 3.0CRM.
  • Implemented multi-level routing for navigation and made use ofECMAScriptArrow functions in Angular 2 Application.
  • Using JavaScript to create different client-side functions dat greatly decreased processing time and resource consumption.
  • Creation & maintenance of privateNuGetservers in order to createNuGetpackages.
  • Used Log4Net to handle auditing, error logging, and performance measures.
  • Used Team Foundation Server for the version control, branching andMSbuild.
  • Experience in using Language-Integrated Query (LINQ to Objects, LINQ to XML, and LINQ to SQL) and retrieve data from different data sources.
  • Implementing Entity Framework, LINQ to Entities and LINQ to Sql for connecting the Database and perform all the database transactions.
  • Worked onNuGetpacket Manager for consuming all the packages and TEMPeffective using of Entities.
  • Subscribe SQL Server Azure Cloud Services. Create Database(s) on SQL AZURE and Setting up SQL Azure Firewall.
  • Implemented applications using ASP.NET 4.6, C# 7.0, WCF, WPF,Restfulservices, XML, JSON, XAML, storage explorer and SQL Server 2016.
  • Developed the reports and analysis using Crystal Reports, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) with the .net environment.
  • Wrote LINQ scripts along with Lambda Expressions and Entity Framework to access data in SQL Server2016 andMongoDB.
  • Developed database objects such as tables, views and user defined functions and triggers using SQL Server Management Studio.
  • DevelopedSecuritymodule implementedITSecurityFeatures using ASP.Net Login Controls, Personalization,, authentication and authorization using ASP.Net.
  • Developed a Restful Web Service for integration with a web Service using JSON Serialization and De-Serialization responsible for communicating and providing real time data from integrated server to Client Application.
  • Working on extensive code review and debugging to resolve the performance issues likememory usage, network traffic, application loading and populating the images on the pages.
  • Used Mongoose API in order to access theMongoDBfrom Node.js.
  • Developed PL/SQL triggers and master tables for automatic creation of primary keys.
  • Worked on SOAP andRestfulServices using WEB API which return JSON data
  • Created UI controls in XAML pages using WPF.
  • Extensive development using ASP.Net, C# 4.0 using Web Applications andOOPsConcepts.
  • Solid experience in developing client-side JavaScript framework usingKnockout.js employing ASP.NET MVC and Web API.
  • Created unit testing cases using Karma-Jasmine where each test case is written in a user friendly Jasmine language using simple describe, it, Expect, before each and after each block's and performed continuous integration and continuous deployments usingTeamCity.
  • Developed ASP.Net, Web API controllers dat involved in implementation of service layer, data object layer components and provided security usingOWINauthorization.
  • Used ASP.NETCore MVC 1.0 framework to support the use of Dependency Injection toinjectobjects into a class, instead of relying on the class to create the object itself
  • Develop dynamic UI with HTML5, Bootstrap, CSS, usingTelerikMVCKendoUI for creating dynamic grid.
  • Implemented and exposed theMicroservicesbased on Restful API utilizing JAX-RS.
  • Developed web application using Mongo DB,Meteor.js, Angular.js, Git, JIRA, and Shell Scripts.
  • CreatingMSIand deployment of Application in Test and Production Server. Extensive use of Visual Source Safe (VSS).
  • Deployed application into Azure Server by creating Azure SQL server by setting upContinuous Integration (CI)/ContinuousDeployment (CD) from Team Foundation Server (TFS).
  • Expert in designing XAMLmockupsusing of Expression Blend/Design and VisualStudio.NET.
  • Used Microsoft patterns & practices recommendedPRISMframework with features such as regions, modules, event aggregators, delegate commands in implementing (MVVM) Model-View-View Model design pattern to develop RIA rich user interface (UI) WPF and Silverlight application.
  • Proficient in generatingReports, subreportsand drill downreportsusing SSRS and CrystalReports.
  • Developed Responsive Web pages dat are rich in user interactive using React.js, HTML5, and CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Animate, GIT, and JSON.
  • Worked with Octopus to deploy the projects to DEV/UAT Servers. Deployed the IIS application.
  • Worked with Azure service fabric leading to easy publishing of reliableMicroservices.
  • Integrated GitHub into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process.
  • Worked on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services to communicate between the processes via SOAP XML messages and also worked on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Worked extensively on T-SQL quires and Joins and worked on Performance tuning the Database.
  • Maintaining build versions and code versions using Team Foundation Server (TFS).
  • Performing Unit Testing using Nunit which is a derivative of Testing Framework.

Environment: .NET4.0/4.5.1, .NETFramework 4.6.2/4.6, MS Visual Studio 2017, WCF, WPF, Entity Framework core 1.0, Kendo UI, Bootstrap, ASP.NET4.6, ASP.NETCore MVC 1.0, ADO.NET, Web API 2.2, C# 7.0/6.0, PRISM, UML, NUNIT, XHTML, CSS3, XML, SSRS, SSIS, MVVM, MSMQ, Knockout V3.4.1, JQuery, AgileSDM, AJAX, SOAP, GIT, Angular2, Angular.js, Ember.js, Node.js, React.js, TeamCity, MS Build, LINQ, Team Foundation Server (TFS), SQL Server 2016, Oracle 11i, IIS 7.0, HTML5, Jasmine, Karma, MS SQL Server, T-SQL Win Forms, Apex Language, Visual force Pages, Web Forms.

.NET/UI Developer

Confidential, Overland Park, KS


  • Followed Agile and Scrum methodology forcontinuousintegration &continuousdeliverywith regular small releases.
  • Designed Application architecture for Process Flow,Securityand Error Handling.
  • Designed and developed WebPages using ASP.NET, VB.Net, HTML5, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, CSS and server control.
  • Developed and enhanced Master Pages, User Controls, Custom Controls, and User Interface by using HTML5, CSS3, ASP.NETControls along with Bootstrap Framework, Telerik MVC Kendo UI Controls.
  • Developed Web forms for registration, to update the policy installment pages and application logic in ASP.NET, .NETMVC 4.5.
  • Designed and developed application logging usingLog4netlogging framework, created custom appended to save log information in database.
  • Used Microsoft Exception Handling Block Component to handle errors and worked on .NETsecurity features such Authentication & Authorization, Authorizing Users, Roles and User Account Impersonation.
  • Bind two data from MONGODB, NoSQL database to UImeteormodules.
  • Created Web HTTP binding to make WCF rest services to improve the performance.
  • Developed REST based services, MVVM Web application using Knockout.js, require.js, bootstrap.css, Web API 2.0.
  • Implemented Restful services based on SOA andMicroservicesarchitecture patterns using ASP.NET Web API.
  • Used Team foundation server (TFS) as source control repository for code version on CI/CD.
  • Used N-Injectdependency injection library to initialize the objects andinjectthe services to them.
  • Implemented Web Application using MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture with extensivemulti threadingto allow a responsive and elegant UI.
  • DevelopedrestfulServices using WEB API to expose business logic.
  • Designed and developed user interfaces using VB.NET and ASP.NET.
  • Developed user interface by using the React.js,Fluxfor SPA development and implemented client side Interface using React.js.
  • Responsible to Create TFS (Team Foundation Server) Projects, Work Items, and Versioning, Automation ofbuildprocess using TFS API, TFSBuild, andMSBuildtools.
  • Designed and Consumed XML Webservices usingMicroservices.
  • Used theOWINmiddleware for logging the HTTP Request and Response.
  • Created Server Side of application for project management using Node.js and MongoDB
  • Involved in consumingRestfulservices using Angular.js, https services.
  • Designed theWinForm UI screens using WPF and XAML.
  • Developed ASP.NET WEB API 2.0 to allow the Angular.js application handle with HTTP requests like get, post, put, delete when the user request fired for displaying or manipulating of the data.
  • Used ADO.NET, LINQ in connecting to Data Access management with SQL Server.
  • Used Knockout.js for Automatic UI refreshing and for native template.
  • Developed test pages for different flows of application using Angular.js, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, AJAX and JSON.
  • Implemented a code branching strategy to allow for continuous development and reproducible production deployments using TeamCity and Octopus Deploy.
  • Actively assisted the development team, allowing them to build a pipeline forcontinuousdelivery, fostering the programming, Test Driven Development (TDD), andcontinuousintegration.
  • Created amulti threadingprogram to pull data in parallel, sources including restful API.
  • Re-engineering VB6 import utility into WPF XAML frond end.
  • Used JavaScript and JavaScript libraries Angular.js and Implemented Angular.js Controllers to maintain each view data. Implemented Angular Service calls using Angular Factory.
  • Implemented AJAX Asynchronous and Asynchronous calls.
  • Involved in Implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and used WCF to expose business logic as services and consumed those services. Defined service contracts, implemented service contracts etc.
  • Worked onSOLRsearch engine for indexing and searching the contents of a Web site.
  • Created several Stored Procedures,SSISpackages, SQL Jobs, Functions and Views in T-SQL
  • Developed client side validation code using Typescript, JQuery and ES5.
  • Migrate legacy applications from .Net 4.6 to .Net 4.6.1 Framework.
  • Migrated applications from VB6 to VB.Net.
  • DevelopedWinformscustomized properties of a .NET application from XML Config file.
  • Created Crystal reports in SQL server 2012 by using prior features.
  • Involved in developing the deployment scripts in power shell and creating deployment packages for Share Point 2013.
  • Developed program to automatically create Jasmine/Karma test scripts for Angular controllers.
  • Designed new WPF application using MVVM and Repository pattern, from design to completion using PRISM Principles
  • GUI was developed using JQUERY with Java script, JSON, LINQ, CSS3, XAML and ASP.NET MVC 6, Web APIs, angular.js.
  • Set up the Application Deployment on Staging and Integration servers usingJenkins.
  • Using HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery, and Knockout for developing MVVM web pages.
  • Consumed Web services using WCF and WPF for online transactions using VB.NET and exposed them through SOAP and HTTP.
  • Used Visual Source Safe (VSS) for the Code integrity and source code management.
  • Developed application using ASP.NET MVC 6, HTML5, AJAX, SQL Server 2014/2012 from new development and VB6 Applications and Cobol Applications.
  • Experience in managing and setting up continuous tools like Jenkins.
  • Used GIT for source code management, VB.Netcode as a code behind for all the web pages.
  • Worked in generating reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) with good noledge of SQL Server Integrated Services (SSIS).
  • Created web API's in MVC 6 and usedelasticsearch to query.
  • Extensively worked with Team Foundation Server (TFS) for version control.
  • Used LINQ to SQL extensively for extracting data from the database using Entity framework.
  • Developed loosely coupled application using WPF, MVVM pattern, LINQ, dependency Injection container Unity Container, NHibernate.
  • Efficiently handled periodic exporting of SQL data into Elastic search.
  • UsedPRISM, Unity to Create Multiple independent modules so dat to decouple them, register the modules and communicate between them using the Event Aggregator, Commands and Composite Event.

Environment: .NET Framework 4.6.1/4.6, Entity Framework 6.0, ASP.NET MVC 6, WEB API 2.0, Share Point 2013, VB6, VB.Net, AgileSDM, MS Visual Studio 2015, Crystal Reports, Bootstrap, TeamCity, Octopus Deploy, MSBuild, TFS API, TFSBuild, HTML5, XML, XSLT, SQL Server 2014, AJAX, Angular.js, Knockout V3.2.0, T-SQL, Dynamic SQL, Win Forms, Web Forms, JQuery, SSRS, SSIS, PL /SQL, Team Foundation Server (TFS), WiX, UML, XHTML, CSS3, MVVM, React.js, Jasmine, Karma, NHibernate, SOAP & HTTP, Jenkins, PRISM, WPF, Typescript.

.Net Developer

Confidential, Chicago, IL


  • Developing the UI layer using ASP.NET 4 and JavaScript Library, CSS HTML, CSS, XML, UML, XSL, jQuery and communicate to business layer using Windows Communication Foundation technology(WCF).
  • Used AJAX control tool kit controls to minimize post backs to the server and enhance user experience.
  • Used .NET master pages, themes, Validation controls, Content place holders, CSS and Web Forms for UI development.
  • Participated in architectural discussions and developed application software using proven agile development practices including Test Driven Development (TDD) andContinuousIntegration.
  • Involved in Design, Development and Testing of Web Forms and Web Services using IIS, ASP.NET, .NETFramework.
  • Usedmultithreadingandmultiprocessing to improve the performance
  • CreatedRestfulservices using ASP.NET Web API to expose the analytics data to the clients.
  • Created and Consumed WCF Services within the network also deployed WCF using ASP.NET,Restfulservices and XML for Pulling Customer Service Records.
  • Used ADO.NET for database connectivity and populated back-end data using SQL Server 2010.
  • Involved in IIS migration. From IIS 5.0 / 6.0 to IIS 6.0 / 7.0.
  • Actively involved in coding and designing ASP.NET Master Pages, Themes, and Skins.
  • During the construction phase ofWinforms, Implemented User Interface for Windows versions of the application using WindowsForms, C# 5.0 and InfragisticsWinformsControls like Tree, Tab Panel, Outlook Layout Panel, Toolbars and Context Menu controls.
  • Implemented various Custom Generic Classes using C#. Used LINQ Expressions to query the data from different object collections using C#.
  • Implementation of the Business logic layer forMongoDBServices.
  • Used LINQ to retrieve information from the XML data files and various data sources.
  • Developed User Controls and Custom Controls Standard Library for the Client Control Repository.
  • Used XSLT and XML Gen for iterating through the XML object and for generating XML.
  • To build, deploy and configure existing code on Team Foundation Server (TFS) to non -Production and Production environments.
  • Data migration from MYSQL to SQL Server with the halp ofSSISand Data Factory.
  • Experience in writing Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views, DTS packages & SSIS packages onMS SQLServer2012.
  • Involved in Development using WPF,PRISMFramework, WF rule engine, LINQ and SQL server.
  • Wrote invoicing systems in C#, PL/SQL, ASP.NET,ActiveReportsand CrystalReports.
  • Involved in creation of reports using SSRS.
  • Validated the XML files against custom Data Contract objects.
  • Developed application using Web API, Entity Framework, OAuth /OWINMiddleware with SQL Server as backend.
  • Modified n- layered applications which constitute Presentation Layer, Business Logic Layer and Data Access Layer as per the business requirements.
  • Developed the WPF application in PRISM framework, thus creating loosely coupled components for the application.
  • UsedMulti threading, coded Interface, Abstract classes and used Nunit for Unit testing
  • Created Complex Stored Procedures for retrieving the data from the SQL Server database to fill the Business Objects.
  • Performed n-Unit testing for different modules in the application to ensure a bug-free code in to Production.

Environment: .Netframework 4.5/4.5.2, Silverlight 5.0, ASP.NET4.5.2, C# 5.0, WCF, PRISM, SQL Server 2012, T-SQL, Win Forms, Web Forms, ADO.Net, HTML5, XML, JavaScript, Knockout V3.1.0, Windows Server 2008, IIS 7.0, MS Visual Studio 2013, Web API 2.0, Team Foundation Server (TFS), UML, XHTML, CSS3, SSRS, SSIS, AJAX, SOAP and RESTFUL API.

Software Developer



  • Analyzing and reviewing the business requirements, design document, use cases and functional requirements document.
  • Followed Agile Methodologies and Test Driven Development (TDD).
  • Used VB.NET to work on this n-tier architecture with a business layer, a data layer and a presentation layer.
  • Developed application using the WCF,RestfulWeb Services for getting good responsive to the application from all modules of utilization.
  • Used ADO.NET for data interaction between the web application and the Database using Data reader, Datasets, and Data Adapters controls.
  • CreatedSSISpackages which created Excel files out of data in the database and emailed to clients.
  • Provided database connectivity using ADO.NET and created procedures, Indexes and Triggers usingMSSQLServer2008.
  • Designing and Implementing Interfaces and Classes using Object Oriented Programming Structure and Design Patterns. Developed application using ASP.NET MVC, HTML3, AJAX, SQL Server 2005/2008 from new development.
  • Developed ASP.Net Web service, Web Application and Windows application using VB.NET in .Net framework.
  • DevelopedRIA(Rich Interface Application) using Silverlight 2.0.
  • Client side validations using JQuery Library.
  • Used LINQ for querying DB objects.
  • Designed and developed various abstract classes, classes to construct the business logic using VB.NET, ADO.NET.
  • Developed Application inmulti threadingEnvironment.
  • CreatedSSISpackages to extract data from different Databases
  • Used Entity framework for Database mapping.
  • Used XML for transferring and retrieving data.
  • Used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to maintain design consistency across all Web Forms.
  • Developed complex SQL queries using various joins and developed various dynamic SQL.
  • Developed SQL Packages, Procedures and Functions accordance with Business Requirements.

Environment: ASP.NET, ADO.NET, SQL Server 2008 R2, MS Visual Studio 2012, Entity framework 5.0, ASP.NET MVC 4, T-SQL, HTML3, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS2, Win Forms, Web Forms, Visual Source Safe (VSS), LINQ, JQuery, Razor View, JavaScript, XML, AJAX, MSSQLServer2008, RIA, Silverlight 2.0.

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