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Sr.net Developer Resume Profile

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  • Around 8 years of professional experience in all stages of the SDLC Software Development Life Cycle involving studying of the user requirements analyzing designing implementation testing deployment documentation and maintaining of various stand-alone intranet client-server and web-based projects with exposure to various business domains.
  • Excellent working knowledge of industry advanced technologies like ASP.NET VB.NET C .NET ADO.NET IIS 7.0/6.0 Reporting Tools JavaScript JQuery web controls XML XAML AJAX Framework 3.5 CSLA and awareness and strong understanding of WCF LINQ.
  • Experience with OOP/OOD Object Oriented Programming and Design like Inheritance Polymorphism and Design patterns like Abstract factory Singleton MVC Object pool a standard solution to common problems in software design Patterns in 3-Tier N-Tier and Service-oriented architecture SOA applications.
  • Extensive experience of designing and developing software applications with Microsoft Visual studio and .NET Framework using C ASP.NET and VB.NET.
  • Extensively worked with business analysis and requirements in Agile Methodologies such as SCRUM Test Driven Methodologies.
  • Extensive experience in web application using HTML5 HTML XHTML DHTML CSS Themes Skins Master Pages JavaScript VBScript and AJAX.NET.
  • Strong abilities in Database Programming using RDBMS databases like SQL Server 2012/2008/2005/2000 Oracle 9i/10g and MS Access.
  • Extensively worked on writing Stored Procedures Triggers Functions Views and Database Design.
  • Experience in using Language-Integrated Query LINQ query and retrieve data from different data sources LINQ to Objects LINQ to XML and LINQ to SQL .
  • Good command over Query Optimization using SQL Server Query Execution Plan Analysis.
  • Experience on working with Windows Communication Foundation WCF .
  • Understanding and implementation of Silverlight with rich graphics user interaction.
  • Experience with Data Accessing including using DataAdapter DataReader and DataSet in ADO.NET and LINQ Language Integrated Query Providers for data manipulation.
  • Experience in manipulating XML Converting Data between ADO.NET and XML and Proven Knowledge in DTD Schema XSL XSLT XPath XQuery and LINQ.
  • Experience in .NET security features such as Authentication Windows-based Authentication Forms-based Authentication and Authorization Authorizing Users and Roles
  • Good Team Player with excellent communication analytical verbal and writing skills along with strong management organizational and mentoring skills.
  • Proven Ability to lead and manage complete project life cycles from initial planning/requirements gathering to final testing and deployment.




.NET Technologies

.NET Framework 4.5/3.5/3.0/2.0/1.1 Web Forms Web Service ASP.NET ADO.NET WCF LINQ AJAX ASP 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5 Silverlight SOAP.

Web Technologies

HTML5 HTML DHTML XHTML XML CSS Java Script VB Script jQuery.


SQL Server 2012/2008/2005/2000 Oracle 9i/10g MS Access

Development Tools

Visual Studio 2012/2008/2005/2003 MS Project.

Visual Modeling and Design Tools

Rational Software Modeler Microsoft Visio 2003/2007.


ADO.NET 1.1/2.0/3.0 ADO 2.5/2.7 ORM.

Web Servers

Internet Information Server IIS 7.0/6.0

Version Controller

Visual Source Safe 6.0 IBM Rational Clear Case SVN GIT

Operating Systems

Various versions of windows


Toad Rational Clear Quest Lotus Notes MS Office Bugnet



Role Sr .Net Developer

Key Job Responsibilities

  • Involved in gathering the requirements analysis design development phases of the application.
  • Designed developed and enhanced the application using .net framework 4.0 and visual studio.
  • Used Waterfall methodology and Software development Methodology.
  • Used C .NET and ADO.NET to define and implement Business Logic Layer and Data Access Layer.
  • Experienced in Developing and Enhancing Web forms Master Pages User Controls and Custom Controls by using HTML CSS and Asp.Net Controls.
  • Implemented Server and Client side validations using ASP.NET validation controls and JavaScript.
  • Implemented client and server side State Management.
  • Development of various reports by pulling data from various sources using SQL Server Reporting Services SSRS .
  • Used Entity Frame work and LINQ for retrieval of data from the SQL Server Database using connected/disconnected architectures.
  • Developed stored procedures Functions and Triggers in the SQL Server database 2012 for implementing backend business logic.
  • Involved in Testing Debugging Tracing the application for errors.
  • Used Visual Source Safe VSS for all the source code control among the whole team members.
  • Used Team Foundation Server TFS for Version Control Team build Project Management Data Collection and Reporting.
  • Designed and developed several SQL Server stored procedures functions and triggers for all DML functionality of the application.
  • Extensively worked with Forms Authentication and successfully implemented login mechanism for different levels and roles of users.
  • Worked on calling web methods server side from client side using Ajax page methods of script manager control.
  • Made extensive use of the Data grid objects to showcase the data and also for the user to be able to edit data.
  • Implemented LINQ to perform optimized database operations.
  • Enhanced the applications performance by constantly monitoring the queries by running Execution plans and query optimization techniques in SQL server.
  • Worked with testing team to fix the bugs as part of bug life cycle and Production support
  • Involved in the Unit and Integration testing.

Environment ASP.Net 4.5 C .Net HTML CSS XML AJAX ADO.NET WCF JavaScript VSS SQL Server 2012 SSRS IIS Team Foundation Sever Visual Studio 2012


Role Sr .Net Developer

Key Job Responsibilities

  • Involved in gathering the requirements and defined the business rules to user requirements in SDLC.
  • Implemented the design of functionality through use cases business process flows UI design and UML modeling.
  • Integrated UI and Business Logic Layer using ASP.NET Controls JavaScript CSS Web Forms and AJAX controls.
  • Created a master page for consistency of UI and ease of maintenance.
  • Changed and modified DataGrid Controls to generate responses based on client requests.
  • Created core server controls such as Dropdown List Checkbox List GridView and other advanced controls such as calendar control.
  • Implemented ASP.NET Data Bound Controls in UI.
  • Developed the applications by working on JavaScript CSS and JQuery.
  • Extensive use of delegates and events.
  • Worked on creating services using WCF and Consumed WCF services to import and use data.
  • Worked on validating web forms using custom and inbuilt validation facilities in .NET environment.
  • Handled run time and execution time errors by implementing appropriate Error Handlers.
  • Configured global.asax and web.config for setting the Application and Session variables.
  • Involved in Code Review to ensure project/Organization standards are followed and for redundant code.
  • Involved with writing SQL scripts and procedure.
  • Used Visual SourceSafe for source version control
  • Tracking defects using tool Bugnet.

Environment C ASP.NET HTML .NET Framework 3.5 SQL Server 2008 IIS Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 LINQ CSS WCF JavaScript.


Role .Net Developer

Key Job Responsibilities

  • Involved in all phases of SDLC.
  • Interacted with business managers and translate their requirements business rules into technical requirements
  • Developed front-end screens implementing client business rules coding of application logic in ASP.NET C utilizing the power of Microsoft .NET Framework.
  • Worked on Web Forms web services applications state Management configuring optimizations and securing web application of ASP.NET.
  • Experience in implementing customizing and debugging the web parts and workflows.
  • Developed Visual web parts and Application Pages using Visual Studio.
  • Developed role based user access to the application
  • Implemented client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Generated the common layout of the website with help of Master Pages and CSS.
  • Created XML based pages to load the navigation controls and to load the filter items.
  • Widely used SQL Server 2005 for creating Tables Views Triggers and Stored Procedures.
  • Extensively used of the ADO.NET objects such as Data grids Data Tables Data Readers and Datasets for data retrieval and manipulations.
  • Extensively used Application and page level tracing feature of .Net to trace and debug the code
  • Deployment of Application on Test and Production Server.
  • Handled many production issues and enhancement to the existing live portals

Environment C .NET ASP.NET 3.0 HTML JavaScript AJAX CSS XML Visual Studio 2008 SOAP SQL Server 2005


Role Assistant Systems Engineer

Key Job Responsibilities

  • Participated in complete project development life cycle.
  • Implemented Control Flow architecture to improve the application modularity re-usability and scalability.
  • Extensively used .NET server controls like the Data grid and Data list controls for data access with various ADO.NET components like the Data Adapter Data Reader Dataset and Data Table.
  • Working with ASP.NET Master Pages that were common throughout the application and content pages.
  • Developed screens using windows forms in C .NET for a localized access to a specific set of users within the organization.
  • Implemented the OOP Concepts while creating different classes methods and properties
  • Extensively worked with ASP.NET web pages to enhance user experience.
  • Worked with custom and user controls web controls.
  • Extensively work Cascading Style Sheets CSS to enhance user interface.
  • Developed Business components and web services for online transactions.
  • Used Data Reader Data Set Grid View for retrieving manipulating displaying data.
  • Designed and developed Data access objects and Business Components.
  • Used JavaScript and ASP.NET Input Validation Controls for client side validations.
  • Involved extensively in developing the client side validations using Java Script.
  • Created database objects like Procedures Functions Packages Triggers Indexes and Views using SQL Server 2005
  • Used Visual Source Safe VSS for Versioning control and configuration management.

Environment .NET Framework 2.0 C .NET ASP.NET JavaScript SQLServer2005 HTML CSS VSS ADO.NET.

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