We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Sr. Software Engineer, North Carolina, United States

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  • Highly skilled R&D Software Engineer holding Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, who has good ability in design, problem solving, modifying
  • Debugging wif 14+ years of professional software development experience in teh diverse range of industrial technologies of manufacturing including Industrial Robot
  • CNC Machinetools, Test Equipment, HMI, PLC, Motion Controller, Simulator and more.


Programming Language: More than 14 years of C/C++ experience in professional. Visual C++ (v6.0 ~2015), UML (Rational Rose, Borland Together, StarUML, Visio), QT/QML (Linux and Windows), C++ 11/14, Software Design Pattern, Other programming language experiences including C#, VB.NET, Visual Basic, and LUA. TFS 2015, Visual Studio Online, Visual SourceSafe and Git, InstallShield 10 and 12, Advanced Installer.

Control & Manufacturing: CNC programming and operating (FANUC, Heidenhain, Siemens, Aerotek), PLC (Siemens S7, Mitsubishi MELSEC - Q, LS-MasterK, GLOFA GM7), Servo control(Aerotek, Yaskawa, LS), OPC C/S, Kepware, Industrial Robot (Kawasaki FA-10N Articulated, DASA Cartesian, DMBH SCARA KSS-1500), motion controller (Samsung, Ajinextek), Mechatrolink motion network, CAM (me-Master), industrial production/assembly techniques (FA)

Embedded Programming: 3 years of Embedded & Firmware programming in Microcontroller (Atmega128, 80X86, Z80 and TITMS320C DSP), SBC(Raspberry Pi, Arduino) and PC-Based interface cards(NI, Advantech and dSpace) on DOS, Linux or Windows. MATLAB, Simulink, transmission techniques (RS-232C, Ethernet), RTX (Windows based Real Time eXtension)

Graphics & Simulation: DEVS (Discrete EVent System Specification), V-Rep (Virtual Robot Environment Platform), MachineWorks (machining simulation kernel), OpenGL, OpenCV.


Confidential, North Carolina, United States

Sr. Software Engineer


  • Mainly maintained two test software, Shock 6 and LineTest v4.1, written in C/C++, Visual Basic, C#, and VB.NET which is up to one million line using libraries, COM components and .NET platform. Also built a license generator wif QT/QML.
  • Proposed and set Agile SCRUM SDLC on TFS 2015 to teh team for scheduling, estimating, and reporting to make and deliver teh product on time.
  • Contributes two customization projects to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.

Confidential, United States

Freelance Software Engineer


  • Developed robot interpreter which had common cored library written in C++ programming language running on Robot Programming Editor, Simulator, and Robot Controller in multi-platform including Linux and Windows wif QT and Visual C++ 2015 for DMBH Robot Programming following KS-B 7097 standard. (2016, Client: Cubictek, DMBH Robotics)
  • Conducted on software development regarding teh control, simulation and emulation for various industrial machines usually used to motion and IO validation in SCARA Robot, CNC Machine tools, Cartesian Robot, Motion controller and MCU. (2014-2015, Client: Cubictek)
  • Developed cutting simulation platform for machinetools simulation using MachineWorks v7.2. Delivered libraries and APIs supporting 3D environment for teh interactive CAM Software of Hyundai WIA MachineTools. WIA)


Senior Software Engineer


  • Carried out product development and project management wif multi-disciplinary four team members
  • Maintained four main desktop applications(V-Meca®, V-CNC®, iRoDi®, V-Machine®) which had four different languages(Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese) and derived three products (Exam CNC®, V-HPS®, V-ELEQ®). V-World platform including V-MECA, V-Machine, etc. had over 1 million lines and was managed in over 200DLLs wif Visual C++.
  • Participated in system integration projects regarding MES and HMI. Implemented various communication modules for industrial machines using RS-232C and Ethernet by manufacturer’s protocols of PLC (Mitsubishi, Siemens, LS), Robot (DMBH) and MachineTools (Heidenhain).
  • Conducted on 3D robot simulation and participated in robots projects including industrial robots(Articulated robot - KAWASAKI, Wafer and Cartesian robot - DASA, DMBH) and mobile robots(iRobot Create, DR-20 (Object tracking available wif OpenCV) and Line tracer).


Research Assistant


  • Performed research and develop of CNC real-time algorithm regarding control and interpolation compilable on TI TMS320C6713 DSP in test CNC machinetools. (2011-2015, Client: DoosanInfracore Machinetools)
  • Conducted on test and evaluation of ability to follow reference motion and contour on Yaskawa SGDS servos wif by UMAC of delta-tau (2008-2009).
  • Constructed CNC milling machine wif DAQ and Yaskawa SGDM servos on DOS and Windows 2000 wif Visual C++, RTX v5.0(2001.01–2003.10) and built synchronous multi-servo control system wif Yaskawa SGDH servos for test and evaluation of research result by motion network, Mechatrolink-II, on Windows XP wif Visual C++ and RTX v7.1 (2007.01–2008.12)
  • Modeled control and interpolation algorithm including PID, Feedforward, Adaptive Fuzzy Logic, Cross coupling controller and NURBS interpolator in multi-axes servo control system for web-winding system, machine-tools and motion controller. Migrated teh algorithms of designed model from toolbox, S-files and M-files in MATLAB to C code. (2001-2003)


Software Developer


  • Developed drilling HMI wif MFC and calculating drilling position module by image processor on TMS320C6400 DSP in real-time for 4 axes Cartesian robot moved by pulse type motion controller depends on TI DSP in real-time

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