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Mobile Application Architect Resume

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  • 14 years of experience in Software Development including requirements analysis, design specification, code development, integration and testing using Object Oriented Programming concepts
  • Extensive experience in development of native iOS applications using Macintosh OS, iOS SDK and Cocoa - Cocoa Touch frameworks using Objective C and Swift programming language
  • Experience in Android application development using the Google’s Kotlin programming language with the current version Android 9.0 Pie OS
  • Gained valuable exposure on Microsoft .Net Windows based application development in the initial stages of my career, have hands on experience in C#, ADO.NET and ASP.NET
  • Experience in developing device applications using Windows Embedded Compact OS, Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for Pocket PC and Microsoft .Net Compact framework for Motorola SYMBOL devices
  • Development experience on different IDE's like Xcode for iOS applications, Android Studio for Android applications and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 for Windows mobile applications
  • Experience in handling SOAP and RESTful web services within mobile applications
  • Experience in MicroStrategy iOS SDK to render MSTR dashboards in iPad viewer
  • Experience in integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging framework to enable Push notifications for both iOS and Android devices
  • Experience in using Hockey SDK as crash reporting tool for both iOS and Android projects
  • Used Carthage to build dependencies and provide with binary frameworks to the Xcode projects
  • Experience in integrating with BlackBerry Dynamics framework to avail the application with secured container
  • Experience in working with version control software SourceTree, Microsoft Visual Source safe and Tortoise SVN on developing applications
  • Ensured all the development tasks met the quality criteria through test planning and issue tracking using Atlassian's JIRA and HP Application Lifecycle Management / Quality Center tools
  • Facilitated QA testing by configuring applications in iTunes Connect and uploaded iOS builds to TestFlight for internal testers
  • Used the XCTest framework and OCUnit framework for Objective C to write unit tests thereby integrate with Xcode's testing workflow
  • Designed and constructed the data model for the applications to provide a clear database infrastructure by having a good experience on SQL server 2000, SQLite database engine and Core Data framework
  • Designed and developed an iOS application with graphical representations using the Core Plot framework
  • Significant experience in creating UML to visualize the design of the system using Microsoft Visio professional software


Languages: Objective C, Swift, Kotlin, Visual C#, ADO. NET, ASP.NET

IDE: Xcode 4.x to 10.x, Android Studio 3.2, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

DBMS: MS SQL, Realm, Core Data, SQLite

Frameworks: Cocoa-Cocoa Touch framework, Android framework, Microsoft .Net Compact framework

Source Control: Atlassian's Bitbucket, Tortoise SVN, Microsoft Visual source safe

Quality Assurance tools: Atlassian's JIRA, HP Quality Center

UML tool: Microsoft Visio

Operating Systems: Macintosh OS/iOS SDK, Android OS and Windows CE/Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for Pocket PC



Mobile Application Architect


  • Involved in the enhancement projects for improving the capabilities and performace of the existing applications to comply with the client’s needs
  • Developed coding using React native framework and created bridge to native platform using Swift programming
  • Worked on migration from APNs certificates to Auth keys for Salesforce mobile push UI to enable push notifications to the iOS devices from application server
  • Standardised the build process for both iOS and Android platforms by creating schemes and build variants to manage different versions of the app
  • Handled the mobile app deployment in AppStore via App Store Connect and PlayStore via Google Play Console
  • Provided production support by coordinating with the client, analyzing the defects and provide the solution on a scheduled basis
  • Involved with User Acceptance Testing by distributing the application via Firebase app distribution

Environment: Mac OS/iOS SDK, Xcode, Android Studio, Kotlin, React Native


Asst. Vice President Solutions Architect


  • Involved with requirements gathering phase, worked with UX team to design the wireframes based on technical feasibility, developed the storyboard as per the mock ups
  • Developed coding for native iOS application using Objective C and Swift programming language, android application using Kotlin programming language
  • Integrated BlackBerry Dynamics application for secure container
  • Integrated Microstrategy iOS SDK to render MSTR dashboards in iPad viewer
  • Integrated Hockey SDK for crash reports and analysis
  • Handled RESTful web services using AFNetworking framework to invoke network request and receive response, used JSONSerialization to process the data for user interface
  • Used Carthage to integrate and upgrade frameworks to the Xcode project
  • Used the XCTest framework to write unit tests thereby integrate with Xcode's testing workflow and created a separate target to build the package for testing and performed complete Unit testing before check-in
  • Provided the testing team with iOS applications by configuring the same in iTunes Connect and make it available to the internal testers via TestFlight applicatio
  • Ensured quality assurance and issue management using Atlassian JIRA and HP QC tools
  • Involved with User Acceptance Testing by distributing the application via in-house Appstore for the pilot users

Environment: Mac OS/iOS SDK, Xcode, Swift, Objective-C, Android Studio, Kotlin


Sr. iOS Developer


  • Involved in the analysis of the business and functional requirements
  • Co-ordinated with the UX team to ensure the application to match the business and iOS technology UI guidelines
  • Built the prototype of the mock ups shared by the UX team as a proof of the technical feasibility of the development using the Storyboard in Xcode IDE
  • Constructed the code in Xcode 6.1 using Swift programming language and using Interoperability to merge Objective C in case of using external controls and sources
  • Integrated Touch ID framework Local Authentication for the application access
  • Handled RESTful web services within the iOS application and processed the response received in the form of JSON. Used NSJSONSerialization native library to parse the JSON data into the values displayed to the user
  • Created the Modal View Controller design pattern using the SplitViewController as per the proposed UX
  • Used NChart3D and NGrid controls to design and develop the Charting and Grid modules of the application for displaying the statistics data
  • Used the XCTest framework to write unit tests thereby integrate with Xcode's testing workflow
  • Involved in the Unit testing of the each of the proposed use case in the application as a prior process to delivering the IPA to the QA team
  • Did Ad-hoc distribution using iOS Enterprise Developer License for beta testing and distributing the application across the users within the enterprise via in-house app store
  • Ensured quality assurance and issue management using HP Quality Center tool

Environment: Mac OS/iPhone SDK 8.x; Cocoa-Cocoa Touch frameworks, Swift, Objective-C, Xcode v6.1, NChart3D/NGrid


Sr. Developer


  • Involved in requirement gathering and performed analysis on the technical feasibility of the proposed solutions
  • Created the Use-Case document, provided with the mock-ups of the user interface. Also documented the functional and non-functional requirements which was used for the whole life cycle of the projects
  • Designed the technical architecture by including UML via MS Visio, generated the Class diagram and Sequence diagram for each of the defined use case
  • Constructed the code with Model View Controller architectural pattern in the Xcode v4.x and 5.x using Objective-C language
  • Initiated the base application for the project which was checked in the version control as source to be used across the team for further development of each of the modules
  • Developed the User Interface for the assigned use cases using Interface Builder/Storyboard provided by the Xcode IDE
  • Provided clear database infrastructure for the applications using the data modeling framework, Core Data available in iOS
  • Implemented generic custom classes inheriting NSURLRequest class that holds the service calls to invoke request and capture the response, retrieved data for further processing
  • Designed and developed JSON parsers by incorporating SBJSON framework to retrieve the response from the server using RESTful web services and store it in the database for further loading in the User Interface
  • Created independent Model View Controller pattern using UITabbarController in case of Account Planning application
  • Created dependent Model View Controller pattern using UINavigationBarController while developing DealWorks application
  • Generated Settings bundle to manage preferences from the settings app and used NSUserDefaults class to access the preference values from code
  • Used TortoiseSVN for code updates and version control
  • Built unit test cases using OCUnit testing framework for Objective-C
  • Used UIAutomation framework to generate test scripts that simulated the user interface and returned the log information
  • Involved in integrating the modules provided across developers and performed Integration and System testing
  • Generated the application package and provided the .ipa file and the .mobileprovision file to the users which can be installed through iTunes into Apps library
  • Ensured quality assurance and issue management using JIRA tool
  • Provided support to the user while performing User Acceptance Testing thereby solved any issues raised and provided new solutions for any change requests within the application

Environment: Mac OS/iPhone SDK 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x; Cocoa-Cocoa Touch frameworks, Objective-C, Xcode v4.x and 5.x, Core Data, SBJSON framework, Tortoise SVN, MS Visio




  • Performed the analysis of the business requirements and classified the same into functional and non-functional requirements
  • Created the Use-Case document and distributed across the team to provide the clear picture of the application
  • Provided the design of the system visually by classifying the classes and their sequences for each module using UML with MS Visio
  • Initiated and constructed the application using Model View Controller software architectural pattern in the Xcode v4.x using Objective-C language
  • Implemented generic class inheriting NSURLRequest class to invoke service request calls and used NSOperationQueue to execute asynchronous operations thereby ensuring the network calls not blocking the main thread of the application that is the user actions
  • Designed parsers using NSXMLParser class to consume XML data objects retrieved from the SOAP web services
  • Developed application features using various frameworks such as UIKit.framework, Foundation.framework, CoreGraphics.framework, ImageIO.framework, MapKit.framework, QuartzCore.framework, Security.framework, SystemConfiguration.framework
  • Cached the data retrieved from the server in a .plist files and thereby managing the life of the data only by the user session, for security reasons while developing Health Tablet application
  • Installed SSL certificate using NSURLConnection class for accessing the secured URL from within the code
  • Scanned the barcodes on the item by invoking the camera of the iPhone device, capture and send it to server as raw bytes for authorization using UIImagePickerController for redemption of available coupons while developing Automated Coupon redemption application
  • Created store locator module using MapKit framework and placed the annotation pins for the co-ordinates as per the latitude and longitude data received from the services
  • Built unit test cases using OCUnit testing framework for Objective-C
  • Code signed the application, provisioned for Ad-hoc distribution, packed the application and provided the .ipa and .mobileprovision files to the users and testers in order to install via iTunes or upload to the enterprise store and then access via Safari
  • Ensured quality assurance and issue management using in-house tool e-Tracker which was in turn tracked for quality audits
  • Provided support to the users while performing User Acceptance Testing thereby solved any issues raised and provided new solutions for any change requests within the application

Environment: Mac OS/iPhone SDK 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, Cocoa-Cocoa Touch frameworks, Objective-C, Xcode v4.x, SQL server, Visual Source Safe, MS Visio




  • Performed analysis on the business requirements and designed each of the defined use case
  • Designed and documented the data model, generated the database infrastructure using SQLite database engine thereby managed to execute queries to access data from the SHARP system
  • Constructed the coding of the assigned modules.
  • Involved in implementation of the key features of the applications such as
  • Scanning the barcode on the goods during collection and delivery
  • Capture customer signature
  • Handle incoming and outgoing calls on live application using miTapi framework and enable SMS options from within application
  • Activating GPS software TomTom for navigation
  • Generated unit test cases across all use cases
  • Performed unit testing and system testing for the application
  • Attended the project audits conducted by Quality Control team and ensured the project metrics are contained within the threshold
  • Involved in Production-Support phase of the application, providing bug fixes across all the modules and implemented change requests raised by the client
  • Involved in Maintenance phase of the application, implementing all the new requirements to the existing application
  • Managed to provide knowledge transition to the technical team of the client towards the project closure

Environment: Windows Embedded Compact OS, Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for Pocket PC, Visual C#, SQLite

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