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Full Stack.net/ui Developer Resume

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Glennville, GA


  • Around 8 years of experience in information gathering, analysis, design, development, and testing Web/Enterprise - based applications using Microsoft Technologies. Extensive experience with various software methodologies like Agile/Scrum, Waterfall, Test-Driven Development.
  • Web development experience usingAngular2/6/7/9, C#,ASP.NET, ASP.NET CORE, ASP.NET MVC Architecture with Entity Framework, Web API, WCF, WPF, Web Services, ADO.NET, MSSQL Server, HTML5, CSS 3, Materialize CSS, Bootstrap 4, React JS, JavaScript, VBScript, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, XML, SQL, T-SQL, LINQ, Agile (SAFe) Environment, Azure Blob Storage, Microsoft OData Library.
  • Implemented Object Oriented concepts like Data Abstraction, Inheritance, Data Encapsulation, and Polymorphism using C #.Net.
  • High experience in GUI development in C# windows Forms (WinForms), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Re-engineered Front-end GUI application by creating new WPF forms.
  • Expertise in using ADO.NET objects such as SQL Connection Object and OLEDB Connection Object, Data Command Object, Data Reader Object, Data Set Object, and Data Adapter Object to design data access layer.
  • Implemented Client/Server architecture.
  • Implemented applications based on MVC 3/4 and N-Tier Architecture and experienced in application build and deployments in IIS 7.0/8.0.
  • Experience with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) implementing Web Services: SOAP & SOAP Extensions, and WCF: Hosting, Debugging, Tracing, Transactions, and Security.
  • Experienced in working with ASP.NET MVC 4.0/5.0/6.0 framework using client-side technologies such asHTML5, CSS, Materialize CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX andAngular for developing web applications.
  • Experienced with the .NET Platform, Visual Studio 2017/2015/2013/2012, C#4/5/6 and ADO.NET.
  • Worked on WEBAPI RESTFUL services, WCF RESTFUL, Windows Services, Web Services, and WCF to retrieve/update data.
  • Proficiency in the implementation Web applications, Windows Applications using .NETFramework Class Libraries.
  • Developed WCF web services based on SOAP/ JSON.
  • Worked extensively to integrate ADO.NET, Entity Framework, LINQ, and Lambda expressions with SQL server.
  • Experience in handling various backend data sources like MS SQL Server 2014/2012, MS Access, Oracle (PL/SQL), Firebase.
  • Extensive experience in working with LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML and REST services.
  • Strong knowledge of Database design and development and experience in writing SQL queries, views, Triggers, Stored Procedures in SQL Server, performing Query Optimization.
  • Experience with Azure Blob Storage using angular and .NET Core 2.0.
  • Implemented Ngrx Store which basically is one-way data flow (Redux Principles) to reduce traffic on API layer
  • Versatile team player with good communication and problem-solving skills with all management levels.


Languages: C, C++, C#, VBScript, Python, SQL, PL/SQL, Web Forms, Win Forms,ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, NetFramework 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5

ORM Technologies: LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework 6

Web Technologies: HTML5, XML, CSS, CSS3, AJAX, jQuery, AngularJS, KnockoutJS, Angular 2/4/7/9, React JS, WPF, WCF

Servers: IIS 5.0/6.0/7.0/7.5, ArcGIS Server 9.3, Windows Server 2008/2012.

Scripting Languages: JavaScript, UNIX Shell Scripting, batch file scripting, JQuery

Environment: s: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012, Oracle SQL Developer.

Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP/7/8 MS-DOS, Mac OS, UNIX GUI

Reporting Tools: SSRS, SSIS, Crystal Reports

Versioning Tool: Team Foundation Server, SVN


Confidential, Glennville, GA

Full Stack.Net/UI Developer


  • Involved in designing, codingand implementing the application following Scrum (SAFe) methodology.
  • Involved in Scrum meetings every 2 weeks with the analysts, developers and QA team to gather user requirement and to discuss the issues/conflicts with the existing product requirement and put it into user stores with valid user points. Also involved in all aspects of the project to the broader business goals.
  • Developed Web application usingAngular 7/9,Microsoft OData Library,WPF,ASP.NETWeb API, ASP NETCORE 2.0, Node JS, Entity Framework (EF), React JS, Java script, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap, Azure Web Job, Azure Blob storage.
  • Implemented the front-end of the application in Angular 7/9 using nested components, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Lodash Library
  • Using Ngrx Store (and developed the Change Order feature), which is basically one-way data flow (Redux principles) to minimize the number of calls to the API layer. It stores all the customization information about the user selections on the Design-Tool locally in the browser.
  • Responsible for migrating the developed ASP.NET 6.0 back-end code to ASP NETCORE 2.0
  • Using the OData Library and their queries have made the interaction feasible between the Angular and the .NET API application.
  • Responsible for migrating the API Controllers from ASP.NET 6.0 to ASP NETCORE 2.0 and also porting the Picture Park Project into the .NETCORE
  • Developed code for uploading the documents to the Azure blob Storage
  • Responsible for writing queries and stored procedures in MSSQL Server 2015.
  • Validating user actions on the client side and providing responsive feedback using Reactive forms.
  • Responsible for creating the data entities in the PHD API Project from the database.
  • Implemented application level code to communicate with Web APIs or Restful Web Services and these services used.Net/C# for the web applications to be consumed by Angular application.
  • Developed LINQ queries and lambda expressions to perform CRUD operations.
  • Published various RESTful Web services using C# and ASP.Net Web APIto interact with the other front-end applications

Environment: ASP.Net MVC 5.0, Asp.net 4.5, Angular JS, HTML5, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS3, Visual Studio .Net, Type script, SSIS, ADO.Net, SQL server 2015, Node.js, WCF, REST, JavaScript, jQuery, LINQ, Agile (SAFe) Environment, GitHub.

Confidential, New York

Full Stack .Net/UI Developer


  • Developed user interfaces and web services with ASP.NET CORE, C# .NET, Angular 6, JavaScript, jQuery, MVC 5, WCF, WPFwithin Microsoft visual studio 2017.
  • Involved in scrum meetings every 2 weeks with business analysts and other developers and QA members to gather user requirement and put it into user stores with valid user points.
  • Developed Custom Controls, User Controls, etc. using ASP.NET and C#.NET. Communication between Data Access Layer and SQL Server and Sybase was established by MVC Framework.
  • Used ECMA6 and Typescript features like arrow functions, template strings, and spread operator.
  • Used Node JS for the services that computed and provided data to the applications after retrieving data from a DB2 database.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular 6.
  • Worked on the Implementation of business components that will update and save the database transaction. Also Involved in Database Designing, Analysis, testing, implementation of my Module, and pushing the stuff to development to staging and then to production.
  • Framed Various Reports/dashboards to provide insights and data visualization using BI/ETL tools like Mainframes SAS, SSAS, SSIS, OLTP, OLAP, Business Objects.
  • Cultivated a three-tier application that follows MVP architecture, which manages the IPA delegation oversight data to and from the centralized database using WCF services.
  • Interpreted the existing MS access application and analyzed the scope to convert it into a Web application.
  • Involved in designing the Solution and database architecture. Designed and developed the UI layer using Model, view Presenter Pattern.
  • Developed a desktop application using Windows Forms (WinForms) for internal team usage to track application status, assign and resolve tickets.
  • Developed the code using PowerShell scripting to automate the deployments of BizTalk MSI packages in a multi-server environment.
  • Developed all the Business Logic for all the modules in a separate Business Layer in C# and this was implemented using WCF and MSMQ.
  • Involved in developing complex SQL queries and stored procedures in SQL Server Database 2015
  • Worked on developing a framework using PowerShell to automate the data-fix deployments like the update, insert, select, delete statements.

Environment: ASP.Net MVC 5.0, Asp.net 4.5, Microsoft Azure, HTML5, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS3, Visual Studio .Net, Angular 6, WCF, REST, Qualys, JSON, AJAX, IIS 7.x, JavaScript, jQuery, TFS 2013, Entity Framework, LINQ, Oracle 11g, GitHub.

Confidential, San Francisco,CA

Full Stack .Net Developer


  • Collaborating with business specialists, business analysts, dashboard developers, and technical architects in transforming business requirements into analytic dashboards reflecting usability best practices and current design trends.
  • Actively involved in SCRUM meetings discussing the implementation, integration of backlog modules considering the released version of the software and best practices for solutions.
  • Created Business Logic Layer & Data Access Layers to implement the MVC architecture.
  • Developed Business Logic layer by implementing Object Oriented Programming Language (OOPs) features in C#.
  • Developed AWS Lambda functions code in C# using .NET Core 2.0 for HTTP client implementation.
  • Developed React Native App with Expo and Couch DB, having features like live updates and pop-up notifications
  • Used S3 buckets to store files and Each Client has a single bucket and created folder structure for the different environment (QA, UAT, Prod) by using this approach we were able to reduce the buckets count.
  • Developing and designing a web application with the Angular 6 and WEB API as a backed layer by using ASP.NET MVC Core.
  • Using IDE (Integrated development environment) as Visual studio code and Visual Studio for Development.
  • Maintaining Source Code, creating pull requests, code Reviews, and branches policy by using GIT, Source Tree.
  • Using GitLab for source control, data collection, reporting, and project tracking, and is intended for collaborative software development projects.
  • Involving in designing the GUI using HTML, Angular Materials, Directives, Decorators, and Custom Styles.
  • Involved in configuring integration between UI and services by using HTTP Client, Rxjs, and Interceptors.
  • Implementing WEB API services for CRUD operations with HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE by using Entity Framework Code First Approach.
  • Involved in configuring WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) services to WEB API for data integration.
  • Using LINQ queries to filter data set that is obtained from complex stored procedure, views, functions, and Entities in the repository Layer.
  • Involved in designing the database, creating tables, views, Stored Procedures, and functions by using Microsoft SQL server2014.

Environment: C#, Angular 6, Entity Framework, ASP.Net, Web API, HTML, CSS3, SQL Server 2014, Visual Studio, LINQ, Web API, GIT, Source Tree, Azure.

Confidential, Sunnyvale,CA

.Net Developer


  • Worked on Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) starting from Requirements gathering and performing objects oriented analysis, design,and implementation, developing new WCF Service interface layer.
  • Designed the Presentation layer using Web forms, HTML 5, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS,and CSS.
  • Used jQuery libraries like Data-tables, Calendar, jQuery UI tabs, Widgets.
  • Created new database objects like Stored Procedures, Triggers, Indexes, and Views using PL/SQL in the development and production environment for SQL Server 2008.
  • Created views, controllers,and models using ASP.NET MVC 4, C# within MS Visual Studio 2012.
  • Developed Web API services and hosted with Asp.net MVC 4.0 application.
  • Worked in different phases of SDLC from requirements, implementations of testing followed by agile methodologies.
  • Experience in Custom, Tabular, Matrix, and distributed reports in multiple formats using Crystal Reports and SQL Server Services (SSIS, SSRS).
  • Good hands-on experience in developing .NET Web Service using SOAP, UDDI,and WSDL
  • Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) for Source Code Control, project-related document sharing, and team collaboration.

Environment: C# 4.0, MVC 4.0, ASP.NET, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Visual Studio 2012, ADO.Net, AJAX,Web API 2.0 SQL Server2012, SOAP, Angular JS, TFS, JavaScript, jQuery, SSRS.


.Net Developer


  • My responsibilities include performing analysis into the different stages of the system development life cycle to support development and testing efforts, identify positive and negative trends, and formulate recommendations for process improvements and development standards.
  • Developed Application layer using ASP. Net, Server controls, HTML Controls and Validation controls.
  • Developed Application using .NET Framework 4.0, Object-Oriented Principles (OOP), and n-Tier Architecture.
  • Effectively created easy to use, reusable controls and Master Pages and integrated them into ASP.NET web pages with MVC 4.0.
  • Used services to read data from the remote server using React.JS.
  • Designed Graphical User Interface (GUI) for various web pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
  • Developed the service layer for print service using WCF and hosted the WCF services in IIS 7.0.
  • Effectively used jQuery a concise JavaScript Library for traversing HTML documents, event handling, and AJAX interactions.
  • Wrote Data Access Layer Methods, T-SQL Queries, Store Procedures, and SQL User Defined functions for fetching Transaction details, Customer Details, and Product Configuration data.
  • Used Microsoft Team Foundation Server for version control and source code maintenance needs.
  • Involved in Unit testing, Modular testing, Integration testing, and successful integration of modules and multiple layers in the system.

Environment: .Net 4.0, SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio 2012, TFS, XML, TransXML, WCF, React.JS Web services, jQuery, JavaScript, Angular, Crystal reports..


Software Engineer


  • Involved in WebForms Designing, Development, and Testing using C#, ASP.NET, ADO.Net, HTML, JavaScript, and .NET Framework.
  • Used JavaScript for Client-side Validations.
  • Extensively used SQL for developing Database objects like Stored Procedures, DTS Packages, Triggers, Cursors, Tables and views, and other SQL joins for accessing the information and creating database objects from SQL Server 2008 Database.
  • Performed conversion of existing classic ASP web applications into ASP.NET, for various short-term contract projects, utilizing C#.
  • Involved web services with SOAPusing WCF for passing data to multiple platforms.
  • GitHub is used for source control and used extensively for constant integration.
  • Valuable experience in analysis and design in the RDBMS environment and experience in the development of Stored Procedures and Triggers in SQL Server.
  • Implemented Client and server-side validations using JavaScript and Validation Controls.
  • Involved in retrieving data using LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Objects with ASP.NET, worked with the database using LINQ to SQL.

Environment: C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, n-tier Architecture, T-SQL, PL/SQL, SQL Server, GitHub, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Visual Studio 2012, SQL Server Management Studio 2012, IIS.

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