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.net Developer (full Stack Developer) Resume

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Eden Prairie, MN


  • Around 7 years of experience in designing, developing, testing, and implementing client/server applications, web development, Object Oriented Programming in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Extensive experience of developing software applications with the C#, VB.Net, .NET Framework, ASP.NET, ASP.NET CORE 2.x, MVC, Entity Framework, Entity Framework Core, ADO.NET, LINQ, Lambda, Reporting Tools, Azure, JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, XML, Angular JS, Angular and Angular Material.
  • Extensive Experience in using various design patterns such as MVC (Model - View- Controller), Singleton, Unit of Work, Repository pattern in the development of multi- Tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
  • Extensive professional experience of Healthcare, Marketing and Financial Domains on web-based applications.
  • Highly experienced with modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries like AngularJS, Angular, Typescript and jQuery.
  • Experience in designing and developing complex user interfaces (GUI) using ASP.NETMVC.
  • Experience of designing and developing of software applications with the Object-Oriented Design Principles, Parallel Programming, Multi-Threading, Dependency Injection.
  • Hands on Experience in implementing and consuming Rest WEB API 1.0/2.0 versions, used HTTP methods (verbs-GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE) to do CRUD operations, supporting JSON.
  • Developed several web applications using ASP.NET MVC 5/6, Web Forms and REST services in ASP.NET Web API.
  • Experience working experience in database development, for creating complex database queries, writing Constraints, Indexes, Views, Stored Procedures, Functions, Performance Tuning, Triggers, Normalization and Query optimization techniques using SQL Server.
  • Experience in using Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) query and retrieve data from different data sources (LINQ to Objects, LINQ to XML, and LINQ to SQL).
  • Experience in ORM, Entity Framework Code First, Database First approaches, implemented the Features Security, Performance, CRUD operations and Migrations etc.
  • Created Entity classes, relationships between entity classes using Entity Framework 4.0 to manage relational data as objects and used LINQ to Entities to massage the data.
  • Experience in testing frameworks like MS-Test, Moq, NUnit, Junit, Jasmine, Mocha, and Karma.
  • Efficiently used Data Readers and Datasets in ADO.NET to retrieve, display edit and update the database.
  • Proficiency in working with databases like Oracle, MySQL and MongoDB and have Strong analytical and conceptual skills in database related work primarily creating complex stored Views, Triggers, and Functions.
  • Experienced in Agile, and Test-Driven Development (TDD) technique, Worked with SCRUM through project life cycle and involved in Code Review meetings, Implementing User Stories.
  • Experience in working in Software Configuration Management using different version control and source control tools like Microsoft Visual Source Safe (VSS), Visual Studio Team Foundation Server (TFS), JIRA and GitHub.
  • Knowledge on developing Packages using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).


Technologies: .NET Framework 4.0/4.5, Entity Framework (4.0/4.5), Web ServiceASP.NET 4.0/3.5, ADO.NET, WCF, LINQ, AJAX, WEB API.

Web Technologies: HTML, XML, JSON, CSS, Java Script, jQuery, Angular 2/5/8/9, NodeJS, Azure.

Database: SQL Server 2008/2012, Oracle 11g/10g, MySQL

Development Tools: Visual Studio 2012/2019, SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio Code

Scripting Languages: TypeScript, VBScript, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Unit Test Tools: MS Visual Studio Test edition, NUnit, Junit, Mocha, Karma


.Net Developer (Full Stack Developer)

Confidential, Eden Prairie, MN


  • Experience in building flexible UI, more user interactive and user-friendly web pages, reusable classes, functions using ASP .NET, C#, AJAX, and JavaScript for client-side validation.
  • Developed features for a customer-facing website using C#, ASP.NET MVC 4/5, CSHTML, Html Helpers, JavaScript, j Query, AJAX, Bootstrap, CSS, LINQ, Entity Framework, WCF, SQL Server.
  • Presented extensive skills around HL7 data integration using Mirth and Visual studio for the client environment to get the best out of the Hl7Message and parse it to define the needs of the customer.
  • Knowledge on HL7 Messages (what data is present at what type of message) to present needed data model accordingly as client needed.
  • Extensively worked for client-side validations by make use of the javascript and Angular JS Framework. Worked on the Microsoft Azure services like developing and deploying applications with Azure data is maintained through it.
  • Responsible for design and implement Text Parsers specific to several sections from Health records which includes Medications, Procedures, Immunizations, Screenings and Laboratory results
  • Responsible to represent the understanding of HealthCare Code Sets as well as extensive knowledge in multiple platforms like JavaScript.
  • Responsible for Design, Implement, Test, and Deploy Interoperable Healthcare Solutions using Mirth Platform.
  • Responsible to demonstrate understanding in TCP/IP, HTTP protocols and skills related to discrete and wave form Interface.
  • Responsible working with database connectivity using SQL Queries, Store procedures, Joins, Views, Table’s replication, and triggers for software interaction with databases like My SQL and SQL server
  • Used JIRA as the bug tracking tool and integrated with Source tree to use GIT for code versioning and repository.
  • Designed and developed project workflows using Microsoft Visio design tool for technical documentation.

Environment: C# VB.NET, .NET Framework 4.0, Visual Studio 2013, Azure, Postman, SQL Server 2014, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, HTML, XML, JavaScript, MVC, ASP.Net, WCF, AngularJS, XML, XSL, ETL, JSON/AJAX, SSRS, Web APIWCF, Web services, SharePoint 2007, CSS, Bootstrap, IIS 6.0, EO Tool kit and Team Foundation Server.

.Net Developer (Full Stack Developer)

Confidential, St. Louis, MO


  • Participate in Agile Development & Testing (Daily Scrum Meetings, Sprint Planning and Retrospective and Sprint Reviews).
  • DevelopedWebapplicationusing ASP.NetCore and C#, EntityFramework Core, JavaScript, Typescript, Angular5,8, 9, JSON, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap4.
  • Developed Angular components, services, modules, routing, forms etc. for the web application.
  • Worked with NGRX for state management in the application by defining reducers, entities, actions and effects.
  • Utilized EF Core for performing ORM mappings and data retrievals from SQL Server database.
  • Developed REST Web API in the backend to implement controller layer using attribute routing.
  • Developed Repository layer to perform data retrievals and crud operations for various entities.
  • Created LINQ enabled database layer using API such as LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework.
  • Configured routing in the application for various components using Angular router and used Angular HTTP client to make WEB API calls and used ng-redux to manage application state on the UI for Uni directional data flows.
  • Developed entity mappings using Entity framework core to define one to one, one to many and many to many associations and took part in developing DB contexts to load the DB sets.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component- based architecture provided by Angular.
  • Created services with Angular @injectable property, as to make the service available for Dependency injection when creating components.
  • Used Angular Validations and Validation messages to show the errors when submitting the form.
  • Used subscription to maintain shift selection data across all the component
  • Used LINQ to build set of operations, parameters and expression during execution a set of data from SQL Server.
  • Involved in creating packages, stored procedures, Cursors, Joins and Complex queries in SQL Server 2012.
  • Created RESTFUL services using ASP.NET Web API and took part in requirement gathering, analysis and development of assigned modules.
  • Worked on unit testing for the Angular application using karma, involved in writing test cases using Jasmine and Karma to ensure 100% code coverage.
  • Designed API to get the location info from database, Calling Rand McNally web service to find a distance between two locations and updated respective tables.
  • Implemented Exception Handling mechanism using .NET Framework Classes and Involved in unit testing, integration testing and deployment of the application. Fixed large number of defects and technical issues during the project implementation.
  • Used C#.NET, ASP.NET Core and Entity framework to define and implement secure middle-tier components using both connected and disconnected environment strategies. Components were consumed by web applications utilizing SQL Server and stored procedures to perform logical business transactions.
  • Consumed WCF services to get data from other systems and used SOAP UI to test these services.
  • Knowledge of developing Business-tier components, and database objects using Microsoft platform technologies (ASP.NET C#) and deploy it in the Microsoft Azure App Services.
  • Created SSIS packages to export and import data from CSV files, Text files and Excel spreadsheet. Involved in installation, configuration and developing of SSIS packages using BIDS.
  • Designedanddevelopedstoredprocedures,queriesandviewsnecessaryto support SSRS reports.
  • Responsible for the production support of existing application.
  • Knowledge of developing Business-tier components, and database objects using Microsoft platform technologies (ASP.NET C#) and deploy it in the Microsoft Azure App Services.

Environment: .Net Framework 4.5, Typescript, JavaScript, Angular, Azure, NG-Redux, HTML, CSS/CSS3, JSON, ASP.NET MVC, WCF, Visual Studio 2013/15, ASP.NET, MS Visual Studio 2015/17, Web API, Entity Framework 6, SQL SERVER, PL/SQL, Fiddler Web Debugger, TFS, GIT

.Net Developer



  • Created CSS files to be applied to various web forms on the web pages.
  • Used C# language in developing the Business logic, wherein extensively implemented the Object-Oriented Programming functionalities.
  • Developed 3- tier architecture application with User Interface, Business and Data Access layers using .NET Core with better suited cross platforms basis and Entity Framework.
  • Used C# language in coding to create class libraries and business logic.
  • Followed Agile SCRUM Developmental approach to deliver product releases by SPRINT processes in an iterative and incremental approach (SCRUM).
  • Designed user interface using Web Forms, HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS, AJAX, and jQuery.
  • Created self-hosting WCF web services and involved in configuring various endpoints.
  • Developed GUI using JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, DOM, XHTML, AJAX, CSS3 and jQuery in ongoing projects.
  • Created class diagrams, use case diagrams, activity flow diagrams and object Interaction diagrams using UML Modelling on MS Visio.
  • Created event-driven Web Forms using ASP.NET and implemented form validation using Validation controls using both Custom validation and JavaScript was written for Client-side validations and used the new validation controls in Visual Studio 2012.
  • Expertise in Developing Desktop Applications using Windows form applications.
  • Expertise on angular JS framework to develop interactive websites based on client needs.
  • Involved in deploying the application on the IIS server.
  • Involved in Design and Architecture of the ASP.Net application, WCF based Web Services.
  • Extensively used Web Services, SOAP, and XML to expose the reports to facilitate information sharing.
  • Designedtheapplicationusing HTML Helper and Razor Views in MVC architecturethat promotes a clear separation between the different layers.
  • Strong knowledge of Design Patterns. Implemented different Design Patterns including WPF.
  • Experience in working with the latest technology of LINQ to Collection and SQL queries, SPA Anonymous types, Telerik controls, RESTful API's, WIN services/ WinForms and WCF web services.
  • Installing and supporting IIS for use with Web applications.

Environment: .Net Core V 3.0, Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2012 and IIS 6.0, AngularJS, JavaScript, MVC, WPF, TFS, LINQ, RESTful API, ADO.NET, WCF, C#, HTML, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, AJAX Control Toolkit, jQuery, Scrum MS Visio.

Software Engineer



  • Worked in Planning and executing phases of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) utilizing Agile methodologies to achieve end-to-end development of web-based applications.
  • Implemented CRUD functionality with Entity framework in ASP.NET MVC and implemented sorting, filtering, and paging with Entity Framework Code First in MVC with the help of Azure SQL server.
  • Developed REST APIs that allow sophisticated, effective, and low-cost application integration and multi-tier web applications with the use of Web Services using ASP.Net Web API.
  • Developed very responsive, elegant UI views for web pages using the Bootstrap and CSS Frameworks.
  • Used advanced level of HTML, XHTML, AJAX, jQuery, Kendo UI, Knockout JS and Bootstrap for designing the rich user interface.
  • Used JavaScript extensively to enhance the UI and to make application looks more dynamic and to perform client-side validations.
  • Reports are generated by using SSRS and configured SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for Scheduling data backup.
  • Used JIRA as the bug tracking tool and integrated with Source tree to use GIT for code versioning and repository.
  • Designed and developed project workflows using Microsoft Visio design tool for technical documentation.
  • Written and improved application technical documentation and provided knowledge transfer to team members. Utilized Angular inbuilt directives for implementation also implemented costumed directives for the ones that are not available.
  • Used backbone.js for connecting the API's which enforces the communication to the server.
  • Involved in Front End Prototype Development of the entire Portal and prepared Software Requirement Specifications.

Environment: Visual Studio 2012, .Net Framework 4.5, C#, ASP.Net, HTML, CSS, WCF, Web API, WPF, MVVM, SOAP UI, XML, LINQ, SQL Server 2008, Unit Testing, SSRS, JIRA, GIT, Azure.

Software Engineer (Intern)



  • Responsible for designing, developing, and testing the multi-tier architecture involving the presentation layer, Business layer and database layer.
  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML, XHTML, CSS, jQuery, Angular JS and JavaScript.
  • Designed & developed web user interface using ASP.NET, C#, Server Controls and AJAX Control Toolkit, and developed customized Web User Controls.
  • Used JavaScript extensively to enhance the UI and to make application looks more dynamic and to perform client-side validations.
  • Worked with HTML4/5, CSS2/3 background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin and CSS behaviours.
  • Used controls like Update Panel, Calendar Control AJAX control toolkit to provide a rich and interactive web experience.
  • Wrote Stored Procedures, Functions and SQL Statements to access and manipulate data from SQL Server Database 2008.
  • Extensively used ADO.NET and data objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader, Data Set, Data Table, Data view to access data from SQL Data sources to Business Objects.
  • Used Data Contract as the standard mechanism in the WCF for serializing .NET object types into XML.
  • Maintained state of the Webpages in using View State and Session Memory objects.

Environment: Visual Studio 2013, ASP.NET 4.0, Windows 7, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, WCF, XML, XSLT, Crystal Reports, Team Foundation Server 2010, AJAX, T-SQL, ADO.NET, IIS 7.0, SQL Server 2008.

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