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.net Developer Resume

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Raleigh, NC


  • 6 years of technical experience in software development Life Cycle (SDLC) like analysis, design, development, testing, and maintenance of applications using .Net Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Core Web API, ASP.NET MVC5, Web API2, Angular 9, TypeScript, Entity Framework Core, Dapper, .Net Framework, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, MS SQL Server, C#, T - SQL.
  • Working experience in creating and consuming ASP.NET Core Web API Services and implementing features like Security, Debugging and Performance.
  • Skilled in working with Angular 9 modules, pipes, templates, directives, services, components, and dependency injection to create a SPA.
  • Proficient in relational database design, data extraction, transformation, performance tuning and writing procedures, functions, triggers, joins, indexes, views, transactions from large and complex data sources using SQL server.
  • Working knowledge on configuring and version controlling using GIT, Team Foundation Server and GitHub.
  • Skilled in testing the web application and debugging for reducing the bugs for better performance using FakeItEasy, NUnit, MOQ framework, XUnit, MS test, Fiddler and Postman.
  • Experienced with deployments, maintenance, and troubleshooting of applications on Microsoft Azure Cloud.
  • Good experience with development methodologies like Agile Scrum and Waterfall model and good communication, committed to deliver timely, independently, coupled with a positive attitude and team spirit.


.Net Technologies: C#, .Net Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, .Net Framework, ASP.NET MVC 5, Dapper, EF Core, Web API2, LINQ, EF 6

Web Technologies: Angular 9, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap Testing / Debugging Postman, Fiddler, XUnit, FakeItEasy, NUnit, MOQ, MS test

Source Control: GIT, TFS, JIRA Database SQL Server 2017/2016/2014 , Oracle 10g

Others: Azure, Agile (Scrum), Waterfall, VS Code, Visual Studio 2019/2017/2015 , SSMS


Confidential, Raleigh, NC

.NET Developer


  • Utilized web technologies such as Angular 9, .Net Core, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, ASP.NET Core, Web API, Entity Framework Core and TypeScript to render a fluid and seamless user experience with real-time updates and filtering.
  • Created various Angular 9 directives, controllers, DOM, expressions, templates, data binding, pipes, etc.
  • Performed Custom Filters to organize data in a more controlled and precise manner in Grid.
  • Implemented backend routing and logging using ASP.NET Core autantication, routing and Serilog, Middleware.
  • Consumed Restful web services using Angular http services, Observables and promise objects to make GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests.
  • Used JWT autantication to check user identity and used Angular Route Guard to ensure certain resources are only accessible by autanticated and authorized users.
  • Increased decoupling and testability using dependency Injection in .NET Core and Angular.
  • Used Dependency Injection provided by Angular and .NET Core to produce more testable, more readable and decoupled code.
  • Implemented database connection and CRUD operations using ASP.NET Core Web API and tested API using Postman.
  • Constructed data access layer using Repository design pattern and Entity Framework Core using Code-First approach.
  • Performed testing using MsTest, MOQ framework, and conducted code management and modification using GIT Version Control.
  • Used Azure CI/CD and Git to simplify building and deployment to the cloud which streamlined workflow and greatly increased productivity.
  • Used JIRA to keep track of bugs to reduce downtime, increase productivity, and Communication.
  • Attended the daily stand-ups as part of Agile and communicated assigned user story updates and discussed any issues with the team.
  • Created Azure Resource Group, Storage Account and App Services to host .Net Core applications.
  • Create and maintain a fully automated Continuous Integration and Continues Deliverables (CI/CD) pipelines for Web APIs, Azure functions and logic apps deployment using Azure DevOps, GIT Repo.

Environment: C#, VS Code, .Net Core, Angular 9, Visual Studio 2019, ASP.NET Core Web API, Entity Framework Core, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Postman, MS test, MOQ, JIRA, Agile Scrum, GIT, MS SQL Server 2017, Azure CI/CD.

Confidential, Raleigh, NC

.NET Developer


  • Designed and developed ASP.NET Core MVC application with integrated custom controls and user controls.
  • Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and application interfaces using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
  • Performed Data Annotation, Partial Views, Layouts, Strongly Typed views in MVC.
  • Utilized Grid.MVC with Strongly Typed ViewModel to provide a more flexible, editable, and sortable GridView to increase user interaction.
  • Worked with different jQuery plugins and implemented client-side functionalities such as paging, table sorting/data tables and sliders.
  • Utilized ASP.NET Core autantication, CORS and Serilog middleware to enable JWT autantication, cross- origin resource sharing and diagnostic logging.
  • Created stored procedures, views, joins, indexes, triggers, transactions, user defined functions for better result in SQL Server database.
  • Working with fetching data through Web API with Autantication Token and http web client from Server side.
  • Implemented CRUD functionality with Dapper in ASP.NET MVC Core and implemented sorting, filtering and paging with Dapper in MVC.
  • Created the frontend utilizing MVC and performed frontend autantication using cookie-based autantication.
  • Validate the Https request and response of the REST API using Postman.
  • Worked on GIT for source code management and fixed bugs and provided support services for the application using MS test with MOQ framework.
  • Developed Azure functions based on business requirements and provide these functions to the logic-apps team to trigger automatically to address huge files processing, performed Scale up and scale down the number of instances.

Environment: C#, ASP.NET Core MVC, Visual Studio 2017, ASP.NET Core Web API, .Net Core, SQL Server 2017, GIT, MS test, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Dapper, MOQ framework, Postman.

Confidential, Raleigh, NC

.NET Developer


  • Involved with the team, in designing the application using ASP.NET MVC 5, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Entity Framework 6.
  • Performed the Controllers and Controller Actions Results, Views, View Models, Routing using ASP.NET MVC.
  • Performed Data access layer-using Entity Framework (Database First Approach) to connect and retrieve or manipulate database information.
  • Utilized the Dependency Injection mechanism for a simpler way of managing the controllers and scopes.
  • Responsible for MS test, FakeItEasy to unit test the project in an isolated and automated manner.
  • Utilized GIT for Source Control and Version Control throughout the Project.

Environment: C#, ASP.NET MVC 5, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Entity Framework 6, MS test, FakeItEasy, Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2016, GIT.

Confidential, Raleigh, NC

.NET Developer


  • Designed front-end components using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, Web API, Entity Framework, CSS3, Bootstrap.
  • Developed complex MVC Controller, ViewModels and Helper methods linked to backend databases.
  • Created Client-side validations with jQuery selectors, Events and Server-side validations with ASP.NET.
  • Executed in creating a WEB API method for database operations (CRUD) through Entity Framework.
  • Prepared automated unit test cases for functionality testing and performed extensive unit testing using NUnit with FakeItEasy framework.

Environment: C#, ASP.NET MVC, VS 2015, Web API, Entity Framework, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, NUnit, FakeItEasy, JavaScript.


.NET Developer


  • Developed client-side web application using ASP.NET MVC, C#.NET, Entity Framework, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap for the program to create web applications.
  • Consumed Bootstrap to enhance the web page using Button groups, Navs, Labels, Thumbnails, Page header.
  • Implemented Entity Framework Code-First approach to create entity data models and design tables with relationships between them in the database.
  • Utilized TFS for collaborating the code project with the team, reviewed the code and performed the individual task.

Environment: C#.NET, ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Visual Studio 2013, .Net Framework, TFS.

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