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Senior Programming Consultant Resume

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  • Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)specializing in .NET, Web Services, BizTalk Server and Datawarehousing Technologies, including .NET architecture, design, development and deployment of .NET Solutions.
  • He had also worked on Business Intelligence projects building Datawarehouses, designing and implementing ETL solutions and building Cubes for Business Analysts.
  • Confidential is an Architect/Senior Developer of end to end business solutions involving the various components of BizTalk server, especially in the areas of Orchestration, Business Rules Engine, BAM, installation, deployment, high - availability, fail-over support, etc.
  • He is also working as Lead Integration Architect/Senior Developer integrating Confidential Dynamics products, Commerce Server etc using BizTalk Server and other integration softwares.
  • Confidential had been working at Confidential as a Senior Consultant architecting and deploying B2B solutions using BizTalk Server and .NET solutions.
  • Excellent communication and leadership skills across all level of organization.
  • In-depth designing and developing business solutions using .NET.
  • In-depth Integration skills integrating major systems as Confidential Dynamics, SAP, SQL Server, Oracle etc using Web Services, BizTalk Server etc.
  • Good Business Intelligence skills with experience of SSAS and SSIS
  • Excellent knowledge in the Health-care industry including HIPAA, HL7 etc.
  • Very good skills in the area of Business Intelligence and DataWarehouse technologies.
  • Good Knowledge of the Agile, Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Confidential Solutions Framework (MSF).


Software: .NET 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0 Framework, Amalga, HealthVault, LINQ, WF, WCF, BizTalk Server 2004/2006/R2/2009/2010, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, JAVA

Languages: VB 6, VB .NET, C# .NET, JAVA

App Server: Confidential IIS Server, Websphere

RDBMS: Confidential SQL Server 7.0/2000/2005/2008/2010/2012/2014 , PostGreSQL, Advantage

ETL: SQL Server Integration Services

NoSQL: MongoDB

OS: Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98

Methodology: Agile, Rational Unified Process, Confidential Solution Framework

Design Patterns: GoF Design Patterns-Creational, Structural and Behavioral patterns



Senior Programming consultant


  • Designing the central repository for the collection of patient safety data
  • Implementing the various applications to log the critical data on to the splunklogs repository. The applications include .NET applications, SSIS packages, IIS logging etc
  • Determining and implementing the various connectors for the collection of the above data
  • Co-ordination of the various indexes and dashboards in the splunklog for application monitoring

Environment: .NET 4.5, MVC, SQL Server, WCF


Enterprise Architect


  • Designing the end to end integration of various B2B systems using SSIS.
  • Automating the entire workflows
  • Re-designing the various integration workflows to follow the industry standard process

Environment: .SQL Server, SSIS


Enterprise Architect


  • Designing of the end to end solution for the Azure migration
  • Determining the various interfaces with the Patient Safety management system and ensuring the continued connectivity
  • Designing the various environments like DEV/QA/SIT/PROD environments for better maintainability
  • Ensuring the SLAs for each application

Environment: Confidential Azure, .NET 4.5, MVC, SQL Server, WCF


Enterprise Architect


  • Using Entity Framework to connect to and from the database
  • Have used the .NET MVC framework for the entire project
  • Heavily involved in data modeling for the various applications in SQL Server
  • Wrote a lot of windows services for background transaction processing
  • Wrote complex SQL stored procedures for additional business logic

Environment: .NET 4.5, MVC, SQL Server, WCF


Enterprise Architect


  • The responsibilities include designing and implementing the webservice.
  • The responsibilities include interaction with Practice Fusion Integration team, and managing the off-shore team for development.

Environment: .NET 4.5, WCF, SQL Server 2014, PostGreSQL.


Advisory programming consultant


  • Responsibilities include requirements gathering, architecting the end to end solution, solution delivery and support.
  • Confidential was also involved in conducting JAD sessions with Confidential to implement the above architecture.

Environment: Web Services, BizTalk Server 2010, .NET, SQL Server 2008


Solutions Architect/Senior Developer


  • Analyzed the workload of consolidating the datastores, which currently exists in Oracle/Sybase, SQL Server 2005.
  • Developed a prototype of screen in the ProMs application using a robust, flexible architecture which can communicate to any client (Windows forms/Web clients etc) in the form of XML
  • Demo-ed this application to the Business/Development team.
  • Analyzed the equivalency of the existing Mercator tool with BizTalk Server maps.

Environment: BizTalk Server 2006, Visual Studio 2005, .NET 2.0, SQL Server 2005, C# .NET, VB .NET


Solutions Architect/Senior Developer


  • Developed the BizTalk orchestration to dynamically feed the front-end with the screen data information after fetching the MetaData from the Database and doing the Translation using BizTalk Server Maps.
  • Developed Business Rules using the Business Rules engine to be called from the BizTalk orchestration. These rules govern the policies of the counseling process.

Environment: BizTalk Server 2006, Visual Studio 2005, .NET 2.0, SQL Server 2005, C# .NET, VB .NET


Solutions Architect/Senior Developer


  • Involved in integrating the Enterprise Library November CTP 2005 for the existing Access to Web application in cases of Logging and Instrumentation, exception handling blocks.
  • Generated test cases in Visual Studio team Suite 2005 for the existing Access to Web conversion application.
  • Generated Class Diagrams, Generating Distributed application diagrams, Logical datacenter diagrams, validating the current application diagrams against the existing system architecture with the help of Visual Studio Team Suite 2005.
  • Generated Custom management packs for MOM 2005 to monitor specific applications for its health monitoring, failure states, responses to certain exceptions and events etc.

Environment: Visual Studio Team Suite 2005, .NET 2.0, SQL Server 2005, SQL Reporting Services 2005, C# .NET, VB .NET, Enterprise Library November CTP, MOM 2005 Windows 2003


Solutions Architect/Senior Developer


  • Involved in the design of the BizTalk application architecture which involved Maps, orchestrations, generation of new schemas, working with HL7 2.3.1 schemas, generation of functoids - scripting as well as custom functoids - etc.
  • Actively involved in the installation of the BizTalk servers in a cluster environment, SQL Server active/active with fail over support, generation of MSI files, deployment and testing.
  • Active member of the BizTalk Technical Discussion board; attended a week long Develop mentor’s training course on BizTalk Server 2004/2006 which involved rigorous exercises and hands-on labs. Some of the labs/exercises included work on projects that validate an incoming message based on a Schema, workon the HL7 BizTalk accelerators which includes creating a Map to transform an incoming HL7 message of type 2.X to V2.X (XML Message), building numerous business processes via the orchestration engine and set up policies via the Business Rules Engine, writing custom pipelines for further refinement of the incoming and outgoing messages, fine-tuning applications for performance, managing and Deploying BizTalk 2004/2006 solutions etc.

Environment: BizTalk Server 2004/2006

Senior Consultant



  • Responsible for analyzing and estimating the Meridio Subsystem to be compatible with the Company’s Security Standards.
  • Designed the technical architecture for the custom .NET application.
  • Coordinated with the Manila Team to make sure they understand the design.
  • Designed interfaces for the custom .NET application to talk with Meridio, SharePoint and Exchange Servers.
  • Designed and developed .NET WEB PARTS in the SHAREPOINT server.
  • Developed a .NET security authentication with cookie-based forms authentication defaulting to a loginUrl page.
  • Developed roles-based authentication using a Custom Principal Class which implements the Iprincipal Interface and also used the Identity Objects.
  • Developed authorization declaratively using the PrincipalPermission object and imperatively using Principal.isInRole, isInAnyRole, isInAllRoles Methods.
  • Developed the password authentication and storage using the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) with salting and DES encryption.
  • Designed and developed the database design, user interface, application architecture and the system architecture.
  • Involved in the interaction with the client to get the requirements and change management.
  • Involved in the compliance of Company’s Methodology associated with the creation of project plan, breaking up of tasks/deliverables etc
  • Supervised and mentored the developers to ensure meeting deadlines and quality assurance of each deliverable.
  • Scheduled and attended daily/weekly conference calls between the Chicago Development center and the ManilaDevelopmentCenter.

Environment: ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Visual C#, Visual Basic.Net, Confidential .Net Framework, Visual Basic, ASPs, XML, XSL, XSLT, DHTML VBScript, Java Script, IIS, Sql Server, DTS, ODBC, ADO, Crystal Reports .NET


Senior Consultant


  • Developed .NET security authentication with cookie-based forms authentication defaulting to a loginUrl page.
  • Developed roles-based authentication using a Custom Principal Class which implements the Iprincipal Interface and also used the Identity Objects.
  • Developed authorization declaratively using the PrincipalPermission object and imperatively using Principal.isInRole, isInAnyRole, isInAllRoles Methods.
  • Developed the password authentication and storage using the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) with salting and DES encryption.
  • Designed and developed the database design, user interface, application architecture and the system architecture.
  • Involved in the interaction with the client to get the requirements and change management.
  • Involved in the compliance of Company’s Methodology associated with the Resource allocation, creation of project plan, creation of the Statement of Work, Risk Management Analysis, Testing Environments and Project Signoff from the Project Sponsor.
  • Supervised and mentored the developers to ensure meeting deadlines and quality assurance of each deliverable.
  • Developed .NET security authentication with cookie-based forms authentication defaulting to a loginUrl page.
  • Developed roles-based authentication using a Custom Principal Class which implements the Iprincipal Interface and also used the Identity Objects.
  • Developed authorization declaratively using the PrincipalPermission object and imperatively using Principal.isInRole, isInAnyRole, isInAllRoles Methods.
  • Developed the password authentication and storage using the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) with salting and DES encryption.
  • Designed and developed the database design, user interface, application architecture and the system architecture.
  • Involved in the interaction with the client to get the requirements and change management.
  • Involved in the compliance of the Company’s Methodology associated with the Resource allocation, creation of project plan, creation of the Statement of Work, Risk Management Analysis, Testing Environments and Project Signoff from theProject Sponsor.
  • Supervised and mentored the developers to ensure meeting deadlines and quality assurance of each deliverable.

Environment: ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Visual C#, Visual Basic.Net, Confidential .Net Framework, Visual Basic, ASPs, XML, XSL, XSLT, DHTML VBScript, Java Script, IIS, Sql Server, DTS, ODBC, ADO, Crystal Reports .NET


Solutions Architect/Senior Developer


  • Developed .NET security authentication with cookie-based forms authentication defaulting to a login URL page.
  • Developed role-based authentication using a Custom Principal Class which implements the Iprincipal Interface and also used the Identity Objects.
  • Developed authorization declaratively using the PrincipalPermission object and imperatively using Principal.isInRole, isInAnyRole, isInAllRoles Methods.
  • Developed the password authentication and storage using the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) with salting and DES encryption.
  • Designed and developed the database design, user interface, application architecture and the system architecture.
  • Designed the overall flow of the application architecture.
  • Developed the common C# modules.
  • Involved in the pushing up of the common modules to GAC.
  • Involved in the compliance of the Company’s Methodology associated with the Resource allocation, creation of project plan, creation of the Statement of Work, Risk Management Analysis, Testing Environments and Project Signoff from the Project Sponsor.
  • Supervised and mentored the developers to ensure meeting deadlines and quality assurance of each deliverable.

Environment: ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Visual C#, Visual Basic.Net, Confidential .Net Framework, Visual Basic, ASPs, XML, XSL, XSLT, DHTML VBScript, Java Script, IIS, Sql Server, DTS, ODBC, ADO, Crystal Reports .NET


Solutions Architect/Senior Developer


  • Involved in the analysis of the tools selection.
  • Designed and developed the database design, user interface, application architecture and the system architecture.
  • Involved in the interaction with the client to get the requirements and change management.
  • Involved in the compliance of Confidential Methodology associated with the Resource allocation, creation of project plan, creation of the Statement of Work, Risk Management Analysis, Testing Environments and Project Signoff from the Project Sponsor.
  • Tested and deployed the Confidential on Palm IIIc and Compaq iPAQ 3765 Pocket PC handheld devices.

Environment: Win CE, Embedded Visual Basic, Palm OS, AppForge


Solutions Architect/Senior Developer


  • Designed and developed the database design, user interface, application architecture and the system architecture.
  • Involved in the interaction with the client to get the requirements and change management.
  • Involved in the compliance of Confidential Methodology associated with the Resource allocation, creation of project plan, creation of the Statement of Work, Risk Management Analysis, Testing Environments and Project Signoff from the Project Sponsor.

Environment: ASP 2.0,VB Script, Java Script, HTML, DHTML, SQL Server, IIS


Solutions Architect/Senior Developer


  • Developed the Problem List, Inquiry Tool, Lab Orders and Physician Group modules in ASP using client-side VBScript, JavaScript, DHTML and server-side VBScript and ADO.
  • Designed and developed interfaces for data retrieval and presentation using XML/XSL.
  • Programmed third party ActiveX controls like Data Table, Tree View and ProtoView Chart.
  • Implemented Remote Scripting to connect to the SQL Server.
  • Programmed a Visual Basic DLL using Active Reports and Adobe Acrobat to create Electronic Order reports.
  • Analyzed Wise Installation software for creating client workstation installation setup programs.
  • Developed Login Scripts to automatically update the client workstation IE Security settings.

Environment: ASP 2.0, XML/XSL, VB Script, Java Script, HTML, DHTML, IIS 4.0, SQL Server 7.0

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