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Android Developer Resume

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  • Over 9 years of total IT experience analyzing and developing web services, web sites, desk applications and android applications
  • Strong 6 years of experience with Android development using Android studio, Xamarin Studio and C#.
  • Extensive 8 years of experience working with Microsoft Technologies like .NET, SQL Server, and Dynamics Nav.
  • Experience understanding design patterns, architectures, coding, and maintenance.
  • Experience developing Web services with WCF, Net Core and Web API for ASP web form, MVC .NET sites and mobile apps for Android.
  • Web development experience with bootstrap, HTML5, JavaScript
  • 6 years of experience using Java and Kotlin for Android development.
  • Android development with MVVM and MVP architectures.
  • Google Maps API for Android with markers and clusters to show the location of important locations to the user
  • Camera for Android to take photos crop them, save, and send to a web service using Base64 code to send it within JSON Message
  • Experience in control version software as GIT, Mercurial, and Team Foundation, making merge without removing code from other members of the ream.
  • 8 years of experience using C# developing with ASP.NET, MVC .NET, WCF, Web API and .NET Core.
  • Strong experience using Agile Scrum methodology, while strong involvement in Requirement Gathering working directly with end user and negotiating development times and release dates.
  • Experience Designing and Administrating SQL Databases with Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle according to business rules and normalization with data dictionary.
  • Experience with Stored Procedures, functions, view and triggers and SQL Server mail service
  • Working with local and remote teams and users with great performance delivering the modification according to release dates agreed with user
  • Experience developing and managing DB with ORM like Realm and Entity Framework
  • Project architecture design experience working with team or alone to design web services and communication protocols for the solution requested by user.
  • Experience analyzing and developing software from scratch including solutions that requires mobile and web front view with documentation.
  • Experience working with Telerik for .NET especially with Telerik for ASP Web Forms and MVC .NET
  • User support using ticketing system attending user granting user access or permission modification
  • Working with international teams in Spanish and English
  • Experience working with IDE and text editors like Visual Studio, Android Studio, IDEA, Visual Studio Code, Notepad++.
  • Postman and fiddler experience for Web services testing
  • Experience decompiling .NET code with tools like .Net Reflector and dotpeek
  • Experience working with architecture and design patterns
  • Strong experience in developing and consuming SOAP and REST Webservices
  • Web deployment with IIS and Docker
  • Experience using SonarQube for Android and implementing the modifications suggested by SonarQube
  • Experience developing with ViewBinding and Butterknife for Android
  • Experience Tracking, identifying and fixing errors with Firebase Crashlytics for Android
  • Experience with multiples remotes in Android Studio, multiple flavors and build variants, themes, styles and attributes and Material Design elements for Android.


Front End Technologies: HTML5, JavaScript, React, jQuery, CSS, Bootstrap, TelerikBack End Technologies MVC.NET, Web API, .NET Core

Mobile: Java, Kotlin, Xamarin

Architecture Patterns: Layers, MVC, MVP, MVVM

Databases: SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite, Realm, Entity Framework

Information: JSON, XML

Application Servers: IIS, Docker

Versioning: Git, Team Foundation, Mercurial, Bitbucket, GitLab

Documentation: UML

Methodology: Agile SCRUM

O.S.: Windows, Linux

IDE’s: Visual Studio, Android Studio

Design Patterns: Adapter, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, State, Singleton, Repository



Android Developer


  • Experience working with AndroidX and old compatibility libraries
  • Experience implementing Material Design with Day Night themes creating new attributes and defining properties.
  • Worked with retrofit and a Repository pattern implemented using okhttp3 interceptor
  • Worked with MVP architecture using contracts
  • Experience working with google Maps API inside of an activity using clusters to show a group of markers near the GPS location of the technician.
  • Implemented function to track localization each 5 minutes and report to a REST web service
  • Implemented camera to let the technician report his work
  • Refactored code where needed, implementing SOLID principles to improve code
  • Worked with ViewBinding and butterknife
  • Worked with Firebase Crashlytics to track and fix errors
  • Worked with flavors and build variants to create different profiles and improve APK testing and releasing.
  • Experience using SonarQube to improve software security and quality
  • Worked with Junit with espresso and uiautomator to test app functionality
  • Worked consuming REST web services with JSON
  • Worked with GIT for Bitbucket and Gitlab both at the same time in the same project
  • Developed personalized RecyclerView Adapters with CardView
  • Developed using patterns like Builder, Singleton, State, Chain of Responsibility and Decorator
  • Worked with Firebase Cloud Messaging to broadcast information to technicians
  • Worked proposing solutions to the requirements with direct communication with BA and user
  • Worked with effects for expandable Recyclerview

Environment: /Technologies: SonarQube, Firebase Crashlytics, Android applications, Git, Bitbucket, GitLab.


Software Engineer


  • Requirement gathering for new and old software, involved with the users directly
  • Migrated Silverlight website to ASP.NET using Telerik
  • Worked with existing ASP.NET websites implementing Telerik
  • Developed and modified WCF web services and Web API web services
  • Worked developing MVC.NET websites from scratch
  • Developed Windows services with .NET
  • Worked with Service Now
  • Worked with Oracle DB and TOAD for Oracle
  • Analyzed and designed the solution according to user requirements
  • Worked proposing solutions to user
  • Designed and created Microsoft SQL Server database from scratch using database normalization
  • Created SP’s and functions for both Oracle and SQL Server
  • Developed mobile applications for Android with Android Studio and Java
  • Worked with Gradle
  • Worked with camera and files to report damages in cars and containers
  • Worked with personalized adapters
  • Worked using SQLite to create the database for an android application
  • Worked with Realm to create a manage android DB
  • Worked using Task to consume web services
  • Worked with Navigation Drawer
  • Worked with ListView and Recyclerview
  • Worked with fiddler to test web services before connecting mobile application
  • Worked SQLite Studio to create a SQLite DB
  • Worked using Git for mobile applications
  • Configured Git Server and Repository
  • Developed code using design patterns
  • Worked with Team Foundation for .NET applications

Environment: /Technologies: ASP.NET, MVC .NET with Telerik, Web API, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, Android Applications, Windows Mobile applications


Lead Software Engineer


  • Managed team (3 developer) for the mobile development division
  • Worked developing MVC.NET applications, adding a permission manager module
  • Developed SQL Server 2012 stored procedures and functions
  • Worked with Entity Framework to import stored procedures to MVC.NET website
  • Worked with LINQ to manage SP’s invocation
  • Worked with Titanium Studio to add functionality to an existing android app and Xamarin Studio to develop mobile application to gather credit applicants’ information, including photo and signature
  • Worked with NuGet package manager
  • Helped designing Xamarin application architecture and connection with SAP
  • Worked with TourtoiseHG as version control software
  • Worked with SQL Server Management Studio

Environment: /Technologies: MVC.NET, Entity Framework, Xamarin, Titanium Studio, Team Foundation, Mercurial.



  • Decompiled ASP.NET web site because there was no source code
  • Worked rebuilding ASP.NET project
  • Refactored ASP.NET code with .Net Reflector to create a new project and recover company website source code
  • Worked adding new functionality to website using C# and JavaScript

Environment: /Technologies: Visual Studio, SQL Server


.Net Developer


  • Worked with C/ALL and C/SIDE developing custom functionality to Microsoft Dynamics Nav 5.0
  • Worked with SQL Server 2008 R2 administrating users and permissions
  • Managed Dynamics Nav access and permissions for users
  • Attended ticketing system to give support to users
  • Analyze and develop Dynamics NAV user’s requirement according to business rules and check the possibility of modification.
  • Developed Visual Basic .Net improvements to an application that managed budget approval for purchases according to the different amount managers can approve
  • Configured SQL Server 2008 R2 email client to send automatic emails using a trigger, the trigger checked if the manager can or can’t approve the budget
  • Worked remote with Brazil team as at the end my manager was based there
  • Worked with Business Analyst team and helped them to solve requirements conflicts
  • Worked with SQL Server Management Studio

Environment: /Technologies: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0, SQL Server 2008 R2, Visual Studio 2012.


.Net Developer


  • Worked with SQL Server 2008 and Informix DB creating and modifying Stored Procedures
  • Developed .NET applications with C# for airport customs management
  • Worked with XML to create a Data layer that generate pseudo dynamic queries.

Environment: /Technologies: ASP.NET, SQL Server 2008, Informics

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