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.net Developer Resume

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  • 7 years of experience in design, development and implementation of Client - Server and web-based computing solutions in Microsoft platform.
  • Experienced in working on .Net Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
  • Knowledge in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), System Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and End User Training.
  • Strong proficiency in C#.Net.
  • Strong experience of ASP.Net, CSS and HTML/XHTML/XML.
  • Knowledge of Object-Oriented design and programming.
  • Worked on Web Services using WCF, Web API 2.0.
  • Having applicable knowledge of WSDL, SOAP and RESTful architecture.
  • Used NUnit framework for unit testing of business layer objects.
  • Used TDD (Test Driven Development) to get better version of deliverable and to reduce the testing phase time.
  • Worked with Agile and Water Fall based software development models.
  • Strong skills in Design Patterns, it is about design and interaction of objects.
  • Proficiency in using SSRS to develop Reports and Analysis with SQL Server 2005/2008/2012.
  • Experience of understanding and designing UML Class diagrams using Microsoft Vision 2010 and other office tools.
  • Strong proficiency in JavaScript libraries like JQuery, AJAX, NodeJS, and AngularJS, KnockOutJS.
  • Experience is dependency Management Frameworks for JavaScript like GulpJS and GruntJS.
  • Used Version Controls like SVN, Team Foundation Server and GIT-Stash.
  • Hands on experience on Project Management and Bug tracking tools like Version 1 and Jira.
  • Hands-on experience in deploying web applications on IIS Web Server.
  • Hands-on experience in training the users for various projects through both Workshop / Online support.
  • Strong analytical, presentation, problem solving and excellent inter-personal skills, ability to work independently and active team player with proven work ethics and leadership qualities
  • Having experience on preparing documentation and presentation using Microsoft Office tools.
  • Experience in working on-site and understanding/handling customer requirements.
  • Deep understanding architectural patterns, design patterns, object oriented design.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment with a strong urge to learn.
  • A skilled problem solver and an efficient team player with excellent communication and management skills. Will effectively work in both independent and collaborative work environments.


Programming Languages: C#.NET, C++, ASP.NET.

IDE’s: Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, SQL Server Management Studio.

Front End Technologies: CSS, JavaScript, VbScript.

Mark-Up Languages: XML, HTML5, JSON.

JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS, NodeJS, KnockOutJS.

JavaScript Libraries: JQuery, AJAX, RequireJS.

Databases: SQL Server 2012, Oracle 9i/11g

ORM tools & Framework: Entity Framework 6.0, ORM Lite, LINQ to SQL, NHibernate.

Web Services: WCF, WebAPI.

Architectural Patterns: MVC 3.0/4.0, MVVM, Publisher Subscriber, MVVP.

Design Patterns: Singleton, Abstract, Factory, Adaptor.

Dependency Injection Frameworks: Unity, Ninject.

Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows XP/7, LINUX, UNIX.

Testing Tools: HPQuality center

Unit Test Framework: NUnit, MSUnit.

Web Servers: IIS 6.0, Apache Tomcat.

Server OS: Windows Server 2005, 2008.


Confidential - Phoenix

.Net Developer


  • Involved in analysis and design of the system specification and gathering requirements and prepared the document for proposed system.
  • Used Model-View- Control (MVC) software architecture in web applications to view the html.
  • Designed and developed 3-tier web application in .NET framework using C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript used JavaScript and HTML controls for Client Side validations.
  • Used JQuery as it is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. Involved in migrating from ASP to ASP.NET.
  • Designing and developing the various user interfaces for the application.
  • Developing User Interface (UI) as per the design specifications.
  • Responsible for using LINQ and Lambda expressions while writing the code.
  • Wrote LINQ-TO- SQL queries to perform DML operations from Entity Data Model.
  • Designed different components using C# language and used Exception handling, Error providers to handle exceptions.
  • Created and worked with dependency, attached and complex properties and plugged them into different Silverlight services.
  • Involved in writing stored procedures, tables, triggers, views, function using SQL server 2008 R2 database.
  • Used Entity Framework and LINQ to Entities to Connect to the Database and perform all the database transactions.
  • Visual Studio 2010 is utilized as the IDE tool for the management of the project as they are developed and deployed.
  • Implemented source control using TFS by creating. The projects in the TFS environment.
  • Coordinate with the QA Team for Unit Testing and Integration Testing.

Environment: .Net, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, C#.Net, ASP.Net, Entity Framework, JavaScript,.NET Framework, Unit Testing, MVC, IIS 7.0, JQuery, XML, CSS, LINQ, HTML, Team Foundation Server (TFS), SQL server 2008/2008R2, Windows.

Confidential, Albany, NY

.Net Developer


  • Analyzed specifications based on the requirements provided by the clients.
  • Followed agile methodology standards for design specifications of the application.
  • Developed the web pages in ASP.NET using .NET framework in C#.NET and application programming interface.
  • Used ASP.NET Controls, Telerik .NET UI Controls to develop User Interface, Custom controls and User Controls.
  • Created Login Forms and implemented Form-based Authentication to authenticate the users.
  • Utilized ASP.NET features, Custom Controls, and Grid View, etc for presentation layer. Menu
  • Used C# 3.0 features such as Generics, Iterators, Anonymous methods, Partial classes, Anonymous Types, Lambda Expressions and Extension methods.
  • Created Database Design and Created Tables according to requirements.
  • Used advanced JavaScript with JQuery framework to create interfaces and help manage cross browser compatibility
  • Created WCF Services to communicate with Data Access Layer in order to allow user to log in, run a search for court cases, and retrieve documents for each court case.
  • Using Business Layer the Business Logic and hides the business logic from the presentation layer.
  • Used client side JavaScript and ASP.NET custom validations for validating user input.
  • Used LINQ to build set of operations, parameters and expression during execution a set of data from SQL Server.
  • Created complex Stored Procedures, Functions, Indexes, Tables, Views and other T-SQL code and SQL joins for applications following SQL code standards.
  • Consumed Restful WCF Services for accessing the database.
  • Developed the data binding and Data Access with SQL Server using C#.NET.
  • Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) extensively for version control of the source code.

Environment: Visual Studio.NET 2012,ADO.NET, C#.NET, ASP.NET, SQL Server 2012,WCF,SSRS,SSIS,DTS, AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, XSLT, XML, HTML, AJAX, IIS, TFS, NUnit, Windows.

Confidential Hartford CT

.Net Developer


  • Analyzed specifications based on the requirements provided by the clients.
  • Experience in developing, testing, debugging, and supporting C#, ASP.Net in different internet browsers.
  • Designed GUI (Graphical User Interface) using Layout Pages, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Custom and User Controls.
  • Created application libraries in C#.Net.
  • Designed the application using an MVC (Model View Control) architecture that promotes a clear separation of presentation, business logic and data access tiers.
  • Extensively used ADO.NET objects like Connection, Command, DataSet and Data Reader.
  • Developed customized User controls for use in Webpages.
  • Designed the UI mainly using ASP.NET Server controls, and Ajax Created HTML Helpers in order to reduce the amount of typing of HTML tags.
  • Used JQuery for Client-Side Validations.
  • Used VB.Net Technology for server side programming.
  • Implemented Ajax toolkit controls in Webpages for a seamless user experience.
  • Used WCF methodology to implement the web services.
  • Development of Data layer using LINQ and Entity Framework.
  • Created stored procedures for inserting, deleting and updating screens data into database using SQL Server.
  • Worked with Gitfor version control.
  • Performed Extensive Unit testing using N-Unit.

Environment: .NET Framework 3.5, Visual Studio 2012, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, C#.Net, VB.Net, ASP.NET MVC 3.0,Git, AJAX, SOAP, CSS, HTML, DTS, Web forms, WCF, Microsoft Visio, IIS 6.0, XML/XSLT, SQL Server 2012


.NET Developer


  • Involved in understanding and transmitting the business requirements for the project, and translating these into functional specifications.
  • Participated in daily scrums and weekly meetings with the project sponsors to meet expectations and deadlines.
  • Created WPF/Silverlight applications using MVVM architecture.
  • Analysed and designed new WPF application using MVVM and Repository pattern, from design to completion.
  • Implemented 3-Tier architecture, facing key challenges on Business and Database layers.
  • Implemented Data Access Layer using ADO.NET to communicate with the MS SQL Server Database.
  • Developed stored procedures, triggers, cursors using Oracle for authorization and card details database.
  • Used TFS for version control and to maintain the updates time to time.

Environment: .Net Frame Work 3.5, Visual Studio 2010, ASP.Net, C#, SQL Server 2008, XML, XSLT, Web Services, LINQ, WCF, SSIS, TFS, Agile Methodology.


.Net Developer


  • Used Waterfall Model as the SDLC.
  • Involved in Requirement gathering, Functional and Technical specifications.
  • Involved in Enhancing the Business Layer to provide more interfaces and functions needed for the system.
  • Plan and migrate existing ASP Classic applications to ASP.Net 2.0
  • Used N-tier architecture for presentation, Business and Data Access Layers.
  • Developed Web Forms using C# and ASP.NET.
  • Developed Web forms using ASP.Net server controls and validated input using JavaScript.
  • Used ADO.Net objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader and Dataset for consistent data access.
  • Created different tables, views, and indexes and normalized the data.
  • Wrote Triggers which send e-mails to client after successful transactions.
  • Writing Database routines, stored procedures and fixing up standard specifications.
  • Used Data Transformation Services to import the data in SQL server from heterogeneous data sources like Excel, Access and Oracle.
  • Utilized Web.config file to have own setting for the application by writing database connection strings, custom settings and user authentication.
  • Testing - NUnit and FxCop.
  • Worked on testing all the Pages of the project by using the testing tools.
  • Identified, researched, investigated, analyzed, defined and documented business processes.

Environment: ASP.NET 3.0, C#, ADO.Net, Visual Studio 2008, IIS 5.0, SQL, XML, XSL, HTML, SQL Server 2008 .

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