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Sr.net Developer Resume

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Pittsburgh, PA


  • 7 years of experience in designing and developing software applications on several different engagements, focused primarily on .Net based Web Applications.
  • Expertise in Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, C#, .NET Framework4.0, SQL Server2015, SQL Server 2012, HTML, XML.
  • Exposure in fullSoftware DevelopmentLife Cycle (SDLC) which includes Software requirements gathering which includes the business requirements and system requirements Unified Modeling Language (UML), System analysis and Design, Code Generation, Testing, Implementation and maintenance of various Business Application.
  • Good knowledge on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Work Flow Foundation (WF).
  • Extensive experience inSQL Server Databasedesign, Database maintenance, developing T - SQL queries, stored procedures and triggers using SQL Server.
  • Strong expertise in scripting languages Java Script, JQuery, VB script.
  • Strong skills in Debugging Techniques and Object Oriented programming concepts.
  • Experience on AJAX controls such as Calendar, Update Panel to increase the web page's interactivity with partial rendering and to improve the response time.
  • Expertise knowledge in designing and developing ofMS SQL Server, Oracle and Teradata.
  • Designing and developing MS SQL server with strong Database experience in Oracle 10g, Oracle 9.x/8.x/7.x, DB2, MS Access, Teradata, PL/SQL, SQL Server.
  • Experience in working with HTML Controls, Web Server Controls, and User Controls.
  • Experience in writing stored Procedures, Prepared Statements, Views, Indexes and Joins on Oracle, T-SQL, SQL Server and SQL tuning experience.
  • Strong experience in Object Oriented Programming Concepts (OOP) and Object Oriented Design (OOD).
  • Highly skilled in designing the applications using UML diagrams like Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, Structural and page flow diagrams.
  • Strong Experience in Object Oriented Design and Analysis, Iterative Agile Programming Methodologies and Test-Driven Development and Maintenance.
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Web API and RESTful services is a plus.
  • Experience working with Database Programming, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Documentation under UML and Package and Deployment using .NET Setup and Deployment.
  • Excellent skills in UI (User Interface) and inMVC&MVVM architectural pattern.
  • Experience in working with version control systems like TFS, SVN and VISUAL SOURCE SAFE.
  • Excellent analytical and inter-personal skills with experience in interacting with clients, user groups and ability to work in a fast paced environment under tight deadlines.


Languages and Internet Technologies: ASP.NET, ADO.NET, ASP, AJAX, MVC, WCF, WPF,DHTML, Silverlight, JavaScript, VB.NET, HTML, CSS, XML, Telerik Controls, Prism, Entity Framework.

Microsoft Technologies: .Net Framework 4.5/4.0/ 3.5/3.0/2.0/1. x, Atlas Framework, VB.NET,C#ASP.NET MVC 3.0/4.0/5.0Visual Studio 2015/2013/2012/2008/2005 ADO.NET 3.5/3.0/2.0/1. x, LINQ

Development Tools: Visual Studio .Net.

Web Servers: IIS 7.5, IIS 7.0, IIS 6.0.

Protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP, SOAP and FTP.

Languages Scripting: SQL, PL/SQL, C#, VB 6.0, C, C++ JavaScript, JQuery,Angular.js,knockout.js.

RDBMS: MS SQL Server 2015, MS SQL Server 2012, T-Sql, Teradata, Oracle.

Methodology: OOAD, UML, Agile, Waterfall and Spiral models.

Operating Systems: Windows server, 2007, Linux. Windows 8, Windows 7

Other Tools: MS Word, MS excel, MS power point, MS Project


Confidential, Pittsburgh, PA

Sr.Net Developer


  • Creating applications using VB.NET and enhancing projects for .NET applications.
  • Implemented changes in coding and designs using knowledge of VB .NET
  • Identifying and validating solution objects, functions, interfaces, dependencies, and integration points.
  • Worked on designing and implementing the code using ASP.NET MVC.
  • Developed and tested user friendly navigator by utilizing JavaScript and VB.NET.
  • Design/develop system, application and program code according to business and technical requirements.
  • Extensively used Grid Views sorting and paging.
  • Involved in creating aweb applicationusing ASP.NET MVC and used .net framework 4.5
  • Worked on exporting reports to Excel from Grid views.
  • Used HTML, CSS, Telerik controls, AJAX, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Knockout and jQuery to improve look and feel of the ASP.NET4.5 web page.
  • Used different state management techniques (HiddenFields, ViewState, Session, query string, etc.) to maintain the state between the pages.
  • Developed interactive pages of the application using ASP.NETWeb Forms pages with VB .NETfor the code behind modules. Significant work in SQL performance optimization.
  • Used ADO.Net classes components SQLConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataReader.
  • Entity Framework (EF) and ADO .NET used to establish the connection with SQL server and to create some of the database.
  • Extensively involved in.Net Exception Handling Management, Debugging and Tracing.
  • Used LINQ for database transactions.
  • Used SOAP to implement Web APIs WCF and consumed and published XML web services in the application.
  • Updated XML documents with financial information.
  • Created and deployed Web Services using C#, SOAP, XML for Pulling Customer Service Records.
  • Implementation of client side Validate form inputs, customize selections, Confirmation using JavaScript, JQuery and Ajax.
  • Used different bindings for WCF service to support different protocols.
  • Extensively used JQuery controls like collapsible panels, tab controls, update panel etc.
  • Extensively worked on stored procedures, triggers, functions, views, temporary tables and table variables.
  • Worked with test team and fixed the issues as part of the bug life cycle.
  • Implemented Unit testing using NUnit.
  • Used Team Foundation server as version control and document management.

Environment: Visual Studio.NET 2012, .Net Framework 4.5, VB.Net ASP.NET, VB6.0, C#, WCF, Silverlight, HTML, CSS, Ajax, Telerik controls, AngularJS, JavaScript, JQuery ADO.Net, Entity Framework (EF), Teradata,Web Services, MVC, LINQ, Oracle, SQL server 2015, T-SQL, SSRS, XML, VSS, NUnit, Agile Methodologies.

Confidential, Indiana

Sr.NET Developer


  • Responsible for creating Reports based on business requirements, testing.
  • Involved in migrating existing legacy application into .NET using ASP.NET MVC 4, C#, Ajax, JQuery, JavaScript, AngularJSin a TDD approach.
  • Used JavaScript’s like Angular and Backbone. UsedBootstrap, HTML and RAZOR syntax to design the responsive view of the webpages.
  • Create and Maintain Stored procedure in SQL.
  • Responsible for creating Reports based on business requirements, testing.
  • Supported, modified and maintained Crystal reports that are currently in production.
  • Hands-on experience in Microsoft .Net framework 3.0.
  • Conversion of data-driven Microsoft Access application to VB.NET Windows/Web forms application.
  • Responded expediently for requests to create, modify and fix reports.
  • Profound knowledge of VB.Net developing Web forms.
  • Designed and implemented Data access layer using ADO.NET to connect and retrieve or manipulate database information using VB.Net.
  • CreatedUIdesigns using Web 2.0 standards.UsingVB.Net in backend and UI for frontend.
  • Involved in designing the UML Class Diagrams of the system.
  • Implemented web services to retrieve data from different database servers and to create the employee details in a format required by the company.
  • Responsible for designing the ASP.NET application authentication using ASP.NET MVC Authorization filters.
  • Implemented many Telerik controls and AJAX controls to improve the performance of the web pages.
  • Involved in the parsing of the XML Documents and transformed XML document to the XHTML format using XSLT.
  • Used filenet as workflow development.
  • Client side validation of pages done in JavaScript and validation controls like Required Field, Range, Custom and Compare Validator were incorporated for server side validation.
  • Implemented Data access layer (DL) using ADO.NET with database SQL Server by creating Functions, and Store Procedures in SQL, T-SQL and Oracle.
  • Prepared reports using SQL Server Reporting Services.
  • Involve in the Code Review Process and testing the application using NUnit.
  • Used Team Foundation Server for Version Control.

Environment: .Net Framework 3.0, TFS, C#, filenet, ASP.Net, VB.Net, MVC, Telerik controls, MVVM, Web Services, WCF, WPF, JavaScript, Angular, Knockout, Bootstrap, SQL Server 2008, T-SQL, Oracle, AJAX, XML.

Confidential, NY

.Net developer


  • Involved in requirement gathering, design and development under SOA architecture with RESTful services &Agile Methodology.
  • Created WCF JSON services in C#, .Net 4.5, IIS 7.0, SQL Server 2008.
  • Code and unit test VB.NETprograms that comply with specifications.
  • Designed Use cases, Sequence Diagram, Class and Object to simplify development stages.
  • Developed loosely coupled modules using MVVM design pattern.
  • Used Expression Blend & XAML to design rich interactive UI.
  • Created aVB.Netconsole application to clean up duplicates and unnecessary data in the data base and the active directory.
  • Utilized WPF features to render UI of the application.
  • Used Master Pages templates, Telerik controls, CSS & Themes to define unified look and feel for the application.
  • Implemented Control and DataTemplate to handle appearance and behavior of controls.
  • Used ASP.NET MVC framework to support the use of Dependency Injection to inject objects into a class, instead of relying on the class to create the object itself.
  • Used Data Binding to communicate, display and interact with the data.
  • Implemented Win-Based Authentication and Validation controls for client side data validation.
  • Used WPF features like INotify Property and Dependency Property to send change notification.
  • Used LINQ to SQL to develop Data Access Layer and manipulate the database.
  • Created Stored Process, Triggers &Views to access and manipulate the data from the database.
  • Wrote stored procedures, triggers on T-SQL, SQL Server 2005 and Oracle.
  • Used SSRS, SSIS, Crystal Reports for generating reports, charts and integrate data.

Environment: .Net Framework 3.5, VS 2008, VB.Net, CSS, SQL Server 2005, Oracle, MVC, ADO.Net, Entity Framework (EF), T-SQL, ASP.Net 3.5, C#, WPF, WCF services, Expression Blend.

Confidential, PA

Jr.Net Developer


  • Involved in Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance of the project.
  • Used ASP.NET MVC framework to support the use of Dependency Injection to inject objects into a class, instead of relying on the class to create the object itself.
  • Involved in Developing a Web application to display products, check customer status, make a new customer registration, maintain patient and prescriber details, material management, order management etc.
  • Developed custom User Controls to reduce the complexity in UI coding and provide better look and feel.
  • Created and consumed Web Services to send data about Patients to Insurance Companies, Send Order Details for Medical Products and Pharmacy, Get Order Status etc.
  • Used Web Services for data transfer to store data in the Database.
  • Developed customizable interface for the clients-employees using XML and transformed to HTML using XSLT.
  • Involved in parsing XML document using XPath objects like XPath Document, XPath Navigator.
  • Used Fiddler, Firebug for debugging and testing XML, JSON based RESTful services.
  • Client side validation of pages done in jQuery and validation controls was incorporated for server side validation.
  • Involved in writing complex SQL Statements and Stored Procedures, Indexes to validate data and ensure system integrity and security.
  • Used Grid View, Data List and Repeater controls to display data.
  • Created customized reports using Oracle and SQL Server Reporting Services.
  • Used Team Foundation Server for Version Control and Source Control.

Environment: .Net Framework 3.0, C#, Web Services, ASP.NET, MVC, AJAX, Telerik controls, Oracle, SQL Server 2008, Web Services, RESTful services, XML, TFS.


Jr.Net Developer


  • Effectively involved in various stages of the development starting from the project planning till production and maintenance using Agile Methodology.
  • Developed various User Controls to use it across the application.
  • Used Grid View, Data List and Repeater controls extensively.
  • Used CSS to Design and create various templates to get a unified look and feel of the Web Forms.
  • JavaScript was used to do some client side validations and also used AJAX to improve performance of the web page.
  • Designed, configured and developed the web application using ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, Telerik controls and CSS.
  • Designed and implemented Data access layer using ADO.NET to connect and retrieve or manipulate database information using VB.Net.
  • Implemented data access layer-using ADO.NET and Entity Framework (EF).
  • Created various Stored Procedures for efficient data transfer between databases and to create a log of all the modifications.
  • Used Master Pages, Telerik Controls, CSS& Themes for the consistent look of the application.
  • Effectively created and consumed Web Services at various stages of the development like the Insertion of data into database, fetching data from the database.
  • Generated reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Involved in the project maintenance doing some bug fixing and doing knowledge transfer session under time constraints.

Environment: .NET Framework 3.0, C#, ASP.NET, MVC, SQL Server 2005, ADO.NET, Entity Framework (EF) Web Services, XML, JavaScript, CSS, Telerik Controls.

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