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Sr.net Developer Resume

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Atlanta, GA


  • Senior Dot Net/Web Developer with 8+ years of IT industry experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Testing of Web Based, Client - Server and N-tier Architectures.
  • Experience with Full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Technical expertise in Microsoft Technologies, such as .NET Framework (4.5/ 4.0/3.5/3.0/2.0 /1.0 ), ASP.NET, C# ( 4.0/3.5/3.0/2.0 ), VB.NET, Web Services, IIS, XML,XAML,XHTML XSL, XSLT, VB Script, Visual Studio.Net 2012/2010/2008/2005 , AJAX, ADO.Net, WCF, USD (Unified Service Desktop) of MS CRM dynamics..
  • Extensive experience in web-based and site designs using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Java Script, JQUERY, AJAX, JSON and DOM manipulation skills
  • Worked with Microsoft Application building blocks for .Net projects (Data Access, Exception Handling, Reflection, Serialization, User Interface Process, Caching and Configuration Management Application).
  • Expertise knowledge on Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) Concepts including Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation and Polymorphism, good experience in design patterns like MVVM, Abstract factory, Singleton, MVC, MVP .
  • Extensively used ASP.NET, MVC 4.0/3.0, Master Pages, User Controls, and Custom Controls to design the Rich User Interactive Web Pages.
  • Experienced in utilizing new integrated features of ASP .NET 3.5/3.0 versions like Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Workflow Foundations (WWF), Language Integrated Query (LINQ), Microsoft Windows Azure.
  • Involved in developing web services and invoking them by using SOAP for creating proxy classes.
  • Experience in programming in AJAX using ASP.NET AJAX framework and control toolkit with client call back features.
  • Experience in knockout JS programming. Experience on restful architecture using Web API.
  • Accustomed in developing Client/Server (Win Forms) and Web based (Web Forms), ASP.Net.
  • Experienced SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Crystal Reports for report generation, integration into .NET applications. Experience with Telerik third party controls and J-Query.
  • Experience in node.JS, Twitter Bootstrapframework for developing UI.
  • Experience in creating Single Page Application (SPA) using Angular JS, Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Experience in creating ETL packages using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
  • Experience using configuration Management Tools such as Team Foundation Server (TFS), Tortoise SVN and Visual Source Safe (VSS) for version control.
  • Keen understanding and experience in implementing Waterfall and Agile methodology.
  • Excellent Communications skills, good team player and have good Analytical capabilities.
  • Good organizational skills, ability to handle multiple tasks and work independently as well as in team.
  • Extensive experience on migrating applications to .Net.
  • Experience in monitoring projects continuously for risks and taking corrective measures.
  • Experience in responsive UI design and Accessibility testing.


Web Technologies: ASP, ASP.Net 4.0/3.5/3.0/2.0 , AJAX 3.0/2.0, MVC 4.0/3.0, Web Services, WCF, CSS/CSS3, Java Script, Knockout JS, MVVM, JQuery, Json, Angular JS, BOOTSTRAP,HTML/HTML5, REST SERVICES(Web APi, WCF), Web forms, Win Forms, SCSF, node.Js, USD, MS CRM dynamics, Typescript.js, Entity framework


Front End: Visual Studio 2 / 2003, Visual Basic 6.0

Database: SQL Server 2005/2008 (T-SQL, Stored procedures, Triggers, DML, DDL), MS Access, DB2


XML Technologies: XAML, XHTML, XML, XSL, XSLT, XQuery, DTD’s, Schemas

Reporting Tools: Crystal reports 13/10/8.5/8, Data Base Reports, SSRS and SSIS, Telerik

Application Tools: Visual Studio.Net, SQL Enterprise Manager, SQL Management Studio

Web Servers: MICROSOFT IIS (7.0/6.0/5.1/5.0 , Windows Server

.NET FRAMEWORKS VERSIONS: .NET Framework 4.5/ 4.0/3.5/3.0/2.0

UI Technologies: Win forms, MVVM


Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Sr.Net Developer


  • Developed solutions for diverse programming scenarios in C#, employing Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.
  • Worked on C#, .NET, MVC (4.0), Angular JS, HTML5 for developing various tabs.
  • Used Entity framework CODE FIRST to improve the overall performance of the application.
  • Implemented JavaScript for front end development.
  • Extensive hands on experience on java Script coding.
  • Created WCF SOAP, WCF REST Services and also used different bindings to make it available to different types of clients.
  • Experienced in a fast paced agile development including Scrum, Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Designed and developed SOA architecture with WCF binding concepts for making data binding for end points.
  • Developed Web Application in ASP.NET MVC 4.0 razor view engine, ASP.NET with C# as code behind Angular JS, is used for client side validation.
  • Used Oracle PL/SQL for implementing business rules and do performance tuning procedures.
  • Maintained version control and code review using TFS.
  • Used AngularJS as the development framework to build a single-page application.
  • Developed Razor views with strongly typed view models and helpers and partial views using ASP.NET MVC4, CSS3 and C #.
  • Used SVN for Version Control.
  • Managed online content, performed editing and proofread all content. Developed, maintained and evaluated content for website.
  • Analyzed web content summarized it and documented results for website users.
  • Implemented Partial views (user controls), Master Pages, Strongly Typed Views and Complex Views.
  • Implemented Get, Post, Put, Delete by using Controller actions and Caching by using Action Filters and Child actions in Controller and return Razor HTML to View through Action Results.
  • Worked on SOAP and RESTFUL Service API using WCF 4.0 which return XML and
  • JSON data using WCF attributes.
  • Leveraged Angular JS for scripting, AJAX calls and JSON and XML for passing objects from Controller to View and vice versa.
  • Extensively used Angular JS for DOM traversing and manipulation
  • Used JSON to transmit data between Server and Web Application, an alternative to XML Serialization.
  • Implementing LINQ queries on different data sources in Silverlight applications.
  • Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) for source control and documented the entire application.
  • Created test plans and performed unit and regression testing on the application.
  • Experience in coordinating with on site and offshore team members in daily status meeting to resolve issues related to project Activities.

Environment: Visual Studio 2012, C# 4.0, ASP.NET MVC 4.0/3.0, WCF, Entity Frame Work 6.3/4.0, Java Script, Angular JS, TFS 2012, WCF, IIS 7.0, AJAX, ADO.NET, LINQ, XML, Microsoft Enterprise Library, NUNIT, PL/SQL, Windows XP, UML, Windows Server 2008 R2/2008, Oracle 10g

Confidential, North Brook, Chicago

.Net Developer


  • Involved in the analysis, design and development stages.
  • Involved with Agile team to motivate other team members to use Agile in SDLC.
  • Designed several Web Forms using ASP.NET 3.5 web controls such as Grid View and Details View for displaying data as part of Presentation Layer.
  • Also used AJAX Extension controls to update parts of the page without reloading the complete web page.
  • Wrote various classes for Business Logic Layer and Data Access Layer using C#, ADO.NET
  • Involved in advanced UI Design and Development web parts.
  • Involved in preparation of Functional specification documents.
  • Used MVC Design Pattern to develop classes in order to having clear separation of responsibilities of all the supported client actions.
  • Worked on various modules like Admin, Batch Track, Budget worksheet and reports.
  • Implemented .NET Web Service which is used by back office systems to give remote access to different client.
  • Created Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions and Views for the various tasks in SQL Server 2008 and also generates Reports by using SSRS.
  • Worked on Data Driven Testing and Modularity-Driven Testing for couples of Modules.
  • Created Test case for respected modules.
  • Handling database backups and network related activity.
  • Creating reports for YGC and AIM’s certification.

Environment: ASP.NET, Visual Studio, ADO.NET, AJAX, UI, SSRS, MVC, C#, SDLC, .NET Web Services, SQL 2008, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions, Views.

Confidential, Niagara Falls, NY

.Net Developer


  • Involved assisted in planning and development of Application life cycle.
  • Developed Web application with Microsoft.net technologies, Web layer with ASP.NET and business layer with C#.net Data access layer with ADO.NET advanced functionality.
  • Used Script Manager and Update Panel to provide interactive screens.
  • Designed UI using latest AJAX controls/features and ASP.NET tools (Master pages, themes, site navigation maps).
  • Used HTML, CSS and XSLT for styling the Web pages.
  • Used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to attain uniformity of all web pages.
  • Extensively used ASP.NET server controls like Calendar control, Grid View, Form View.
  • Experience of handling queries using .Net 3.5LINQ components.
  • Provided an option to the users to download an Excel template, where users have to append the results and Upload Excel spreadsheet.
  • Created packages using Integration Services (SSIS) for data extraction from Flat Files, Excel Files OLEDB etc. to Access etc.
  • Involved in Agile methodologies.
  • Designed and developed several SSIS packages to transfer the data between the different environment systems and/or export the data to other applications.
  • Performed version controlling in Visual source safe.
  • Used SMTP to Send Email notifications.

Environment: ASP.NET, C# 4.0, ADO.NET, Web Services, XML, HTML, SQL Server, Windows XP, Ajax, MS Project, SQL Server.

Confidential, Jersey City, NJ

.Net Developer


  • Participated in Design and Development of project including Database Design.
  • Designed and developed Item maintenance module using ASP.net and C#.
  • Implemented a search functionality to list items based on SKU Number, Department Style, Size, color and others.
  • Created a tool which reads the orders from the mail and stores the information to the respective database tables.
  • Developed Class libraries using C# business layer with ADO.Net and T-SQL for the database options.
  • Created tool using C# to implement various maintenance functionalities for textileshop.com.
  • Created Asp.net interface to search and list inventory transaction.
  • Search option given to filter these transactions by supplier, product type, transaction type etc.
  • Develop help pages for the user to navigate through the process.
  • Created stored procedure to update the inventory once the purchase order has been approved.
  • Developed user controls for header, footer and validation controls.
  • Using third party controls for credit card processing.
  • Created multiple stored procedures and used them to develop various analytical reports using crystal report as per client requirements.
  • Created Triggers, User Defined Functions, and User Defined Data Types, views to implement and maintain data integrity using T-SQL.
  • Created cascading style sheets to format asp pages dynamically.
  • Perform Unit Testing and Integration Testing for modules assigned.

Environment: Windows Vista, C#, ASP.Net 2.0, JavaScript, AJAX, SQL Server, XSL, XSLT, XML, XML Schema, CSS


.Net Developer


  • Involved in the full Life Cycle Development of the project from Analysis and design to testing and Deployment.
  • Developed and Deployed the Cost and Budget Accounting System.
  • Designed and developed GUI based technology platform and administration systems using the VB.
  • Created Database in Oracle 8i, updated database using Triggers and Procedures.
  • Used ADO to Communicate with the Database.
  • Generated report using SQL which store output in Microsoft Excel format.
  • Generated graphical based reports for Cost Analysis.
  • Allow user login n give the access according to the User rights.
  • Waterfall model was employed during the entire development period.

Environment: Visual Basic 6.0, SQL, GUI, SDLC, ADO, Oracle 8i, MS Excel


.Net Developer


  • Implemented the project using ASP.NET, Visual C# and back-end database as SQL Server.
  • Developed C#.Net components to implement the business logic, consumed instances of these using ASP.NET.
  • Designed User Controls in the Application using ASP.NET for writing reusable User Interface UI and encapsulating the functionality.
  • Used ADO.NET extensively for database manipulations and connections.
  • Used Data Grid, Dataset and Data Reader to retrieve, display and manipulate data.
  • Performed validations on Web Forms using .NET Validation Controls and also JavaScript.
  • Created and consumed Web Services using Visual C#, ASP.NET.
  • Implemented Optimized SQL Stored Procedures.
  • Used Crystal Reports to generate dynamic reports in page called Report Builder.
  • Participated in various client meetings with the team and the Project Manages to discuss the modifications.

Environment: ASP.NET, Microsoft .NET Framework, ADO.NET, AJAX, T-SQL, Oracle 9i, IIS, Cascading Style Sheets, C# 3.0, JavaScript, SSRS, Microsoft SQL Server


Software Engineer


  • Developed Asp.Net web application in C# to provide platform for employees for day to day activities.
  • Analyzed the requirements and prepared high level design document.
  • Created the tables, stored procedures, functions, views in SQL as per the business needs.
  • Prepared unit test and integration test cases.

Environment: Visual Studio 2003, ASP.Net, C#.Net, IIS, XML, JavaScript, ADO.Net, MS SQL Server 2000.

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