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Sr. .net Developer/sql Developer Resume

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Minneapolis, MN


  • Around 8+ years of experience in analysis, design, developing, testing and implementation of Web based Applications, Windows Applications and using Object Oriented Programming(OOP)model using .NET Framework 4.5/4.0/3.5/3.0.
  • Experience in designing and developing enterprise applications using MVC (Model View Controller) Architecture.
  • Experience in all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using Agile Scrum, Waterfall models.
  • Hands on experience with development of applications using ASP.NET, ADO.NET, C#, VB.NET, WCF, WPF, LINQ, WEB API, Web Services, REST Based Web API's, Couch base.
  • Experience with developing GUI using web technologies like HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, DHTML, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, JavaScript, XML, Node.js, ExtJs.
  • Hands on experience in Cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, Experience in supporting the cloud environments like Amazon AWS and Rackspace open Stack.
  • Experience with Relational Databases like SQL Server 2016/2012/2008/2005/2000 and Oracle 10g, Sybase Database administration.
  • Develop application build and deploy jobs using PowerShell and Jenkins.
  • Experience in administering MS SQL server databases, clustering, mirroring and migration activities.
  • Experience in developing Web ERP, CRM applications, Knowledge in CRM 2016 features like Project Service, Field Service, Customer Self Service Portal and Analytics Feature for Power BI Integration, Excel Template etc.
  • Experience as an Oracle PL/SQL Developer in analysis, design and implementation of business applications using the Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).
  • Good experience in combination of Adobe Creative Suite products including Illustrator, Photoshop, and Premiere.
  • Build out new websites and templates using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Piranha, Umbraco, Kenotic macro language.
  • Worked with Magento, Kenotic, No Commerce, Storefront, WordPress, Shopify and Custom Platforms.
  • Good Knowledge of developing Windows Services, Web Services and WCF Services.
  • Experience in developing and deploying Client server, Web - based, distributed end-to-end enterprise applications.
  • Worked with the version control tools like Microsoft Visual Source Safe (VSS), SVN version control and Team Foundation Server (TFS).
  • Proficient in working with the third party components such as Kendo UI, Dev Express Universal, Telerik Controls, Karamasoft UISuite, DotnetZip Library and Component Art.
  • Involve in development of target architecture using Core .NET, Microsoft tools & technologies and scanners.
  • Strong Experience in UX orientation, ASP.NET WEB API micro services.
  • Proficient with database programming languages using T-SQL and developing complex Stored Procedures, Functions, Joins, Triggers and creating database Views.
  • Hands-on experience on Oracle Identity Manager (OIM), Oracle Access Manager (OAM), Oracle Internet Directory (OID), Oracle Virtual Directory (OVD), Oracle Identity Analytics (OIA), OAAM (Oracle Adaptive access manager), Oracle Identity Federation (OIF).
  • Strong Experience on developing SPA using Angular JS 1.0 and strongly expertise in Angular JS 2.0 controllers, directives, factory and service resources, routings and events.
  • Good Understanding of Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM Functions.
  • Used Microsoft Azure Mobile Services as backend for the application.
  • Experience in deploying, configuring, supporting and managing Hadoop Clusters of Cloudera and Hortonworks distributions on Linux platform.
  • Installation and configuration of Microsoft Windows Vista, XP, 2000 Wintel server, Professional, Windows 2003, 2008.
  • Container based PaaS - Azure Container Services (Docker) in IaaS and on Microsoft Windows server 2016.
  • Documenting all testing efforts for future reference and audit purposes.
  • Good experience in writing SQL statements, stored procedures, views, triggers, UDFs.
  • Professional Experience in database management system and Microsoft SQL Server, Document BI experience with data modeling, excellent understanding of database fundamentals.
  • Experience in working with ADO.NET components such as Data grids, Datasets, Paging and Sorting.
  • Experience in refreshing dataset using Power BI Gateway, developing complex Power BI dashboards.
  • Used Informatica ETL tool for migrating data and also processing business rules.
  • Experience in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Developing OLAP cubes by identifying tables (fact and dimension), Data Source and Data Source Views, attributes and dimension members using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).
  • Created complex SSIS packages using various transformations and tasks like Sequence Containers, For Each Loop Container, Execute SQL/Package, File System, Conditional Split, Data Conversion, Derived Column, Lookup, Merge Join, Union All, flat file source and destination, OLE DB source and destination, excel source and destination etc.
  • Web Focus, Qlik View Analytics / OLAP Cube Development (Microsoft SSAS and MDX).
  • Sound knowledge of 3-tier and N-tier layered architecture, used N-tier architecture for presentation layer, the business and data access layers and were coded using C# .NET, VB.NET.
  • Good Knowledge in Microsoft Office, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, MS Project, Publisher, Visio.
  • Experience in Creating and Consuming WCF services as a .Net Remoting Service and an XML Web Service.
  • Developed applications leveraging ADO.NET, LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework5, Implemented Data Access Layer using Entity Framework and LINQ.
  • Expertise in Maintaining, Supporting and Troubleshooting applications and fixing bugs.
  • Published power BI Reports from Power BI Reports desktop to Power BI service.
  • Experience in call support during critical production and post-production validation.
  • Energetic self-motivated and quick learner with good analytical, communication, debugging and organizational skills.
  • Ability to adapt new changing technologies faster.
  • Experience in using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) in a self-hosting mechanism, implementing the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) using the SOAP and REST methodologies.


.Net Technologies: ADO.NET, ASP.NET, LINQ, Web Services, WPF, WCF, .NET Framework (3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5 ), MVC, Entity Framework, Web Services.

Languages: C, C++, C#.Net, VB.Net, CSS, HTML5, Bootstrap.

Scripting: Ajax, Java Script, JQuery, Angular JS 1.0/2.0, Node.Js, React JS.

Databases: MySQL, SQL Server 2016/2014/2012/2008 , No SQL, Mongo DB.


Protocols: HTTP, FTP, SOAP.

Web Server: IIS 6.0, 7.0.

Versioning Tools: Team Foundation Server, SVN, VSS.

Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports, SSRS, SSIS Reports.

Tools: Visual Studio 2015/2013/2010/2012 , MS Management Studio.

Operating System: Windows 10 / Server 2003/ Server 2008/ XP/Vista/7/8.


Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Sr. .NET Developer/SQL Developer


  • Design & Development of the User Interfaces using HTML, CSS, Kendo UI, JavaScript, Telerik RadControls.
  • Used ASP.NET MVC 5, C#, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, VBScript, JSON, HTML and Angular JS 2.0 to create a very clean and professional UI.
  • Developing applications using Ext Js, Sencha Touch, ASP.Net, C#.Net, Entity Framework, Angular JS, Bootstrap, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, XML, T-SQL, PL/SQL, Web Services and Windows Services.
  • Worked on developing automation and other IT Process Automation capabilities with the AWS platform, Responsible for planning, installing, and supporting AWS infrastructure.
  • Created factory services and services for code reusability in Angular JS 2.0.
  • Designed various Routing Mechanism's and $http Functionality in Angular JS in order to get the data from the web servers.
  • Modified complex stored procedures, views in SQL Server 2014 to optimize existing ETL packages for Call Center BI group.
  • Developed React JS pages, Web services calls and AJAX calls for the application.
  • Created a custom analytics frame work to gather useful user behavior data using Mongo DB.
  • Developing Pig and Map Reduce programs for few requirements.
  • Standardized backup and restore practices for Mongo / Cassandra.
  • Primarily just helping other teams figure out how to secure their services in Data Power, API Management troubleshoot and debug their proxies.
  • Automated application deployments using PowerShell.
  • Build and maintain web sites utilizing CMS systems Kentico & Wordpress.
  • Created API proxies from SOAP, REST and Open API Specifications.
  • Successfully Integrated Google play services and Google Maps API V2.
  • Font-end Integration & Development, primarily Umbraco (.NET CMS) based.
  • Provided inputs in architecting, designing, and implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the application development group.
  • Understood the existing Enterprise data warehouse set up and provided design and architecture suggestion converting to Hadoop ecosystem.
  • Deeply involved in writing ORACLE database objects like stored procedures, functions and packages using PL/SQL.
  • Migration from Web Services to WCF Services and testing using WCF Test Client tool.
  • Designs and develops high reliability components using Visual Studio, MVC, ASP.NET, and C #, Web Services, SQL Server and T-SQL.
  • Designs, prepares, tests and debugs web program coding for business applications.
  • Planning for Oracle ERP Implementation, led a comprehensive work redesign for planning function and process improvement effort in improving standard operating procedures.
  • Interfaces are upgraded into the latest version of BizTalk (2013 R2).
  • Integrated Native iOS Objective C based APIs and frameworks with Xamarin automatic binding generator.
  • Support existing BizTalk applications, design and build new BizTalk applications and interfaces.
  • Responsible for maintaining existing web applications and enhancing features. Provides programming support and troubleshooting.
  • Responsible for designing, developing and deploying collaboration portal and Master data workflow using SharePoint Portal Server (SPS), Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) and .NET Framework
  • Used Agile methodology for developing projects and participated in Sprints planning.
  • Used SSRS for reporting services and SSIS packages for data manipulation.
  • Documented and Unit tested the web pages that were developed and reports were presented SSRS.
  • Implementation of client side validations using JQuery and ASP.NET MVC.
  • Created custom SharePoint Web Parts using Visual Studio, ASP.NET, and C# with Microsoft. SharePoint and Microsoft. SharePoint. Web Part Pages object model.
  • Developed and implemented custom workflow forms using InfoPath and custom workflows using SharePoint Object model and MS Office 2007.
  • Designed InfoPath 2007 forms based on user roles and views mapping and associated the workflows with InfoPath forms in SharePoint server.

Environment: ASP.NET, C#, .NET, Angular JS 2.0, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, ASP.NET MVC 5, Kendo UI, SQL Server 2012/2014/2016 , ADO.NET, Visual Studio 2013, BizTalk, SSIS,SSRS, WCF, WPF, TFS, Mongo DB, Powershell, Jenkins, Apex SQL Developer Studio, Windows Server 2003, XML, Entity Framework, IIS 6.0/7.0.

Confidential, Renton, WA

.NET Developer


  • Involved in Requirement gathering, task planning, Design and Unit Testing.
  • Designed and developed web forms with HTML5, XHTML, and CSS3.
  • Worked on MVC 4.0/5.0 applications to build the UI layer, Designed and Implemented the UI with the extensive use of JavaScript and JQuery, Angular JS 1.0.
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept, used Angular JS form validations to reduce the load on server.
  • Managed company’s IT infrastructure (servers, software, ERP system, workstations.
  • Used various Telerik Controls, developed user controls to design custom UI to meet the requirements and to increase the ease of use for customers.
  • Design and Implement WCF services layer hosted on Windows Azure. This layer is the middle tier between SQL Azure and SharePoint online external content.
  • Maintaining technical support for Infrastructure Services on Microsoft Windows technologies.
  • Responsible for Active Directory, Windows 2008 and 2012 OS, Window 6.5, 7 OS.
  • Optimize main website for mobile and tablet using skeleton framework and custom media queries.
  • Responsible for making AJAX Calls for the UI Interactions to the Controller actions using JQuery and getting the data back as JSON and parsing it on to the UI.
  • Performing user provisioning on Lotus Notes, Blackberry and Good Mobile applications on a daily basis.
  • Experience working in (WPF) and Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF).
  • Well versed with deployment, migration, integration, upgrades and maintenance of middleware applications.
  • Development of enterprise reports by pulling data from various sources and presenting in SQL reporting Services(SSRS).
  • Used AJAX control tool kit to develop rich user interface experience.
  • Implemented CRUD functionality with Entity framework in ASP.NET MVC and implemented sorting, filtering and paging with Entity framework in MVC.
  • Used Active directory to provide a central location for network administration and security authentication.
  • Developed SSIS packages to export data of flat file source to SQL Server Database.
  • Designed and Developed Web Services for Business Logic Layer for Service Oriented Architecture(SOA).
  • Administered as a Application DBA to create Tables, Views, Developing queries, Stored Procedures and triggers and performance tuning.
  • Created Complex SQL Stored procedures using Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
  • Deployed the Web application on the Production Server.
  • Tested the developed code to ensure that it accurately captured the existing business processes using N Unit Testing.
  • Used Team foundation Server (TFS) for version control and Shelve pending changes of the source code along with the maintenance of the builds and the relevant documents of the same.
  • Created Restful API with using Web API.
  • Coded in Data Access Layer, and Business Logic Layer using VB.NET and SQL Server in backend.
  • Created Entity Framework object model which handles the data from/to SQL.
  • Used LINQ to Entity Framework using Lambda Expressions for communicating between business logic layer and Data access layer.
  • Used .NET Framework 4.0 throughout the project and converted existing code from 2.0 to 3.0.
  • Modifications were made to the existing GUI using WPF for better look and feel.
  • Consumed Web services using WCF and WPF for online transactions using C# and exposed them through HTTP.
  • Involved in development of UI Pages using the HTML, Master Pages & ASP.NET Controls and ASP classic controls

Environment: ASP.NET 4.5, MVC 4.0, C#, VB.NET, VB Script, Entity Framework5.0, XML, JavaScript, LINQ, Angular JS 1.0. Lambda Expression, CSS3, TFS, Visual Studio 2012, SSRS, IIS, SQL Server 2012, WCF, Web API, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery.

Confidential, Chandler, AZ

.NET Developer


  • Involved in the complete life cycle (SDLC) of the project, including (design, development, and implementation, testing, support, and production maintenance).
  • Used ASP.NET MVC 3 for front-end websites. Used presentation layer as CSS, which allows customization of layout, color based on the user selection using XSLT, XML, and CSS.
  • Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application.
  • Analyzed and designed new WPF Application using MVVM and Repository pattern, from design to completion.
  • Practiced Agile Methodology in order to review progress of project in monthly sprints.
  • Used LINQ to build set of operations, parameters and expression during execution of data from SQL Server.
  • Designed and Developed applications using ASP.NET 4.0, C#, WCF, MVC 3.0, SQL Server 2010.
  • Worked on routing to load controller type using MVC, Web APIs for reaching appropriate action in the web application.
  • Implemented Data Access Layer using Entity Framework Code First to communicate with the SQL Server.
  • Developed Web Services and test this services using SOAP UI.
  • Created Database Objects like Tables, Stored Procedures, Views, Triggers, Rules, Defaults, user defined data types and functions.
  • Defined relationship between tables and enforced the referential integrity constraints. Created Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes.
  • Tuned the SQL queries using SQL profiler. Involved in tuning the database.
  • Involved in testing and debugging and performed thorough Unit testing.
  • Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) for Version Control, Team build, Project Management, Data Collection and Reporting.

Environment: ASP.NET 4.0, ASP.NET MVC 4.0, MS Visual Studio 2012, .NET Framework 4.0/4.5, WPF, MVVM, Repository Pattern, Console Application, C#, ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.3/5.0, WCF, LINQ, SSIS, SSRS, XML, TFS 2012, JQuery, JSON, JavaScript, VB Script, CSS 3, AJAX, SQL Server 2008, IIS 7.0.


.NET Developer


  • Designed and developed the application on ASP.NET Framework 4.0, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS and C#.
  • Created rich, easy-to-use Views, Partial Views using Scaffolding Templates and Razor View Engine.
  • Created Layout Views using CSS/Themes/JQuery for Razor Engine to give a consistent look to header element.
  • Developed various Controllers with Action Methods returning varied action results like File Content, Script Execution, JSON Data, URL Redirection and HTTP Status.
  • Developed Data Models by Model First approach using Entity Framework 4.0 to enable strongly-typed LINQ queries.
  • Have used ASP.NET Validation controls to do server-side validations and client-side validations based on the user’s browser.
  • Responsible for designing MVC pattern web pages.
  • Working Experience in SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) where creating, deploying and manage the reports.
  • Working Experience to transform Xml data files, Flat files into destination with SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services).
  • Consumed Remote Web services using WCF Service Model and called within Silverlight to implement Data Binding with Silverlight controls.
  • Performed DBA operations, integrations, Invoked SQL Server stored procedures using ADO.NET.
  • Using LINQ made queries for WCF services, WPF and Win Forms.
  • Have extensively used Datasets, Data table and Data view to retrieve and manipulate data and display it in an ASP.NET page.
  • Installed/Configured and was responsible for setting up the environment and developing using 3-tier architecture.
  • Server side working experience with IIS (Internet Information Services) manages hosting, publishing.
  • Used Active directory to provide a central location for network administration and security authentication for the users.
  • Built interactive HTML forms using Web Controls.
  • Involved in the complete life cycle of the project.
  • Use to gather the required information and maintain the documentation.
  • According to the requirement use to Analyze and involved in designing and development
  • Involved in database to create tables, stored procedures.
  • Created User Controls, Reports using Reporting Service 2000.
  • Designed Invoices, Bills using Reporting Services.
  • Developed classes and interfaces for the Data Access layer using VB.NET, ASP.NET ADO.Net, and SQL 2008 data access library.

Environment: ASP.NET, C#, Visual Studio 2010, Entity Framework, IIS 7.5, WCF, .NET Framework 4.0, JavaScript, Dependency Injection, SQL Server 2008 R2.


.NET Developer


  • Developed application using ASP.NET MVC 3.0.
  • Developed views using Razor, CSHTML, JQuery, Ajax, HTML and CSS.
  • Implemented MVC validation at Controller level.
  • Used extensively JQuery for client side validations.
  • Implemented Service oriented component (SOA) Layer using C# and WCF to decouple the Web application with Business logic layer.
  • Used JQuery grid control.
  • Implemented searching, filtering, sorting, refreshing grid functionality.
  • Used Fluent N Hibernate for extracting and storing data in database.
  • Developed Queries using T-SQL Statements, Views, User Defined Functions, Stored Procedures and Triggers.
  • Extensively used Data Annotations attributes for data validation and verification purpose.
  • Used 'Microsoft Application Blocks' for exception handling, logging and database access..
  • Actively involved in writing business logic in C#.
  • Extensively used Object Oriented Programming fundamentals during all phase of web application development.
  • Developed unit test cases script using C#.
  • Used .NET Framework 3.0 throughout the project and converted existing code from 2.0 to 3.0.
  • Modifications were made to the existing GUI using WPF for better look and feel.
  • Consumed Web services using WCF and WPF for online transactions using C# and exposed them through HTTP
  • Involved in development of UI Pages using the HTML, Master Pages & ASP.NET Controls and ASP classic controls
  • Developed Front End using ASP.Net Web application & AJAX.
  • Developed Web User Controls by combining existing controls for separating the business logic.
  • Designed Custom Controls by inheriting from existing controls and customizing the control as per the requirement.
  • Developed the application using various patterns including MVC 4.0, Singleton, Dependency Injection
  • Designed and Developed applications using ASP.NET 4.0, C#, WCF, MVC, SQL Server 2010.
  • Worked in coding in generating XML files to place retrieved attributes data from XML and Excel files
  • Reviewed XML data and worked in coding of validating XML data with XSD.
  • Developed queries for extracting data from Database.
  • Involved in writing code for generating XML files for all 8 Records using C#.NET as per ATA Spec 2000 Standards.
  • Involved in client interaction for requirements and enhancements.
  • Involved in organizing weekly Call Conferences with client to have project.
  • Prepared test cases for all the modules and performed unit and integration testing.

Environment: ASP.NET MVC 3.0, .Net Framework 3.5, MS Visual Studio 2008, WCF, Web Services, C#, XML, LINQ, SQL Server 2008, JQuery, CSS, IIS 5.0.

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