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.net Developer Resume

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New, YorK


  • 5 + years’ experience in software design and development using the .Net Technologies (3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5 )using ASP.Net, VB.Net, MVC, Visual Basic, ADO.Net, Entity Framework, Win Forms, Web Forms, WPF, WCF, XAML and IIS in the areas of performance, security, scalability, and extensibility.
  • Experienced with the .NET Platform, Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013, Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2008 R2/2012, C# 4/5, ASP.NET 4.5, MVC 4, and ADO.NET.
  • Competent in various Object Relational Mapping (ORM) technologies such as User Controls, Entity Framework 5/6 and LINQ to SQL.
  • Proficient in writing SQL Queries, Stored Procedure, and triggers in SQL Server 2008/2012.
  • Experience in developing reports using Crystal Reports, SSRS.
  • Developed Web Applications using HTML, ASP, VBScript, JavaScript, Dot Net, and XML.
  • Experienced with text and graphical editors such as Notepad++, Eclipse, Adobe Applications, and Microsoft Office.
  • Skillful with Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) Design and Analysis.
  • Excellent analytical, organizational, and problem solving skills.
  • Extensive knowledge on all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (Planning, Requirement analysis, Design, coding, testing, deployment).
  • Exceptional interpersonal written and verbal communication skills, and able to work independently.


Languages: C#, JavaScript, j Query, CSS, HTML5, XML, SQL/T - SQL, C, C++, LINQ.

Frameworks: ASP.NET 4.0/4.5, MVC 2/3/4/5, VB.NET, ADO.NET, Web Services, WPF, WCF, Entity Framework 5/6, AJAX

Databases: SQL Server 2008/2008 R2/2012, Oracle DB Visualizer

Tools: Visual Studio, SQL Server Management Studio

Web Servers: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5/8.0, TFS 2012

Operating Sys: UNIX, Windows 95/98/ME/XP/Vista/7/8, Windows Server 2008/2008 R2

Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports 9.0/11.0, SQL Reporting services 2005(SSRS)

Methodologies: Agile Scrum, Waterfall


Confidential, New York

.Net Developer


  • Developed N-Tier Application, Business and Data Access layers using C#, Web Services, windows services, excel services, ASP.Net.
  • Involved in Analysis, Requirements gathering, Development, Unit Testing,
  • Testing, Deployment and User acceptance test support.
  • GUI design: Created User controls, Master Pages and Cascading style sheets (CSS) to improve the look and feel of the website and create uniformity across websites using Asp.net.
  • Involved in making and consuming web services for the application.
  • Handling various services using Multi-Threading.
  • Designed and Created SQL Server database objects such as stored procedures, functions, triggers, indexes, Complex Queries and T-SQL.
  • Implemented asynchronous method calling for better performance.
  • Effectively performed diagnostics, debugging/ tracing.
  • Handled Run Time Errors & Design Time Errors by implementing appropriate Error Handlers
  • Interacted with other teams to discuss and implement Module Integration and resolved related issues from time to time.

Environment: .Net4.0, VS 2013, ASP.NET 4.0, C# SQL Server, AJAX, Web Services, ADO.NET, Java Script, J Query, MS Visio, HTML, CSS, Visual Source safe, XML/XSL, IIS, Windows service.


.NET Developer


  • Designed and implemented rich UI components utilizing ASP.NET 4.0 and C#.
  • Developed the Business Objects, Data Access Objects, and Business Components according to application architecture.
  • Widely utilized the ASP.NET features like Grid View, List View, Detail View, Tree View, Multi View and other controls.
  • Involved in the design and updating of application on ASP.Net MVC 3.0/4.0, Razor view Framework.
  • Extensively used ASP.NET Server Controls, Validation Controls and User Controls.
  • Worked on security issues related to user authentication and authorization.
  • Worked on creating View state, Cookies, and Sessions to manage user state.
  • Wrote scripts in T-SQL for creating Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers.
  • Used ADO.Net components such as Datasets, Data Reader, Data View and Data Table.
  • Designed and developed .NET components using C#.Net and XML to communicate with Web Services.
  • Worked on ASP.NET features like state Management, caching features, configuring optimizations and securing web application

Environment: .NET Framework 4.5, C#.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, WCF, MVC, PL/SQL, Visual Studio 2012, AJAX, XML, JavaScript, J Query, SQL Server 2008,T-SQL.


.NET Developer


  • Utilized MVC 3.0 framework to develop the application.
  • Designed C# class libraries for business logic and developed GUI and Middle Tier using C# on .Net Architecture.
  • Designed Master Pages for consistent layout of pages in the application. Developed Web based GUI using C#, HTML and CSS.
  • Enhanced existing pages with different AJAX controls which provided responsive user interfaces to display the data on the web page.
  • Created event driven Web Forms using ASP.NET and implemented form validation.
  • Used JavaScript and HTML controls for Client Side validations and implemented Ajax controls to aid in efficiency.
  • Worked in IIS 7.0 for effective utilization of WCF services.
  • Created data access layer to communicate with the SQL Database with ADO.NET objects.
  • Involved in Deployment and Troubleshooting issues in the application.
  • Involved in writing System Documentation and Code Documentation.

Environment: Visual Studio 2010, C#.NET, MVC, ASP.NET, ADO.Net, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL Server, Windows 7, IIS.


.Net Developer


  • Responsible for developing WPF pages in C# to meet the business requirements.
  • Designed and developed User Controls using WPF controls for the User Interface.
  • Worked on validating WPF pages using Custom and inbuilt validation facilities in .NET environment.
  • Worked on LINQ Entity Framework for fetching data from database.
  • Extensively involved in Developing Components for Business Layer and Data Layer.
  • Created Client side validations with JavaScript
  • Extensively used Data binding concept to display the required data.
  • Implemented Data access layer using ADO.NET to connect and retrieve or manipulate database information.
  • Used C# as code behind Language.
  • Validations have been done using ASP.NET validation controls.
  • Used AJAX toolkit and extension controls for the project.
  • Used LINQ to query the data source, to manipulate and change the data.

Environment: SQL Server, ASP.NET, C#, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, Crystal Reports, .Net Framework 3.0, IIS, DB2, and Team Foundation Server


.NET Developer


  • Worked on enrollment form UI creation, validations and implementing various business requirements using JavaScript extensively from scratch.
  • Worked on developing and configuring mails which are sent out to users who enroll into the EDC marketing program.
  • Worked as a senior team player in implementing the new business requirements.
  • Worked on the look and feel of the existing enrollment forms of specific marketing programs.
  • Worked on effort estimate and schedule of the whole project.
  • Involved in providing workarounds for business requirements which would obstruct the existing logic of the marketing programs.
  • Provided technical support for production tickets.
  • Worked on renewal logic of marketing programs which would enable existing users to renew their contracts with Confidential .
  • Implemented the renewal logic on the enrollment forms thereby enabling users to renew their data available in the CPM system.
  • Involved in requirement analysis and effort estimate along with customer.
  • Provided an alternate solution for look and feel of enrollment form which was accepted by customer as better solution.
  • Worked on the validations and business requirements which would enable a dealer to add a subcontractor as a licensee for the OLO marketing program.

Environment: ASP.NET 3.0, SQL Server 2005, XML, HTML, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XSLT, .Net 3.0 (C#)

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