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Sr .net Developer Resume

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Tulsa, OK


  • 7+ years of experience in IT Industry primarily focused on Software development which involves developing Web and Windows application using Microsoft Products like Visual Studio .Net, ASP.Net, C#.NET, VB.NET.
  • Expertise in developing software applications using MS SQL Server 2005, 2008 and 2012.
  • Experience in using .Net Framework 2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5.
  • Good working knowledge of.Net Web Services, ADO.Net, LINQ,JavaScript,AngularJS,JQuery and AJAX, REST Web Service, XML, XSD & XSLT.
  • Involved in Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC).
  • Experience in using Application Servers such as IIS 5.0/6.0/7.0/7.5 .
  • Experience in using SOAP, Windows Services, HTTP/HTTPS.
  • Worked extensively with Data Adapter, Dataset, Data reader as a part of ADO.NET to access and update database.
  • Experience in working with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
  • Worked with Windows work flow (WWF).
  • Worked with Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF), XAML.
  • Experience in developing applications using MVC 3.0/4.0.
  • Experience on Web API to create HTTP RESTFul services to communicate with UI objects using JSON.
  • Sound Business Analysis skills and experience working with various lines of business.
  • Effective communication skills, spontaneity, great work ethics and grasping power.
  • Creative in Designing the UI that is appealing and also gives user friendly experience.
  • Hands on experience in debugging and fixing the bugs and also very good with production support and maintenance.
  • Experience in data object models like Language - Integrated Query (LINQ) and Entity Framework to retrieve and modify data.
  • Extensive experience in developing Stored Procedures, Functions, Views, Indexes, Triggers, Cursors, XML, Joins, user defined data types and other Complex Queries using PL/SQL,T-SQL on Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012.
  • Build effective/efficient queries for high-performance reports for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and have knowledge of creating SSIS packages.
  • Hands on experience with Security implementation in web applications and Web Services.
  • Extensive experience in software development methodology Agile(Scrum),Test-driven development (TDD) and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment and actively participate in projects within work groups and across organizations.
  • Good team player and quick learner with excellent Analytical Skills, Written and Verbal Communication skills and can work independently in a fast paced environment.


Programming Languages: C#.Net,VB.NET

Web Technologies: ASP.NET 4.5/3.5/3.0/2.0 , ADO.NET, WCF, WPF, LINQ, Web Services, HTML,CSS, XML, Web API,XAML

Scripting Languages: Java script, AJAX, JQuery,PL/SQL,T-SQL.

Tools: Entity Framework, MS VISIO

Development Tools & Technologies: Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010/2013 , MVC framework 3.0/4.0

Database Tools: Management studio

Web Servers: IIS 5.0/6.0/7.0/7.5

RDBMS: MS SQL Server 2012/2008/2005 & ORACLE 9i

Protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP, SOAP

Operating Systems: Windows Server 2008/2003, Windows 7, Vista, NT/2000/XP

Version Control: MSVisualSourceSafe(VSS),TeamFoundationServer(TFS),SubVersion(SVN)

Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)


Confidential, Tulsa, OK

Sr .Net Developer


  • Involved in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including analysis, design, development, and testing of the project.
  • Used Agile methodology to emphasize on face-to-face communication over written documents and make sure that iteration is passing through a full software development cycle.
  • Used Model View Controller(MVC) to organize objects which are specialized for their tasks.
  • Built GUI using HTML, JavaScript, AngularJS, JQuery, Partial Views and AJAX for providing a consistent look and their individual states persisted across sessions, thus saving individual preferences and providing a smooth navigation experience.
  • Used ADO .NET Entity Framework with SQL Server 2012 as backend for persistence.
  • Used LINQ to Entities, LINQ to Dataset which enables program data access using intuitive native syntax and strongly typed objects in .NET Framework languages.
  • Defined the object model and service contract for WCF service exposure as per the business functionalities.
  • Worked on Web API to create HTTP RESTFul services to communicate with UI objects using JSON.
  • Developed WebServices and invoked them by using XML,SOAP and WSDL tool for creating proxy classes for communicating with other applications and components.
  • Designed and developed various abstract classes, interfaces, classes to construct the business logic using C#.
  • Extensively used Object Oriented Concepts like Encapsulation, Inheritance, Abstraction and Polymorphism.
  • Developed Master Pages, Themes and Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) using ASP.Net to improve features and feel of the forms.
  • Written JavaScript, JQuery functions for Client side code to implement different functionalities in validations.
  • Wrote SQL Queries, Stored procedures and Cursors to process large collection of products and retrieve data from database.
  • Extensively used Report Wizard, Report Builder and Report Manager for developing reports and deploying reports in SSRS.
  • Executed and managed work flows using windows work flow foundation (WWF).
  • Familiar Use of Version Control for Storage, Check-In, Check -Out of the applications
  • Used ASP.NET membership concept for login controls.
  • Involved in deploying the application on the IIS server.
  • Implemented Unit Testing, Integration Testing and System Testing using NUNIT. Responsible for maintaining versions of source code using Team Foundation Server (TFS).
  • Used the Debugging and Tracing features of Visual Studio. Net. Extensively.
  • Handled many production issues and enhanced the User interface as per the requirements.

Environment: Visual Studio 2013, .Net Framework 4.5, IIS 7.5, LINQ, C#, ASP.NET 4.5, MVC 4.0,Web API,JSON,Agile,EntityFramework5.0,ADO.Net Entity Framework 4.0, AJAX,WWF, JavaScript,AngularJS, JQuery, HTML 5, XML, XSLT, CSS 3, WCF, SOAP, SQL Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, NUNIT,SSRS, Team Foundation Server (TFS)

Confidential, Canonsburg, PA

Sr .Net Developer


  • Designed and developed various abstract classes, interfaces, classes to construct the business logic using C#.
  • Worked with ASP.NET Web Forms, Web Services, and State Management, Caching features, Configuring optimizations and securing the web application.
  • Used AJAX and JQuery for rich user interface along with MVC.
  • Developed module which deals with validating user, changing passwords and searching of information depending upon priority of user in site Using ASP.NET.
  • Used AngularJS to develop single page application.
  • Used JavaScript to perform validations and catch the events on client’s browser.
  • Used bindings to control the construction of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) channel stack at runtime.
  • Used Data Contract as the standard mechanism in the WCF for serializing .NET object types into XML.
  • Worked on WPF and built several controls using XAML programming.
  • Developed Web Services and invoking them by using XML SOAP and WSDL for creating proxy classes.
  • Validated user input in Web forms using validation controls like compare, range, regular expression and custom validation controls.
  • Used ADO.NET to connect Web forms to data sources such as MS SQL Server and XML files for manipulating data in database.
  • Used T-SQL to examine the database information.
  • Used Web Services (SOAP, WSDL) for communicating with other application and components.
  • Used ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, which adds a rich library of controls for AJAX development and LINQ to Objects, is used to massage the data to bond the data to AJAX Controls.
  • Effectively used JQuery a concise JavaScript Library for traversing HTML document, event handling and AJAX interactions.
  • Used LINQ to SQL, LINQ to Objects for retrieving the data efficiently and Just in Time manner.
  • Used Microsoft Team Foundation Server for the purpose of version Control and source code maintenance needs.
  • Maintained logs of all issues and ensured resolutions for production process.

Environment: ASP.NET 3.5, MVC 3.0,C#, Visual Studio 2010,IIS 6.0, WCF,WPF, LINQ, Web forms, Win forms,HTML,CSS,XML,XAML,NUnit,.NET Framework,AJAX,SOAP,WSDL,AngularJS, JQuery,JavaScript, TFS, SQL Server 2008,T-SQL.

Confidential, Raleigh, NC

Sr .Net Developer


  • Good understating of agile methodology with Scrum meetings. Completing the tasks in timely fashion with respect to each individual Sprint.
  • Task completion in respect to Design, business logic as well as the Test cases in a sophisticated manner.
  • The Request center was built using WCF Model for a secure and reliable web service which could be accessed using real time data.
  • Involved in using MVC pattern for the UI development
  • Developed Web Application in ASP.NET with C# as code behind while JavaScript is used for client side validation.
  • Developed various custom classes using C# and Object Oriented Programming.
  • Developed dynamic ASPX web pages for Application using ASP.NET, C#.NET, XML, HTML, CSS,JavaScript,AngularJS andAJAX
  • Used Bootstrap for responsive UI
  • Designed and created Relational database tables using Normalization, Managed clustered and non-clustered indexes and implemented Relationships between tables.
  • Worked on database design front implementing various table designs, stored procedures and complex triggers using SQL server 2008.
  • Used SSIS package to migrate data.
  • Extensive use of Web Services, SOAP, XML, XSL to expose the reports to facilitate information sharing.
  • Web forms were implemented using various Server controls like Data Grid, Calendar and various validation controls.
  • Used LINQ queries to filter data set that is obtained from complex stored procedure, views, functions and Entities in the repository Layer.
  • Designed and developed Windows forms and Web forms to facilitate the storage, maintenance and retrieval of new and existing information systems data.
  • Coordinated with Operations, database, testing teams for project testing and deployments to production.

Environment: ASP.Net3.0,C#.Net,MVC3.0,.Net4.0,WCF,LINQ,Webforms,Winforms,AGILE,AJAX,XML,HTML,CSS, XSL, JavaScript,AngularJS, SQL server 2008,SOAP.

Confidential, Los Angeles, CA

.Net Developer


  • Worked on Presentation, Data Access and Business Logic layers of the application
  • Designed and Developed reports for user details like Details of failure logins, User-locked out history.
  • Used Dataset, Data Table, Data Adapter, Data Reader and other ADO.NET connectivity controls.
  • Developed classes and methods and written codes in Data layer for retrieving Data from the Database using Data Access Application Blocks and ADO.NET in C#.net.
  • Extensively used LINQ to XML, to write and read XML data in the C# language.
  • Wrote Stored Procedures in SQL Server for implementing business rules.
  • Extensively worked with SSIS Packages.
  • Worked on MVC architecture using ASP.Net and C#.Net.
  • Used Multithreading to provide synchronization to the Application.
  • Extensively worked with Web Forms, and AJAX, JavaScript, ADO.NET, and C#.NET.
  • Used SVN for source control.
  • Preparing implementation plan for the requirements using MS Visio.

Environment: Visual studio 2008, C#.NET,ADO.NET,MVC, HTML, AJAX,XML and Web services, User Controls, JavaScript, SQL server 2005, .NET Framework 3.5, CSS, LINQ,SVN.


.Net Developer


  • Developed the website to display on a web server using ASP.NET, C# with Oracle 9i as the backend
  • Designed the database, developed stored procedures, cursors and triggers using Oracle PL/SQL
  • Developed object oriented design and framework by identifying classes and implemented object oriented programming using VB.Net
  • Handled Run Time Errors & Design Time Errors by implementing appropriate Error Handlers in VB.NET.
  • Developed the GUI using Custom and Web Controls.
  • Designed and Developed VB.NET windows applications.
  • Designed web forms for Address Book interface in ASP.NET using ADO.NET, Data Grid and Data list controls.
  • Validation was done using validation control in ASP.NET.
  • Used Seagate Crystal Reports to develop tool reports for performance management.
  • Participated in the whole life cycle of the project including design phase of the project, which was designed using ASP.NET, C# and Web Services.
  • Developed the front-end screens using Web forms.

Environment: ASP.NET 2.0, ADO.NET, VB.NET, Crystal Reports, Oracle 9i,PL/SQL, IIS, VSS.


.Net Developer


  • Analyzing the specifications provided by the client.
  • Involved in complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases in Planning, Design, Development, and Testing.
  • Involved in Requirement gathering, Technical and Functional specifications.
  • Using C# for the coding and worked with N-tier architecture for presentation layer, Business layer and Data Access Layers.
  • Used various modeling techniques like data modeling, data flow diagrams, and UML diagrams for designing and developing the application.
  • Created Web Forms using ASP.NET server controls and validations inputs using Java Script.
  • Debugging and Coding using C#.NET and ASP.NET.
  • Used ADO.NET objects such as Connection Strings, Command Type, Data Adapter, Data Reader and Data Set for consistent data access.
  • Designed the database, developed stored procedures, cursors and triggers using Oracle PL/SQL.
  • Testing using N-Unit.
  • Crystal reports are used to generate reports to the Middle Office, Back Office users.

Environment: .NET Framework 2.0, ASP.NET, C# .NET, Oracle 9i, Web Services, Visual Studio 2005,N-Tier, Crystal Reports .

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