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Sr.net Developer Resume

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Indianapolis, IN


  • Over 8+ years of professional experience in Design, Development, Testing and Deployment of secure, Multi - tier Web and Client/Server Applications.
  • Experience in development of Windows and Web Application using.NET Framework 4.0, 3.5, 3.0 & 2.0, C#, .NET, ASP.NET, VB.NET,MVC (MVC 5.0/4.0/3.0), Web Services(WSDL, UDDI, DISCO, and SOAP),ADO.NET,LINQ,and MS SQL Server.
  • Expertise in development of applications in MVC pattern using razor, html helpers, Views, Layouts, Controller action methods, View Models, validators, Attributes, Action Filters, creating custom validators.
  • Experience in developing User Interface usingHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, and Bootstrap, Telerik controls - Kendo. Implemented partial page post back using AJAX.
  • Experience in JavaScript Debugging using Chrome developertools.
  • Solid Understanding of OOPS CONCEPTS -Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism.
  • Experience in using Design patterns like MVC, MVP and Factory Patterns.
  • Used Auto Mappers to optimize the code.
  • Experience in working with .NET features likeEvents&Delegates, Generics&Collections, Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Serialization, LINQ.
  • Experience in usingWeb Services, Windows Communication Foundation(WCF), Soap/Restful services.
  • Implemented Web API to build HTTP services compatible for browsers and mobile devices
  • Involved in all aspects of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)including architectural design, gathering business requirements, project estimation, project schedule planning, resource planning, evaluation of third party solutions and documentation.
  • Experience increating Unified Modeling Language (UML)diagrams like Class, Sequence and Use Case diagrams using Rational Rose and MS Visio.
  • Expert level experience inSQL Server 2014/2012/2008/2005 andOracle 9i/10g/11gdatabase design, development of Schemas, Tables, Views, Indexes, Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions and Triggers, DTS, Transaction Management,T-SQL/PL-SQL, Code optimization and performance tuning.
  • Involved in webconfig transformations during each release.
  • Experience in updating, accessing and version controlling the source code usingVisual Source Safe(VSS),Team FoundationServer (TFS) and GitHub.
  • Experienced in creating test cases inN Unit.
  • Used Team City (build server), Octopus (deployment tool) as part of the ContinuousIntegration Process.
  • Utilized the power of visual studio Resharpertoolformore productivity.
  • Experience in working in Agile Development Environment, used JIRA, a softwaredevelopment tool for work tracking.
  • Good communication, interpersonal and presentation skills.
  • Willing to learn, adapt new technologies.


Languages: C, C#. Net, VB.Net, ADO.NET.

.NET Technologies: .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 & 4.5, ASP.NET 1.1/2.0/3.0, C#.NET, VB.Net, ADO.NET, Win Forms, Web Services, LINQ, WCF and MVC 5.0/4.0/3.0.

Web/UI Technologies: ASP, HTML, Java Script, JQuery, XHTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, XSL, XSLT, Bootstrap, Angular JS.

Database: SQL Server 2012/2008/2005/2000 , Oracle 9i/10g/11g, My SQL

Application/Web Servers: IIS 7.0/6.0/5.0

Development Tools: MS Visual Studio.NET 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013/2015.

Operating Systems: Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP, Windows Server 2008/2008R2/2012


Confidential, Indianapolis, IN

Sr.Net Developer


  • Creating the models, views and controllers usingASP.NET MVC, C#, Razor, Java Script, and JQuery.
  • Worked on enhancements related to the UI and Middle layer.
  • Extensively worked on design of Responsive User Interface (views) using CSS, Razor, AJAX, Java Script and Bootstrap.
  • Implemented Bootstrap navbars, carousels, breadcrumbs, Pagination, buttons and Jumbotrons to implement mobile first approach and Responsiveness in the application.
  • Created Models, partial views, custom validators and layouts as per the requirement.
  • Used Entity Framework database first approach.
  • Worked with n-Tier Architecture involving Services Layer, Data Access Layer, and Business Layer.
  • Implemented partial page post back using Ajax.
  • Implemented several enhancements like autocomplete search functionality, encoding the search text to support any data.
  • Used Telerik controls like Kendo grid and Tap strip.
  • Designingthe Web API based on the requirement and consumed it using Ajax.
  • Implemented Object Oriented Programming Language (OOPs) features like Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation in C#.
  • Developed SQL scripts using Stored Procedures, Tables, Views and triggers.
  • Used Datatables and jQuery validations plugins for client side operations.
  • Consumed the WebAPI using JQuery Ajax calls to enable effective communication
  • Performed querying to database using LINQ to SQL and querying to XML filesusing LINQ to XML.
  • Designed and developed a number of internal and external facing websites, using ASP.NET and MVC Razor 5, against a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database
  • Developed database objects like Tables, Views and Stored procedures in SQL Server.
  • Object Oriented technology was extensively used for developing re-usable components using VB.NET
  • Used Visual Studio 2015 development tool for building web application.
  • Consumed the WCF services using JQuery Ajax Calls to enable effective communication.
  • Responsible for developing WCF Service Libraries to exchange data between Desktop and Central Application and implement business logic
  • Prepared unit test cases and performed N-Unit Testing prior to system implementation.
  • Used tortoise SVN, team city and octopus as part of continuous integration process.
  • Performed and resolved cross-browser issues and Unit Testing.
  • Involved in code refactoring, optimizing the code to improve performance of the application.
  • Used Automapperto reuse the mapping logic.
  • Conducted on site client training, and reoccurring knowledge transfer sessions analyze application data to assess performance and uncover problems.
  • Coordinate resolutions with development team and project managers.
  • Responsible for gathering requirements, performing gap analysis, development, and Final support tasks.
  • Involved in bug fixing and support during each release.

Environment: .Net 4.5.1,VB.NET, ASP.Net MVC 5, C#, Entity Framework 6.0, Web API 2.0, AJAX, HTML5, IIS 6.0, MS Visual Studio 2015, WCF, Bootstrap 3.0, JQuery, Java Script, SQL Server 2014, AngularJS.

Confidential, Denver, CO

Sr .Net Developer


  • Actively involved in SCRUM meetings discussing the implementation, integration of backlog modules considering the released version of software and best practices for solutions
  • Worked with n-Tier Architecture involving Services Layer, Data Access Layer, and Business Layer
  • Major role in the development of the web application using ASP.NET MVC 4.0, C#, Java script, JQuery,, Entity Framework and AJAX.
  • Primarily assigned for developing Middle Tier.
  • Developed Business Logic layer by implementing Object Oriented Programming Language (OOPs) features like Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation in C#
  • Created partial views and shared templates to reusable over the application.
  • Developed Views using HTML, CSS, and JQuery.
  • Used MVC Architectural Pattern in the application.
  • Used Entity Framework for database operations.
  • Involved in testing and fixing the issues occurred in the testing process.
  • Implemented business logic’s in server side, andintegrating Data Access Layer (DAL) with Business Logic Layer (BLL)
  • Used CSS and jQuery to create visually appealing User Interfaces
  • Responsible for code merging using Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) and for other source code maintenance needs
  • Designed the data centric application using ASP.NET AND MVC
  • Web application development using MVC and other patterns such as MEF, deployed to Azure, all using an agile workingethic
  • Designingthe WCF Servicebased on the requirement and created separateWCF servicesproject which isintegrated with BLL.
  • Developed WCF Services to interact with the back end to get the necessary XML data for each email templates
  • Analyzed business processes to identify challenges and created solutions through the use of database and communication software across the entire company
  • Assisted in developing database objects like Tables, Views, Stored procedures and updating the databases
  • Analyzed test results, including user interface data presentation, output documents, and database field values, for accuracy and consistency
  • Assisted in preparing presentations and scheduling meetings
  • Prepared unit test cases and performed N-Unit Testing prior to system implementation
  • Used NHibernate to facilitate data access, and utilized the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions and toolkit extensively to make the interface rich and interactive.
  • Responsible for developing full stack ( front-end development, application logic, services, data persistence) as well as server setup and maintenance
  • Developed rich UI for the application usingWindows Presentation Foundation(WPF) and done data binding using one way, two ways and one way to source data binding.

Environment: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, Visual Studio 2013, MVC4.0, MVVM, C#.NET, Entity Framework, Ajax and JavaScript, JQuery (UI Validation, Translation, Date controls etc.), WCF, HTML/DHTML, Win Forms, CSS, SQL Server 2012.

Confidential, Rockville, MD

Sr .Net Developer


  • Performed requirement analysis, design, development, testing, maintenance and deployment of the web portal.
  • Designed 3-Tier system having Business Logic Layer(C#.NET), Presentation Layer and Database Layer.
  • Involved in the design and development of application on ASP.Net MVC, MVVM Frameworks.
  • Incorporated ASP.NET AJAX Control like Ajax Toolkit, Script Manager, Update Panel and AJAX Timer.
  • Worked with JSON to pass the JavaScript objects from server to web application.
  • Created User Controls for better reusability of codes in the application.
  • Used Grid View and Form View with extensive data binding to display page and sort multiple records.
  • Used LINQ to query against strongly typed collections of object and various data source, XML documents, Web services, ADO.Net Objects and Entity Framework.
  • Proficient in designing applications usingUML- Modeling by applying Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) and design patterns concepts and methodologies.
  • Developed the Applications inASP.NETusingMaster Pages, Themes&Skinsto maintain the consistent look and feel throughout the application.
  • Worked on the modules implementing the business logic inC#.NET.
  • Developed different User controls which inputs the data and display the data for the web applications using ASP.NET.
  • Made full use of .NET's object oriented features,error handling, caching, security, tracingandevent loggingfeatures.
  • Leveraged AJAX to improve the application performance and leveraged all theAJAX tool kitcontrols.
  • Involved extensively in developing the client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Developed multiple web services for feeding data to multiple applications using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
  • UsedMicrosoft Application Blocksto develop Data Access Layer and perform exception management.
  • Developed XML Web Services extensively to implement the business logic.
  • TransformedXMLfiles into specified business format (PDF, MS-Word) using XSLT.
  • Created new database objects like Procedures, Functions, Packages, Triggers, Indexes and Views usingT-SQLin Development and Production environment forSQL Server 2005.
  • CreatedSSRS Reports on the web page by accessing the database.
  • Used VSS to protect from accidental file loss and track version.
  • Responsible for theUnit Testing, Integration Testingand implementation.

Environment: .Net 3.5,ASP.Net MVC 3, C#, ADO.Net, LINQ to SQL, AJAX, HTML, MS Visual Studio 2012, WCF, CSS, and SQL Server 2008.

Confidential, Tampa, FL

Sr .Net Developer


  • Developed the web pages using ASP.NET MVC, C#, HTML, JavaScript, XML and CSS.
  • Developed ASP.NET user controls adding component reusability.
  • Implemented Web Parts, AJAX, web services and globalization in the project.
  • Database design and development of database objects in SQL Server 2008 using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.
  • Created stored procedures to load the data coming from external systems to SQL Server 2008.
  • Configure various business rules using content management server
  • Delegating tasks and prioritize work load amongst development teams and coordinating the entire project group under various project activities.
  • Designed templates to develop quality code.
  • Designed the architecture of Content Management System and involved in making a rich interface application.
  • Developed ASP.NET user controls adding component reusability.
  • Import data from SQL Server, MS-Access.
  • Generated Business Intelligence (BI) reports using MS SQL Server 2008 reporting services, providing reports in multiple formats.
  • Involved in writing test cases for the application.

Environment: .NET 3.5, Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2005, AJAX, ASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET, XML, Web Forms, CSS, HTML.


Jr .Net Developer


  • As a front end developer coordinated with users and prepared design documents to develop UI screens for the web site.
  • Developed Web Forms, User Controls, and Reusable ASP.Net page-template to have a consistent look and feel across all screens.
  • Used ADO.Net technology to build Data Access Components.
  • Developed XML Web Services to interact with Java apps to retrieve Quote information.
  • Utilized Microsoft Data Access Application Block, created class wrapper enhance its functionality.
  • Involved in Unit Testing.
  • Developed extensive Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers.
  • Extensive use of Web Services and Web Methods.

Environment: NET 3.0, Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2000, C#, JavaScript, Web Services, ADO.NET.T-SQL, XML, HTML, CSS.

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