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Sr .net Developer Resume

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Herndon, VA


  • Around 8 years of programming experience as a .NET Developer in Analysis, Design and Implementation of Business Applications using Microsoft .NET Technologies.
  • Experience in all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirement gathering, analyzing, designing, building (coding), testing, maintenance and documentation of software products following Agile/Scrum, Test Driven Development and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Extensive expertise in Client Server, Web - based, Windows based and Multi -Tier applications using .Net technologies C#, VB.NET, Web services, Serialization, Multi Threading, XML,MVC, WCF, WPF, .NET Framework 4.5/4.0/3.5/3.0.
  • Implemented user interface guidelines and standards throughout the development and maintenance of the website using HTML 5, DHTML, CSS 3, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AJAX, AngularJS, Bootstrap and XML with cross browser compatibility.
  • Sound knowledge of Object Oriented Principles and design practices involving object modeling, use cases, activity diagrams and many more diagrams in UML and Microsoft Visio. Involved in documenting Business Requirement Document (BRD) for various projects
  • Proficient in creating Web Forms, Win Forms, Custom lists and Master Pages using different server controls, user controls and custom controls in Visual Studio using ASP.NET and C#.Net to improve features and Look and Feel of the websites.
  • Proficient in designing and implementing database layers using LINQ, ADO.NET, and Entity Framework (Microsoft ORM tool to create object Model) to connect the application to SQL database and perform queries.
  • Thorough knowledge of Design Patterns like MVC Patterns and Singleton Patterns. Extensively involved in utilizing MVC framework to develop web applications with less complexity in their architecture by separating the Model (database), View (User Interface) and Controller (Business Logic) into different tiers.
  • Implemented different web services like ASMX, WCF and Restful Services (WEBAPI by Microsoft) involving SOAP services and displayed the data in portable formats like XML, JSON and PDF files.
  • Experience in deploying different web applications on Web Server - IIS 8.0/7.5/7.0/6.0 and also deployed websites and web applications using cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.
  • Good analytic and conceptual skills in database related work primarily creating complex stored procedure, Views, Triggers, Cursors and Functions using SQL, PL/SQL, TSQL with databases like MS SQL Server 2012/2008/2005 & Oracle 11g/10g/9i, MongoDB, and MYSQL.
  • Hands on experience in Version control tools like MS Visual Source Safe (VSS), TFS, Subversion (SVN), GitHub and JIRA.
  • Experience in writing Unit tests cases and performing unit testing in development phase using JUNIT and NUNIT and did respective documentation.
  • Extensive experience in developing reports using Crystal Reports, MS Access reports and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Excellent knowledge of customer focused IT delivery methods and strong de-bugging and documentation skills.


Programming Languages: C#, VB.Net, ASP .Net, SQL, PL/SQL,C, XML, HTML, XHTML, JAVA

Web Technologies: ASP.NET, MVC 5/4.5/4.0/3.0 , AJAX, Bootstrap, CSS3, Web Services, Restful Services, LINQ, WCF, WPF

Development Tools: Visual Studio 2015/2013/2012/2010/2008 and Visual Basic 6.0

.Net Frameworks: Framework 4.5/4.0/3.5/3.0 and 2.0.

Middleware: ADO.Net, Entity Framework, ActiveX, DLL


Operating Systems: Windows 2003 server, XP/2000/Vista and Windows 7/8/8.1/10

Web/Application Servers: Internet Information Server (IIS) - 8.0/7.5/7.0/6.0 , Tomcat Server

Scripting Languages: Java Script, JQuery, JSON and AngularJS

Databases: SQL Server 2012, 2008, 2005(T-SQL, Stored procedures, Triggers, DML, DDL, DTS) and 2008, Oracle 11g/10g/9i, MongoDB,MsAccess

Reporting Services: Crystal Reports, SSRS, SSIS,MS Access Reports


Confidential, Herndon, VA

Sr .Net Developer


  • Analyzing business requirements, story-boards and similar artifacts of the scrum process, work in an agile development environment with a quick turnaround time and iterative builds.
  • Involved in initial phases of design, analysis and elicitation of requirements
  • Developed the web application utilizing ASP.NET MVC, HTML 5, AJAX toolkit, CSS3, and Bootstrap which provides performance data visualization to users.
  • Developed WCF REST- API based web service to consume data by client. Implemented provider based services.
  • Implementing the data access layer using Entity Framework Code First approach and writing queries using LINQ to Entity for data retrieval.
  • Extensively used ADO.NET objects like Connection, Command, Data Set and Data Reader.
  • Extensively used ASP.NET Ajax Controls like Script Manager, Update Panels and Updated Triggers to make the page more responsive and interactive to the users.
  • Created Login Forms and implemented Form-based Authentication to authenticate the users.
  • Used JQuery to validate user controls and web forms.
  • Extensively worked on Finance applications using MVC5 and JQuery.
  • Responsible for migrating legacy .Net Webservices to Asp.Net Web API.
  • Efficiently utilized AngularJS Controllers, modules and models to control manage and bind the data in the application respectively.
  • Created forms including input fields and buttons in AngularJS applications and validated them using AngularJS validations instead of HTML inbuilt validations.
  • Implemented different filters provided in AngularJS like currency, json, lowercase, uppercase, orderBy to format the numbers, strings and objects of application.
  • Implemented external controllers for the AngularJS applications to make the code simpler.
  • Added Telerik Controls on different web forms with the help of ASP.NET AJAX configuration as prerequisite and used them like other server controls.
  • Implemented the modern UI using Kendo UI which is a JavaScript framework for developing rich widgets, features on a webpage with great performance.
  • Developed WCF services using with WEBAPI to get and post data using Http protocol. WebAPI adds more functionality to WCF web services.
  • Extensively used web services like WebAPI to get and post data http Data in different MIME formats like Xml, JSON, Pdf etc.
  • Used GIT Hub for Version Control, Project Management, Data Collection and Reporting.
  • Implemented bug tracking, code integrity and task management using the distributed version control system of GITHub.
  • Performed Unit testing using NUnit framework.
  • Wrote many test cases, crated test suites for integration, regression and system testing in Quality Center and executed them.
  • Analyzed test results and sent reports to the team about defects status and failure rate of test cases.
  • Published the ASP.NET applications to Windows Azure cloud platform and integrated the database to get azure SQL database
  • Deployed new applications and also existing applications on Azure to maintain it on virtual machine which improved the way of maintenance and backup
  • Developed Stored Procedures, Triggers, and Views in PL/SQL for SQL Server 2012 to access and update the database.

Environment: .Net Framework 4.5, C#.Net, MVC 5.0, Visual Studio 2013, ASP. NET, JavaScript, WebAPI, AJAX, JQuery, HTML 5, AngularJS, Bootstrap, IIS 8.0, SQL Server 2012, SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, GitHub, Telerik Kendo UI, Microsoft Azure, LINQ

Confidential, Columbus, OH

Sr .Net Developer


  • Involved in identifying business requirement by gathering, analysis and design and developing using ASP.NET front end technology.
  • Implemented Agile Methodology or the project which involved daily scrums.
  • Developed applications at presentation GUI, based on n-tier application architecture.
  • Utilized C#.Net, ASP.Net, AJAX, JavaScript & JQuery for coding techniques update parts of a web page and improve the flexibility of webpage.
  • Designed Custom Validation Controls for validating the data in the User Control and used ASP.NET Validation Controls for server side validation and JavaScript for client side validation
  • Developed template-based web programming using Master Pages, Themes, Style Sheets and Skins using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, AngularJS.
  • Responsible for designing web pages with asp.net controls with rich user interface with basic Ajax control tool kit and JQuery for an efficient and interactive Webpages.
  • Designed and developed master pages using ASP.NET and used CSS to enhance the look & feel of the website.
  • Implemented Role based Forms Authentication for external Users and Windows Authentication for Internal Users using the membership and role provider.
  • Extensively worked with VB.Net for creating classes of this application and Integrated with ASP.Net pages.
  • Developed plug-in methods using delegates to implement event based system elegantly.
  • Implemented the application using MVC framework so that different layers in application are isolated and managed easily.
  • Developed Single Page Applications Using AngularJS where rapid user interaction was required with less reloads of webpage.
  • Implemented more dynamic features on WebPages using AngularJS directives, expressions, models and Controllers.
  • Responsible for binding the WCF web services to the application using WEBAPI WebHttpBinding to get and post the data to and from the web server
  • Implemented WebAPI services in ASP.NET MVC application using API controller and utilized different custom action methods to develop WebPages.
  • Developed UI with third party custom controls like Telerik and Implemented the rich UI in HTML 5 using Kendo UI
  • Performed input validations on Web Forms using various .NET Validation Controls and AngularJS specific validations for WebPages.
  • Helped in code reduction and increased ease of upgrade, scalability and enhanced performance with client caching using AngularJS.
  • Developed web services using Microsoft WebAPI to transport data in portable formats like Xml, JSON which are mostly used
  • Utilized ASP.Net validation controls and JavaScript, jQuery to perform client side validation.
  • Worked on LINQ to SQL for querying data from the database and for inserting and updating templates and cases into the database.
  • Worked with Agile Methodologies to segregate the development tasks into various sprints
  • Developed system services SOA application platform for use by all web applications utilizing WCF services and the ASP.Net provider model.
  • Used different state management techniques to maintain the state between the pages.
  • Designed test cases with user requirements, executed them and involved in bug tracking.
  • Worked with testing team in preparation of final test summary document.
  • Used stored procedures with Oracle 11g Database and PL/SQL for developing complex business rules.
  • Developed code in PL/SQL to run batch jobs for Oracle database.
  • Hands on experience with N-UNIT testing for the application.
  • Maintained TFS as a central repository system and automatic builds and continuous integration and NUNIT testing.
  • Created and deployed SQL Server 2008 SSIS packages to redirect the data in to the production

Environment: C# 4.0, ASP.NET 4.0, VB.Net, Visual Studio 2012/2010, MVC 4.0, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, PL/SQL,CSS, Bootstrap, AngularJS, WebAPI, XML, XPATH, LINQ, Oracle 11g, MVC, TFS, Web Forms, IIS, Windows Server 2008.

Confidential, Sacramento, CA

.Net Developer


  • Actively involved in requirement gathering and analysis and design phases.
  • Involved in code reviews for business logic modules and prepared the review documentation.
  • Developed the web application utilizing HTML 5, AJAX toolkit, CSS3, and Bootstrap which provides performance data visualization to users.
  • Developed web pages for policy viewer functionality using ASP.Net MVC 3.5, Razor.
  • Executed ASP.Net MVC development for web (customer-facing and internal) and C# for middle-tier applications.
  • Customized various controls for Application by developing Custom Controls and User Controls for consistent look and feel.
  • Involved in configuring web.config file for ASP.Net web forms for the entire Web Application in different environments.
  • Used Cookies to store the user-specific information throughout the Web Application.
  • Used Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) and WebAPI for different web services.
  • Developed web form clients in C# using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and XAML.
  • Worked on AJAX and AngularJS for dynamic web content generation.
  • Implemented different binding configurations in WCF web services like nettcpbinding, wshttpbinding. Used webhttpbinding to implement WebAPI services in WCF.
  • Developed WebPages using AngularJS models and controllers to bind data to application dynamically
  • Used JQuery extensively to perform JavaScript validations and AJAX updates.
  • Extensively used ADO.NET to access database object tables, stored procedures, and implemented Data Access Layer (DAL).
  • Utilized LINQ to implement different operations efficiently to integrate data validations and business logic rules.
  • Responsible to store data in MongoDB database which uses Dynamic Schemas to store data in JSON like documents.
  • Developed Connection strings to MongoDB and executed queries, batch jobs with respect to it.
  • Creating reports in PDF, XLS and HTML formats using Active Reports.
  • Worked on LINQ to SQL for querying data from the database and for inserting and updating templates and cases into the database.
  • Developed classes and interfaces for the Data Access layer using VB.NET, ASP.NET ADO.Net, and SQL 2008 data access library.
  • Followed Agile methodology in implementing the application in sprint cycles.
  • Worked on components using ADO.NET and WCF Services to communicate with the SQL Server Databases to implement Business Logic.
  • Performed code reviews and code optimizations for performance ensuring the use of standard coding guidelines and best practices.
  • Worked with DB team, QA team, Business Analysts and users to analyze and implement the requirements efficiently.

Environment: C# 3.5, ASP.NET 3.5, VB.Net, Visual Studio 2010/2008, MVC, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, CSS, XML, XPATH, LINQ, MongoDB, MVC, TFS, Web Forms, Bootstrap, ADO.NET, WebAPI, IIS, Windows Server 2008.

Confidential, Memphis, TN

.Net Developer


  • Involved in the SDLC phase of requirement analysis, design, and development of the web based internet application tool using MVC Framework.
  • Used the Agile Methodology to create stories, iterations, sprints, as well as organize daily stand-up meetings, story workshops, and sprint reviews.
  • Designed use cases, class diagrams, collaboration diagrams, state-chart diagrams and sequence diagrams using tools like MS Visio and UML.
  • Responsible for designing user Interface Applications using AngularJS.
  • Extensively used ADO .NET features like Data Set, Data View and Data Adapter.
  • Added JQuery for UI, Validation and Ajax submission, JSON web service call.
  • Wrote JavaScript Code for client side validations.
  • Followed MVC Design Patterns for Application Development.
  • Designed partial views in MVC applications to integrate them to main view according to the requirements and used shared views commonly in different WebPages.
  • Used .NET Framework 3.5, Object Oriented Methodologies(C#) for Application Development.
  • Designed, developed SOA Web Services using ASMX and WCF Services with C#.NET and Hosted on IIS and Unit tested with MS Unit Framework.
  • Designed and generated reports using SSRS to be rendered on the web using the Report Viewer control in ASP.NET
  • Leveraged WCF mechanisms like sessioning, Instance management, concurrency to make our services more robust and scalable.
  • Worked on creating Restful Servicesusing Web API and C# to provide services to HTTP requests.
  • Implemented various client side validations using JQuery and AngularJS, ASP.NET MVC Validation implemented at Controller level using Data Annotations.
  • Used Entity Framework and LINQ to access the database so the user could create, edit, display, and delete data from the application's UI.
  • Extensively involved in .Net Exception Handling Management, Debugging and Tracing of Application.
  • Used Result Filters for logging operations performed after Action Result and used Exception Filters for returning errors to the view in MVC
  • Performed code reviews for maintain the essential code integrity and used re-sharper for refactoring the code
  • Interacted with Project managers, Business Analyst to resolve any issue in timely manner and keep everyone informed about the status of the Project.
  • Designed technical design document to specify functional specifications and developed test cases and executed them in integration and system testing phases.
  • Fixing bugs reported by QA team and reported in Quality Center and used the services provided in dashboard of QC ALM
  • Utilized the TFS source control software to keep track of new and past versions of code written in my application.

Environment: C# 3.5, ASP.NET 3.5, VB.Net, Visual Studio 2010/2008, MVC, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, CSS, XML, LINQ, SQL Server 2008, SSIS, SSRS, TFS, Entity Framework, Web Services, Web Forms, IIS, Quality Center, Windows Server 2008.


Software Engineer


  • Analyzed and worked closely with Business Users to identify business requirements.
  • Played active role in all SDLC stages - requirements gathering, analysis and design, development, testing, debugging, and implementing and deploying of application.
  • Designed and developed excellent, user friendly Win Forms using ASP.NET for data collection.
  • Designed Class Diagrams, Data Flow diagrams using MS Visio.
  • Designed the application using an MVC architecture that promotes a clear separation of presentation, business logic and data access tiers.
  • Designed, developed interactive user interface for web users using XML, HTML, JavaScript, DHTML, XHTML, CSS and using ASP.NET and C#.NET
  • Responsible for Extracting, Transforming and Loading Claim data uploaded by client using FTP and Filezilla.
  • Calculated Copay, Coinsurance amounts according to Coventry Healthcare ICD 10 standards and comparing with existing ICD 9 values, validated the variance.
  • Create Entity classes and relationships between Entity classes using Entity Framework to manage relational data as objects.
  • Built an ASP.NET application authentication using .NET Framework, Model View Controller MVC and IIS security model.
  • Performed NUNIT testing and have written unit test cases in several modules
  • Used Team Foundation Server for integrating, maintenance, reporting and Project tracking.
  • Generated PDF and Word Documents from Crystal Reports writing methods in C#.
  • Developed SQL Stored Procedures and complex queries in SQL Server 2008
  • Involved in Bug Fixes in both new development and production issues

Environment: Visual Studio 2008, C#.Net, ASP.Net 3.0, MVC, VB.NET, JavaScript, SQL Server 2005, HTML,CSS, XML, IIS, TFS, Web services.

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