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.net Developer Resume

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Chicago, IL


  • Around 7 Years of extensive experience in software development life cycle involving Architecture, Requirement analysis, Design, Development, Coding, Testing, Maintenance and Implementation of various applications based on Client Server, Web Applications and Business Solutions using C#, VB.NET, VB6, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, MVC, WCF, WPF, Win Forms, Web Forms, Silverlight, IIS, Entity Framework, LINQ, SQL Server, Oracle and Visual Studio.
  • Delivered software solutions including Windows Applications and Web Applications using Microsoft Technologies.
  • Worked in full life - cycle development of .Net applications, and RDBMS environments.
  • Extensive working experience with different methodologies like Agile (Scrum), Test-driven development (TDD) and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Strong understanding of Microsoft .NET framework of 4.0, 3.5 and 2.0 features.
  • Experienced with Microsoft Application building blocks for .Net projects (Data Access, Exception Handling, Caching and Configuration Management Application Blocks).
  • Experience in the Web Applications Development using HTML 4.01/5, CSS (2/3), Bootstrap 3, XHRML, Angular JS, JavaScript, JQuery, Razor, VB Script, AJAX, XML/XSL/XSLT and JSON.
  • Good understanding and working knowledge of Design Patterns like Singleton and Abstract Factory.
  • Highly Knowledgeable in ASP.NET MVC in implementing Model, View and Controllers with State Management, Security, Action methods etc.
  • Expertise in ASP.NET MVC and developed the features Views, Partial Views, Strongly Typed Views, Sections, Areas etc. and also implemented Controllers and Controller Actions, Filters, Routing.
  • Extensive experience in developing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Services to expose useful functionality to web users through SOAP, describing them using WSDL, registering them using UDDI for easy availability to potential users and consuming them.
  • Worked extensively with different ADO.NET objects to interact with database and good experience in usingADO.Netobjects such asSQL Connection Object, SQL Command Object, Data Reader, Dataset and Data Adapter.
  • Experience with ORM and its related components: Entity Framework, Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) query and retrieve data from different data sources (LINQ to Objects, LINQ to XML, and LINQ to SQL), ASP.NET Providers and Typed Datasets.
  • Expert in writing T-SQL statements for creating Tables, Indexes, Views and Constraints.
  • Extensively worked in writing SQL queries, Stored Procedures, Database Triggers, Cursors, Exception Handlers, and DTS Export & Import.
  • Experience with Fine-Tuning and Optimizing Queries and Stored Procedures.
  • Have an excellent software development experience including the full productlifecycle with exposures in Code control management system like Team foundation Server (TFS).
  • Experience in generating Custom Reports and different types of Tabular, Matrix and distributed reports in multiple formats using Crystal Reports and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Experience in developing Web Applications using third party controls Dev Express and Telerik.
  • Performed Unit Testing (using N-Unit and MS-Unit) and involved in Debugging & Supporting the application.
  • Extensive Experience in interaction with Client and functional people for gathering the business requirements & functional specifications. Strong interpersonal and organizational skills with an ability to manage multiple projects with minimal or no supervision.


Frameworks: NET Framework 4.5/ 4.0/3.5/2.0/1. x.

Microsoft Technologies: C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET 4.0/3.5/2.0/1. x and MVC 3.0/4.0/5.0, AJAX, Silverlight 5.0/4.0/3.0, WPF, ADO.NET, Crystal reports, SSIS, SSRS, WCF, Web Parts, Web Services, WSDL, LINQ, Entity Framework 4.3/5.0/6.0, SharePoint.

Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows-XP, 7, 8 and 10.

Other Technologies: Java Script, Ajax, JQuery and Angular JS

Internet Technologies: Web forms, XML, XSL, HTML, WSDL, JSON

Other Tools/Packages: VSTO, DevExpress, Telerik, MS-Office, CutePDF, UML, Net Advantage 2012.1.

Database Experience: Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2008/2005/2000 , Oracle 11g/10g/8i/9i/, MS-Access 2007.

Web servers: Internet Information Server (IIS) 7.0/ 6.0

Version Control Tools: TFS

Scripting and Markups: JavaScript, VBScript, ASP, JSP, HTML 4.01/5, PHP, DHTML, CSS (2/3), XPATH.


Confidential, Chicago, IL

.Net Developer


  • Involved in full life cycle of the project from Design, Development & Testing. Worked in four interconnected projects, all involving Changepoint, Zoura and PeopleSoft Financials.
  • Graphical User Interface was designed using ASP.NET and the business logic was coded in C#.
  • The User Interface was designed majorly with the ASP.NET DEVEXPRESS Controls such as ASPx Popup Control, ASPx Grid View, ASPx Callback Panel, ASPx Navigation Bar, ASPx Data View., Etc.
  • Used JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, DOM, X-HTML, AJAX, CSS-3 and J-Query in ongoing projects.
  • Created ASP.NET validation controls and JavaScript validations to enforce validations.
  • Used ADO.NET components like SQL Connection, SQL Command, Data Adapter, Data Set, Data Reader, Grid View and Details View for database connection and database communication.
  • Created Model objects using Entity Data Model with Entity framework.
  • Created Tables and Views on the SQL Server. Written SQL Scripts such as Packages, Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers to manipulate and retrieve data from SQL Server databases.
  • Used Compiled Queries, Multiple Contexts, Explicit Loading, and Save Changes to context after all database operations to improve the performance in Entity F/W.
  • LINQ was extensively used in view extension to parse out unnecessary information and to make call to SQL database.
  • Developed and consumed WCF Web Service to access data layer components.
  • Used AJAX to create better, faster and more user-friendly web applications.
  • Defined and implemented customized configurations settings for application local Web configuration file for incorporating user authentications and authorizations via role based security in order to restrict accessibility to certain modules.
  • Developed and deployed SSIS packages to automate data imports between the data bases.
  • Developed the software using Agile Methodology.
  • Maintained the Version, Labeled Versions and Backups of the source using Team Foundation server (TFS).

Environment: C# .NET, .Net Framework 4.0, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, REST API, AngularJS, Microsoft Visio 2007, AJAX Control Tool Kit, T-SQL, Visual Studio .Net 2008/2010/2013 , ASP.NET MVC5.0/4.0, WCF, TFS 2011, Entity Framework 6.0/4.0, LINQ, SQL Server 2008 R2, SSIS.

Confidential, Fargo, ND

.Net Developer


  • Designed middle tier in C# to retrieve hosts data from database and display the info on maps.
  • Created various Angular Services & injected them into Angular Controllers (using Dependency Injection) to enable AJAX calls and created custom angular directives to create own HTML tags and induce some kind of functional behavior to those tags.
  • Created proof of concept for implementing views in Angular JS rather than using razor for development.
  • Used Html Helper methods to populate View Bag data to the razor views.
  • Used Angular JS accordingly for validation purpose, browser detection and controls.
  • Created Model objects using Entity Data Model with Entity framework.
  • Written simple to complex stored procedures using T-SQL to retrieve the data from SQL Server 2008 database.
  • Incorporated REST Web API based endpoint on the Web Role and exposed bi-directional POST methods.
  • Using C# and Asp.net MVC4 created the Business Logic layer and Data Access Layer
  • Used ASP.NET MVC framework to support the use of Dependency Injection to inject objects into a class, instead of relying on the class to create the object itself.
  • Implemented Data Access layer using WCF, Web-API restful services and Entity Framework.
  • Used Compiled Queries, Multiple Contexts, Explicit Loading, and Save Changes to context after all database operations to improve the performance in Entity F/W.
  • Extensively worked with Partial Pages, Layouts, Sections to design the CSHTML pages with Razor Engine to get consistent look and feel.
  • Used LAMBDA expressions in writing LINQ query expressions.
  • Established communication between different applications running on same/different platforms using WCF.
  • Created WCF SOAP/REST Services and also used different bindings to make it available to different types of clients.
  • Implemented Unit Testing and System Testing using NUNIT.
  • Extensively worked with Action Results, Action Filters and Custom Action Filters, Routing etc...
  • LINQ was extensively used in view extension to parse out unnecessary information and to make call to SQL database.
  • Developed and deployed SSIS packages to automate data imports between the data bases.
  • Responsible for developing WCF Services to exchange data between Desktop and Central Application and consumed WCF service, which is based on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture).

Environment: C# .NET, .Net Framework 1.1, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Erwin 4.0, Angular JS, Web API, Microsoft Visio 2003, AJAX, T-SQL, Visual Studio .Net 2003, IIS 5.0, Oracle 10g ASP.NET MVC5.0/4.0, WCF, EDMX, Web Services, XML, TFS 2010, IIS 7.0, ADO.NET Entity Framework 6.0/4.0, LINQ, XML, Microsoft Enterprise Library, SQL Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2/2008, Oracle database, PowerShell Scripts.

Confidential, Buffalo Grove, IL

.Net Developer


  • The coding of the application was in C# / ASP.NET using an N-tiered architecture consisting of the presentation layer, data access layer and the database layer.
  • Extensive Experience in Implementing View, Model, Controller and View model by using ASP.Net MVC 4.0/3.0 Framework.
  • Used ASP.NET MVC4 Page Controller pattern to add functionality to individual pages such that to accept input from the page request, invoke the requested actions on the model. Used JavaScript for client side validations.
  • Involved in full lifecycle of the project from design, development & Testing.
  • Worked extensively on MS-Visio to design various UML Diagrams like Sequence Diagram and Class Diagrams.
  • Involved in designing the User Interface using the Telerik Controls.
  • Used C#.NET to develop code behind logic.
  • Developed GUI using JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, DOM, XHTML, AJAX, CSS3 and JQuery in ongoing projects.
  • Developed and consumed WCF Web Service to access data layer components.
  • Created and deployed and consumed WCF services in UI layer.
  • Used Entity Framework to design conceptual data access layer from relational database to get the data from database.
  • Used LINQ to query on Collection objects and DBML data objects to filter the data.
  • Defined and implemented customized configurations settings for application local Web configuration file for incorporating user authentications and authorizations via role based security in order to restrict accessibility to certain modules.
  • Implemented Web Services using SOAP and are used on the middle tier to check credit card information of customers.
  • Used LAMBDA expressions in writing delegates or expression tree types.
  • Used Twitter Bootstrap for responsive web design of Navigation controls.
  • Extensive experience in developing User Interface (UI) using WPF and XAML for the better look and feel of the desktop-based application.
  • Developed the software using Agile Methodology.
  • Extensively used SSIS to create packages to move data from a single data source to a destination.
  • Created Weekly and Monthly reports in SQL Server Reporting Service.
  • Performed Unit testing of the application and subsequently handled the debugging issues.
  • Used Team Foundation Server for the version control, branching and MS build.

Environment: ASP.NET 4.0, HTML5, HTML, CSS2/3, Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2008, Silverlight 4.0/3.0, Telerik Controls for .NET, Web services, C#, WCF, UML, XML, Ajax, IIS 7.0, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, TFS, Entity Frame work, ORM.

Confidential, Austin, TX

.Net Developer


  • Involved in the SDLC phase of requirement analysis, design, and development of the web based intranet application tool using ASP.NET and C#.
  • Graphical User Interface was designed using ASP.NET and the business logic was coded in C#.
  • Developed business use cases, sequential, collaborative, activity and class diagrams for the enterprise presentation, and business and data access components of the system using UML.
  • Responsible for Design and development of Web pages using HTML, CSS including Ajax controls and XML.
  • Developed UI using HTML, CSS, JavaScript validations and XML.
  • Used Cascading Style Sheets for a unified look and feel of the ASP.NET Web forms.
  • Designing Administrator pages to handle overall application.
  • Designed the source and applications under agile process.
  • Used JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax for the Client side programming.
  • Created visual web part that included AJAX and JQuery to search for people.
  • Involved in designing Database Architecture and Implemented Optimized Stored Procedures. Wrote the Database Triggers, Views, and Indexes.
  • Maintained good security safeguards.
  • Used Master Pages to provide a unified look and feel to the application.
  • Used AJAX to create better, faster and more user-friendly web applications.
  • Created ASP.NET validation controls and JavaScript validations to enforce validations.
  • Used XML to transport and store data.
  • Bootstrap Grid Systems are used to create responsive page layouts.
  • Implemented Login form in modal using Bootstrap.
  • Used LAMBDA Expressions in writing Local functions.
  • Used Grid View, Data List, and Panels to display and manipulate data in ASP.NET Web Forms.
  • Used ADO.NET components like Data Adapter, Data Reader and Dataset.
  • During the construction phase of Win forms, Implemented User Interface for Windows versions of the application using Windows Forms, C# and Win forms Controls like Tree, Tab Panel, Outlook Layout Panel, Toolbars and Context Menu controls.
  • Used Forms Based Authentication to enforce security in to the application.
  • Active participation in unit testing of the application to ensure quality
  • Used Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) for clients to consume multiple services.
  • Maintained the Version, Labeled Versions and Backups of the source using Team Foundation server (TFS).
  • Supervised the development of functional documents for the application.

Environment: C# 4.0, ASP.NET 4.0, ADO.NET, UML, XML, TFS 2010, MS Visual Studio 2010/2008, Windows server 2008/2003, JavaScript, Bootstrap, MVC Pattern, WCF, CSS, AJAX, jQuery, HTML, SQL Server 2008, IIS, Windows PL/SQL

Confidential, Dublin, OH

.Net Developer


  • Developed application using ASP.NET for server process & user interface and VB.NET Code Behind. Created components using VB.NET and C#.
  • Used XML efficiently for mapping the fields of CRM management system to different fields.
  • Used ADO.NET for Oracle database interaction using Dataset, Data View. Used Namespaces System. Data.
  • Web configuration file is used to have own setting for the application by writing database connection string and user authentication.
  • Designed & Developed ASP.NET User Controls and used ASP.NET Web Forms controls.
  • Used Server controls, asp: Data Grids, asp: Data list, asp: Textbox, asp: Button, asp: Drop Down List.
  • Used ASP.NET Validation controls for validating user inputs.
  • Designed and developed Stored Procedures, tables and views, Used Oracle as database.
  • Migrated VB 6.0 application to VB.NET application.
  • Implemented Web services to retrieve various accounts information.
  • Implemented Stored Procedures, Joins and Views in SQL Server at the backend level.
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) was used for consistent look of the site.
  • Develop Windows service using C# and Developed Data access assemblies in C# and isolated data access logic from business layer and front end.
  • Developed Web Forms for User Interfaces using ASP.NET and C#.NET using Server Controls, HTML Controls and User Controls.
  • Used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to maintain design consistency across all web forms
  • Created Custom Validation Controls for validating the data in the User Control and used ASP.NET Validation Controls for server side validation and Java Script for client side validation
  • Implemented Role based authorization and Form based authentication
  • Used advanced features of Visual studio 2005 controls like Master Pages, Security and Login Forms.
  • Used ADO.NET components like SQL Connection, SQL Command, Data Adapter, Data Set, Data Reader, Grid View and Details View for database connection and database communication.
  • Used AJAX coding techniques to update parts of a web page.
  • Involved in migrating the application from Access Database to SQL Server.
  • Used Crystal Reports for developing reports.

Environment: ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, VS.NET, Web forms, Web Services, PL/SQL, IIS, UML, C#, Windows 2000, XML, XSLT, Oracle, Crystal Reports, Visual Studio 6.0


.Net Developer


  • Developed stored procedures using Oracle 9i.
  • Involved in Coding web forms using Classic ASP, Java Script.
  • Created Business Layer/Data Access Layer using Active Server Pages (ASP), Oracle 9i, and ODBC.
  • Designed several reports using Seagate Crystal Report 6.5.
  • Participated in several UAT (testing), migration and production releases for software upgrades and version upgrades.

Environment: Visual Studio 6.0, ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, VS.NET, Visual Basic 6.0, SQL Server 2000, Java Script, ODBC, IIS 4.0.

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