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.net Developer Resume

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Tysons Corner, VA


  • Around 6+ Years of Experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance of N - Tier Enterprise Web and Windows Forms Applications
  • Strong in the complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including requirements definition, design, programming / testing and implementation of major systems.
  • Working experience in agile environment using Rally dev tool and scrum methodology using scrum works pro-tool.
  • Experienced in developing web applications using .NET Framework 2.0/3.0, 3.5 and 4.0, ASP.Net, C#, ADO.Net, XML, XSLT, Java Script, HTML 4/5, CSS, jQuery, JSON, AJAX and IIS.
  • Experience in gathering customer requirements and functional requirements and converting them to technical requirements, applying OOAD concepts and Design Patterns.
  • Excellent experience in Creating, Consuming and Publishing XML Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI) using .NET Framework and Solid understanding of Service Oriented Architectures.
  • Involved in the design and development of 3 Tier, N-tier distributed architectures and MVC, MVVM architectures.
  • Working experience in Web services, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF).
  • Experience in creating use case diagrams, class diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, page flow diagrams using UML technologies.
  • Proficient in using XML related technologies including AJAX, XSLT, XPATH and XQUERY.
  • Extensively worked on the C# and ADO.net for developing the web based applications.
  • Experience working with WPF with all the programming and technologies integrated into ASP.Net 3.5 C# framework with different types of cutting edge animation, User Interaction and data binding which can operate on all popular web browsers.
  • Experience with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) principles and Cross Browser compatibility issues, graphic optimization for the web.
  • Knowledge on developing the web application using framework like Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and Entity framework 3.5.
  • Experience in Database Analysis/Design/Normalization/Manipulation processes using SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 and Oracle9i.
  • Expert on developing SQL Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions and Views for Backend process using SQL Server.
  • Expert in writing T-SQL statements for creating Tables, Indexes, Views and Constraints.
  • Experience in developing Custom Reports and different types of Tabular, Matrix, Ad-hoc and distributed reports in multiple formats using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) also expertise in working with Crystal Reports.
  • Well versed in creating dynamic SSIS packages, using containers & variables, configuring the packages, and scheduling the packages.
  • Worked experience on the source control software packages like Microsoft Visual Source Safe (VSS), Team foundation Server (TFS) and Tortoise SVN.
  • Experience performing Unit and Integration Testing in the Development, System Integration Testing (SIT), User Acceptance Testing (UAT) including Bug Reporting and Fixing.
  • Ability to work on strenuous team/single projects and meet deadlines.
  • Excellent communication skills, strong organization and interpersonal skills and a very good team player, capable of working independently with minimal supervision, and perform as part of a team.
  • Extensive experience in interaction with client and functional people for gathering the business requirements and functional specifications.


Languages: C#, Visual Basic, C, C++, T-SQL, PL/SQL, Java Script, jQuery.

.NET Technologies: .NET, C#.NET, ADO.NET, ASP.NET 2.0/3.0/3.5, Windows Forms, Web FormsMVC, WCF, WPF, WWF, LINQ.

Web Technologies: XML, HTML, XHTML, XAML, CSS, XSL, XSLT, AJAX, Silverlight.

Servers: IIS, Apache Tomcat.

Databases: MS-SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 , MS Access, Oracle 9i/11G.

Reports: Crystal Reports 10.0, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

Platforms: Windows 9x, 2000/2003, Windows XP, Windows NT, Vista/7.

Source Control: Team Foundation Server (TFS), Visual Source Safe (VSS), TortoiseSVN.

Network Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SOAP, UDDI.

Development Tools: Visual Studio 2003/2005/2008/2010 , XML Spy, Subversion, SQL Plus, SSIS.

Microsoft Office Tools: Microsoft Word 03/07/10, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook


Confidential, Tysons Corner, VA

.NET Developer


  • Worked collaboratively with a team which was using agile methodology, where I interacted with the Business group as well as my engineering Project Manager for different phases of the project.
  • Involved in development life cycle, from design phase to implementation phase, testing and deployment. Followed Agile Methodology to produce high Quality software and satisfy the customers.
  • Configured the VS.NET environment, IIS Server 7.
  • Involved in writing business logic for the application.
  • Developed classes in Business Layer and in Data Access Layer in C#.
  • Developed using N-Tier Architecture, Multi-threading, Event handling and OOPS concepts, including Abstract classes-interfaces-inheritances.
  • Developed interactive Web pages using ASP.NET, C# and ADO.NET.
  • Designed and developed Web Forms using ASP.NET & .NET 4.0 Framework.
  • Involved in building rich web experiences using JavaScript.
  • Created validations and roles for different users to access the application.
  • Created ASP.NET web pages and wrote code behind pages using C#.NET.
  • Implemented Exception Handling, Logging and Validation of incoming requests.
  • Involved in Development of Data Access, Business and Application layer using C#. Net and ASP. NET.
  • Used Entity Framework to design conceptual data access layer from relational database to get the data from the database.
  • Developed dynamic ASPX web pages for Application using ASP.NET, C#.NET, XML, XSL/XSLT, HTML and JavaScript.
  • Used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to maintain design consistency across all Web forms.
  • Developing & consuming Web Services.
  • Client side validations using Javascript and jQuery library.
  • Used NHibernate to facilitate data access, and utilized the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions and toolkit extensively to make the interface rich and interactive.
  • Used LINQ to query different data source like arrays, xml file, and SQL database.
  • Expert with application of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Used ADO.NET data objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader, Dataset, Data Table, Repeater and XML Text Reader/ XML Text Writer for consistent access to SQL data sources.
  • Used built-in mechanisms of SQL Server 2008 for data integrity like Default, Not Null, Check, Unique, Primary key and Foreign key etc.
  • Extensively wrote and used stored procedures, Database Triggers in T-SQL using SQL Server 2008.
  • Generated various reports using SSRS.
  • Used Team Foundation Server and configured permissions appropriate to user role.
  • Responsible for maintaining versions of source code using Microsoft Visual Source Safe.
  • Used the NUNIT framework to handle testing user interface elements in ASP.NET.

Environment: ASP.NET 4.0, VB.NET, ADO.NET, Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2008, Telerik Controls for .NET, WCF, Web services, C#, UML, XML, HTML, IIS 7.0, JavaScript, jQuery, TFS, LINQ to SQL.

Confidential, Westchester, PA

.Net Developer


  • Designing screens (aspx, ascx and master pages) by using Visual Studio .NET 2010 and Creating Style Sheets for formatting the WebPages based on the business requirements and functional requirements document.
  • Used SOAP over http to Implement Web Services and Consumed and published XML web services in the application
  • Writing Web Services API documentation
  • Coordinated release dates and fixes which go into each release.
  • Coordinated with QA team to get the developed features tested.
  • Have worked with MVVM for the design pattern and messaging capabilities.
  • Developed the web pages using ASP.NET Web Forms, HTML, and CSS for styling the Web pages.
  • Extensively used Application and page level tracing feature of .Net to trace and debug the code.
  • Used .Net Validation Controls for server side validations.
  • Designed user interface screens using User controls and Web forms. Designed and developed Custom controls to use with Web forms using WPF, Infragistics controls, DevExpress.
  • Used Ajax Toolkit controls throughout the application.
  • Used MS Enterprise Library to implement Caching, Cryptography, Data Access, Exception Handling, Security, Validation and Unity.
  • Consumed the ASP.NET Web Services in WPF user interface and Implemented data binding and presentation logic using C#.
  • Documented all the specifications and code for future reference.
  • Developed back end Database using SQL Server.
  • Writing Database scripts for production environment
  • Developed UI to support multiple Browser(IE,Firefox Chrome)
  • Developed classes in business layer and in Data access layer using C#.NET
  • Implemented Exception handling, logging & validation of incoming requests
  • Involved in Normalization of the database and created queries to interact with the database.
  • Written stored procedures, Common Type Expressions, Triggers, T-SQL queries in SQL Server.
  • Optimized the query performance with modification in PL/ SQL queries, removing unnecessary columns, eliminating redundant and inconsistent data, normalizing database, establishing necessary joins, creating useful indexes.
  • Client side validations using JavaScript and jQuery.
  • Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) as Source control to maintain version controlling.

Environment: Visual Studio 2008/2010,.Net Framework 3.5/4.0, Telerik Controls, ASP.Net, Ajax, Java script, jQuery, Sql Server 2008, IIS 7.0, Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2008, TeamExplorer 2008/2010, Enterprise Library 4.1.

Confidential, Charlotte, NC

.Net Developer


  • Analyzing and reviewing the business requirements, design document, use cases and functional requirements document.
  • Actively Participated in Team Meetings, frequently communicate with Business Analysts to clarify the business requirements and working with QA Team to make clear the issues.
  • Followed Agile Methodologies and Test Driven Development.
  • Implemented MVC pattern.
  • Created UI using Razor views
  • Created public facing website where users around can login.
  • Implemented membership management for managing the users (Create, Delete etc…).
  • Client side validations using Jquery Library.
  • Created business & Data access layer objects using C#.NET.
  • Logging exceptions, caching using Microsoft Enterprise Library.
  • Extensively involved in .Net Exception Handling Management, Debugging and Tracing of Application
  • Used different state management techniques to maintain the state between the pages.
  • Used LINQ for querying DB objects
  • Used Entity framework for Database mapping.
  • Used XML for transferring and retrieving data.
  • Used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to maintain design consistency across all Web forms.
  • Developed coding the presentation layer using WPF and data binding elements of the view to properties in the model.
  • Responsible for resolving the problem logs and bugs in the application.
  • Created and maintained database tables, user logins, views, indexes, and constraints to implement business rules and also created Triggers to enforce data and referential integrity.
  • Developed complex SQL queries using various joins and developed various dynamic SQL.
  • Developed SQL Packages, Procedures and Functions accordance with Business Requirements.
  • Optimized the query performance with modification in SQL queries.
  • Created and consumed WCF service to retrieve the customer information.
  • Extensively used AJAX for posting and getting data to the services
  • Used features of Visual Studio controls like Master Pages, Security and Login forms.
  • Worked with test team and fixed the issues as part of the bug life cycle.
  • Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) as Source control and document management.

Environment: Visual Studio.NET 2008, Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5, ASP.NET, C#, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, ADO.Net, Web Services, WCF, LINQ, SQL Server 2008, XML,XSLT, XPATH, VSS, NUnit, Telerik Controls.

Confidential, Virginia Beach, VA

Software Developer


  • Designed the complete solution using N-tier Architecture model and design patterns mainly Abstract Factory and Singleton.
  • Configured the VS.NET environment, IIS Server.
  • Worked on Agile Methodology topractice-based methodology for modeling and documentation of software-based systems.
  • Developed the business components Class, ASP.Net web services using C#/SOAP to encapsulate business logic components to be used in distributed environment.
  • ConfiguredWindows Communication Foundation (WCF)service to authenticate clients with Windows credentials for intranet applications for login validations.
  • Used ASP.NET Page lifecycle Techniques and handle a control's initialization, instantiating controls, restoring and maintaining state, running event handler code, and rendering.
  • Developed Web forms for User Interfaces using ASP.NET and C#.NET using Server controls, HTML controls and User controls.
  • Used C#.Net and PL/Sql Procedures in-order to access the oracle database for the front-end presentation.
  • Used COM components and WPF components to develop rich client applications.
  • Implemented ORM mapping between C# & Oracle using N-Hibernate
  • Wrote PL/SQL queries with Joins on multiple tables, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers
  • Implemented features of ASP.Net AJAX such as Calendar Controls, Repeater Control, and Validation controls, Dataset, Security using forms authentication.
  • Created data access layer to communicate with the SQL Server Database using N-Hibernate.
  • Developed the necessary Stored Procedures and created Complex Views using Joins for robust and fast retrieval of data in SQL Server using T-SQL.
  • Created Unit tests using N-Unit Framework
  • Developed build automation using NANT
  • Created batch processes for processing end of day files
  • Used exact target for email marketing
  • Used TortoiseSVN for Source Control

Environment: C# .NET, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Microsoft Visio 2003, AJAX, PL/SQL, Visual Studio .Net, Oracle 9i

Confidential, San Francisco, CA

ASP.NET Developer


  • Created ASP.NET pages with web server controls for the presentation layer.
  • Implemented validation using validation controls, JavaScript client side validations.
  • Developed web applications using ASP.NET and AJAX Extensions under MVC architecture.
  • Used entity framework for mapping business objects to DB entities
  • Data Formatting was done using HTML, CSS and client side scripting.
  • Involved in the development of business logic in C#. NET.
  • Created web custom controls and web user controls where necessary.
  • Used Datasets, Data Reader and SQL DataAdapter for interacting with Database.
  • Created and consumed Web Services using C#, ADO.NET and SQL Server.
  • Configured Global.asax and web.config for setting the Application and Session variables.
  • Involved in developing new databases, testing and analyzing database applications considering users suggestions and requirements.
  • Involved in writing SQL commands, SQL procedures to interact with the SQL Server database.
  • Optimized the query performance with modification in SQL queries.
  • Involved in the integration of Advice Access with other Applications under the Retirement Group.
  • Responsible for resolving the problem logs and bugs in the application.
  • Involved in writing test cases for the whole application for unit testing.
  • Worked on Sql queries like stored procedures, Functions, Triggers to get the data from SqlServer.
  • Consolidated data from different sources using SqlServer Integration Services and generated reports using SqlServer Reporting Services.
  • Working with Team Foundation Server as the source for version control and project / issue management.

Environment: Visual Studio.NET 2008, .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET, T- SQL, XML, SQL Server 2005, AJAX Control Toolkit, Team Foundation Server.


.Net Developer


  • Involved in the complete software development lifecycle (SDLC) of the project using AGILE.
  • Used HTML, JavaScript to develop and implement a user-friendly UI design for the presentation layer.
  • Developed CSS, master pages and user controls in ASP.NET 3.0 using C# as the code behind language pages.
  • Responsible for developing custom validations using JavaScript on user inputs for web pages where needed.
  • Responsible for developing web pages using AJAX for partial page updates.
  • Responsible for developing web services which were subscribed by other members in the team.
  • Used SQL Server 2005 for creation of database tables, stored procedures and used ADO.NET for communication between the application and database.
  • Used built-in mechanisms of SQL Server 2005 for data integrity like Default, Not Null, Check, Unique, Primary key and Foreign key etc.
  • Performed unit testing and system integration testing.
  • Involved in fixing the bugs based on the client requirements and did lot of enhancements in the web forms and class files.

Environment: Visual Studio 2005, ASP.NET 3.0, AJAX, C#.NET, ADO.NET, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, XML, Web services, SQL Server 2005.

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