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Senior Software Engineer Resume

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Midtown Atlanta, GA


  • Chellam specializes in technologies like C#, MVC.NET, SQL Server, WebAPI and SOA/WCF and JavaScript framework & libraries. He brings to table right fusion of technical (Microsoft and open source technologies) and business skills with
  • 12+ years of architecture & coding experience behind him. Chellam aspires to persistently hone his programming and architecting skills, and leverage the same in generating productivity for client he works for.


Hardware: WINTEL/IOS/Android

Operating Systems: WINDOWS NT/ XP/ 7/ 8

Programming Languages: C#(till 5.0), ASP.NET(2.0/3.5/4.0), MVC.NET 4.0/5.0/6.0, XML, HTML5, TSQL, LINQ, UML, TPL(Task Parallel Library)

JavaScript Libraries: Angularjs, Typescript, Knockout, JQuery, Requirejs, SignalR, Jasmine, Karma, Protactor, UI - Route, KendoUI.

NoSQL: Mongo DB

Web Server: IIS 6.0 / 7.0

RDMS: SQL Server 2008/2010/2012


Rich / Thick / Thin Client Technologies: Silverlight / Winforms & WPF / SPA (Single Page Application)

Security: OAuth 2.0

ORM: Entity Framework 5.0

DI/IOC Framework: Unity

Unit Test Case Tool: XUnit and Moq

Code Review Tool: CollabNet TeamForge to Review Board™

Debugging tools: Fiddler, Firebug etc


Confidential - Midtown, Atlanta, GA

Senior Software Engineer


  • Played a key role in envisioning MVC architecture & design front end using AngularJS 1.4 + HTML5 + CSS3 + Angular Bootstrap of the customer facing web site.
  • Also recommended & implemented the server side C# MVC6 + WebAPI Service Layer + reusable Models & Meta Models + Data Repository + DB2/Oracle stack architecture.
  • Implemented design patterns like Unit of Work, Repository, Strategy, MVC and MVVM.
  • Drew out a strategy for unit test case (Karma+Jasmine), end to end testing (Protractor) for client side front end code and MSUnit/Moq for server side code, and demonstrated the same through practice and demos.
  • Apart from architecture and design foresight/vision, galvanized the team to reach the destination by troubleshooting the code and architecture issues.
  • Developed client side reusable angular directives that wrapped the Adobe Document Tag Management(DTM) Analytics logic for tracking the user interaction.
  • Introduced Javascript code quality tool -JSLint.
  • Played a AngularJS Performance Engineer role.
  • Got exposure to Gulp/Bower.

Environment: HTML5, Javascript, AngularJS 1.4, JQuery, MVC6/C#, AngulaStrap, NodeJS, VS 2015, MSUnit/Moq, WebAPI/REST, Oracle/DB2, Jasmine/Karma, Protractor, SQL.

Confidential, Vinings, GA

Senior Software Engineer (contractor)


  • Designed, developed, architected and tested multiple modules that involved massive data handling.
  • Implemented Knockout View Models with WebAPI JSON calls through entity framework to SQL Server.
  • Implemented recursive dynamic query parsing and processing that follows “open closed principle” and “program to interfaces” design guidelines.
  • Improved the page load time of the application considerably from 40 (minutes) to 50 (seconds) by SQL tuning, parallelization, pagination and Bulk Insert.
  • Wrote SQL Stored procedure that talk to multiple servers through linked servers.
  • Applied MVVM and MVC architectural principles.
  • Participated in design discussions and database modeling activity.

Environment: C#, MVC.NET 5, SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2013, TFS, ClosedXML library, JQuery, TPL,LINQ, PLINQ, JavaScript, Knockout, JSON, XML, Entity Framework 6, IIS 7, Bootstrap 3, SSRS and SSIS.

Confidential, Alpharetta, GA

V Software Engineer


  • Designed a module that involved efforts right from html5 + bootstrap styling/ developing UI, Knockout view model(MVVM) / data-binding, WebAPI, data modeling, SignalR proxies, SQL scripting(Full Stack Developer) .
  • Evangelized, drafted, oversaw and architected a TDD approach and testing strategy for all layers (html+JavaScript/ Middle Tier / Entity Layer).

Environment: Bootstrap, Knockout, JQuery, HTML5, JavaScript, Jasmine, XUnit, Karma, SignalR, WebAPI, C# 5.0, MVC.NET 4.0, JSON, LINQ, Entity Framework, Visual Studio 2013, TFS.


Mobile Solution Architect - Smartlist Mobile Application


  • Designed, developed and architected middle tier Restful WebAPI layer for the smartlist mobile applications.
  • Introduced flexibility by implementing DI/IOC framework using Unity.
  • Developed complex stored procedures and used entity framework for data layer.
  • Developed UI presentation layers for the smartlist MVC.NET using third party JavaScript framework like Angularjs and Bootstrap library.
  • Architected a logging module for the middle tier.

Environment: C# 4.0, MVC.NET 4.0, WebAPI, Angularjs, SQL Server 2008, HTML5, JavaScript, JSON, Restful services, LINQ, TDD approach, Entity Framework, Unity, Visual Studio 2012, Team Foundation Server.


Principal Engineer


  • Conceptualized, collaborated, designed, architected and developed deployment modules using C# and PowerShell, employing TDD strategies and incorporated composite and visitor design patterns.
  • Got acquainted to IOS MDM (Mobile Device Management) approaches and practices.
  • Oversaw and participated in code review practices using CollabNet TeamForge to Review Board™.
  • Executed unit test cases based load tests on specific sections of code using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
  • Became proficient at security concepts like SSL, OAuth, and Authentication & Authorization.
  • Played the role of scrum master.

Environment: ASP.NET, TPL, JQuery, PowerShell, SQL Server 2008, C# 4.0, Visual Studio 2010, Team Foundation Server, XML, Restful WebAPI Services, MSunit, Moq, VersionOne scrum management tool, CollabNet TeamForge to Review Board™.


Software Advisor


  • Implemented ARR (Application Request Routing) IIS reverse proxy functions with the help of URL rewrite.
  • Achieved authentication through OAuth secure token for the WCF RESTful APIS.
  • Developed release documents and managed release operations.
  • Developed and automated the terra byte XML file creation and exposed the consumption through services which has direct business impact in dollars.

Environment: C# 3.0, WCF, Restful Services, XML, JSON, SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio 2010, Team Foundation Server


Senior Developer - Digital Media Workflow Application


  • Assembled, architected, developed, documented and tested WCF services.
  • Specialized and maintained both requirements and architecture documents.

Environment: Silverlight, C#, SQL Server, SOAP, XML, JSON, Visual Studio, .NET Framework, Team Foundation Server.


IT Analyst - Banking Application


  • Prepared enterprise wide web application and presented projects to client
  • Collaborated with cross functional teams to review and analyze systems requirements.
  • Utilized the industry tools and technology and studied their implementation effects on project goals.
  • Engineered, programmed, tested and implemented business systems and support client server applications.

Environment: C#, ASP.NET Webforms, JavaScript, Winforms, XML, SQL Server, Tuning Stored procedures, SSRS, HTML, JavaScript.


Development Lead - Patent Application


  • Thomson Patent application is a C# ASP.NET web project which allows third party clients to register, manage, and extend patent information about the company’s product.

Environment: C#, JavaScript, SQL Server, ASP.NET.


Programmer Analyst


  • Assembled detail design consistent with object oriented principles.
  • Wrote 20 to 24 TSQL store procedure for the attribute search module.
  • Implemented security through SOAP authentication header.
  • Used Data Access Application Block to access and update SQL database.
  • Implemented Design Patterns (Singleton, Abstract Factory, etc).
  • Actively involved in database design.
  • Designed and developed access control features and security features for the intranet application.

Environment: C#, WebForms, Winforms, SQL Server, Perforce, Visual Studio, XML, Rational Rose, Design Patterns.

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