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Sr. Full Stack Developer Resume

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St Louis, MO


  • Around 8+ Years of experience in software development life cycle (SDLC) and Agile including analysis, designing, developing, testing and implementation of Web and Windows based applications with N - Tier architecture using Microsoft Technologies.
  • Experience building various web and desktop applications under .NET Frame work 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5 using C#.Net, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, ADO.Net, AngularJS, Entity Framework, LINQ, Ajax, SQL Server.
  • Utilized ADO.Net, LINQ and ADO.Net entity frame work for database operations between web applications and database.
  • Good experience in XML for representation of arbitrary data structures in Web Services and XML based languages (SOAP and WSDL).
  • Excellent knowledge in developing Web Services, SOAP, XML, IIS, Java Script, AngularJS and JQuery.
  • Experience using HTML, XHTML, DHTML, Master Pages, Site Map, JavaScript, AngularJS, CSS3 and CSS for presentation of web pages and AJAX for asynchronous communication with the server of web application.
  • Hands on experience in (SQL SERVER) Database Design and Development, Writing Constraints, Indexes, Views, Stored Procedures, Cursors, Triggers, and User Defined Functions using T-SQL.
  • Experience in OOAD using various UML diagrams like Use Case, Class, Interaction, State, Activity diagrams.
  • Strong experience in architecture patterns like Model View Controller (MVC), Model View Presenter (MVP) and Model View View Model (MVVM).
  • Experience in Creating Telerik UI and Kendo UI along with ASP. Net, C# .Net and AngularJS pages.
  • Experience in Telerik UI RDLC Reports, Telerik UI Rad Grid, Kendo UI Grid.
  • Experience working with web servers, such as IIS, and with source repositories, such TFS (Team Foundation Server).
  • Developing applications leveraging ADO.NET, LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework.
  • Extensively Used LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML and LINQ to Objects for retrieving the data efficiently and Just in Time manner.
  • Experience in Following HIPPA policy from the work in Health Care Domain.
  • Experience in making sure never the personal Details of the people such as SSN, Address, Phone number etc were displayed on pages where it wasn’t supposed to and when needed to commutate with team members and share such data used Secure in subject to encrypt the email so the email data can’t be sent outside companies network communication.
  • Experience using Aspose for generating Excel downloadable data from UI.
  • Experience in drawing Use Case, Sequence, and Class Diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
  • Expertise in working with ADO.NET components such as Dataset, Data Adapter and Data Reader.
  • Experience using Waterfall, Agile software developmental methodologies.
  • Experience in developing reusable component like user controls and custom controls.
  • Designed and developed several packages to transfer the data between the different environment systems and/or export the data to other applications using Sql Server Integration services (SSIS).
  • Experience in building reports using Sql Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Experience in unit testing using Microsoft Visual Studio Unit testing framework.
  • Experience in creating Stored Procedures, Functions, Views, Models, Controller, Cursors and Triggers and imports and exports of Data.
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks and demonstrates initiative and adaptability and capable of handling responsibilities independently as well as a proactive team member.
  • Excellent analytical, communication, interpersonal and decision making skills and is well motivated to rapidly acquire new skills on the job.


Languages/Web technologies/Scripting: C, C++, C#, VB.Net, T-SQL, PL-SQL, HTML, DHTML, XML, XAML, CSS, AJAX, Silverlight 3.0,, Java Script, AngularJS, UNIX Shell Scripting, batch file scripting, JQuery, Python, PERL

RDBMS: MS SQL Server 2012/2008 R2/2005/2000, Oracle 8i/9i MS ACCESS, Enterprise/SQL Server 6.5/7.0, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2005/2008

Servers: IIS 6.0/7.0

Environment: s: Microsoft Visual Studio 2003/2005/2008/2010/2012/2013 , .Net frameworks, Ninject - dependency injector.

Designing Tools: Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe Image Ready CS, Macromedia Flash, Rational Rose 2008

Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/7/8 MS DOS, Mac OS, UNIX GUI

Data Administration: SQL Server DBA activities (performance tuning, and import/export of data using DTS packages, writing scripts for automating various tasks)

SQL Server TOOLS: DTS, BIDS (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS), BIMS, Query Analyzer, Enterprise manager, ODBC, ADO, Data warehouse.


Confidential, St. Louis, MO

Sr. Full Stack Developer


  • Designed and developed features for J2EE-based business activity monitoring and operational dashboard engine, including the rules and alert engine, WebApp components, recoverability, intelligent workflow features, internationalization, and upgradability.
  • Responsible for the implementation of application system withCoreJavaand Spring framework.
  • Developed POJOs for the business logics usingJavaCollectionsFramework.
  • UsedCollections, Abstract Classes, Exception Handling, Multithreading and Interfaces extensively.
  • UsedCoreJavacollectionsAPI extensively such as List, Sets, and Maps.
  • Developed presentation layer includes UI components, validations usingHTML5, applying styles usingCSS, usedJqueryto makeAjaxcalls.
  • Bootstrapused along withAngularJSin creating the Application.
  • UsedAngular JSframework in developing various UI components.
  • Created webGUI: pages, tables and charts usingGWT(Google Web Toolkit),javaFree chartlibrary using MVC pattern
  • PerformedPeerTestingand Code Review to validatepeerchanges and integrity of the code based on best coding practices.
  • UsedSpringframework includingSpringcore/IoC,SpringWeb,SpringSecurity.
  • Implement the authentication, authorization, andaccess-controlfeatures by usingSpringSecurity.
  • UsedSpringInversion of Control (IoC) for injecting the beans and reduced the coupling between the classes.
  • Implemented the Model View Controller usingSpringMVC.
  • Developed Spring services, DAO's and defined routes usingApacheCamel.
  • UsedTomcatTest Environment to test the application locally.
  • Involved inCICDprocess using GIT, Jenkins job creation, Maven build and publish, and Fabric implementation.
  • Have written end to end unit test cases using Protractor withcucumber.
  • Used CoreJavaconcepts in application such as multithreaded programming,synchronizationof threads used thread wait, notify, join methods etc.
  • Implemented the application usingSpringBootFramework and handled the security usingSpring Security.
  • DevelopedHTMLviews withHTML5, CSS3, bootstrapandAngularJS.
  • Implemented code accordingto coding standards and CreatedAngularJSController, which isolate scopes perform operations.
  • Selected Test Cases to be automated and perform functional testing create a Data Driven framework usingTestNG.
  • Used Rest Executor and Web Client for dealing with REST web services request and responses in theAutomationframework.
  • Install theMySQLserver and client software applications, managingMySQLDatabases on Windows.
  • Perform backup and recovery forMySQL9i, 10G, 11G databases using RMAN
  • Used Amazon Cloud Watch to monitorAWSservices and Amazon Cloud Watch logs to monitor application.
  • UsedHibernateto deal withthedatabase. UsedHibernateextensively to have Database access mechanism with complex queries throughHibernateQuery, Criteria interfaces.
  • ImplementedRESTbased web services usingJAX-RSannotations, Jersey provider and consumed using$HTTPservices fromAngularJSmodules.
  • DesignedRESTful,XMLweb service for handlingAJAXrequests.
  • Integrated the Java code (API) inJSPpages and responsible for setting upAngularJSframework forUIdevelopment.
  • Developed cross browser and multi browser compatible web pages usingJSP, jQuery, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed and modifiedPL/SQLstored procedures, functions, packages and Database triggers.
  • Experience in concepts likeJavaMulti-Threading, Collection, Interfaces,Synchronization, and Exception Handling.
  • Experience in Data migration from DB2 to ApacheCassandraDB.
  • UsedSpringframeworkto provide loose coupling between different application modules.
  • DevelopedHibernatewithSpringIntegrationas the data abstraction to interact with the database ofMongoDB.
  • Implementation ofAZURE(cloud service) support in application, for user authentication (identity and access management) againstAzureActive Directory (mobile devices).
  • Rebuilt the request object with the obtained JWT token in the service layer and access theAZUREActive Directory for the CRUD operations from the DAO layer.
  • Implemented newJiraworkflows for the QA teams and worked on SplittingJiraserver configuration
  • Installed and managed plug-ins forJiraand confluence in production environment, UpgradedJirain production to keep up to date.
  • Developed single page applications, components usingAngular JSdirectives, controllers, viewand routing, service modules.
  • IntegratedKeycloakto handle authentication of front endtec
  • Merged application code to release environment for implementation to Production using GIT, Ant, Maven and Jenkins (CICD).
  • Involved in Junit testing framework using Test driven development(TDD).
  • Developed the Application Module using several design patterns like Singleton, Factory, DAO, DTO,Business Delegate, Façade,prototype and Composite View.
  • Strong skills in developing applications usingOracleRDBMS10g/9i,OracleForms 6i /10g andOracleReports 6i /10g,OracleDiscoverer.
  • Used spring framework's JMS support for writing to JMS Queue, Hibernate Dao Support for interfacing with the database and integrated spring withJSF,JSFprovides a standard HTML implementing.
  • Managed servers on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform instances using Puppet, Chef Configuration management.
  • Worked withNoSQLdatabaseMongo DBand worked with it to perform many different operations.
  • Used JavaScript for Client Side validation inJSPpages.
  • FollowTTD(Test Driven Development) methodology to write unit tests withJUnitandMockito. Write automated regression tests usingJMeter.
  • CreatedMicro ServiceswithSpringBootand evaluator for handling business constraints.
  • Used Spring-boot for dependency injection as well as running theMicroServicesthrough embedded Tomcat server.
  • Application is deployed in JBOSSWildflyServer,MySQLas database,HornetQforJMS and GIT for source version control
  • Participated in code reviews, peer reviews by crucible and involved in variouspairprogrammingsessions.
  • Used JavaScript for Client Side validation inJSPpages.
  • Executed test scripts usingSeleniumWebDriverandanalyzedthe test resultsImplemented navigation usingSpringMVCcontrollers, configured controllers usingSpringMVCannotations and configuration files.
  • Automated the regression suite of MDM usingSelenium(Java),TestNG.
  • Developed automation testing usingcucumberand selenium.
  • KeycloakMaintaining separate build inMavenfor the module for easy integration to the portal build and configure withJenkins.
  • Working withECMAScript6features. Used Babel, web pack with es2015, react JSX presets.
  • Wrote Jasmine unit tests usingKarmato verifyAngularJSmodules and JavaScript utility routines.
  • Developed unit test cases usingMockitoframework for testing accuracy of code and logging is done using SLF4j + Log4j.

Environment: Java 1.8,J2EE,Core Java,Spring,SpringMVC, Jenkins,SpringCore,Hibernate4.0,JSF,AWS,JBoss,Mockito,Tomcat,PL/SQL,Rest web services,Jira,AZURE,Synchronization,TDD,Selenium,Microservices,Peer,JMS,TestNG,HTML5, JavaScript,Cassandra,CSS,CICD,NodeJS,JMeter,React JS,NoSQL,JUnit,SVN,MySQL,AngularJS, Mongo DB,Maven, Log4j,cucumber,Oracle.

Confidential, Dayton, OH

Sr. ASP.NET Developer


  • Gathering Business Requirements and documenting the technical specification document.
  • Worked in a sprint basedAGILEenvironment, worked withTFS.
  • Designing and preparing a High Level Design Document and a Low Level design Documents.
  • Involved analysis, design and development of new application using ASP.Net 4.0, VB.net, C#, Oracle 11g
  • Understood the business requirements and implemented the .net architecture.
  • Developed the Business Logic layer using oops concepts to provide code inheritance, encapsulation.
  • Used .Net logic for data access layer.
  • Building theETLarchitecture for the various Daily Job runs for member Gathering and writing C# code forthe members who meets eligibility criteria.
  • Writing the services for theETLwindows process to work different scenarios for Member gathering and reporting.
  • Currently working withReact, JavaScript ES6, Typescript, Web pack. With previous experience in Angular/Ionic Frameworkand the.NETstack.
  • Writing C# code for all the services associated with theETL process.
  • Worked on data migration and integration ofFACETS, SAP databases.
  • Involved in writing the packages, stored procedures and functions to fetch and update the information in back end usingOracle 12c.
  • Experience withAzure Web ServicesusingWeb Jobs.
  • UsedAngular JSfor dynamic binding andJQuery, JSON withTelerikKendo UI.
  • UsedHTML 5, CSS and Bootstrap,AJAX.
  • Writing database stored procedures and functions for the user interface in ORACLE, PL/SQL and also SQL Server, T-SQL
  • Involved inTroubleshooting,testing and debugging the code both pre-production and post-production release.
  • Developed Object Model and Data Access Model based on Prototype design pattern usingC#andEDMXfiles using Entity Framework which helps in bound columns in the Data Grid to display information.
  • Designed and implemented application using.NETFramework4.0/4.5
  • Involved in designing Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams using MS Visio.
  • Actively involved in developing web applications usingASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET and VisualStudio.NET.
  • UsedADO.NETfor Data accessing. Upgrading the modules intoMicrosoft.NET (C# .NET, ASP.NET) and created a web service. Experience in working withSQLcomponents such asData grids, Datasets, Data Table PagingandSorting.
  • UsedASP.NET MVC 5Page Controller pattern to add functionality to individual pages such that to accept input from the page request, invoke the requested actions on the mode.

Environment: Visual Studio 2015, FACETS, ETL, Entity Framework, Team City, Octopus, MVC 5, Angular JS, Kendo UI,JQuery, HTML 5, Oracle 12c, CSS, Bootstrap, MSSQL server, SAP, Web API.

Confidential, Omaha, NE

WCF .NET Developer


  • Discussed with Team leads and all developer group teams from the start on any impediments or any particular code that we need to rethink how we approach it or how a certain requirement coding issue should be dealt.
  • Determined time taken for particular task of Work to complete.
  • Provided technical support to team members and to have better understanding of what the user story requirements and design could be done for the particular story.
  • Wrote View models, code behind, models and done designing in .xaml for the WCF project.
  • Developed WCF code from java scripts to have same or similar functionalities as the previous website.
  • Developed UI components using WCF,C#.
  • Good experience with using Rhino mocks for Unit testing.
  • Strictly followed coding standards like naming conventions while developing Classes, Methods, Variables and event handlers.
  • Involved in building WCF pages for already existing Javascript pages.
  • Implemented MVVM and better support for the broken java script code and deficient java script logics and fixed them.
  • Involved in unit testing and provided production support.
  • Dealing with users requirements and complying with systems functionality including new development of application.
  • Handled the support phase as well.

Environment: .NET Framework4.5, Rhino Mocks - unit testing, Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2013 (WCF, C#.NET), AngularJS, Tortoise SVN, Ankh Svn.

Confidential, NYC, NY

WCF ASP.NET Developer


  • Discussed with multiple business teams from the start on requirements gathering and use case creation.
  • Determined Project scope, estimation and Statement of Work and delivery schedule.
  • Stood Key participant in Architectural discussions with the Architecture team.
  • Performed Risk analysis and making proper plans to mitigate the risks.
  • Provided technical support to team members and conducting knowledge sessions on project requirements, design and coding standards to the team.
  • Azure SQl Database
  • Design and Implemented WCF services layer hosted on Windows Azure.
  • Deployed application on Azure platform.
  • Wrote SQL queries, complex stored procedures and triggers in SQL SERVER 2008/2012
  • Developed backend stored procedures and one time Data scripts for one time load of static data using SQL server 2008\2012.
  • Develop .Net based web applications with JavaScript based frameworks like JQuery, AngularJS in the front end and MS SQL Server as the backend database.
  • Developed UI components using ASP.NET and C#.
  • Good experience with Ninject - dependency injection.
  • Strictly followed coding standards like naming conventions while developing Classes, Methods, Variables and database stored procedures.
  • Involved in building ASP.NET pages from already existing HTML pages.
  • Implemented form validation, application cache and geo-location properties of HTML5 and used Modernizer for backward browser compatibility.
  • Used .NET Validation Controls for Server side validation.
  • Used .NETWebControls, Validation Controls and User Controls.
  • Involved in unit and integration testing and provided production support.
  • Dealing with users requirements and complying with systems functionality including new development of application.
  • Customizing Visualizations and dashboards - Presenting data to be customized using grids, charts and IFRAMES and few web resources.
  • Handled the support phase as well.

Environment: .NET Framework4.5, Ninject - dependency injector, Angular JS, Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2012/2013 (ASP.NET, C#.NET, ADO.NET), TFS, Bootstrap, IIS, SQL Server 2012/2008, Azure

Confidential, Hopkins, MN

C# / .NET Developer


  • Extensively involved in all stages of SDLC. Followed Agile Methodology to produce high Quality Application.
  • Involved in creating Models, View Models and DAL using Entity Framework and C#.
  • Implemented Remote Validation and unobtrusive JavaScript and JSON.
  • Developed Views using Master Pages, Layouts, Partial Views, custom HTML helper and JQuery with Razor view engine using MVVM model.
  • Designed the application using MVC architecture that promotes a clear separation of the presentation, business logic and data access tiers.
  • Converted .Net application to Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Project as part of cloud deployment.
  • Migrated SQL Server 2008 database to Windows
  • Implemented WCF service and developed Asynchronous callback methods in Class Library project to communicate with different layers of the solution.
  • Worked on designing and coding (WCF) Service Contracts, Data Contracts and Operation Contracts.
  • Refactoring the user interface using HTML and MVC Razor.
  • Used LINQ to Objects and LINQ to XML to query the data model and manipulate the data.
  • Involved in unit-testing of web application using Visual studio unit testing Framework.
  • Used SVN for version Controlling and Continuous Integration.

Environment: Visual Studio 2010, .NET Framework 4.0, C# 4.0, MVC 4, Razor, WCF, Entity Framework, LINQ, SQL Server 2010, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, SSRS, XML, NUnit, SVN, IIS, Azure

Confidential, Houston, TX

C# / .NET Developer


  • Responsible for Designing, coding, developing and implementing application using C# and ASP.NET.
  • Developed web pages and validated these pages using ASP.NET, XHTML and C#.
  • Extensively used AJAX to present a very intuitive user experience.
  • Implemented SOA with creating and consuming Web Services in C#.Net in .Net 3.5.
  • Client side validation was done using JavaScript and Configured the IIS.
  • Used ASP.NET validation controls (Required field validator, regular expression validator, compare validator, range validator), User Controls, Custom Controls, Data Grid Web Control.
  • Designed and developed Rebranding controls as a User Controls in Silver light 2.0
  • Working with ASP.NET Master Pages that were common throughout the application and content pages.
  • Extensively used XML for data transfer across different systems and XSLT for transformations.
  • Used CSS for adding fonts, colors and styles to the web document.
  • Developed reusable and controls using ASP.NET and C# in the .NET Framework 3.5.
  • Developed GUI module using MVP pattern.
  • Wrote SQL Queries, Stored procedures and used ADO.NET components - Data Reader, Data Adapter, SQL Command and Dataset for retrieving data from database.
  • Used SQL Server 2008 to write Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions, Views etc to handle all data manipulation.
  • Used ADO.NET extensively for data retrieving, querying, storage and manipulation.
  • Used Visual Source Safe for Version Control.
  • Developed ASMX services in getting the details of the User.
  • Performed unit testing on every new version before sending it for User Acceptance Test (UAT).
  • Made use of the JavaScript functions for browser Check of the application.
  • Handled Configuration (Session, authentication and authorization, custom errors, tracing and so on) or the online transactions by the customer and creating user login and privileges.
  • Migrated some of the modules from .Net Framework 2.0 to 3.0.

Environment: .Net Framework 3.5, C#.NET, Visual Studio 2008, ASP.NET 3.0, Web Services, ADO.NET, SQL Server 2008, XML, HTML, XHTML,CSS, XSLT, XPath, JavaScript, IIS 6.0, SOAP, Crystal Reports, SSRS, SSIS.

Confidential, San Antonio, TX

C# / .NET Developer


  • Worked on projects to make enhancements to the home grown web application and windows application.
  • Used Server side Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) techniques to improve performance.
  • Involved in developing front end using ASP.NET, HTML, and CSS.
  • Design and development of SOA web-services using Asp.NET & WCF Rest Service.
  • Designed Cascading Style Sheets for uniform look of the web pages.
  • Provided extensive security using JavaScript validations wherever necessary and to validate the user input and also ensure better performance reducing post backs.
  • Used JQuery to simplify the HTML document traversing and event handling for UI components.
  • Used JQuery Library for emphasizing interaction between JavaScript and HTML.
  • Written JavaScript for some of the UI controls like buttons and watermark, etc.
  • Written Qunit test suite for the JavaScript files test pages.
  • Used agile methodologies to minimize the risk by developing software in short amounts of time.
  • Involved in writing LINQ to SQL queries in Business layer.
  • Involved in Unit Testing and Integration Testing of Different Modules
  • Worked with WCF.
  • Hands on experience in .NET Server Controls, Web User Controls, Data Grid Web Control, and Form Validation Controls and Custom controls.
  • Used JavaScript for client side validations.
  • Implemented MVC 3.0 architecture to build ASP.NET application.

Environment: .Net Framework 3.5, C#.NET, Visual Studio 2008, ASP.NET 3.0, Web Services, ADO.NET, SQL Server 2008, XML, HTML, XHTML,CSS, XSLT, XPath, JavaScript, IIS 6.0, SOAP, Crystal Reports, SSRS, SSIS.

Confidential, NY

C# / .NET Developer


  • Analyze, Design, Develop and Support Various Metro web applications of NRT LLC (coldwellbankeronline.com, cbpref.com, utahhomes.com etc.)
  • Collaborate and communicate with the team on the development milestones during the daily stand up meetings.
  • Worked closely with the BA/QA to understand the Business requirements and to implement the functionality of the applications.
  • Wrote business logic code inC#code behind files to read data from database stored procedures
  • Worked as aTFSAdmin to help doing the merges from Development branches to Release branches and involved in creating and modifying Build definitions and generating automated builds for release to QA.
  • ImplementedAngularJSControllers to maintain each view data and Service calls usingAngularFactory
  • Created different hierarchical, interactive storage reports usingC#
  • LeveragedAngularJSresources for all data access, encapsulating URLs and standardizing data access interfaces. Created custom directives for re-usable components
  • Developed responsive, elegant views forweb designingusing theAngular JS 1.4andBootstrapFrameworks
  • Extensively involved in coding withAngular JSand java script to add functionalities and effects like Accordion, Infinite Scroll bar, Slider bar, Draggle/Droppable, Resizable, Progress bar
  • Demo the completed milestone to the entire project stakeholders, including Business Analyst, Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Peer Developers and Testers to ensure the development has been completed correctly after each sprint cycle is completed.
  • Developed Consumer Facing front pages usingMVC4,CSS3,WinForms,WCF,JavaScript, Entity Framework andJQuery.
  • Have worked withWeb APIto provide services to HTTP requests
  • Deployed application on test, production servers and managed application using MicrosoftAzure.
  • Implemented to making browser compatibility and mobile friendly using BootstrapLibrary.
  • Developed Stored Procedure andSQL Queriesto store and retrieve data usingSQLServer 2008.
  • Perform peer code review and participate in developer meetings to share and raise questions about the technology challenges / achievements.
  • Created Restful services using ASP.NETWeb APIfor exposing these to mobile device
  • Used 'TestNG' for backend test cases and 'Jasmine' forAngular JStest cases. build tasks to provide continuous automated builds based on polling theGit source control
  • UsedNUnitto implement develop unit test cases.
  • UsedSpec FlowCases for implementing acceptance test cases and to follow the principles of Behavior driven development.

Environment: .NET Framework 4.0, Visual Studio.NET 2012, MVC 4, TFS, C#.NET, AngularJS 1.4, Web API, ASP.NET, AJAX, JavaScript,JQuery,HTML, MS-IIS 7.1, CSS3, Web Design, WCF, GitHub Entity Framework,WinForms, SQL Server 2008.

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