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Sr. Java Ui Developer Resume

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El Paso, TX


  • 8+ Years of solid Experience in Designing & Development of Large Scale Web Applications, possessing hands on experience with technologies like Java,Ajax,JavaScript based frameworks like jQuery, AngularJS, backbone.
  • Professional experience in using Core Technologies like J2EE, Servlets, JSP, Custom tags, JDBC, JavaBeans, JNDI, JMS, JTA, HTML4/5,CSS2/3,DOM,XHTML/DHTML, XML, Web Services, Bootstrap framework, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Media Queries.
  • Extensive experience in working with Spring framework, Struts framework, Hibernate, JPA .
  • Well versed with all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as Analysis, Design, Development, Testing & Implementation using Waterfall, Agile Methodology & related tools.
  • Worked on Hibernate for mapping the java objects to relational database and SQL queries to fetch the data, insert and update the data from the database.
  • Experience in Spring Boot, Spring DI, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Templates (Spring JDBC, Spring JMS, Spring Hibernate, Spring JMS), Spring Batch modules.
  • Experience in using Web/Application servers like Nephos, IBM WebSphere, WebLogic, JBoss, Glassfish and Tomcat .
  • Experience in writing ANT, Maven build scripts, providing logging facility using Log4j and Writing JUnit test cases.
  • Configured and used JIRA for bug tracking and functional testing.
  • Having good knowledge in NOSQL data bases like DynamoDB and MongoDB.
  • Good knowledge in developing multi - threading applications and in developing Rich Internet Applications (RIA).
  • Hands on experience in developing Single Page Applications (SPA) using Angular 2 and Node.js, and in UI Widgets using React.js,Require.js,EXt.js,D3.js.
  • Experience in consuming and deployment of RESTFUL and SOAP web services .
  • Proficient in Object Oriented Design/Development ( OOD ), Object Oriented Analysis and Design ( OOAD ), Model View Control (MVC ) design pattern, Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and Test Driven Development (TDD).
  • Used persistence frame works like iBATIS ORM tools to achieve mapping between POJO and Relation Database.
  • Working knowledge of Cloud Computing Service environment like (AWS) Amazon Web Services (EC2, EBS, S3, Lambdas, VPC, Cloud Watch, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto Scaling).
  • Extensively used IDE's like STS, Eclipse, MyEclipse, intelliJ IDEA and Net Beans for development.
  • Implemented various J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Session Facade, Data Access .
  • Implemented objects like ( DAO ), Factory, and Data Transfer Object ( DTO ).
  • Experience with Version Control tools like GIT, CVS, VSS and SVN for Source Code version management and merging Source code after intermittent Project releases.
  • Proficient in working with Agile/SCRUM methodology.
  • Experience in working with XML technologies like XML, XSL, XSD, DTD, XSLT and parsing XML with SAX & DOM parsers.
  • Solid understanding of Service Oriented Architecture and how to integrate front end to backend services in RESTful APIs.
  • Strong knowledge of Security, Session Management, Scalability, single sign-on, cookies and concurrency of web applications
  • High development skills and ability to meet project delivery deadlines.
  • Possess excellent leadership & software engineering skills, having pro-active solution-oriented mindset, with strong communication skills.


Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, J2EE

Frameworks: Spring 4.0, Spring MVC, Struts 2.3.3, Hibernate 4.3.0


ClientSide Technologies: JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery 1.11, Angular JS

Application Servers: IBM Apache Tomcat, Glassfish, WebSphere, JBOSS, WebLogic.

Database Tools: Oracle 11g,10g/9i, MySQL, Postgre SQL, Dynamo DB, Cassandra and Mongo DB

Build management: Ant, Maven

Utilities: Log4j, JUnit, JIRA, POSTMAN

Java IDEs: NetBeans, Android Studio, IBM RAD, Eclipse, Spring Tools Suite.

Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP/7/10, Linux, Unix, Mac


Confidential, El Paso, TX

Sr. Java UI Developer


  • Involved in all phases of project from analysis and requirement phase to delivering the project.
  • Created System Requirement Specifications (SRS) report of the project by collecting all the requirements from client.
  • Developed front-end UI by HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, JSP, and Angular JS based on Application needs designed by spring and REST web Services.
  • Developed the view components using CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery and form beans.
  • Worked on JavaScript, JQuery and Servlets to generate dynamic web pages and web contents.
  • Implemented Angular JS Component Based design for the Web page development and implemented several modules.
  • Used MVC design pattern for designing application, JSP and CSS as the view component.
  • Implemented J2EE patterns like Data Access Object, Session facade, Business Delegate and Value Object.
  • Involved in the application development using JAVA/J2EE, Multi-Threading, JSF and WebLogic Application Server.
  • Developed the entire application implementing MVC Architecture integrating JSF with Hibernate and spring frameworks.
  • Composing the application classes as Spring Beans using Spring IOC/Dependency Injection.
  • Primarily worked on the spring components such as Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects, View Resolver.
  • Development and Debugging was done using Eclipse IDE.
  • Implemented the application specific Web services to transfer data in real-time by utilizing REST and JMS technologies.
  • Developed as whole application using Spring Modules following MVC design pattern.
  • Implemented Web services to propagate information about orders to next Level partners using RESTful Web services.
  • Involved in producing & consuming Restful based web services using JAX-WS, JAX-RS, AXIS, CXF, and JERSEY etc.
  • Implemented spring as a web framework and Hibernate as database ORM framework.
  • Implemented Spring Security with OAuth are used for authentication and authorization of the application.
  • Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Micro Services.
  • Used AWS deployment services to quickly set up a dynamic website and configured virtual servers using AWS EC2 and responsible for maintaining and expanding our AWS infrastructure using AWS EC2/EBS.
  • Designed and Replicated the Mongo DB schema for retrieval purpose and implemented sharding for storing data across multiple systems.
  • Involved in developing SQL and Stored procedures with the databases Oracle.
  • Developed and Deployed whole Application on Web Logic as Application server.

Environment: s: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular 2, Node JS, JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, Spring Frameworks(IOC, AOP, Batch, MVC, Boot ),DAO, Web Logic, Jersey, RESTful Web Services, JUnit, Maven, MULE ESB, SVN.

Confidential, Englewood, CO

Sr. Java UI Developer


  • Responsible for the full software development life cycle (SDLC) using Agile Methodology, participated in Daily stand-up meetings with Scrum Master, co-developers communicated with testers and resolved tickets.
  • Used HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap for UI design and JavaScript using JQuery along with Angular JS for responsive and mobile-first Front-End development.
  • Developed rich Single Page Applications using Angular-JS, JQuery, AJAX, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, and XML.
  • Designed and developed the layers, components of the project using OOAD methodologies and standard J2EE patterns and guidelines.
  • Involved in design and development of UI component, which includes layered POV’s and Carousel’s using frameworks Angular JS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, DOJO and Bootstrap.
  • Followed Single Page Application (SPA) Pattern and used AngularJS MVC to build a cross-browser complaint application.
  • Implemented core features of AngularJS framework such as dependency Injection, Data-binding, Filters, Directives, Templates, Services and Deep Linking.
  • Made AJAX calls using NodeJS for getting the data and parsing it to render on the web page.
  • Writing JavaScript for NodeJS applications that were useful for interacting with server and network applications.
  • Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report.
  • Implemented Object-relation mapping in the persistence layer using hibernate frame work in conjunction with Spring Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) functionality.
  • Created REST web services to send data in JSON format to different systems using Apache CXF and Spring.
  • Integrating the module with other modules and deploying them on Linux platform.
  • Wrote inline SQL queries (HQL) for fetching data from the DB using Hibernate.
  • Worked with IBM WebSphere Portal server 8.5 to deploy the EAR files and IBM WebSphere Application server 8.5 to deploy the WAR files.
  • Implemented the caching mechanism in Hibernate to load data from Oracle database.
  • Used Winscp and putty to connect with UNIX machines to perform deployments, start/stop servers and monitoring the logs in various Environments.
  • Code drop to the development stream, verifying the CI/CD build process and logs after the Jenkins build. Verifying the code fixes in the higher environments. Create Jenkins jobs to automate the CI/CD.
  • Used XML parser APIs such as JAXP (SAX) and JAXB in the web service's request response data marshaling as well as un-marshaling process.
  • Involved in writing PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, and Views for Oracle 10g database.
  • Developed Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures and queries for payment release process and authorization process.
  • Extensively involved in the development of backend Logics or data access logic using Oracle DB and JDBC.
  • Developed build and deployment scripts using Maven (Pom.xml) and ANT (build.xml) as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Wrote JUnit test cases for unit testing of the developed functionality.
  • Used GIT for source control and developed a logging component using Log4J to log messages and errors.

Environment: s: SDLC, AngularJS, JQuery, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, JAXP, JAXB, OOAD, J2EE, Bootstrap, AJAX, NodeJS, JMS, JSON, RESTful WebServices, HQL, Hibernate, IBM WebSphere Server, Maven, Ant, Jenkins, JUnit, GIT, Log4j,Linux.

Confidential, San Francisco, CA

Sr. Java UI Developer


  • Programmer Analyst responsible for development, support and enhancement of Administration Portal system.
  • Designed and developed JSP pages and Security Realms for Admin login and logout.
  • Implemented YMER an internal Ericsson framework for business logic at client side.
  • Used JSTL core and custom tag libraries in the JSP pages.
  • Used AJAX, Java script and JQuery to create and implemented UI.
  • Used Firefox Firebug for JavaScript debugging.
  • Implemented GUI interface using tiles, CSS3 and webkit layout engine.
  • Analyzed and identified components for the Presentation, Business, Integration, Resource and Service Layers.
  • Developed Administration Portal using HTML5,Nodejs,jQuery and Java Script Frameworks like BackBone.js and require.js
  • Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Node.js using DOM and DOM Functions.
  • Experience in developing web applications using frameworks Spring Core, Hibernate, JSF
  • Involved in the development of the entire Front-end part of the system, using AngularJS MVC framework, JQuery, JSP and AJAX.
  • Working on GUI tool like Kibana to view generated logs and other tools like logstash, Elastic Search for log management.
  • Implementing unit testing using TestNG.
  • Working on tools like Eclipse,Jenkins,putty, secureRT, CYGWIN, ZooKeeper, ZooViewer, GitCli and Clamshell Cli.
  • Implemented RESTful based Web Services using Jersey.
  • Working in a SCRUM based Agile Environment.
  • Implemented logging service using slf4j to RESTful APIs.
  • Implemented APIs to interact ZooKeeper.
  • Have worked on packaging Nodejs application.
  • Created customized plugins for Jenkins.
  • Worked on Front end automation using selenium.
  • Implemented Page Object Mode (POM) in Maven.
  • Hands on Experience with Source code management tools like GitHub.
  • Have worked on Tuning of Jboss AS and its JMX console.
  • Developed Administration Console for Jboss AS using Clamshell-Cli.
  • Worked on CVS tasks like branching, merging and tagging.
  • Developed Maven scripts to support multiple OS.
  • Experience in creating RPM packages using Maven RPM plugin and writing Post Install and Preinstall scripts for them using Shell.
  • Worked on JavaScript tools like Grunt, NPM and Bower.
  • Demonstrated expertise with data extract and query tools (SQL/Oracle).
  • Configured and Monitored AWS EC2 instances.

Environment: s: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, XHTML, MVC, Node.js, Angular JS, backbone.js, Require.js, Ext.js, XML, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, JSON, Bootstrap, DOM, Kibana, Agile methodology, SCRUM, REST, Firebug, SQL, Oracle, GRUNT, bower, Maven, GitHub.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in all phases the of an end-to-end implementation which included project requirements gathering, analysis, design, development, testing and debugging.
  • Provided Java programming support for existing and new applications.
  • Developed Web applications using Java, J2EE, Struts and Hibernate.
  • Enforced quality and validity of data affected by Java programs via database packages in core java.
  • Utilized Java 8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for bulk data operations on collections which would increase the performance of the application.
  • Designed Prototype and project layout skeletons using jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, XML, DHTML and JavaScript.
  • Developed Single Page Applications (SPA's) using AngularJS.
  • Used AngularJS in creating animations based on CSS classes for a new requirement surfaced by the client.
  • Created a responsive web application integrating Bootstrap with AngularJS and media queries.
  • Used Spring dependency injection, annotations and Spring MVC components to implement business layer and navigation part of application.
  • Implemented the associated business modules integration using Spring, and Hibernate data mapping.
  • Used JavaScript, CSS, C++, and HTML to create front-end screens of the module.
  • Used JavaScript validation frame work for performing front end validations.
  • Involved in developing Database access components using Spring DAO and integrated it with Hibernate.
  • Worked on performance tuning of cluster using MongoDB, configured internode communication between MongoDB nodes and client using SSL encryption.
  • Exposed and consumed SOAP based Web Services to communicate between systems.
  • Testing and deploying the application on JBOSS and WebSphere.
  • Created and configured new JIRA projects and worked with departments to maintain existing JIRA projects.
  • Followed TDD (Test Driven Development) methodology to write unit tests with JUNIT.

Environment: s: Core Java (Java 8), C++, HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, DHTML, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Spring Core, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Security, Spring Integration, Spring web flow, Struts, Hibernate, Struts, MongoDB, SOAP web service, JBOSS, WebSphere, JUnit, JIRA.


Java/UI Developer


  • Involved in complete life cycle of design, development, testing and deployment of application.
  • Developed Stateless Session beans to manage the control flow.
  • Implementation of MVC Architecture using Struts.
  • Developed views using JSP, Struts tag libraries.
  • De-bugging and bug fixing Production problems.
  • Worked on several java design pattern (DAO, Value Objects).
  • Mentoring the team members and execute the assigned tasks with their co-ordination.
  • Developed Struts filters for various server side processing modules.
  • Implemented transferring of XML data to the database using JDBC.
  • Supported email communication through JAVA application.
  • Developed using IDE Eclipse3.1 for building business components.
  • Implemented logger for debugging and testing purposes using Log4j.
  • Used Microsoft SourceSafe for source control.

Environment: s: Java, JSP, JSP, Servlets, Struts, EJB, XML, JDBC, JMS, Java Mail, HTML, JavaScript, log4j,Tomcat4.0, Eclipse 3.1, MySQL.


Java/J2EE Developer


  • Managed application state using server and client-based State Management options.
  • Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens.
  • Implemented AJAX functionality using JQUERY, JSON and XML.
  • Involved in complete SDLC life cycle - Designing, Coding, Testing, Debugging and Production Support for over 2+ projects.
  • Worked closely with Business Analysts in understanding the technical requirements of each project and prepared the use cases for different functionalities and designs.
  • Extensively used JQuery plug-ins, Ajax Queue, Auto Populating select-box, Search plug-in, calendar plug-in, AJAX-queue plug-in, and Auto populating multiple select-boxes.
  • Designed new classes and functionalities using various JQUERY components for CRM application for customer service.
  • Wrote extensive HTML, CSS and JavaScript code to build dynamic pages using Eclipse.
  • Developed and designed the various screens and its architecture in accordance to UI Specs.
  • Implemented XML parsing code for different application.
  • Designed and built REST Web services interfaces implemented in Java.
  • Maintained and manipulated databases for XML parsing for applications in MYSQL.
  • Wrote application level code to interact with the backend Java, AJAX and JSON.
  • Handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging, deploying and printing.

Environment: s: Java, Ajax, Servlets, JSP, JQuery, JSON, JavaScript, HTML, SOAP, REST, Shell, HTML,XML, CSS, JavaScript, Junit, IDE - Eclipse, Source Control - SVN, SQL, MYSQL, UNIX.

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