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Full Stack Java Developer Resume

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Plymouth, MN


  • Having 8 years of experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirement Analysis, Design and Coding, Application Implementation, Unit testing and System Testing, Functional and Regression Testing and Production Support of Object Oriented Analysis and Design using Java /J2EE technologies .
  • Proficient with Software development methodologies like Agile (Scrum) Methodologies and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Experience in developing the User Interface Rich Web Applications and Web Service Applications using User Interface Technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, Ajax Chrome - Developer Tools, Mozilla-Firebug and Internet Explorer-Developer Tollbar.
  • Expertise in developing web-based enterprise applications using core Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JMS, JDBC, JDWP, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and REST), MVC framework (Struts, Spring MVC), SQL and Object Oriented Programming techniques.
  • Experience in design and development of J2EE applications with Servlets, Struts, Spring Framework, Web Services (SOAP & REST), JDBC, Hibernate and IBatis.
  • Implemented RESTful services with JAX-RS using Spring Boot and Micro Services Architecture.
  • Experience in building web applications using spring framework modules like Spring ORM, Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring AOP, Spring Context, Spring Security, Spring Core, Spring IOC, Spring Boot, Spring Batch and Web Services using Eclipse and integration with Hibernate as well as Struts.
  • Implemented the concept of Release branches for the project using GitHub .
  • Experience in implementing client - server business applications using Microservices.
  • Proficient in core java concepts like Collection Framework, Multi-threading, Generics, Annotations, Serialization, Thread pools, JavaBeans, Externalization.
  • Experience in designing, developing, and deploying Java/J2EE applications on Web sphere, Web logic, Apache Tomcat and JBoss application Servers.
  • Developed JMS(MDB) solutions to transmit data over XML in order to save data asynchronous way through WebSphere MQ messaging.
  • Proficient in developing Web Services, related technologies &frame works: WSDL, SOAP, REST, JAX-WS, JAXB, JAX-RPC, AXIS and Jersey, SOAP UI and generating client’s client using Eclipse for Web Services consumption.
  • Experienced in implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with XML based Web Services (SOAP/UDDI/WSDL) using Top Down Approach and Bottom up Approach.
  • Extensive experience working with RDBMS such as MySQL, MS SQL Server, DB2, Oracle and with the NoSQL Database like MongoDB to manage extremely large data sets.
  • Involved in Data Modeling and sharing and replication strategies in MongoDB.
  • Experience in implementing Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory, MVC, Data Access Object and Business Delegate.
  • Experience with MOCKITO, TDD and Junit in developing test cases and determining application functionality.
  • End to end experience in designing and deploying data visualizations using Tableau.
  • Configured and created application log files using Log4J to trace required application messages.
  • Hands on experience in building tools like ANT, Maven, Gradle.
  • Actively involved in the DevOps streamlining process through Jenkins CI and CD Release Automation.
  • Having Experience on UNIX commands and Deployment of Applications in Server.
  • Ability to work effectively on the Linux and OSX platforms.
  • Ability to work effectively in cross-functional team environments and experience of providing training to business users.
  • Good understanding of Business workflow, Business logic and Business methods for further implementation of user requirement in a distributed application environment.


Languages: C++, Java, J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL

J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JDBC, JSP, JSF, JMS, EJB, JNDI, Java Security

Web/XML Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, JSON

Tools: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, JSF, JUnit, SOAP UI, ANT, Maven, Jenkins, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel, OAuth2.0.

Web services: SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, Restful, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JAX-B, Axis2, MicroServices.

Web/App Servers: IBM Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Web Logic Server.

Database: Oracle, SQL-Server, MySQL server, TOAD, MongoDB/NoSQL.

IDEs: Eclipse, IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite(STS), RAD.

OR mapping: Hibernate, MyBatis.

Modelling/ CASE Tools: Rational Rose, MS Visio Professional.

Testing Tools/ Others: JUnit, Soap UI, Putty, Rational Clear Quest, RTC, StarTeam.

Version Control: Tortoise SVN, CVS, Rational Clear case, GitHub.

OS & Environment: Windows, Sun Solaris, UNIX, Linux.


Confidential, Plymouth, MN

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Involved in analysis, specification, design, and implementation and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and used agile methodology (SCRUM) for developing application.
  • Application is implemented using agile methodology where there is a daily SCRUM meeting to understand the status and resolve any issues.
  • Designed and developed user interactive screens using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AngularJS.
  • Implementation of Frameworks such as JQuery for UI development.
  • Created TypeScript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by AngularJS.
  • Implemented data structure like Linked Lists, Array Lists and also used concurrent Hash Map.
  • Created and maintained several Micro Services serving various functions in the cloud-service layer as well as the web layer.
  • Created and Configure Micro Services architecture for CDT Directory project and integrated with Angular JS and Node JS applications.
  • Working with Pivotal cloud foundry to deploy and run the applications through Jenkins.
  • Developed RESTful Services with JAX-RS using Spring Boot and Micro Services Architecture.
  • Implemented and developed application using Spring (IOC, AOP, MVC, Security, Boot, Batch), Hibernate, REST based Web Services.
  • Worked closely with application team for testing and sign-off of migration activities in production and non-production environments.
  • Used Spring IOC for Dependency injection and integrated with the Hibernate framework for interacting with the database.
  • Implemented the authentication, authorization and access-control features by using Spring Security and OAuth.
  • Designed and developed Micro Services based business components and RESTful service endpoints using Spring boot.
  • SOAP Micro Services development in Saas (PCF) using Spring Boot & Spring Cloud framework.
  • Designed, configured, and maintained all JSP Manufacturing database systems including replication, Maintenance Plans and backups.
  • Implemented build stage-to build the Micro Service and push the Docker Container image to the private Docker registry.
  • Implemented Micro Service Architecture with Spring Boot based RESTful Web Services.
  • Used Apache Kafka as message broker for communicating between different applications to produce and consume messages.
  • Apache Camel Routing, EIP Patterns like Processors.
  • Involved in developing API’s and RESTAPI proxy using APIGEE edge and for sending mobile notifications.
  • Apache Camel Routing, EIP Patterns, Spring/Blueprint DSL, AMQ, Camel Components
  • Performed different types of testing on various test scripts on Selenium WebDriver and TestNG.
  • Designed and developed persistence layer using Spring and Hibernate.
  • Implemented RabbitMQ as middleware queuing service to store messages in a queue.
  • Configured RabbitMQ to act as an interface between Mobile Phone(client) and server.
  • Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate for batch processing and to persist the data to the database.
  • Apache Camel Routing, EIP Patterns, Spring/Blueprint DSL, AMQ, Camel Components
  • Written SQL Queries and stored procedures to interact with Oracle DB.
  • Experience in developing application, automated scripts leveraging Mongo DB.
  • Built No SQL schemas to store document and maintaining sessions in MongoDB
  • Used ANT Build files to build the applications in UNIX environment.
  • Developed JUnit test cases for unit testing the integration layer.
  • Used Tortoise SVN to maintain the version of files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts.
  • Used Maven as build automation tool for deploying the project on Web Sphere Application Server and used Jenkins to perform continuous Integration and Used JIRA as issue tracking tool.
  • Used GIT for version control tool and RAD for IDE.

Environment: J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, JSON, XML, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Batch, REST, Hibernate, Micro Services, Web Sphere Application Server, Mongo DB, Oracle, Apache Camel, JUnit, Maven, Jenkins, log4j, SVN, JIRA, Linux, Agile Methodology and RAD.

Confidential, Rochester, MN

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modelling, analysis, design, development and testing.
  • Generated the use case diagrams, Activity diagrams, Class diagrams and Sequence Diagrams in the design phase using Star UML tool
  • Prototype designs and development in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and DHTML
  • Designed the front end using JSP, HTML, CSS and AngularJS
  • Have extensively used Java8 Streams, Lambdas and filters to process Order data.
  • Developed the User Interface using JSP, Spring MVC frameworks, JQuery, AngularJS and CSS3.
  • Used AJAX and JavaScript for Server side/client side validation
  • Extensively worked with core java like collections, String Builder and interfaces.
  • Used Multithreading in programming to improve overall performance using Singleton design pattern in Hibernate utility class.
  • Used Spring frame work AOP features and JDBC module features to persist the data to the database for few applications. Also used the Spring IOC feature to get hibernate session factory and resolve other bean dependencies.
  • Prepared calls through Hibernate, spring LDAP, Spring JDBC for Interacting with the Database .
  • Created RESTful web services interface to Java-based runtime engine and accounts.
  • Used JAX-WS and Metro stack for building of Web Services. Also developed the web service client applications to test the web services. Tested the web service using SOAP UI
  • Used SOAP to Implement Web Services and Consumed and published XML Web Services in the application.
  • Involved in using JMS Queues and JMS topics or one-to-one and one-to-may communication in the application
  • Created the Data Definition Language ( SQL ) to create and maintain the data model .
  • Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub.
  • Implemented build stage to build the Micro service and push the Docker container image to the private Docker registry.
  • Configured and deployed the application on JBoss application Server.
  • Used Apache camel integration for routing and transforming the data between two Applications using HTTP protocol
  • Implemented the various services using Microservices architecture in which the services work independently
  • Designed and developed Microservices business components using Spring Boot.
  • Used JQuery, Ajax for service calls on pages to interact with the server for information.
  • Developed an API to write XML documents from a database. Utilized XML and XSL Transformation for dynamic web-content and database connectivity
  • Involved in designing and developing the JSON, XML Objects with MySQL and NoSQL database like MongoDB
  • Implemented Bean classes and configured in spring configuration file for Dependency Injection, Developed Controller Classes using Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, Spring Batch modules, handled security using Spring Security
  • Implemented Data access objects using Hibernate to access data from Oracle database Called Stored Produces in Oracle using Callable Statements in JDBC
  • Actively used the defect tracking tool JIRA to create and track the defects during QA phase of the project
  • Used Tortoise SVN to maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts
  • Used DAO pattern to retrieve the data from database
  • Worked with Web Sphere application server that handles various requests from Client
  • Scrum meetings (Sprint Reviews and Retrospectives)
  • Developed test cases using JUnit
  • Developed the build scripts using Maven
  • Created Shell Script to invoke Java programs on UNIX batch platforms.
  • Involved in production support, resolving the production job failures, interacting with the operations support group for resuming the failed jobs.

Environment: Java 7, Hibernate, Spring, Servlets, XML, Tortoise SVN, JSP, MVC, Star UML, JUnit, Maven, Web Sphere, UML, SOA, JAX-WS, Spring Boot, Sun Metro stack, RESTful, SOAP UI, Micro Services, JMS, Apache Camel, Log4J, SOAP, Oracle 10g, MySQL, WSDL, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS, AJAX, JIRA and RAD, ESB, MongoDB, JSON, HTML, CSS.

Confidential, Middletown, NJ

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the project in Agile methodology.
  • Participated Daily Scrum meeting, sprint grooming/review and demo with management and other teams
  • Experience in implementing SOA architectures with Web Services using WSDL, SOAP and UDDI. using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular JS Involved in the development of user interface applications and
  • Designed and Developed End to End customer self service module using annotation based Spring MVC, Hibernate, and JQuery
  • Involved in development of Agent Verification System using Spring MVC framework.
  • Used Spring Inheritance to develop beans from already developed parent beans.
  • Used Spring AOP for logging, auditing, transaction management to distinguish business logic from the cross-cutting concerns.
  • Implemented Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling, Generics and Collections whenever necessary
  • Implemented Batch jobs to deal with Large number of chunks using Spring Batch Framework to execute the similar jobs simultaneously
  • Integrated REST API with Spring for consuming resources using Spring Rest Templates and developed SOAP, RESTful web services interface to Java-based runtime engine and accounts
  • Initiated mappings among the relations and written named HQL queries using Hibernate
  • Implemented data access layer i.e. DAO Classes using Hibernate as an ORM tool and configured xml files according to hibernate framework
  • Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate that use the POJOs to represent the persistence database
  • Experience in writing complex PL/SQL queries using joins, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, cursors, and indexes in Oracle DBMS
  • Developed and consumed RESTful web services to retrieve configuration JSON documents related to customer
  • Created UNIX shell scripting for periodic generation of reports
  • Collaborated with testers and developers and prepared test plans for producing high quality software applications
  • Deployed the war file of the enterprise application on WebSphere application server that handles various requests from Client and fixed deployment issues
  • Implemented complete Maven build life cycle in order to achieve organized application structure and conflict free dependencies in pom.xml file
  • Deployed applications into Continuous integration environments like Jenkins to integrate and deploy code on CI environments for development testing
  • Used JIRA tool for Issue/bug tracking, monitoring of work assignment in the system

Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, Spring, Hibernate, MVC, Web Services,, MAVEN, WebSphere, RAD, JUnit, JMS, log4j, UNIX, SOAP UI, REST Client, Git.

Confidential, Miami, FL

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in various Software Development Life Cycle ( SDLC ) phases of the project like Requirement gathering, development, enhancements using agile methodologies.
  • Developed the user interface using Spring MVC, JSP, JSTL, JavaScript, Custom Tags, JQuery, HTML and CSS .
  • Used Spring MVC for implementing the Web layer of the application. This includes developing Controllers, Views and Validators.
  • Developed the service and domain layer using Spring Framework modules like Core-IOC, AOP.
  • Implemented the caching mechanism in Hibernate to load data from Oracle database.
  • Developed the Application Framework using Java, Spring, Hibernate and Log4J .
  • Created DB tables, functions, Joins and wrote prepared statements using SQL.
  • Proficient in core java concepts like Collections Framework, Multi-threading, Generics, Annotations, Serialization, Thread pools, JavaBeans, Externalization.
  • Configured Hibernate session factory in applicationcontext.xml to integrate Hibernate with Spring .
  • Configured ApplicationContext.xml in Spring to adopt communication between Operations and their corresponding handlers.
  • Developed Spring rest controllers to handle JSON data and wrote Dao’s and services to handle the data.
  • Created DB tables, functions, Joins and wrote prepared statements using PL/SQL.
  • Consumed and Create REST Web services using Spring and Apache CXF .
  • Developed MySQL stored procedures and triggers using SQL in order to calculate and update the tables to implement business logic.
  • Used Maven to build the application and deployed on JBoss Application Server.
  • Used IntelliJ for development and JBoss Application Server for deploying the web application.
  • Monitored the error logs using log4j .
  • Implemented Spring JMS message listeners with JMS queues for consumption of Asynchronous requests.
  • Used AOP concepts like aspect, join point, advice, point cut, target object and also AOP proxies.

Environment: Java, J2EE, XML, HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript JSP, Spring, JBoss, log 4j, Tortoise SVN, Hibernate, REST web services, Maven, SOAP UI, Eclipse Kepler, MySQL.


Java Developer


  • Gathered user requirements followed by analysis and design. Evaluated various technologies for the Client.
  • Developed HTML and JSP to present Client side GUI.
  • Involved in development of JavaScript code for Client Side Validations.
  • Designed the HTML based web pages for displaying the reports.
  • Developed Java classes and JSP files.
  • Extensively used XML documents with XSLT and CSS to translate the content into HTML to present to GUI.
  • Developed dynamic content of presentation layer using JSP.
  • Develop user-defined tags using XML.
  • Developed Java Mail for automatic emailing.
  • Used Struts Framework to implement J2EE design patterns (MVC).
  • Developed, Tested and Debugged the Java, JSP and EJB components using Eclipse.
  • Developed Enterprise Java Beans like Entity Beans, Session Beans (both Stateless and State Full Session beans)
  • Developed JSP as the view, Servlets as Controller and EJB as model in the Struts Framework.

Environment: Java, JDBC, Struts, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, Oracle, Eclipse IDE, CVS, Maven.


Java Developer


  • Developed web application using Struts, JSP, Servlets, Java beans that uses MVC design pattern
  • Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using HTML, CSS and JSP
  • Wrote JavaScript for client side validation.
  • Used Eclipse as IDE tool for creating HTML, JSP, and XML .
  • Wrote SQL for JDBC prepared statements to retrieve the data from database.
  • The application was deployed on the Tomcat.
  • Involved in build and deploying the application using Maven
  • Used CVS as version control system
  • Worked on bug fixing and Production Support

Environment: Java, JDBC, Struts, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSP, Tomcat, Oracle, Eclipse IDE, Maven, CVS.

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