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Softwaredeveloper/angularjs Resume

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  • Full Stack Developer with 7 years of experience in web application development on front - end (J a vaS cr ip t, TypeScript, R eac t, Angular, H T M L5, C SS, J Q ue r y) and back-end ( J a v a, J2EE, Sp ri n g, H i be r n a t e, Node) technologies.
  • P r oficient in d e vel o ping and designin g and all phases of Softw are Develo p ment Life C ycle.
  • Extensive experiences in UI Devel o p ment, Web UI anal ysis, Web design, c o din g, testin g, im ple men t ation and Su pp ort w orking with vari o us pr ojects.
  • Experience in building S i n gle pa ge app li c ati ons ( S PA) using Ja vaScri pt frameworks and lib raries li ke Angula r and React.
  • Working Experience in enterprise Java applications J2EE, Servlets, JSP, MVC (Object Relational mapping
  • tools) and frameworks like Spring and Hibernate.
  • Expertise and strong knowledge in developing and designing web 2.0 application according to Information architecture and usability standards using OO JavaScript framework, Ajax, JQuery, CSS and MVC framework.
  • Extensive experience as w eb develo p er with a st r o ng backgr o und w o rking on o p en so u r ce techn o l o gies.
  • Experienced in using Versi o ning t o ols lik e Git and Su b ve rs i on to main tain cur rent and his t orical versio ns of files such as so urce c o de, web pa g es, and docu men t ati o n.
  • Keen interest and willingness to learn new techn o l o gies and im p lement them wherever n ecessary.
  • Experience in w orking with web services, N o de J S, Express JS, M o n g oo se and D a tabases like M y-SQ L, Mo n g o DB.
  • Effect i ve c o mm unicati on and o r ganiz atio nal skills with good a t tenti on to detail a nd ability to w ork under minimal super visi on


W eb D e si gn T e c hn o l og i es: Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, J2EE, Servlets, Spring Boot, Hibernate, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, React, Redux, Node JS, Express, MongoDB, Moongose.

I D E 's a nd Testing T o o ls: IntelliJ, Atom, Chrome Developer Tools, MS Visual Studio, Junit, Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Grunt, Gulp, Bower, Typings, Maven, Webpack.

L a n g u a g es: C + +, Java, Groovy

O t h er T o ols: Sql p lus, M ySql w orkBench, Co nfluence, Jenkins, JIR A.

V e r s ion M gm t.: Git, Subversi on

D a t ab a se: Ora c le 1 1 g, M y S QL and S QL S e r v e r, P o s t Gre, M o n g o DB

Ope r a t i ng Syst em: W in d ows, L in ux and U n ix


Confidential, Omaha

Software Developer/Angularjs


  • Worked as a part of the UI team, to develop the interface of the voting machines used for different election contests held in the US.
  • Developed the application pri marily in Typescript and AngularJS. Responsiveness was added using Javascript libraries like bootstrap and media queries.
  • Worked closely with the core team, in developing product features that met business requirements.
  • Analyzed performance issues and wrote test cases in Jasmine.js improving functional code coverage and tweaked NodeJs code simulation of real world voting machines.
  • Developed UI components for voting machines from design mockups and Jira stories and worked closely with the BA’s to meet all the desired requirements.
  • Added new product components by enhancing existing code functionality by working with the back-end team that required tweaking of the firmware code in C++.
  • Wrote end to end test cases in protractor.
  • Effectively communicated with the QA team in understanding the requirements and product features for testing purposes and building test cases for regression tests.
  • Working on migration of legacy AngularJS code to Angular 4.x

Environment: Typescript, AngularJS, Angular 4x, NodeJs, Jasmine, Grunt, Pug, Bootstrap, Sass, Jenkins, C++, Git, Jira, Agile, H T M L 5, CSS 3, J a vaScrip t, Typings, Jenkins, Microsoft Visual Studio, Atom.

Confidential, B l oo mf i e l d, C T

Fu ll S t a ck Dev e l oper/Angularjs/Reactjs

R esponsi b i l iti es:

  • Designed and built sub - sectio ns of the c om pany web site and was respo nsible to deliver s oluti o ns fr om d e v elo pment to p r o ducti on depl o y ment.
  • D e vel o ped the website pri marily in H T ML5, C SS 3, J a v aS c r i pt, ES16 and using other JavaScript framew orks and libraries like React, Unde rsc o re JS, Jque ry, Jasm i ne and Ka rma we re u sed for writing unit te st cases.
  • D e vel o ped REST web serv ices in Sp ri ng Boot, H i be r n ate foll owing TDD app r oach using Junit and Mockito.
  • Optimized rest API s by removing duplicate code thus improving performance and eliminating redundancy.
  • Wrote scripts in Groovy for deploying builds on Jenkins server.
  • Made several secti o ns of t he we bsite r espon s ive usi ng Ja v aS cri pt, Jque ry, C a n JS a nd C SS for tablet and mo bile versi o ns of the website.
  • In vo l ved in In tegration of user-facing elements d e vel oped by fr o n t-end d e vel o p ers with server side lo gic.
  • D e vel o ped user interface by using the Rea ct JS, Flux f or SPA d e vel o pment.
  • Imple mented client side In terface using Rea ct JS.
  • Worked with React JS c om p o nents, For ms, E vents, Ke ys, R o uter, Animatio ns a nd Flux co n cept.
  • Worked on responsi ve design and develo ped a sing le responsi ve we bsite that c o uld be ser ved to desk t o p, Tabl ets and m o bile users using React.js.
  • Used React-Autoco m plete for creating go o gle maps l ocati on search on the we bpage Added Excel-Bu ilder to d ownload the Tabular data in Excel fo r m at using react.
  • Imple mented vari o us scree ns for the fr o nt end using React.js and used vari o us predefined c om p o nents fr om NPM (N o de Package Manager) a nd Redux librar y.
  • Used JavaScript library-D3 to create chart visualizations to relay information.
  • Used Med ia Que r i es f or the different breakp oints based on diff erent width of the dev ices.
  • For analytics, Omnitu re S i te c atal yst was u sed to track the u ser traffic on each a nd every link of the we bp a ge.
  • Recei ved successful results when the resp o nsive versi on of the we bsite was te sted against the mo bile traffic to the wired site using Optimi z ely.
  • Worked in a cr oss-fun c t i onal en v i r on m ent (i.e. P r o duct Owner, Scrum Master, UX Designers, and Archite cture).
  • Displayed and linked the JSON data on the webpage using Aj ax.
  • Used c o okies to fetch the c o de and add respo nsi veness to the we bsite using CSS, JavaScript and CanJS mo d ules.

En v i r onment: React.js, J a vaScrip t, Sprin g, Hiberna te, Jasmine, Kar ma, Can JS, Redux, UnderS c o re. JS, Git, Gulp, RE S T, In telliJ, M a ven, Co nfluence, H T M L 5, CSS 3.

Confidential, N e w Y o r k C i t y, N Y

Fu ll S t a ck Dev e l oper

R esponsi b i l iti es:

  • Analyzing business requirements, participated in technical design, development and Unit testing of various modules assigned.
  • Involved in writing server-side scripts using Node JS and Express JS framework.
  • Development of the interactive UI's for the front end users using the front end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ES16 .
  • Translated designs and style guides into functional user interfaces, ensuring cross browser compatibility, performance and robustness.
  • Implemented one-way reactive data flow with data binding with ReactJS and core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side of the application.
  • Translated designs and style guides into functional user interfaces, ensuring cross browser compatibility, performance and robustness.
  • Worked with Redux architecture and its containers, components, reducers in developing the user interfaces.
  • Worked with Reducers, React Containers to update the state of an APP produced by Redux and by mapping those to the components.
  • Virtual DOM manipulations with React components with Model-View-Component architecture.
  • Implemented and modified new and existing pages, applied new styles on the pages with the help of JavaScript.
  • Involved in several web application development projects that required Responsive Web Design.
  • Worked on Express JS framework and Node JS to create Web APIs .
  • Drove strategic direction of web applications & Developed detailed work plans for website.
  • Involved in website design layout & provided monthly updates on key metrics.
  • Worked on SQL and MongoDb database, experience with Mongoose.js framework in order to interact with Node.js using Express JS framework server-side framework.
  • Used CVS for project management and version management.

Environment: Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose.js, Spring, Gulp, Redux, RWD, React JS, JSON, Agile, HTML5, CSS.

Confidential, C a r me l, I N

Fr o n t-End /UI Dev e l o per

Responsi bi li t i es:

  • In v olved in Requir e ment g athering phase in o r der to g ather the requir e ments fr om the business users and dealing with UX team to c o ntinuously acc o mm o d a te changing user requir e ments. Expertise in client side designing and valid ati o ns using H T ML5, C SS, J a vaS cr ipt and JQue r y.
  • Particip a ted in A g i le Pr o c e s s /SCRUM M eetings.
  • In v olved in designing and im ple menting W eb Ri ch UI f or the Self - se r v ice Applic ati on using JQu e ry A j ax fr amew o r k.
  • In v olved in the c reati on of i n terface to manage u ser menu and Bulk upd a te of A ttribu tes using Angu l ar JS.
  • Created f act ories, services and cu st om direct i ves with Angular JS.
  • W orked up on the dashb o ard f or the p r oject which c o n tained a variety of charts and d rag gable c om p o n e nts using JQUERY UI Lib rary.
  • D e vel o p ment of the in teractive UI's f or the f r o nt end users u sing the fr o nt end techn olo gies like HTML, C SS, J a vaS c r i pt and JQue ry.
  • Main tained C r oss B r o wser c om patibility and d esigned d y namic clien t-side J a vaSc ri p t, c o des to build web f orms and sim ula te pr ocess f or web a pplic atio n, page n a vig ation and f orm valid atio n.
  • Created and m o dified new and existing pages, applied new sty les on t he pages with t he help of J a vaSc ri p t.
  • W orked with a team of archi tects and back-end develo pers to g ather requirements and enhance the a pplic ation functio nality and add new features.

En v i r onment: HTM L5, CSS, J a vaScript, JQuery, Angular J S, A JAX, Jas mine, JSO N, Git, Respo nsi ve Web Design, JQuery, UI, JSON, Web 3.0, W3C, Agile

Confidential, D a y t on, OH

Software Dev e l o per

R esponsi b i l iti es:

  • In v o l ved in Creating Structure and U ML D iag rams (Structure Diag r a ms, L o gical Diag rams, and Use Case Diag rams)
  • In v olved in the E nhan cem e nts and Supp ort f or vari o us applic atio ns.
  • D e vel o ped valid ati on scri p ts of web f o r ms using H T M L, C SS and jQue r y.
  • In v olved in d e vel o pment a nd usage of user c o ntr ols on vari o us web pa g es.
  • Designed RE ST AP I s in Sp r ing, H i be r n a te that all o wed so phistic a ted, e f fect i ve and l ow c o st applic ati on in tegr atio n.
  • Worked with JUn it testing t o ols and techniques.
  • D e vel o ped se veral RE ST web se r v ices sup p orting both XML and JSON to perf o rm tasks.
  • Extensively tested V al i d ati on c o n t r ols and C u st om val i dati on c o ntr ols to v a li d a te W eb f o rms.
  • Used JQue ry mainly f or ad ding se veral functi o nalities to the applic ation (calendar, t oo ltips, p o p over, hiding elements valid ati o n, making Ajax calls, e tc.)
  • Used A JAX f or i m ple menting part of the functi o nality f or Cu s t o mer Registration, View Customer information mo dules.
  • In v olved in using M a ven f or pr o ject manag e ment and version manag e ment.
  • Particip a ted in scrum m eetings, p r o duct backlog and other scrum activities and artifacts in c ollab o ration with the tea m.

En v i r onment: J a vaScript, A JAX, Rest, Spring M VC, Junit, Hiberna te, Websphere, M a ven, JQuery UI, JSO N.

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