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Software Developer Resume

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To obtain a Software Developer position and utilize my Software Engineering skills I have gained through my education and upgrade my knowledge about the new and emerging trends in the field.


Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Information Science and Engineering,


  • Analysis and Design of Algorithms
  • Object Oriented Programming with C++
  • Computer Organization
  • Object Oriented Programming Lab
  • Software Engineering
  • Operating Systems
  • Database Management Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Information Systems
  • Object Oriented Modeling and Design
  • Software Architectures
  • Programming the Web
  • System Modeling and Simulation
  • Software Practice and Testing
  • Cryptography and Network Security
  • Mobile Communications
  • Java and CGI


C, C++, Java, SQL
.NET, ASP.NET, MS Visual Studio,IIS
AJAX, CSS, Oracle
MS Office, Windows XP


Confidential (Dec 2008 – Feb 2009)

  • Online Crime Reporting and Management System

This system eliminates the process ofmanual crime reporting system and provides internet accessible application for the citizens to report crimes anonymously with fewer formalities. People can use this application to report various types of crimes. The system also plays a vital role for the police officials by providing better way to organize, retrieve and manage the details about each case. The system lets authorized police personnel to assign the cases to the police station in the area where the crime took place. They can also manage the details of the criminals caught. Another feature added to the system is the feedback of the citizen or the user, regarding the web site and the service provided to them which will help to improve the functionality of the system.

Technologies Used:.NET, ASP.NET, MS Visual Studio, AJAX, CSS, IIS,SQL


  • Simple Indexing of University Student Database

Simple indexing algorithm helps to maintain the data of students in a university efficiently. An indexed file is developed which holds the primary and secondary key’s;University id given to each student is used as primary key and student name is used as the secondary key, to retrieve the information of each student. Advantages of this Simple Indexing includefast retrieval and sorting of records from large files and reducing the memory space and execution time used in the operation.

Technologies Used:Turbo C++, Windows

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