Java /j2ee Lead - Onsite Resume
Chicago, IL
To strive towards excellence in fast - paced technology company and endeavor to keep up with currently changing industry standards. To obtain a Lead or an Architect position that will utilize my experience in programming and software design.
- Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect, Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services Professional with 13+ years of IT experience in the analysis, design and development of Multi-tier enterprise applications.
- Java Professional, with the ability to analyze, plan, manage and execute projects and manage development of quality software products and services.
- Strong background in Object oriented design and programming, as well as good understanding of distributed computing and internet related technologies
- In depth experience in web application and server side development using latest technologies like Java / J2EE (JSP, Servlets, EJB, Struts) architecture and implementation.
- Solid Experience in Web Component, Business Component and Web Services Software Development.
- Experience in creating the Angular 4 application and RESTful web services for cross domain interaction.
- Solid Experience in Mobile Web UI and jQuery Mobile framework 1.1.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.0.
- Experience in Apache Tiles, HTML5 and CSS3 for mobile web application.
- Worked in the Agile mode of development
- Worked on different mobile devices like Motorola droidx, Google Nexus, ipod touch 4-5-6, Samsung galaxy SII, iPhone 6, S6.
- Experience in creating JUnit 4, TestNG and Ant build for JUnit.
- Experience in creating and solving issues in Test Automation Using TestNG and Selenium.
- Solid Experience on installing, configuring, deployment of applications in application servers.
- Experienced in all phases of Project and Product development life cycle that includes System Study, Analysis, Design, Development, Integration, Testing, Deployment, Maintenance, Re-Engineering and Documentation.
- Good hands-on experience in developing XML Schema Definitions, XSDs.
- Experience in developing XML Schema Definitions, XSDs, WSDL, and JAX-RPC.
- Strong programming and debugging skills in Java, J2EE and JavaScript.
- Solid Experience on pure object oriented functional JavaScript.
- Worked in designing, developing and maintaining web based applications using JSP, JavaBeans, HTML, AJAX, JSON, YUI, Google gadgets, Dojo Toolkit, jQuery and JavaScript.
- Experience on integrating and testing with stored procedures on mainframe.
- Excellent personal time management, organizing, analytical and problem solving skills.
- Experience in configuring and deploying J2EE Applications archives (JAR, WAR and EAR) on IBM Web Sphere 6.0, 7.0,8.5.9 Servers, and Web Logic Portal.
- Good communication skills to work independently and in a team environment.
- Worked to create prototypes on iPad and iPhone.
- Implemented Design patterns for Enterprise Architecture.
- Experience on JSF, JPA, EJB 3, JAX-WS, REST.
- Worked on setting the MQ Connection queue and Connection Factory.
- Working experience on multiple projects.
- Experience in Spring and Hibernate.
- Experience in web application design using open source Spring MVC and Struts Frameworks.
- Experience in creating Class and Sequence Diagrams.
- Experience in Working with NACHA file format.
- Worked on Jasper Reports and jrxml for PDF reports.
- Experience with Agile Methodologies rally tool and worked on Scrum based models.
- Experience with SQL queries and Stored procedures(PL/SQL) in oracle.
Languages/scripts: Java 8-7-6 - 5 - 1.4, J2EE, JSP,JSF, JDBC, EJB, XML, AJAX, SOAP, WSDL, REST, Taglib, JavaScript, C, C++, Angular 4
Application Servers: IBM Websphere (RAD, WSAD), Weblogic, Tomcat (Eclipse), Glassfish (Netbeans), Weblogic portal 11.
Distributed Computing: J2EE, EJB, Web Services, JDBC, XML.
Internet Environments: JSP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, servlets, YUI, Google gadgets, Dojo toolkit, jQuery, HTML 5, CSS3, JQuery.
Database Environments: DB2 DB, Mainframe, Oracle DB 11g, MSSQL 7.0, MySQL DB.
Frameworks: Presentation Services (USAA), CAF ( Confidential ), Struts 1.2, JQuery Mobile, Spring Web flow, Apache Tiles, Spring MVC, Dojo, JQuery, Angular 4.
Operating Systems: Windows XP/NT/2000.
Prototype: iPad / iPhone programming
Java /J2EE Lead - Onsite
- Worked in CVS Agile mode of environment.
- Lead 3 Java resources. With 2 offshore resources.
- Captured the requirements and created the mock up screens in the requirement phase.
- Developed the mockups for list, search and pricing rule association using JSF so that it could be used for requirements, design and development.
- Analyzed the code and provided the impact analysis of the changes.
- Discussed with the business team on the design and provided the suggestions and solutions that might be required.
- Created the Application Design document based on the requirements and created the use case scenarios for the development team to understand the end to end flows.
- Developed the Search functionality to search for the GPI, NDC and NABP using the SQL queries and provided the ability to add to the multi select for the Types using the JSF and the managed beans.
- Created the data matrix and the scripts and ran in the dev and sit environments.
- Created the SQL conversion query and created the scripts for production records according to the new columns added in the existing table.
- Helped the team to test their changes and provide the end to end use cases before the QA testing.
- Helped the team on the navigation issue fixes.
- Identified the issues during development phase for the dev team to fix the flows.
- Provided the demo to the business for the changes before the QA phase.
- Fixed the production code issue and designed the solution for the production issue by redirecting the page to a new page for the download.
- Fixed the UAT issues reported by business to help the development to complete within the CVS Agile time frame.
Environment: Java/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, RAD 9.1.1, Web sphere 8.5, Spring, Java 1.7, Servlets, HTML,CSS, IE8, Chrome, TOAD 5.6, Serena Dimension, JSF, Myfaces, Agile, DB2,Web Design and Development, DTO, Health Insurance Domain, Ant build.
Java /J2EE Lead - Onsite
- Worked in waterfall mode of environment.
- Analyzed the code and provided the impact analysis of the scripts.
- Identified the jars from the dimensions.
- Moved the jars from prod to sit region.
- Reverse engineered the jars to java files and made sure it is working with java 1.8 version.
- Identified the soft link issue and suggested the fixes for the correct path so that no change will be required with the path on different folders.
Environment: Java/J2EE, Eclipse, Java 1.8, Waterfall, oracle, Putty, UNIX, Health Insurance Domain, Ant build.
Java /J2EE UI /Lead - Onsite
- Worked in waterfall mode of environment.
- Analyzed the code and provided the requirements for GDX UI, cash recon to the requirements team.
- Prepared a new design document with the analysis of existing code for various models like GPO, DSO, XMD, AET and corporations like CVS, Aetna.
- Provided the code changes in the design documents for easier implementation.
- Provided the actuate volume changes for the MDA and Cash recon changes and found the folder issue in the soap call
- Helped the actuate team with resolving the SOAP call fix to the generate the Actuate SOAP call jar to be deployed on the Actuate call
- Created the log logic for the jar file
- Created the properties file to load the JNDI name for the jar to pick up from the current folder.
- Did the unit testing and provided the UTR for the testing all the volumes.
- Helped in designing the https call using the SSL. TLS v1.2 for FIPS complaint.
- Tested the service calls using the SOAP UI.
- Helped in setting up the Apache Proxy calls and in verifying the certificate for the all the regions
- Created the SQL script for all the regions for the new volumes and ran it in various regions.
Environment: Java/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, RAD 9.1.1, Web sphere 8.5, Spring, Java 1.7, Servlets, HTML,CSS, IE8, Chrome, TOAD 5.6, Serena Dimension, JSF, Waterfall, DB2,Web Design and Development, DTO, Health Insurance Domain, Ant build.
Java /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Worked in waterfall mode of environment.
- Created the POC with Restful web service in RAD.
- Created the sample UM Criteria and program pages.
- Studied the angular 4 framework and created a POC for login and navigation for each screens.
- Created components for the team for example pagination, customize column, auto complete, multi select, spinner, session storage implementation, made it compatible with ie browser, provided the first prototype of the complete screen.
- Implemented the Angular 4 framework and created a architecture for the Application
- Implemented the component interaction with event emitter.
- Created Observable POC service calls to Restful web service for get, post, put and delete.
- Provided solutions for the cross domain service for the angular 4 application.
- Created the routing application using one module and multiple components using router-outlet.
- Provided the war file using the ng build for the angular application to deploy to WebSphere.
- Created the POC for angular testing with selenium.
- Created the common footer, header, left navigation menu and content components for the application.
- Created the POC form group to submit data to the rest call.
- Created the protractor POC for IE browser and made to run for the angular application
- Created a custom sorting for Angular 4 table to render 1000 records for both ie and chrome to avoid the rendering issue
- Implemented the multi select for the search fields so that the choice could be sent in the json request.
- Implemented the auto complete for the Super client code.
- Created the pagination for the 10000 records and render max of 100 records per page and made it customizable.
- Created the actions drop down with multiple options and navigate to the new pages using the Angular routing.
- Created a customize column to hide and show the table columns and store the user preference in the database and restoring from the preference from the database.
- Used the session storage to store the JSON data and populate the angular screens.
- Used the Mydatepicker component to resolve the issues with JQuery date picker in the entire application.
- Created the first prototype of the application for the formulary search screen.
- Helped the team to understand the new concepts and trained the team to work on the individual task.
- Worked on the Formulary search, Formulary Rules, File import functionalities during 4a1.
- Worked on adding, updating and deleting the new rows in the table with date, text input fields in each column for Formulary Rules, Manage UM criteria and UM Program Pages.
- Created the popup window to load the search page component and pass data from the manage screen to search pop and vice versa.
- Helped in creating the left menu navigation and the breadcrumbs for the new screens.
- Created the common spinner to be used across the pages.
- Trained and helped the team to understand the angular framework and use the components developed.
Environment: Java/J2EE, Angular 4, JavaScript, Typescript, RAD 9.1.1, Web sphere 8.5, Java 1.7, HTML5,CSS 3, IE11, Chrome, Serena Dimension, Waterfall, Oracle, Web Design and Development,, Health Insurance Domain, Restful web service, Selenium, Karma, jasmine, protractor.
Java /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Worked in waterfall mode of environment.
- Provided the code changes in the design documents for easier implementation.
- Implemented the Java changes as per the design.
- Created POC for implicit waits, explicit wait and fluent wait and solution that works for SIT region and have no errors during automation
- Created POC for DB2 database testing using TestNG.
- Identified issues during test automation building tool creation and provided solutions to resolve and make the product working.
- Created the POC using Swing application to test the TestNG and Selenium.
Environment: Java/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, RAD 9.1.1, Web sphere 8.5, Spring, Java 1.7, Servlets, HTML,CSS, IE11, Chrome, TOAD 5.6, Serena Dimension, JSF, Waterfall, DB2,Web Design and Development, DTO, Health Insurance Domain, TestNG, Selenium 2.39.
Java /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Worked in waterfall mode of environment.
- Analyzed the code and provided the design for GDX, RCI Manager and Cash Recon application to the requirements team.
- Implemented the Java code changes as per the design.
- Prepared the SQL insert Script file for the code table inserts.
- Created the Unit Test Documentation for GDX, RCI Manager and Cash Recon for the new fields Unit of Measure, Diagnosis Code Qualifier, Diagnosis Code, Service Provider, Place of Service Code, Allowed Amount where inserted and tested for update in place testing.
- Ran the UTR, STR in various environment
- Prepared the SQL validation Script file for the code table inserts.
- Prepared the unit test cases for unit test automation so that steps can be created easily for automation.
Environment: Java/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, RAD 9.1.1, Web sphere 8.5, Spring, Java 1.7, Servlets, HTML,CSS, IE8, Chrome, TOAD 5.6, Serena Dimension, JSF, Waterfall, DB2,Web Design and Development, DTO, Health Insurance Domain, Ant build.
Java /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Worked in waterfall mode of environment.
- Analyzed the code and provided the design for RPS Enhancement.
- Implemented the Java, HTML, CSS code changes as per the design.
- Identified existing production issues for current existing Pricing rule.
- Prepared the SQL insert Script file for the code table inserts.
- Created the Unit Test Documentation for Client Registration pricing rule.
- Ran the UTR, STR in various environment
- Initiated the test automation for the RPS Enhancement project.
- Provided the POC for Unit Test Automation using TestNG and Selenium.
- Also tested for the Unit Test Automation with internet explorer and chrome.
- Identified the code issues using the test automation and completed the full test solution for RPS Enhancement.
- Provided solutions to make the test automation run in local and other regions.
- Prepared the SQL validation Script file for the code table inserts.
Environment: Java/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, RAD 9.1.1, Web sphere 8.5, Spring, Java 1.7, Servlets, HTML,CSS, IE8, Chrome, TOAD 5.6, Serena Dimension, JSF, Waterfall, DB2,Web Design and Development, DTO, Health Insurance Domain, Ant build, TestNG, Selenium 2.39.
Java /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Worked in waterfall mode of environment.
- Analyzed the code and provided the requirements for GDX UI to the requirements team.
- Prepared a new design document with the analysis of existing code for various models like GPO, DSO, XMD, AET and corporations like CVS, Aetna.
- Provided the code changes in the design documents for easier implementation.
- Implemented the Java, HTML, CSS code changes as per the design.
- Created DTO and methods to get model specific and corporation specific generic object.
- Fixed the existing logo issue with the new logo for gateway.
- Helped in preparing the SQL insert Script file for the code table inserts.
- Created the Ant build script for the Backup File Formatter (BFF) mail generator with the new changes for gateway application.
- Generated the jar using the build script for the BFF mail.
- Fixed the integration issues for various applications like RCI and Client Registration.
- Found the data issues and provided the solution for running the application in Dev, SIT environments.
- Provided solution to fix the database sequence issues which were out of sync.
Environment: Java/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, RAD 9.1.1, Web sphere 8.5, Spring, Java 1.7, Servlets, HTML,CSS, IE8, Chrome, TOAD 5.6, Serena Dimension, JSF, Waterfall, DB2,Web Design and Development, DTO, Health Insurance Domain, Ant build.
Java /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Work in Agile mode of environment.
- Created prototypes/wireframes from the existing JQuery/HTML/CSS application.
- Work with business team and convert the Usecase requirements to prototype and confirm the requirements.
- Designed and developed the new User screens So that it meets the requirements.
- Designed and developed User interface and also made it secure and improve the performance issues in the application.
- Created the JQuery drag and drop dashboard layout for CSS application and made it compatible with IE7 to IE11 and chrome browser.
- Redesigned the existing menu to drop down menu and made it compatible with the different browsers.
- Integrated and created the Restlet services and made it functional by creating java controllers and JavaScript’s for the Advance Payments adjustment and Transfer to CAH flow, Claim maintenance and receivables.
- Created the approval flow for Claims Pend Queue, Claims Maintenance, Advance Payments Pend Queue, Advance Payments Maintenance, and Receivables Pend Queue, assigned and unassigned list in a tab using jQuery.
- Used the Java Comparator to sort the data using session and original payment ids in approval pages and My Cart.
- Used the GSON to copy data from DTO to VO to set the JSON data for the DataTables to display the records.
- Created java utility to display the checkboxes and links only for first session record in the DataTables for advance payments and my cart.
- Implemented the backed out record changes for the advance payments claim maintenance adjustment flow.
- Designed and developed the approval page to use the jQuery DataTables and tabs for the approval.
- Implemented the controllers, Details pages for Claims, Advance Payments and Receivables approval pages.
- Implemented the receivable import page by reading an excel file.
- Created the UI prototype for the government reporting of claims and advance payments.
- Created the prototypes for reading the government report from csv file and displaying in the data table.
- Developed and implemented the create report, report status, reported and approval pages for Government reporting using the jQuery data tables.
- Created the summary, plan and policy Information pages for government reporting with validations for amount, phone and dates.
- Provided dropdown solutions to display huge data using the data tables and to view Steps for each record in the data tables.
- Provided the totals for the data tables to be displayed with page rendering almost 1000 records in the data table.
- Created SQL queries for inserting and viewing records.
- Redesigned the claims, advance payments and the receivables inquiry page to a new style layout.
- Fixed the sorting issues and date format issues in the existing inquiry pages.
- Provided issue fixes for other projects like CAH project and tooltip component solution, drop down issue fix during dojo upgradations for IE11.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, My Eclipse Blue 10.5, Web sphere 7, Spring MVC, Servlets, HTML5,CSS3,JQuery, AJAX, IE11, Chrome, Squirrel SQL, JQuery DataTables, Restlet Framework, Serena Dimension, Agile, DB2,Web Design and Development, VO,DTO, JSTL, GSON,JSON, Health Insurance Domain, Apache Tiles.
Java /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Work in Agile mode of environment.
- Created prototypes/wireframes from the existing DOJO/HTML/CSS application.
- Work with business team and convert the requirements to prototype and confirm the requirements.
- Designed and developed the new User screens So that it meets the requirements.
- Designed and developed the Data Model and Update the database design model to meet the new requirements.
- Designed and developed User interface and also made it secure and improve the performance issues in the application.
- Created the Dojo accordion dashboard layout for BlueRMC application and made it compatible with IE7 to IE11 and chrome browser.
- Convert the HTML/CSS application to HTML5/CSS3 application.
- Upgrade the DOJO version from 1.5 to newer version for the application.
- Created POC with new DOJO header Menu and Dashboard Layout.
- Worked on Java, Spring MVC and update the apache tiles for the new Layout.
- Created and updated the hibernate files for the new data model.
- Created DOJO Ajax search pages for the entity modules.
- Worked on cross browser script issues including internet explorer 7 and greater, Google chrome.
- Created test cases for each wave requirements.
- Worked on SQL and database changes using Squirrel DB2.
- Created the switch user functionality and implemented to test in Dev and test region for approvals.
- Created the File info details, EEDI pages, agreement VO and retrieved data from the DTOs from the services.
- Created new hibernate criteria methods as per the requirements from multiple tables for file, EEDI, Agreement and also the approvals.
- Created UI admin pages and java code controllers for data creation, e-gateway, and network service and integrated to the services.
- Created UI pages and controllers for TODO menu for DERM,SBR and DSO approval queues.
- Performed the assign and unassigned operations of requests through Ajax calls and loaded the pages in the tab layout.
- Created the UI pages and controllers for recertification, termination and super admin queues.
- Fixed the security issues for the search by request features using Ajax post calls.
- Fixed the concurrency issue when two approvers submit the request simultaneously through transactions.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, JSTL, JSON, My Eclipse Blue 10.5, Web sphere 8.5, Spring MVC, Servlets, HTML5,CSS3,DOJO, AJAX, IE8-11, VO,DTO, Chrome, Squirrel SQL, CVS, Agile, DB2, Stored procedure, Web Design and Development, Health Insurance Domain, Apache Tiles.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Mobile UI /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Work in Agile mode of environment consisting of 3 week scrums.
- Used the rally tool to update the status.
- Created the login menu panel functionality with jQuery mobile by refactoring the existing code.
- Fixed issues to redirect to the home page which is non jQuery mobile page.
- Created the Home page Panel for the entire application.
- Created the CSS3 styles for the jQuery base and custom CSS for the entire application.
- Fixed the flow issues related to the jQuery mobile non related pages and flows.
- Provided the panel to be loaded for different segmented buttons and provide different titles and parameters for each tabs within a single component.
- Created the single common header and footer component functionality so that it can be used across the application.
- Created the header page for the external IDC market and quotes pages using iframes.
- Fixed the flickering issue on the mobile device across the application.
- Provided the swipe functionality for header so that panel can be opened in mobile web.
- Updated the fds external application screens to the new styles.
- Updated the existing services to return different styled ECMS content for phones and iPad according to the requirements.
- Fixed the terms and conditions page java redirect logic for both iPhone and android native application.
- Updated the accounts page according to the new styles and provided a solid CSS style page as a base so that it can reused across the application.
- Fixed the native callback required in the bill pay pages.
- Fixed the holdings and activity page to reduce the multiple ajax calls and provide the native callbacks for the segmented tabs for the jQuery mobile pages.
- Fixed the menu header and blank pages issues in windows phone and blackberry devices.
- Fixed the numeric keypad issues due to the latest design and updated code so that numeric keypad appears for the android devices.
- Provided the POC solution for the drag and drop of account list on the iPhone and android phones to the product owners.
- Provided demo sessions to clients and the team.
- Fixed the extra space issues at the bottom in phones that were coming from the existing code.
- Fixed the login page issues for replicating the UI design and provided a concrete solution for the login page design.
- Updated SQL queries for testing of terms and conditions pages, fds application and also for error handling situations.
- Implemented the jQuery mobile to 1.4 new features and updated the application with the new requirements.
- Fixed the url issues that were causing iPhone and android native application to not load.
- Designed and implemented the bill pay count Service functionality to appear in multiple panels and set the count in session.
- Provided the POC for list view edit mode and open the form within each list with animation for mobile device.
- Fixed issues related to dropdown open issue in bill pay and locations error message in S3 device.
- Created the POC for swipe action in a list with edit. And also implemented the animation using jQuery and CSS so that it can be implemented in the accounts page.
- Analyzed and prevented the font issue for mobile native apps and highlighted the issues related to the performance and licensing issues.
- Worked on UAT defects and fixed the production defects.
- Updated all existing error xDoc pages to use the jQuery mobile layout in xDoc so that it can be used across the application.
- Identified the parseInt octal issue on the S3 device and provided the prod fix.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, Eclipse, Web Logic Portal 11, WebLogic server, Struts, Spring MVC, Servlets, HTML5,CSS3, AJAX, IE8-9, Firefox, Chrome, SQL Developer, TFS, visual studio repository, Agile, Oracle SQL, Stored procedure, Mobile Web Development, Mobile Web Design, Mobile Applications, Mobile UI Design and Development, Banking Domain, Android mobile web,, iPhone mobile web, Windows Phone mobile web, JSTL.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Mobile UI /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Worked in Agile mode of environment consisting of 3 week scrums.
- Used the rally tool to update the status.
- Introduced Numeric keypad functionality for android by providing a hidden number input type over a read-only text input to display $ and ‘,’ symbols in input field.
- Fixed the numeric keypad issue for chrome mobile for android which does not allow key codes example in Samsung S4 device.
- Introduced the Canadian number format for input fields according to the user choice for iPhone, android and other devices for transfers, bill pay and e-bill pay.
- Provided the UI for check images for front and back images in portrait and landscape mode.
- Introduced flip transition for check images on mobile using the jQuery mobile pages and a fixed header.
- Fixed the number format for Mobile check Deposit using the Oracle SQL stored procedure.
- Also fixed the zoom issue for iOS 5 and greater version using the metatags for input fields.
- Provided swipe and tap event transitions in mobile web for check images.
- Provided the multiple sub headers for transfer’s activity for scheduled and date transfers by using the collections sort.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, Eclipse, Web Logic Portal 11, WebLogic server, Struts, Spring MVC, Servlets, HTML5,CSS3, AJAX, IE, Firefox, Chrome, SQL Developer, TFS, visual studio repository, Agile, Oracle SQL, Stored procedure, Mobile Web Development, Mobile Web Design, Mobile Applications, Banking Domain, Android mobile web, iPhone mobile web, Windows Phone mobile web, PL/SQL, JSTL.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Mobile UI /J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Worked in Agile mode of environment consisting of 3 week scrums.
- Used the rally tool to update the status.
- Introduced the jQuery Mobile application into the existing private passport mobile application throughout.
- Created the base custom CSS for merging the jQuery mobile into the existing mobile application.
- Fixed the issues related to the segmented tabs from the existing application.
- Created the pages with proper styling to match the requirements.
- Provided the new radio button styles according to the iPhone radio button style used in MDC application.
- Created the jsp templates for the create, activity and recurring tab pages. And also created the styles for verify and confirmation pages from the requirements from the existing mobile application pages.
- Created the java action files for the recurring and activity pages with modifications in the struts configuration files.
- Created the sample jQuery mobile tab pages for the flicker and the back button issues.
- Fixed the pop up issues for the error pages with jQuery mobile pop ups.
- Fixed the drop down styles according to the existing application and the requirements.
- Added the Oracle SQL query and updated the tables for data using the SQL Developer.
- Fixed the Note label issues and introduce the collapse solution for the note field.
- Worked on test driven development on different devices like iphone5-4-3gs, Motorola droidx, Samsung SIII, blackberry and windows phone 7-7.5.
- Fixed the iOS7 issues for the logo in the header for existing production issue and the new devices.
- Fixed the windows phone 7.5 issues for the buttons not being responsive for Ajax content.
- Fixed the iOS7 and the other device back and forward button issues so that it remains in the login page after logoff.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, Eclipse, Web Logic Portal 11, WebLogic server, Struts, Spring MVC, Servlets, HTML5,CSS3, AJAX, IE, Firefox, Chrome, SQL Developer, TFS, visual studio repository, Agile, Oracle SQL, Stored procedure, Mobile Web Development, Mobile Web Design, Mobile Applications, Banking Domain, Android mobile web, iPhone mobile web, Windows Phone mobile web, JSTL.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Learnt and worked to upgrade dojo 1.1 to dojo 1.9 apps.
- Used the new dgrid to replace the investment activity page and implement the new widgets into the existing investment page.
- Modified the existing page to use the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD).
- Modified the existing JSON to use the totals in the investment activity in the single request.
- Created the new AMD files for dojo 1.9 modules.
- Fixed the CSS issues for Single response for the module.
- Made the working copy of the investment activity available.
- Fixed the issues reported by the Sitepen team for the new AMD modules for investment activity.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, Eclipse, Web Logic Portal 11, WebLogic server, Struts, Spring MVC, Servlets, HTML,CSS, Dojo 1.9,Dgrid, AMD, Chrome, TFS, visual studio repository, Banking Domain.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
J2EE UI Developer - Onsite
- Worked in Agile mode of environment consisting of 3 week scrums.
- Fixed UI issues by placing alerts portlets in corresponding locations using css and dojo scripts.
- Provided solutions to place non portlets buttons within the portlet environment for ‘Add Content’ button so that it does not break the portlet page and readjust the portlets according to the occupied height of the buttons.
- Created the ‘Assets Summary’ report functionality by consolidating the assets from the existing grid values in the holdings page to a new grid and adjust the page dynamically on click of the hide and show button.
- Provided the JSON solution for the dojo itemFileReadStore so that two grids are populated using a single call rather than having separate calls.
- Created classes to generate the JSON value in the list.
- Provided suggestions and solutions in the UI issues and defect fixes for each scrum.
- Fixed the header menu issue to work for all certified and supported browsers.
- Fixed the chrome 26 and IE10 existing production button issues.
- Fixed Contact information portlet production issue in IE.
- Provided solutions to Gain loss asset identifier and asset name preference change.
- Created the two business day prior logic for the compare dates and modified the existing calendar functionality to include the two business days prior.
- Created a common jsp edit settings solution for gain loss/holdings as of date and compare dates pages so that can be reused across the application.
- Modified the Oracle SQL Stored procedure for the two business days prior to be obtained and used for compare dates and edit pages.
- Fixed the Emulation issue for as of date edit page.
- Worked on developing application in safari, chrome, internet explorer and Firefox.
- Fixed issues in iPad browser issues for the private passport application.
- Worked on UAT defects and fixed the existing production defects.
- Created the class diagram and sequence diagrams for the worked agile scrum modules.
- Fixed UI Alignment issues for Net Worth summary, details, banking summary pages.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, Eclipse, Web Logic Portal 11, WebLogic server, Struts, Spring MVC, Servlets, HTML,CSS, AJAX, Dojo, IE, JSON, Firefox, Chrome, SQL Developer, TFS, visual studio repository, Agile, Oracle SQL, Stored procedure, Banking Domain.
Confidential, Lincolnshire, IL
Mobile UI /J2EE Developer/Designer - Onsite
- Implemented the locale language page for US English, Canadian English and French.
- Fixed issues related to style and JavaScript issues for mobile application.
- Added zip code logic to support for Canadian Locale.
- Worked on test driven development on different devices like iPod touch, Motorola droidx and Google nexus.
- Created POC for Common Header component for mobile application using custom tags.
- Provided security fixes for the application by adding the POST/GET mappings for request.
- Created POC for retirement pages using jQuery mobile, CSS3.
- Created the page for Health pages which could be supported for different locale and integrated to a new web service for different locales.
- Introduced, created and implemented the jUnit test cases for the application and the HPCC module.
- Fixed issues with footer component on home page.
- Provided support for the mobile lab testing for business sponsors.
- Designed and implemented the common Header and footer component so that it can be used for different version of application.
- Provided the fix for Back button issue on the jQuery Mobile and Spring Web flow application for mobile retirement Financial Engine and the Edit Framework.
- Learned and implemented the jQuery Mobile framework and provided support and solutions to the development team.
- Provided JavaScript and CSS fixes for the mobile UI for issue like orientation issues in mobile web and JQuery Mobile implementation.
- Worked on developing application in safari and chrome.
- Provided a brandable solution for all application so that header and footer are the same across the application.
- Created the actionsheet and the pop up for jqm pages in the application.
- Coordinated with offshore to provide clarification and solution to the developers on the framework and device issues.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, XML, WSDL, XSD, JSP, JavaScript, Eclipse, Tomcat, SVN, Spring MVC, Servlets, HTML5,CSS3, AJAX, JQuery, JQuery Mobile, Safari, Chrome, JUnit4, Apache Tiles, Mobile Web Development, Mobile Web Design, Insurance Domain, Android mobile web, iPhone mobile web, JSTL.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
UI /J2EE Developer- Onsite
- Created Hash map from reading the various JSON files.
- Generated multiple PDF reports from the corresponding JSON files using the jasper reports.
- Implemented the PDF report and print functionality for the FX daily rates using the jasper report.
- Upgraded the UI framework from one version to a new version.
- Performed SOAP UI testing on the web services.
- Fixed issues related to Dojo grid and JavaScript exceptions.
- Implemented methods to load various values in the reports using jrxml and java.
- Created Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams for the new release.
- Worked on test driven development.
- Tested the vendor application and identified the defects and suggested the changes and fixes.
- Worked on the defect fixes in the vendor application and the client application and resolved the defects.
- Fixed integration defects for file import application and print exports reports.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, XML, WSDL, XSD, SOAP, Web services, JSP, JavaScript, Eclipse Helios, Weblogic, Tomcat, Maven, SVN, Oracle SQL Developer, Dojo, Spring MVC, Servlets, HTML, AJAX, Jasper Reports, JSON, iReports, SOAP UI, Banking Domain.
Confidential, TX
Module Lead- Onsite
- Designed and implemented the tool using Ajax and web services and also a tool to help in the development of the alerts.
- Analyzed and designed the Requirements obtained from the client.
- Implemented the HTTP post servlet to receive the message and used DOM to validate the data and send the specific information to the service.
- Fixed production defects and helped improve the performances of the web services which access the vendor web services.
- Created the AJAX implementation to opt out members from different databases as a troubleshooting tool for the production issues. Thus reducing the effort to directly updating the databases.
- Integrated the PFM application web services into the dashboard gadget environment.
- Performed Impact analysis on the existing systems.
- Improved the performance by six times by reducing the number of calls to external web service.
- Implemented the UML based web service modeling.
- Prepared Analysis and Design documents, Unit test and System test documents.
- Created request tool to test the new services for user alerts and fixed the defects.
- Performed code review and presented the design to the clients.
- Lead a team of three members.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE,XML,WSDL,XSD,SOAP,Web services, JSP, JavaScript, UML, RAD(Web Sphere)7.5,7.0, StarTeam, Servlets, HTML, AJAX, hibernate, CSS, DB2,SAML, Insurance and Banking Domain, JNDI.
Confidential, TX
Module Lead- Onsite
- Developed the 66/33 view display logic with scripting.
- Developed the logic for footnotes in gadget environment where the footnotes could be shown and hidden when the gadgets were added and deleted.
- Implemented the banner count and the browser detect features for the IPF (Internet Portal Framework) Framework.
- Highlighted the web service issues that impact the gadget environment.
- Added footnotes for external gadgets in a gadget environment.
- Created a servlet according to the framework and implemented it to hit the external vendor pages using the framework logic and JavaScript that made it load within the gadgets along with rendering of the footnotes specific to the external vendor gadget.
- Worked on developing application in safari, IE and Firefox.
- Implemented solution to render multiple footnotes for different gadgets.
- Implemented the footnotes using the custom tags and TLD’s
- Prepared the Unit test documents.
- Worked on agile mode of development.
- Performed code review and presented the design to the clients.
- Lead a team of two members with offshore coordination.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE,PS Framework, YUI, JavaScript, Google gadget API, Web services, RAD(Web Sphere), StarTeam, JSON, DB2,JSP,HTML,CSS,servlet, AJAX, Agile, Insurance and Banking Domain, SDLC.
Confidential, NJ
Software Developer - Offshore
- Prepared Unit test plan and System test plan.
- Prepared and executed the test cases for the entire application.
- Lead a single team member and transitioned the project.
- Conducted exhaustive Unit testing and System testing.
- Identified and reported major flaws in the existing system and helped in resolving the issues.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, Servlet, HTML, DB2, JavaScript, CAFÉ Framework, RAD (Web Sphere), PROC TESTER, Insurance Domain.
Confidential, NJ
Software Developer - Offshore
- Analyzed the Requirements obtained from the client.
- Prepared the Use Case Document and Detailed Design Document.
- Prepared the Unit test plan and System test plan
- Constructed the Prototype in the design stages for usability using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.
- Developed web applications using Java, JSP and JavaScript for a dynamic menu based on the member roles.
- Worked on test driven development.
- Provided prompt solution for dynamic menu by restructuring the design of the implementation
- Performed exhaustive Unit testing and System testing.
- Worked as a single developer.
- Created role based authorization on the CASL environment.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, HTML, JavaScript, CAFÉ Framework, RAD (Web Sphere), PROC TESTER, DB2, mainframe, Insurance Domain, DTO/VO, DAO, JBOSS.
Confidential, NJ
Software Developer- Offshore
- Analyzed the Requirements obtained from the client.
- Developed the Java code for new requirements from the clients.
- Prepared the Functional Specification Document (FSD), DDD, and UTP for Strategic Claims Initiative (SCI) by using the user requirement from Business Requirement Document.
- Preparation of Use Case Document and Detailed Design Document.
- Preparation of Unit test plan and System test plan
- Constructed the Prototype in the design stages for usability using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.
- Developed web applications using Servlets, JSP and JavaScript with additional frames using the iframes.
- Develop code with different design patterns.
- Worked on test driven development.
- Performed exhaustive Unit testing and System testing.
- Worked as a single developer along with mainframe team members.
- Integrated the new/existing stored procedures in mainframe to the J2EE/Java classes.
Environment: JAVA, J2EE, JSP, HTML, servlet, JavaScript, Mainframe, CAFÉ Framework, WSAD (Web Sphere), PROC TESTER, DB2, Insurance Domain.
Confidential, NJ
Software Developer- Offshore
- Preparation of Use Case Document and Detailed Design Document.
- Preparation of Unit test plan and System test plan
- Constructed the Prototype in the design stages for usability using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.
- Developed web applications using Servlets, JSP, Java and JavaScript.
- Develop code with different design patterns.
- Worked on test driven development.
- Performed exhaustive Unit testing and System testing.
- Integrated the new/existing stored procedures in mainframe to the J2EE/Java classes.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, HTML, DB2, mainframe, JavaScript, CAFÉ Framework, WSAD (Web Sphere), PROC TESTER, Insurance Domain.
Confidential, NJ
Software Developer- Offshore
- Analysis of existing system
- Preparation of Unit test plan and System test plan.
- Constructed the Prototype in the design stages for usability using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.
- Developed web applications using Servlets and JSP,EJB.
- Develop code with different design patterns.
- Worked on test driven development.
- Implemented the existing web service into the new PNC architecture.
- Redesigned and coded from existing architecture to PNC architecture.
- Performed code review.
- Performed exhaustive Unit testing and System testing.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, HTML, servlet, EJB, Web Service, WSAD (Web Sphere), PROC TESTER, DB2, Insurance Domain.
Confidential, NJ
Software Developer- Offshore
- Preparation of Use Case Document and Detailed Design Document.
- Preparation of Unit test plan and System test plan
- Constructed the Prototype in the design stages for usability using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.
- Developed web applications using Servlets and JSP
- Develop code with different design patterns.
- Performed exhaustive Unit testing and System testing.
- Worked on test driven development.
- Analysis of existing GTAM system.
- Integrated the new/existing stored procedures in mainframe to the J2EE/Java classes.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, EJB, CAFÉ Framework, WSAD (Web Sphere), PROC TESTER, QMF, Stored Procedure Builder, HTML, DB2, mainframe, servlet, Insurance Domain.
Confidential, NJ
Software Developer- Team Member- Offshore
- Performed Impact Analysis of treaty number expansion in SCIMS and SCIRI systems
- Preparation of User Interface Requirements Document, Functional Specification Document,
- Preparation of Use Case Document and Detailed Design Document.
- Preparation of Unit test plan and System test plan
- Developed web applications using Servlets and JSP for nearly 100 pages.
- Constructed the Prototype in the design stages for usability using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.
- Performed exhaustive Unit testing and System testing.
- Develop code with different design patterns.
- Restructured the existing systems to work with new treaty numbers.
- Worked on test driven development.
- Worked on different design patterns including DAO, Business object and Front controller.
- Integrated the new/existing stored procedures in mainframe to the J2EE/Java classes.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, EJB, CAFÉ, WSAD (Web Sphere), PROC TESTER, QMF, Stored Procedure Builder, HTML, DB2, mainframe, servlet, Insurance Domain.
Software Developer- Offshore
- Developed business logic for card termination, issuance and re-issue.
- Identified and provided the solution for JDBC performance issues.
- Fixed the user interface issues using the JavaScript and styles.
- Implemented the design of the presentation layer, delegation of particular business services.
- Implemented the Authentication and Authorization subsystems.
- Performed exhaustive Unit testing and System testing and fixed defects.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, HTML, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.4, EJB, Struts, Oracle 8i, Eclipse, Web logic 8.1, Tomcat.
Confidential, California
Software Developer- Offshore
- Developed web applications using Servlets and JSP
- Analyzed the system requirements and developed the server and client programs.
- Developed systems for analyzing/processing server log data.
- Fixed the JavaScript and CSS issues for page rendering.
- Prepared Unit test plan and System test plan and fixed defects.
Environment: Core JAVA/J2EE, HTML, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.4, Oracle 8i, Eclipse, Web logic 8.1.
Software Developer- Offshore
- Designed and developed the front-end JSP pages of the system.
- Created the login page, home page and database login access solutions.
- Provided the prototype of the product to the team.
- Developed solutions to dynamic database.
- Analyzed the system requirements and developed the server and client programs.
- Developed Servlets and back-end java classes.
- Analyzed the performance of system software code and wrote code to tune it.
- Developed JavaScript behavior code for User Interaction
- Developed and tested the role based authentication on the system
Environment: Core JAVA/J2EE, HTML, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.4, MySQL, Eclipse, Tomcat 4, JavaScript.