Mobile Developer Resume
Deerfield, IllinoiS
- 5 years of experience in the IT industry developing software and solutions to different companies working with multiple platforms and technologies. Working in mobile development . Experience in web development and database consulting.
- 4 years of experience in Android development using the framework Android Studio with Gradle forthe functionality I used two languages Kotlin and Java .
- 2 years of experience in iOS development using the framework Xcode with CocoaPods for different libraries and for the functionality Swift language.
- Experience in Web Development with the framework React using JavaScript, HTML and CSS .
- Experience in Web Development with the framework Vue.js using JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Golang.
- Experience with User experience design( UX ) focus on the feel of the experience of users into the different applications.
- Experience with User Interface design ( UI) focus on the product’s interfaces and functionality.
- Experience developing code with different architecture patterns like MVP and MVVM.
- Experience using SOLID principles.
- Experience with Retrofit and AsyncTasks to retrieve from different endpoints JSON responses and files like PDFs and Microsoft documents like Excel and Word.
- Experience with firebase using it for authentication and database with both technologies Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database also worked with Cloud storage to handle image files.
- Experience with geolocation with lines of segments (polylines) and icons to specific positions on map (markers).
- Experience with biometrics using face and fingerprint authentication.
- Experience with YouTube using library.
- Experience with Stripe with the functionality of payments, set up and charges.
- Experience with Espresso using unit test for design and Idle for design involve with tasks.
- Experience with Git environment.
Languages: Java, Kotlin, Swift, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Objective - C, Python, C, C# and MySQL
Database: Firebase
Web Servers: Apache
Frameworks: Android Studio, Xcode, React, Vue.js, Visual Studio and Eclipse
Confidential, Deerfield, Illinois
Mobile developer
- Receive software and decide to continue with framework or rebuild to native mobile application.
- Plan time, development and testing
- UX/UI re-design according to rebuild.
- Define modules for each section of the mobile application.
- Develop Android mobile application in Android Studio with Gradle using Kotlin for functionality and XML for layout design.
- Develop MVVM architecture pattern along with SOLID principles.
- Develop iOS mobile application in Xcode using Swift for functionality and Storyboards for layout design along with Nib files.
- Develop Android Studio unit tests with Espresso.
- Receive software and decide to continue with framework or rebuild to android mobile application.
- Plan time, development and testing
- UX/UI re-design according to rebuild.
- Define modules for each section of the mobile application.
- Develop Android mobile application in Android Studio with Gradle using Kotlin for functionality and XML for layout design.
- Develop MVVM architecture pattern along with SOLID principles.
- Implement Maps SDK into Android, use polylines and markers to represent position of users in the application.
- Implement Retrofit and Coroutines to interact with JSON delivered by AWS developed by the backend team.
- Develop Android Studio unit tests with Espresso.
Mobile developerResponsibilities:
- Plan time, development and testing.
- UX/UI design.
- Define modules for each section of the mobile application.
- Develop Android mobile application in Android Studio with Gradle using Kotlin for functionality and XML for layout design.
- Develop MVVM architecture pattern along with SOLID principles.
- Develop Android Studio unit tests with Espresso.
Environment: Android Studio, Xcode, Espresso, Kotlin, UX/UI, MVVM, SOLID, Gradle, JSON, XML, Swift, Storyboards, Maps, Retrofit, Coroutines.
Confidential, McAllen, Texas
Android Developer
- Plan time, development and testing.
- UX/UI design.
- Define modules for each section of the mobile application.
- Rebuild from MVP to MVVM architecture pattern along with SOLID principles
- Develop Android mobile application in Android Studio with Gradle using Kotlin for functionality and XML for layout design.
- Implement Retrofit and Coroutines to interact with JSON delivered by AWS developed by the backend team.
- Handle PDF and Excel files with Retrofit save into device and show with intent.
- Handle multiple AWS paging lists.
- Develop Android Studio unit tests with Espresso.
- Plan time, development and testing.
- UX/UI design.
- Define modules for each section of the mobile application.
- Develop Android mobile application in Android Studio with Gradle using Kotlin for functionality and XML for layout design.
- Implement Retrofit to interact with JSON delivered by AWS developed by the backend team.
- Handle multiple AWS paging lists.
- Develop Android Studio unit tests with Espresso.
Environment: Android Studio, Espresso, Kotlin, UX/UI, MVVM, SOLID, Gradle, JSON, XML, Retrofit, Coroutines.
Mobile developer
- Plan time, development and testing.
- Develop a base app so both apps could be extended from this.
- UX/UI design.
- Define modules for each section of the mobile application.
- Develop Android mobile application in Android Studio with Gradle using Kotlin for functionality and XML for layout design.
- Develop iOS mobile application in Xcode using Swift for functionality and Storyboards for layout design along with Nib files.
- Implement Retrofit with RXJava to interact with JSON delivered by AWS developed by the backend team.
- Implement handle notification and save in the cache system.
- Implement encryption and decryption for each request, depending if is a GET or POST method could be both, with AES256 for AWS.
- Implement WebView with chatbot interaction.
- Develop MVP architecture pattern along with SOLID principles.
Android Developer
- Plan time, development and testing.
- UX/UI design.
- Define modules for each section of the mobile application.
- Develop Android mobile application in Android Studio with Gradle using Kotlin for functionality and XML for layout design.
- Develop MVP architecture pattern along with SOLID principles.
- Implement interaction with Firebase Realtime Database.
- Implement Firebase authentication with Google, Facebook, Twitter and email-password.
- Implement Stripe payment interaction.
Environment: Android Studio, Kotlin, UX/UI, MVP, SOLID, Gradle, JSON, XML.