Sr. Java Full Satck Developer Resume
San Jose, CA
- Java Full stack developer with 9+ years of experience in full software development life cycle including requirement analysis, design, coding, testing, debugging and maintenance.
- Having Good experience in developing and migrating existing application into cloud based platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
- Experience in using various JavaScript Web application related libraries such as NodeJs, Backbone.js, Require.js, Knockout, Angular.js, React.js, JQuery UI and Google Web Toolkit.
- Having extensive work experience with Java 1.7 and 1.8 (JDK, JRE), J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, and Hibernate, spring, Struts MVC.
- Strong experience using frameworks like JSP, EJB, Java Persistence API, JNDI, JMS, Struts, JSF in developing scalable, reliable, efficient web and enterprise applications.
- Good experience in developing SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and Microservices architecture using J2EE Web Services based on Restful (JAX - RS), SOAP (JAX-WS), JAX-RPC and JAXR ( Java API for XML Registries) using frameworks like Apache CXF, Jersey, Axis and Spring framework, NodeJS (Express JS & Hapi JS).
- Extensive experience in developing JAVA based applications using JAVA, JEE, JDBC, EJB, Servlets, JSP, JSF, JMS and Web services.
- Expertise in developing Micro services using Spring Boot and Node JS to build more physically separated modular applications which will improve scalability, Availability, Agility of application.
- Proficient in implementation of spring frameworks like Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring REST, Spring AOP, Spring transaction Management, Spring Data, Spring DAO, Spring Batch, Spring Security and Spring Boot.
- Experience in integration tools like Spring Integration, Apache CXF, Apache Kafka and Apache Camel to integrate the enterprise application technologies with existing JVM environment.
- Expertise in unit-testing with tools like JUnit, Mockito, Spock, TestNg and Integration testing tools like Selenium Web Driver, Cucumber (Behavior Driven Development testing).
- Experience in using Drools rules engine for defining business rules and Validations.
- Experience with testing tools like Selenium and build tool like Jenkins.
- Experience in using various Amazon Web Services ( AWS) like EC2 for virtual servers, S3 and Glacier for storing objects, Elastic Beanstalk, Elastic Cache and Dynamo DB for Elastic load balancing, storing
- Good knowledge in writing stored procedures, Packages and functions using SQL & PL/SQL and good at advance PL/SQL topics like Triggers, Collections.
- Hands on Experience in working with Databases MYSQL, Oracle 10g/11g, SQL-Server, DB2 and NoSQL (Mongo DB, Cassandra) Dynamo DB, Couch DB.
- Expertise in ORM tools Hibernate 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, iBatis, with JPA specifications, HQL, Caching, ACID transaction, Locking and implemented ODM framework like Mongoose for mapping MongoDB.
- Expertise in creating Databases, Tables, Stored Procedure, DDL/DML Triggers, Views, User defined data types (UDT), Cursors, Functions, data dictionaries, and maintaining data integrity and Indexes using SQL.
- Experienced in developing front end applications using HTML4/5, XHTML, DHTML, CSS2/3(using SASS and LESS), Bootstrap, Angular JS, Angular2, and developing dynamic web pages.
- Good Understanding of Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM Functions. Design and implement a Web based content management utilizing XML, JAXB, DOM, XSLT, XPath, and JavaScript for data generation and presentation with JSF.
- Expertise in latest version of object oriented JavaScript Libraries like Angular JS, Ember JS, Backbone JS, React JS, Bootstrap and Responsive Design.
- Strong experience in developing Single Page Application (SPA), using MEAN (Mongo, Express, and Angular) stack. data
J2EE Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JavaBeans, Struts, JDBC, JSP Custom Tag Libraries, XML (SAX & DOM), JNDI, JMS, Applets, Log4J, JSTL, Junit, Mockito.
Middleware: ODBC, JDBC, RMI, Blaze DS.
Web/App Servers: IBM WebSphere 6.x/5.x, Tomcat, JBoss, Apache, Resin, Apache Axis.
IDE Tools: EditPlus, TextPad, Eclipse 3.x, WSAD, RAD 6/7-
Databases: Oracle 9i/10i, DB2/UDB, SQL Server, MySQL, Postgre
Languages: Core Java 4, Java 5 using generics, JavaScript, ActiveX, Perl, PL/SQL, XML
Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX (Sun Solaris), Linux, AIX, HP-UX.
Frameworks: Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC, Mate, Adobe Flex 2/3, MXML, Action Script 2/3
Methodologies: Agile, SCRUM, TDD, Design Patterns, Continuous Integration using CruiseControl
Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, CS3, AJAX, WebServices JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, SOAP UI, Rest Client
Network Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, SOAP
Source Control: Rational ClearCase, CVS
Build Tools: ANT, Maven
Job Scheduler: Autosys
Miscellaneous: MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, Database Modeling, SQL Tuning, Object
Design Patterns: MVC, View Dispatcher, Data Access Objects, Data Transfer Objects, Singleton, Observer, Factory and Session Façade.
Sr. Java Full Satck Developer
- Developer the application using agile methodology and used Scrum method of project management.
- Involved in group meeting with teammates and made substantial changes to the design to improve performance of the Application.
- Responsible for front-end UI design using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery plug in, etc. Taking advantage of the MVC pattern of the AngularJS framework to accomplish the single page application and produce higher maintainability of the code.
- Created Angular 2 components, implemented Interpolation, Input variables, Bootstrapping, NgFor, NgIf, RouterOutlet, binding the click event, Component decorator, binding to the hidden property.
- Used Typescript to develop applications with Angular JS and Node. Used Grunt to automatically compile Typescript.
- Experience in working different changed procedures of Angular 1.5 to Angular 2 such as, @Route, RouterOutlet, router-link etc. Developed Web 2.0 Apps using core JQuery along with AJAX/Java Script.
- Developed an interface to seamlessly combine the new module with their login system by using AngularJS framework. Developed UI using JSF, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, Struts tags, Struts-tiles framework, XHTML, CSS. Wrote web service methods using REST API.
- Utilized modular structure within the AngularJS application in which different functionalities within the application were divided into different modules.
- Implemented Business Delegate, Design, Facade, Service locator, Singleton, Factory method, Template method, Observer, Data Access Objects, Transfer Objects JEE design patterns.
- Involved in Design, Development and Implementation of front end part of the web application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, Angular JS and Bootstrap.
- • Responsible for maintaining and expanding AWS (Cloud Services) infrastructure using AWS Stack especially worked with database setup and maintenance on AWS EC2.
- Used Hibernate to query DB2 database and return results to the front-end.
- Microservices have been built using spring boot, Netflix OSS, spring cloud and deploying to AWS Cloud.
- Used Bootstrap and Angular JS, React.js and Node.js in effective web design.
- Implemented modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
- Developed UI components for email and link sharing of documents and files for a Content Management System using BackBone.js and JQuery.
- Implemented the service layer based on a Spring container and exploited Spring's IOC features for bean management.
- Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Microservices and develop spring based application with very less configuration.
- Configured & deployed Java applications on Amazon Web Services(AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing the AWS stack, cloud formation.
- Implemented the persistence layer using Hibernate-ORM. Worked on Spring Web Flow on Spring MVC for building flows in our web application.
- Developed various UI (User Interface) components using Struts (MVC), JSP, and HTML.
- Working extensively with Hibernate Query Language (HQL) to store and retrieve the data from oracle database.
- Familiarity with Service oriented architecture (SOA) by developing and consuming Restful web services based on JAX-RS and Jersey. Coded JSP pages and used JavaScript for client side validations and to achieve other client-side event handling.
- Involved in designing and development of web interface using JSP, Servlets, and JavaScript.
Environment: Core Java, J2EE 1.6, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Spring boot Framework, Spring JDBC, Java script, JQuery, Mockito, Apache Tomcat 7, XML, Eclipse, GIT, GMC, Maven 3.x Log4j, REST API, Oracle, Toad, Junit 3.0, Agile, JIRA, UML (Rational Rose),Web Sphere, HTML 5.0, CSS and Windows XP.
Senior Full Stack java Developer
- Implemented a security module in Angular that integrates with the Spring security in the backend with Authentication and Authorization and defined various custom directives.
- Implemented Routing and HTTP modules for navigation between the components and invoking the Rest Services using GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods.
- Analysis, design and development of Application based on J2EE using Spring and Hibernate.
- Used Spring framework for Model View Controller (MVC)and integrated with Hibernate.
- Used Spring inheritance, Auto-wiring, Core Containers, ORM modules for migration from EJB to Spring, Spring Quartz for scheduling tasks to generating reports and emails to clients.
- Implementing or exposing the Microservices to base on RESTful API utilizing, implementing the Microservices to base on RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot. Worked on SOA Web Services using SOAP with JAX-WS for large blocks of XML data over HTTP.
- Used RestAPI with JAX-RS for consuming Restful web services
- Used concepts of Directives, Data-Binding and Dependency Injection in Angular 6.
- Deployed Spring Boot based Microservices Docker and Amazon EC2 container using AWS admin console. Developed API using AWS Lambda to manage the code and run the code in AWS.
- Expertise in Core Java concepts, such as Object-Oriented Design (OOD)/Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) skills, Multi-Threading, Generics, Exception Handling, Collections, Java Reflection, Annotation and some new features in Java 8.
- Utilized Java 8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for Bulk data operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the application.
- Good experience with Spring AOP, Spring Transactions, Spring Security, Spring Quartz batch jobs. Used Executor Framework to deal with Java Threads.
- Deployed SpringBoot based Microservices into Docker container using Amazon EC2 services.
- Used AWS cloud watch in maintaining and monitoring of production and corporate storages.
- Experience with building Docker images and running them on Docker container.
- Worked on Proof of Concept for developing application using Mongo DB.
- Unstructured data was handled using MongoDB and used Mongoose connector to connect to database.
- Worked on packages to run using dynamic SQL and developed UNIX Shell scripts.
- Configured and used Maven scripts to deploy application in server.
- Integrated Spring DAO for data access with Hibernate to implemented CRUD operations
- Implemented Hibernate join strategies, to select elements from different tables in efficient way.
- Used SQL, HQL and Hibernate criteria queries, depending on the complexity of the object.
- Configured and administered Jenkins for CI/CD into JBoss Application Server
- Involved in preparing the test cases using Junit and Easy mock test case and in the testing phase.
- Deployed on JBoss 7.1.0 enterprise server with JBoss Native and Metro stack using document style web services.
- Implemented transactions using XML, Web Services, Microservices, JNDI and Multithreading Executor Services.
- Designed and developed Microservices using (MEAN Stack) Node. js, Mongo DB, Neo4J, Elastic search on Confidential Private Cloud OpenStack Platform using Express. js.
- Working on Microservices to manage termination and methods that can produce a Future for tracking progress of one or more asynchronous tasks. Experience in Building Web Service Contracts in SOA Service Manager.
- Implemented a metrics collection for the server by utilizing Apache Kafka to stream server-side events.
- Worked on Drools rule engine and exception rule engine for writing business rule validation.
- Designed and developed the REST based Microservices using the Spring Boot.
Environment: Java 8, J2EE, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Rest web services, Angular 6, Spring 4.x, Spring Boot, Spring cloud, JSON, Maven, Junit, Hibernate, MongoDB, JBoss, Docker, ECMA6, AWS lambda, Executor services, Microservices architecture, Netflix ZUUL
Java Full Stack Developer
- Technical design, review and implementation across the project. Developed UML diagrams like Use case, class and sequence diagrams.
- Designed and developed User interface screens using AngularJS and followed Agile Scrum for application development.
- Extensively involved in the integration of the Front End web interface with the Spring MVC, Angular JS, JSP, HTML, CSS and JQuery.
- Developed unit test cases using Jasmine to test Angular controllers and services and developed custom validations using AngularJS
- Developed pages using AngularJS directives, expressions, routing capabilities for bookmarking, filters, validations and Angular UI components such as grid, buttons, carousels, date pickers, modal dialogs and other input components.
- Developed a cross-device/cross browser web application utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API in conjunction with Bootstrap.
- Designed and developed database objects like Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, User Functions using SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle 8i, DB2 and used them in EJBs and WEB components.
- Designed Client side validations using AngulaJs custom form validation that leverages various angular directives and integrated AngularJS Filters to format data for searching, ordering and conditional iterating.
- Used $http and $resource service for retrieving data from the server in Angular.js framework and $location service for URL browser manipulation .
- Used Spring framework and J2EE components, Utilized Spring MVC, IOC, AOP and DAO modules. Developed controller classes, backend processes, complex services and database interaction.
- Applied object oriented methodologies and core J2EE design patterns like Factory, Façade, Business Delegate, Service Locator and Singleton.
- Worked on Cloud implementation by installing, building and deploying applications using Cloud Foundry and using AWS.
- Used ReactJS in components like JSX, creating React components, Virtual components etc.
- Created custom Plugins, templates, and functions for Angular JS application.
- • AWS EC2 instances were configured in developing and QA environments with NodeJS
- Designed and developed RESTful web services, tested web services using SOAP UI and REST Client.
- Implemented a Factory using $resource to make RESTful communications over HTTP with GET, POST, PUT, DELETE to Web API.
- Enhanced existing REST services using NodeJs, ExpressJS and Mongoose modules.
- Used ExpressJs to organize the web application on server side to build web service to access models and exposed it through REST API that deals with JSON.
- Orderly logged the whole process using log4j for auditing, debugging and error logging purposes.
- Installed and configured JBoss server developer and test environments. Used ANT and Jenkins for Build process and continuous integration.
- Performed build management for the development and testing environment. Worked with release management to develop technical release notes for every code release.
- Involved in technical mentoring, production system support and customizing solutions.
Environment: Core Java, Java concurrency, Messaging, Java 6, J2EE, JSF 2.0, Prime Faces 3.5, Rich Faces, EJB 3.0, JPA (Java Persistence API), JPQL, JBOSS, jQuery, Ajax, XML, Java script, Angular JS, SVN, SQL Server, Log4j, WebSphere Application Server 8.x, SQL, Toad, Apache Tomcat, Junit 4.0, CASL, XSLT, SOAP, WSDL, Agile, RESTful API, Maven 3.x, My Eclipse, UML (Rational Rose), HTML 5.0, CSS and Windows XP .
Java Developer
- Developed the application using Agile methodology.
- Involved in development of Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) using Adobe Flex.
- Worked on a proof of concept to test the data collection time from different data sources.
- Used Cairngorm MVC Architecture to handle the events and to retrieve the data from the server.
- Responsible for implementing best design patterns from Cairngorm architecture to interact with backend J2EE and Web Services layer to pull out the data to Flex UI components.
- Extensively used RemoteObjects calls using AsyncToken to retrieve data from the remote server and perform required business functionalities from the front end.
- Mapped Flex value objects with Java DTO using RemoteClass Metadata tag.
- Developed Flex Custom Events for communication between various components and Event Bubbling.
- Worked with Blaze-DS Data Services to interact with backend Spring Hibernate and Web Services layers to extract data and providing input to Flex UI components.
- Used Menu controls Flex Containers and Tab Navigators for design the front end
- Used Existing Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directories to access staff information
- Generated Web service Client code using axis2.
- Implemented task check in and check out for Human Task management and email notification services to track 68 tasks in BOTS application.
- Developed Data Access Object (DAO) persistence layer using Hibernate 3.0.
- Used Singleton and DAO design pattern.
- Created JUnit and FlexUnit test case design logic and implemented throughout application.
- Log4j package is used for the debugging.
- Responsible for Performance Tuning for the Stored Procedures by removing unnecessary cursors.
- Used ClearCase for version control.
Environment: core java, Java 5.0, J2ee, Hibernate 3.0, Flex 3.0, Action Script 3.0, MXML, XML, Java script, Blaze DS, Adobe flex builder 3.0 IDE, RAD 7.5, WebSphere Process Server v7, ClearCase, Oracle 10g, Log4j, Websphere 6.1, Tomcat server v6, Sql, Toad, Web services, Axis2, Agile, ClearQuest, UML, CSS and Windows XP.