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Java Full Stack Developer Resume

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  • Over 7 years of professional experience in the IT industry in software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) with proficiency on design, development and test of client server, web based and distributed software applications giving user experiences of enterprise application by using Java, J2EE Technologies and UI Technologies.
  • Proficient in implementation of frameworks like Struts, Spring, JSF, AJAX and ORM frameworks like Hibernate, JPA and Spring Data.
  • Extensive Experience in Micro Services based on RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC application and SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) development patterns.
  • Hands - on experience in development and implementation of RESTful and SOAP Web Services with JAX-RS(Jersey), Spring and Spring Boot.
  • Experience in using Swagger Framework, actualizing the RESTful API and Swagger gives the rich UI to test API.
  • Professional experience in Java/J2EE Technologies (JDBC, Servlets, JSP, XML, Spring IoC, Spring Core, Spring AOP for Code Modularity, Spring Web MVC, Spring DAO, Spring context, Spring Web flow, Spring Security, JUNIT and Hibernate).
  • Extensive knowledge on Java SE8 features like Stream, Lambda Expressions, Functional Interface, and Type Annotations, worked with core java concept like Multithreading, Transaction Management and Exception Handling.
  • Used Zuul API-Gateway in the Spring cloud for the dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, and security, worked with Zuul filters, Hystrix in the building fault tolerant and resilience in Distributed System.
  • Proficient in implementing Load Balancing of the Servers using Eureka and Ribbon.
  • Worked with OpenShift for Platform as a service with configuration management
  • Experience with various API security frameworks like OAuth 2.0, JWT and SSO.
  • Developed user interface screens, complex UI/FE Applications and validations using HTML 4/5, XHTML, DHTML, CSS 2/3(using SASS and LESS), Bootstrap, NodeJS with expressJS and Loopback, RxJS, Angular JS, Angular 1.x/2/4/5/6/7/8 in developing dynamic and responsive web pages.
  • Good experience in Client-Side Scripting like JavaScript, ES 6 to build highly interactive and responsive web pages.
  • Proficient in ReactJS which is JavaScript library used for building reusable UI components.
  • Good knowledge in implementing ReactJS and working with Redux and Flux architecture
  • Expertise in implementing MVVM architecture on client side using Angular 2.x, Angular 4.x, Angular 5.x with typescript 2.7.
  • Used log4j which is a reliable, fast, and flexible logging framework (APIs) implemented in Java, which is distributed under the Apache Software License.
  • Good Knowledge of Splunk architecture and implemented Splunk Configuration.
  • Hands-on experience in core AWS(Amazon Web Services) services like (S3,EC2,ELB,EBS,Route53,VPC,Auto scaling etc.) and deployment service (Elastic Beanstalk, DevOps Works and cloud Formation) and security practices(IAM, cloud Watch and Cloud trail).
  • Highly skilled in using various control software such as SV, GIT, BIT Bucket for maintaining code repositories.
  • Excellent experience with Relational databases like MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2 and No SQL databases like Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase etc.
  • Experience in configuration and setting up Microsoft Azure Hybrid connection to pull data from SAP system. Proficient in creating solutions Architecture based upon Microsoft Azure PaaS service.
  • Good knowledge on Docker components like Docker Engine, Hub, Machine, Compose and Docker Registry.
  • Deployed the Zero Down Deployment using Kubernetes orchestration service application. Automated the deployment process by integration code repository using build pipeline Jenkins, Bamboo and GoCD for continuous deployment.
  • Experience with CI/CD environment and related tools like Jenkins, Sonar Qube, ICinga and JMeter.
  • Expertise experience in Deploying and configuration Application & web Servers such as JBoss and Apache Tomcat.
  • Experience in developing Apache Kafka as a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system and robust queue that can handle a high-volume data and messaging queue services like JMS, Rabbit MQ.
  • Good knowledge in working with Java based testing frameworks like JUnit, Selenium, Cucumber.
  • Expertise in writing test cases and test plans using Mockito and JUnit Power Mock.
  • Good command in writing TDD (Test Driven Development) by using test cases such as JUnit, Jasmine and Karma for performing end to end Integration and Unit testing.
  • Hands-on experience with Agile Methodology and SCRUM meetings.


Programming Languages: C, C++, C#, Java, SQL, PL/SQL

J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JDBC, JSP, JPA, JSF, JMS, EJB, JNDI, Java Security

Frameworks: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, ANT, Maven, AngularJS, NodeJS, BackboneJS, Spring MVC, Hibernate, iBatis.

Web Services: SOAP, Restful, UDDI, WSDL, Swagger, Micro Services

Web & UI Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap, jQuery, Angular 1.x/2/4/5/6/7/8, React JS with Flux, Redux, Back Bone JS, Handlebar JS, NodeJS, Express JS

Application/Web Servers: Apache Tomcat Server, BEA Web Logic, IBM Web Sphere, JBOSS, Oracle Web Logic

Testing Tools: Junit, TestNG, Mockito, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Spock, Protractor

Cloud Technologies & DevOps Tools: AWS, PCF, EC2, EBS, S3, Docker, ECS, EBS, EKS, SQS , RDS, S3, Glacier, Lambda, Kubernetes

Vision Control Tools: GIT, SVN, CVS, Bitbucket, TFS

IDE’ Confidential: Eclipse, Visual Studio, IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite, Sublime Text, WinSCP, Putty



Java Full Stack Developer


  • Designed and developed various modules of the application with J2EE design architecture, frameworks like Spring MVC architecture, developed reusable components and Services using Angular 8.
  • Used NPM for installing required node modules and other published Angular NPM modules. Worked Extensively with Angular CLI for creating components, Services, pipes, Directives.
  • Created and enhanced websites for clients by using some of the latest technologies, including JavaScript, CSS using SaaS, HTML 5.
  • Used RX Js observables for handling various asynchronous operations
  • Managed the Angular state using RX JS powered state management solution NG RX.
  • Designed and Developed independent Microservices using Spring Boot Rest Controller model and are deployed on UNIX boxes.
  • Worked with Microservice architecture using Spring Boot to modularized code and implemented
  • Developed RESTful Web services client to consume JSON messages using Spring Boot configuration.
  • Implementation domain base classes providing basic properties using Spring Data.
  • Involved in using Spring Data JPA (Java Persistence API) framework and JPA Specification criteria builder to work with dynamic queries in java.
  • Implemented Java based ORM framework such as Spring data.
  • Provided authentication and authorization by using Spring Security and OAuth 2.0.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API' Confidential using component-based architecture provided by Angular and also Worked extensively on Typescript SPA domains.
  • Used Cloud formation and launch configurations to automate repeatable provisioning of AWS resources for applications.
  • Used Cloud Watch to create cloud watch alarms, used Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) service with the Kubernetes to manage the clusters.
  • Used Amazon ECR (Elastic Cloud Repository) for storing, managing the Docker container images.
  • Wrote test cases in Junit for Unit testing of classes and implemented the logging using log4j.
  • Developed test driven development code using JUnit and Mockito framework.
  • Automated different Unit Test Cases using Jasmine and Karma Testing Frameworks
  • Used Apache Kafka in cluster as messaging system between the APIs and microservices and worked on Splunk search processing language (SPL) queries.
  • Implemented a metrics collection mechanism for the server by utilizing Apache Kafka to stream server-side events. Ran Log aggregations, website Activity tracking and commit log for distributed system using Apache Kafka.
  • Used Spring Security framework for login authentication, password hashing. Worked on Java Message Service (JMS) API for developing Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) layer for handling various asynchronous requests.
  • Used CQRS design pattern for inserting the operations in the database.
  • Implemented Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) using Jenkins.
  • Extensively Used Jenkins as Continuous Integration tools to deploy the Spring Boot Microservices to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) using build pack.
  • Implemented Spring Cloud-Netflix OSS Stack along with using Ribbon for client-side load balancing, Netflix Zuul API Gateway with Eureka service registry for reverse proxy infrastructure and Hystrix Circuit Breaker for fault tolerance.
  • Worked with JAVA 8 features like Collections, Lambda Expressions, Functional Interfaces and Stream API for Bulk Data Operations.
  • Implemented NoSQL database like Cassandra to (store key values), for data analytics which is used as a Database for this project.
  • Maintaining and troubleshooting Cassandra Clusters this includes monitoring and performing troubleshooting as per requirements.

Environment: Angular 8, CSS, SaaS, HTML 5, Angular RX JS observables, Spring Boot, Spring data, OAuth 2.0, Angular 8, Typescript, NG RX Store, J Unit, Mockito, Karma, Jasmine, Apache Kafka, Spring Security, CQRS, Splunk, Jenkins, Micro Services, zuul, Circuit Breaker Hystrix, Eureka Registry, AWS EKS,ECR, Cloud watch, Cassandra, Java 8 - Collections, Lambda Expressions and Streams.


Java Full Stack Developer


  • Design and Developed a Micro Service Oriented application with React JS in the front end and Spring Boot services.
  • Involved in development, design and implementation front end part of the widget-based application using HTML 5, CSS3-LESS, AJAX, Bootstrap 4.0 .
  • Expertise in using React JS/Redux to build User Interface, strong knowledge of state store, middleware, action creator, reducer, and container.
  • Developed user interface by using the React Js, Redux for SPA development and implemented client-side Interface using React Js.
  • Implemented Virtual DOM for Client-Side view rendering services using REACT JS.
  • Responsible for implementing UI mockups, integrating third party react libraries, and handling/creating Redux store data.
  • Worked on various features in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) such as Arrow functions, Classes, and Enhanced object literals.
  • Used Express JS which is fast, assertive, essential, and moderate web framework of Node JS that helps manage a sever and routes.
  • Developed RESTful service interface using Spring Boot to the underlying Agent Services API and also developed some standalone Micro services using Spring Boot micro service architectural patterns.
  • Used Spring Boot which removes boilerplate configuration and makes application faster.
  • Used Spring Boot properties like actuators and health checkers to enhance micro service implementations.
  • Integrated Node.js with Express.js and communicated with database for CRUD operations on the data repository.
  • Developed the web application based on the Node.JS micro services architecture using Express and MongoDB.
  • Implemented the function to send and receive AMQP messages on RabbitMQ synchronously and asynchronously and send JMS message on the edge device.
  • Implemented Redux - Thunk to perform action creators.
  • Handled Http Requests using Axios which supports Promise API functionality native to JS ES6.
  • Worked with Jest JavaScript testing to ensure correctness of JavaScript codebase.
  • Worked with Java concepts - asynchronous programming, multithreading, collections, and a few design patterns.
  • Design and Developed Microservices with Spring Boot for specific tasks and handling the exceptions
  • Used complete annotation driven approach to develop the application using Spring Boot and was involved in setting up the Spring bean profiling.
  • Used configuration file and Node JS at backend to interact with MongoDB using Mongoose connector.
  • Implemented JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for creating tokens to assert claims in the application and thus providing authentication of RESTful services.
  • Implemented transaction management using Spring AOP and used Spring Aspects for implementing logging functionalities.
  • Developed RESTful service interface using Spring Boot to the underlying Agent Services API and Implemented RESTful web services.
  • Used Spring boot to develop REST web services within the application. Developed RESTful Web services to create new subscription/account and updating them for mobile value chain in JSON format and consumed Rest Web services from the browser using React JS.
  • Worked with Babel and Webpack in application build and deployment processes.
  • Worked with OpenShift for Platform as a service with configuration management

Environment: React JS, redux, Es6,Ajax,bootstrap, Spring Boot, Express JS, Node JS, Mongo DB, Rabbit MQ, Redux-Thunk, Axios, JEST (Testing), Java, Spring Boot, Mongoose connector, JWT Token, Spring AOP, Rest Services, Babel, Webpack, OpenShift.

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