Full Stack Developer Resume
Orlando, FloridA
- Working as a Java Consultant, with over 7 years of experience in capturing Business Process Requirements, Design, Development, Testing and Implementation for various client - based applications using Java and J2EE technologies.
- Extensive experience in Front-End UI technologies like HTML4/5, XHTML, DHTML, CSS2/3 (SASS, LESS) , Bootstrap JS, DOM in developing dynamic and responsive web pages.
- Extensively used J avaScript/Typescript, Ajax , and JSON to build highly interactive web pages.
- Strong experience in developing Single Page Application (SPA) using MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular and Node) stack.
- Well experienced in view rendering using jQuery, React JS, Handlebar JS and implementing React JS with Redux and Flux patterns.
- Developed numbers of Typescripts(ES6) objects including Components, ng Modules, Providers, Services, Interfaces and classes utilizing arrow function and optional types.
- Experienced in working with MVVM design flow using client-side JavaScript framework Angular 2.x/4. X/5.0 with NGRX and using Backbone JS, Knockout JS,Ext JS for rapid CRUD front-end app development and to achieve MVC design flow.
- Experience in frameworks like Spring MVC and Struts (MVC architecture, interceptors, action mappings and resource builders).
- Worked with various frameworks in spring such as Spring IOC, AOP,Spring Transaction Management, Spring Data, Spring JDBC, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring REST, Spring JTA, Spring IO, Spring Cloud and Spring Security (spring security, Site Minder).
- Involved in developing a full-fledged REST API server with an open source NoSQL database that uses a document-oriented data model MongoDB and Mongoose connector.
- Proficient in using RDBMS concepts and worked with Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11i, SQL server, and good experience in writing stored procedures, functions and triggers using PL/SQL JDBC, JNDI in WebLogic server.
- Excellent experience with Relational databases like MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 and No SQL Databases like CouchDB and Cassandra.
- Developed and deployed Micro Services based applications using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud .
- Implemented security functionality for various projects using Spring Security and S ite minder (SSO) .
- Professional experience in Log4J for extensible logging, debugging and error tracing.
- Developed projects on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and Micro services Architecture with RESTful services (JAX-RS with Spring Boot, Spring MVC) and implemented SOAP (JAX-WS, Apache CXF, WADL, WSDL, Apache Axis2)
- Solid Experience with Java based ORM frameworks such as Hibernate, Spring Data and Ibatis .
- Proficient in using Spring Data JPA that helped in c reating automatic Data Access Objects ( DAO s) at the compile time.
- Experience with build tools like Ant, Maven, and Gradle for building applications to different environments.
- Extensive hands on experience in setting up CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, Bamboo and GoCD .
- Experience in using DevOps tools like Puppet, Chef and Docker .
- Hands on experience in managing this Docker Container using Kubernetes with zero downtime deployment.
- Used Kubernetes Linux container for deploying and scaling containerized applications.
- Good Knowledge in documentation of REST API’s using Swagger 2 and WADL.
- Proficient in writing unit tests for JavaScript based Applications using Karma, Jasmine , Mocha and Chai testing frameworks.
- Wrote comprehensive test cases and test plans using JUnit, TestNG and Mockito for Java based backend applications.
- Designed and created highly scalable, highly available, fault tolerant, highly secured, distributed infrastructure (IAAS) using AWS EC2 instances, S3, SQS, EBS, ELB, API Gateway, Route 53, Cloud Front, Auto Scaling, Elastic Bean Stalk, IAM,Cloud Watch .
- Worked with spring cloud config, Ribbon, Hystrix and Zell API-Gateway in the spring cloud and Netflix Eureka service to provide weighted load balancing based on several factors like traffic, resource usage, authentication, monitoring services and routing .
- Hands on experience in implementation of Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) services such as Pivotal Application Service, Pivotal Container Service and Pivotal Functional Service.
- Authenticated Users accessing RESTful services using Oath 2.0, OIDC and JWT(Jason Web token)
- Experience in messaging queue services like JMS, IBM MQ, Rabbit MQ, Active MQ and Apache Kafka.
- Extensive experience in Deploying and Configuring Application & Web Servers such as Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Glassand Apache Tomcat .
- Worked with Log Monitoring tools like Splunk and ELK ( Elastic Search, Kibana and L og stash ).
- Proficient in applying design patterns like MVC, Object Orient Design, Singleton, Factory, Session Facade, Service Locator, Visitor, Observer, Decorator, Front Controller, Data Access Object.
- Worked extensively with Java 8, Multithreading, Transaction Management,Exception Handling and Collections achieving features of functional languages thus ensuring the clarity for the other developers.
- Used various version control software such as SVN, GIT, CVS, Big Bucket for maintaining code repositories.
Programming Languages: C, C++, Core Java, Groovy, PHP, R, PL/SQL
Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap, JQuery, AngularJS, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJS, Express JS.
J2EE Technologies & frameworks: Servlets, EJB, JSP, JSF, JDBC, SOAP, WSDL, REST, XML, JAXP, JAXB, JPA, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Batch, b.
Databases: Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11i, DB2, SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 , MYSQL, MongoDB, IMS DB.
Application/Web Servers: Oracle Web logic, IBM Web Sphere, JBoss, Glassfish, Apache Tomcat
Messaging Services: JMS, Active MQ, Rabbit MQ, Kafka
Build & Configuration Tools: Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, PCF, CCP.
Testing Tools: Junit, TestNG, GWT, Mockito, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai.
Version Control Tools: GIT, SVN, CVS, Bit bucket, TFS
Project Management Tools: JIRA, Rally, Microsoft Project
Cloud Technologies: AWS, EC2, EBS, S3, Docker, ECS, ECR, ELB, Auto Scaling, Cloud Front, VPC, IAM, RDS, Glacier, API Gateway, Cloud Watch, PCF.
Monitoring Tools: App Dynamics, Grafana, Splunk Dashboards.
Full Stack Developer
Confidential, Orlando, Florida
- Actively involved in all phases of Software Development LifeCycle( SDLC ) like Analysis, Design, Development, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing. Followed agile methodology in the Scrum Cycle model.
- I developed many Application Program Interfaces (APIs) using the Java1.8 as a language and Spring as a Framework. Worked with Micro service architecture using Spring Boot to modularized code and implemented Rest APIs using Spring Rest and integrated Swagger API for documentation.
- Used Redux Framework architecture ( Reducers, Containers, Saga ) for integrating the data with React-Native application and created and used reducers that received actions to modify store state tree.
- Involved in responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served to desktop, tablets and mobile users using React.js and Redux.
- Implemented ReactJS code to handle cross browser compatibility season Mozilla, IE 7,8,9.
- Developed the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Draggable.
- Extensively worked with APIGEE policies of traffic Management, Security and Mediations.
- Experience with working in the environment of Data Security and authentication using APIGEE Security policies .
- Implemented the security APIs with access token along with Apikey for external consumers.
- Involved in the implementation of JWTToken which is used across the enterprise for the authentication and authorization of the users who can access the program.
- Developed the Orchestration flow to call different Back end services and mashup the responses from various backend services.
- Implemented the parallel call APIs to avoid performance issues.
- Configured Docker container service and build pipeline Jenkins CI/CD tool for continuous integrating and deploying application on servers.
- Deployed our Application on Pivotal Cloud Foundry which is used to reduce the development overhead by providing a ready to use platform.
- Performed configuration, deployment and support of cloud services including Amazon Web Services (AWS). Launch various AWS EC2 instance to deploy the application.
- Performed queuing services for the cloud data processing for certain tasks like file upload, data processing, notice to the On-Premise application using the AWS service SQS (AWS Queuing System).
- Used Kubernetes as a portable, extensible open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation.
- Deployed and Monitored Micro Services Using Spring Cloud Foundry, managed domains and Routes with the Spring Cloud Service Registry,Netflix OSS (Spring Cloud).
- Used Apache Kafka in cluster as messaging system between the APIs and micro services and worked on Splunk search processing language (SPL) queries, reports, dashboard and logging using Log4J.
- Implemented Relational Data Base like Oracle and PL/SQL store procedures
- Implemented NoSQL database like Cassandra to (store key values), for data analytics which is used as a Database for project.
- For back end testing we used Junit and Mockito for unit testing and embedded databases like HSQL and function testing we use Spring MVC mock.
- Implemented unit test cases using Karma and Jasmine on client side.
Environment: React JS, Java 1.8, Typescript, Java, J2EE, XML, Hibernate, SQL,PL/SQL, Spring, Oracle10g, XMI, CSS, Log4j, Subversion, JQuery, Angular JS, JBoss Application Server, Maven, Eclipse, RALLY, UNIX, Cassandra 3.0, AWS, S3, EC2, ECS, ECR, IAM, EBS, JUnit, TestNG.
Full Stack Developer
Confidential, Towson, Maryland
- Involved in total Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development.
- Designed and Implemented SPA (single page application) using Angular4Module, Component, Template, Metadata, Data Binding, Directives and Dependency Injection.
- Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using component-based architecture provided by Angular4. Creating generic service which have sync capability and details description about observables.
- Optimized the performance of application using Angular 4 Lazy Loading and ahead of time compilation.
- To allow fully encapsulate custom elements, created custom elements, HTML imports and Shadow Dom using Angular 4 and implemented Angular Router to enable navigation from one view to the next as user performs application task.
- Used @ngrx/store container to manage the application state and Reducers/Actions to manipulate the state and @ngrx/effects to load blogs to store in Angular 4.
- Created and consumed RESTful API using Express.js to provide centralized logic and reusable data retrieval build on top ofNode.js.
- Implemented Node.js router to make cross-domain requests to API services like GitHub API, MongoDB.
- Used Node.js to run Grunt tasks and compile, minify, concert and build the project properly.
- Used a Micro service architecture, designed and developed RESTFUL web services using Spring Boot and Apache CXF framework.
- Deployed Spring Boot based micro services Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services.
- Experience in integrating the internal security model into new projects with Spring Batch, Spring Micro Services and Spring Boot, Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Netflix Eureka.
- Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) for promoting code in various Environments.
- Used continuous build using Jenkins and supported the Application for production deployment and post-production.
- Involved in integrating API with Amazon EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute) cloud-based architecture in AWS, also in deploying scripts and creating machine images (AMI). Implemented cloud automation using AWS Cloud Formation Templates, Chef, and Puppet.
- Implemented OAuth 2.0, Basic AUTH and API Key policies for API Security.
- Designed, developed and maintained Postgres SQL Database architecture.
- Developed back end interfaces using SQL packages, stored procedures, functions, anonymous SQL programs, Exception Handling in PL/SQL programs.
- Developed unit test cases using JUnit and Mockito.
Environment: : Angular 4, Express.js, Node.js, Docker, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Mongo DB 3.2, Mongoose Connector, Junit, Mockito and Gulp, Apache Kafka, Log4j, MAVEN 3.0, Cucumber, Selenium Web Driver, Web pack 3.0.
Associate Java Developer
- Developed application based on SOA by integrating the Spring MVC application managed beans with JSF-Prime Faces view for building the application.
- Build web application using JSF Prime Faces by assembling reusable UI components in a page and wiring the client generated events to server-side event handlers.
- Developed reusable components using JSF Prime Faces through XML file view templates.
- Extensively used Java server Faces (JSF) Navigation rules and JSF tags for enhanced user Interface.
- Injected the JSF Managed beans using Spring-managed beans by extending the Spring Bean Auto Wiring support to achieve the Dependency Injection.
- Used Spring Bean Faces Resolver i.e., Spring Resolver to integrate the Spring MVC application with the JSF pages.
- Managed Beans for handling JSF pages and include logic for processing of the data on the page.
- Used Spring JPA to perform CRUD Operations and persist the data to the database.
- Developed the code for asynchronous update to web page using JavaScript and Ajax.
- Used XSL, XSLT pre-processors to transform, navigate and format XML documents.
- Used Connection Pooling to get JDBC connection and access database procedures.
- Extensive use of Collection Framework features like Map, Object, List to retrieve the data from Web Service, manipulate the data to in corporate Business Logic and save the data to Oracle database.
- Implemented Drools Business Logic Integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing.
- Integration testing methods and Behavioral driven testing in the application are implemented by using Selenium and Cucumber respectively.
- Implemented Enterprise Integration Pattern (EIP) using Apache Camel and used Spring IOC as its framework.
- Used Multithreading to simultaneously process tables as and when a specific user data is completed in one table.
- Wrote various SQL, PL/SQL queries and stored procedures for data retrieval.
- Wrote UNIX Shell scripts and used UNIX environment to deploy the EAR and read the logsand JavaScript was used for the client-side validations.
- Involved in code reviews, test case reviews and bug fixing using Jira tracking systems. Providing support and guidance for Production and Implementation Issues.
Environment: Struts 2.2, Spring 3.1, Spring IOC, Maven, Spring MVC, iBatis, SQL, IBM Web Sphere, Web Sphere Message Broker, Web Sphere Message Queue, Linux, Drools, Multithreading and Log4j.