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Sr. Java/j2ee Full Stack Developer Resume

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Phoenix, AZ


  • Over 6+ years of strong software experience in design, development and deployment of web - based Client-Server business applications using OOP, Java/J2EE technologies.
  • Extensive work experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle including Requirement gathering, Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Implementation in Agile.
  • Strong knowledge in core Java concepts like collections, multithreading, design patterns, serialization.
  • SCJP and Oracle DBA-1 certified with hands on experience in Enterprise J2EE applications and RESTful Web Services including AWS JBoss AS admin and deployment, Swing GUI, JUnit, JSP, JMX, Servlets, Portlets, XML, JSON, Maven, Oracle, PostGres, Neo4J, MS SQL and frameworks like Spring IOC, MVC integration and Transaction Management- adhering to Agile JIRA, XP paradigms, Subversion SVN .
  • Experience in design and development of various web and enterprise-level applications using Java/J2EE technologies such as Spring, Hibernate, EJB, Structs framework, JDBC, Servlets 3.x.
  • Strong experience in Spring Framework modules such as Spring MVC, IOC, AOP, JDBC, JTA, IO, Spring Dashboard, Spring Batch, Spring Micro services, Spring REST.
  • Experience in java8 features like lambda Expressions, Stream API, predicate functional interface etc.
  • Experience on working in Cloud Services of GCP and AWS.
  • Extensive experience with Relational and NoSQL databases such as Oracle and Neo4J and good Confidential writing SQL & PL/SQL scripts, packages, procedures, functions etc.
  • Experienced in Web based UI frameworks such as JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, AngularJS, Angular2, Angular 4 and ReactJS
  • Good knowledge in Angular 2.0directives to create reusable elements and attributes, along with easy to test and maintain client-side interactivity in web applications.
  • Extensive experience in developing scalable, reliable, and efficient enterprise applications using Java, Spring, swings, Struts, Web Services, RESTful, JSF, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JMS, XML, JAXB, PL/SQL, Unix scripting.
  • Experienced in Middleware persistence framework like Hibernate/JPA for mapping Java classes with database and using Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
  • Experience in implementing n-tier Enterprise application with J2EE design patterns like IOC, AOP, MVC, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Session Façade, DTO, DAO, Front Controller, Factory and Singleton.
  • Experience in cloud services using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Experienced in working with Spring JDBC Templates, JMS Templates and Spring Rest Templates.
  • Experienced in writing complex SQL queries, procedures, Triggers and Stored Procedures in various databases such as Oracle, DB2, Postgres and MySQL.
  • Proficient in implementation of ORM and Non-ORM frameworks like Hibernate, JDBC.
  • Experience in database modeling, design and development of PL/SQL stored procedures, packages in relational databases Oracle 9i / 10g / 11g, SQL Server 2005/2008, DB2, PostgreSQL and MySQL.
  • Strong experience with MongoDB development (reports, schema design, map reduce functions) and migrations from SQL relational databases to NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra and CouchDB.
  • In-depth knowledge of Bamboo and Jenkins Continuous Integration Server - Installation, Configuration, Design and Administration, and integrating these tools with other systems.
  • Expertise with employment of Spring Kafka and Zookeeper apart from JMS as messaging service.
  • Experience in working with web servers like Tomcat 8, WebSphere 9.x, Jetty, JBoss7.1.0 and WebLogic 10.0.
  • Experience providing training to development teams on how to track, plan and analyse using JIRA.
  • Experienced in Development, Testing and Deployment of enterprise applications on Windows, Linux and UNIX platforms using IDE's such as Eclipse, STS, RAD, Net Beans, IntelliJ14.x/15.x.
  • Developed the UI using AngularJs(Single page application) and Swagger.
  • Experience in creating Docker images, Containers, push/pull and integrating with Spring Boot.
  • Developed permission system using Drools business rules management system.
  • Expertise writing the Test Cases to be automated and performed functional testing of the front end using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver) & created Data Driven framework using Junit, Mockito, Easy Mock.
  • Experience working on several Docker components like Docker Engine, Hub, Machine, creating Docker images, Compose, Docker Registry and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations.
  • Knowledge on Build tool Jenkins with configuring check styles, Test coverage.
  • Hands on experience with build tools like Maven, Gradle and logging tools like Log4J.
  • Experience in software configuration management using GIT, CVS, SVN, Bitbucket.
  • Worked on REST to gRPC migration for REST calls.


Languages: Java 1.8, J2EE, Scala 2.12.1, Python 3.6.0, Drools, SQL, PL/SQL

Web Technologies: SERVLETS 3.1, JSP 3.0, JavaBeans 3.0, Java Servlet API 3.0

Frameworks: Spring 4.3, Hibernate 4.3, Angular JS 1.0/1.5/2.0, Spring Security 3.2, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Struts, Servlets, Java Swing, Applet s, Drop Wizard

Application/Web servers: Apache Tomcat 8, IBM WebSphere 8.x/9.x, Jetty, Jenkins 2.50, WebSphere MQ 7.5, Jetty, JBOSS

Relational Databases: Oracle 10g/11g, SQL server 2012/2014/2016 , MySQL 5.7, DB2 11.1, PostgreSQL

NoSQL Databases: MongoDB

Internet Technologies: HTML 5, JavaScript 1.8, XML 2.0, CSS 3 and CSS 4, jQuery 2.11, Angular JS 2.0, Node JS 6.0.

IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans 8.0.2, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3

Operating system: Windows 10, Linux Mint 18.1, Unix,MacOS

Bug tracking Tools: JUNIT4.12, JIRA 7.0, Bugzilla 4.4.12

Methodologies: Agile, waterfall, TDD (Test-Driven-Development), Scrum

DeveloperIDE Platforms: Eclipse, Edit plus, Notepad ++, TEXT PAD, JBuilder, Net Beans 8.0.2, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3, GITHUB 2.12.0

Build Tools: Ant 1.10, Maven 3.3.9, Gradle 3.4.1, Jenkins

Web Services: SOAP, REST, Jersey, XML, XSD .gRPC


Confidential - Phoenix AZ

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in analysis, design, and implementation and testing phases of SDLC through Agile Methodology.
  • Strong Experience with core java technologies like Multi-Threading, Synchronization & Exception Handling.
  • Java8 Stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections using both streams and parallel streams.
  • Heavily used Spring Inheritance, Auto-wiring, Core Container, Security, AOP, ORM modules as part of migration from EJB to spring, for scheduling tasks to generate reports and emails to clients.
  • Developed Spring Restful/Micro services and implemented Ribbon as part of Services Discovery using Apache Axis.
  • Developed Linux Shell scripts and Cron to perform refresh of Neo4j database from Oracle database
  • Developed Micro services to retrieve API routes for the entire cluster. Using this strategy each micro service in a cluster can be load balanced and exposed through one API gateway.
  • Developed the Spring Features like Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring Integration, Spring IOC, Spring AOP.
  • Developed Mongo DB Data Access Layer implementing Mongo Repository interface from Spring Data.
  • Design and development of Microservices in Java and NodeJS and implement them as Lambda. Usage of API gateway and AWS Dynamo DB.
  • Used Hibernate, object/relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational data model with SQL-based schema.
  • Implemented the associated business modules integration using spring and Hibernate data mapping.
  • Implemented Object-relation mapping using Hibernate framework to fetch the data from Oracle 12c database.
  • Configuring code coverage and build validation using SonarQube, SonarLint and Google Cloud (GCP)
  • Spring Boot Microservices were developed with microservice architecture using REST and Apache Kafka.
  • Implemented swagger in project for api design, build, document, and consume RESTful Web services.
  • Developed several REST web services which produces both XML and JSON to perform tasks, leveraged by both web and mobile applications.
  • Developed the Application using design patterns-Singleton, Factory, DAO, DTO prototype and Composite View.
  • Developed REST API to query Neo4j database using Neo4j Cypher Query Language, Neo4j OGM Java API, Spring boot and Swagger
  • Used spring and Hibernate for implementing IOC, AOP and ORM for back end tiers.
  • Used Apache Maven as the software build tool and Log4J for logging errors and messages.
  • Created automation test scripts using Selenium Web-Driver for multiple platforms and browsers testing.
  • Used Jenkins and pipelines to drive all micro services builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes.
  • Used Jenkins as a build tool for CI/CD (Continuous Integration and continuous deployment) process.
  • Used Drools Engine for writing Business Validation rules.
  • Using GIT for Source Control and Version Management.
  • Migrated REST calls to gRPC calls.

Environment: JAVA 8, GCP, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Drop Wizard Framework, Angular2, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JSON, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Oracle 12c, IntelliJ IDEA, JUNIT 4.4, RESTful web services, Drools, Docker, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Apache Kafka, Selenium, Jenkins, Cucumber, gRPC.

Confidential - Bothell WA

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in analysis, design, and implementation and testing phases of SDLC through Agile Methodology.
  • Good working experience in web Designs which includes HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, XML.
  • Developed Applications using Angular 2, Java 8 and new features of java Lambda Expressions, Annotations.
  • Designed and develop a custom, single-page, responsive Web Application on front end using Angular 2.
  • Developed backend web services using Node JS and stored dependencies using NPM.
  • Developed UI components using Angular 2 dependency Injection, Models, data binding and controllers.
  • Strong Experience with core java technologies like Multi-Threading, Synchronization & Exception Handling.
  • Java8 Stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections using both streams and parallel streams.
  • Heavily used Spring Inheritance, Auto-wiring, Core Container, Security, AOP, ORM modules as part of migration from EJB to spring, Spring Quartz for scheduling tasks to generate reports and emails to clients.
  • Developed Spring Restful/Micro services as part of Services Discovery using Apache Axis.
  • Developed Micro services to retrieve API routes for the entire cluster. Using this strategy each micro service in a cluster can be load balanced and exposed through one API gateway.
  • Developed the Spring Features like Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring Integration, Spring IOC, Spring AOP.
  • Secured API's by implementing OAuth 2.0 token-based authentication/authorization using Spring Security.
  • Developed Mongo DB Data Access Layer implementing Mongo Repository interface from Spring Data.
  • Used Hibernate, object/relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational data model with SQL-based schema.
  • Implemented the associated business modules integration using spring and Hibernate data mapping.
  • Implemented Object-relation mapping using Hibernate framework to fetch the data from Oracle 12c database.
  • Extensively worked on Entity beans in the persistence layer, interaction with Oracle DB.
  • Used Drools to handle complex business rules using Rule Sets and Rule Flows.
  • Spring Boot Microservices were developed with microservice architecture using REST and Apache Kafka.
  • Implemented swagger in project for api design, build, document, and consume RESTful Web services.
  • Implemented Microservices for distributing different responsibilities of the system into different services for enhancing cohesion and for reduce coupling. Load balancing among servers implemented by using Spring Ribbon.
  • Developed several REST web services which produces both XML and JSON to perform tasks, leveraged by both web and mobile applications.
  • Developed the Application using design patterns-Singleton, Factory, DAO, DTO prototype and Composite View.
  • Used spring and Hibernate for implementing IOC, AOP and ORM for back end tiers.
  • Worked on creation of custom Docker container images, tagging, pushing images, integration of Spring boot.
  • Created the Docker containers and Docker consoles for managing the application life cycle.
  • Used Apache Maven as the software build tool and Log4J for logging errors and messages.
  • Created automation test scripts using Selenium Web-Driver for multiple platforms and browsers testing.
  • Used Jenkins and pipelines to drive all micro services builds out to the Docker registry
  • Provisioned load balancer, auto-scaling group and launch configuration for microservice using Ansible.
  • Used Jenkins as a build tool for CI/CD (Continuous Integration and continuous deployment) process.
  • Used Drools Engine for writing Business Validation rules.
  • Using GIT for Source Control and Version Management.
  • Migrated REST calls to gRPC calls.

Environment: JAVA 8, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Angular2, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JSON, Boo Hibernate, Mongo DB, Oracle 12c, IntelliJ IDEA, JUNIT 4.4, RESTful web services, Scala, AWS, Drools, Docker, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, OAuth 2.0, Apache Kafka, Selenium Jenkins, gRPC.


Sr. Java Full Stack Developer


  • Successfully completed the Design and Development of project modules. Interacted with end users to gather, analyze, and implemented business logic using Agile Scrum Software Development methodology.
  • Analysis, design and development of Application based on J2EE using Spring and Hibernate.
  • Developed User Interface application modules using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, AngularJS, JSON, and AJAX.
  • Developed Web Application using Client Script design technologies like jQuery as well as HTML5, CSS3, XML and used Bootstrap for creating Responsive Web Pages.
  • Developed Application to asses JSON and XML from RESTful web service from consumer side using Angular.JS
  • Extensively used/modified JQUERY to perform AJAX calls for creating interactive web pages on JSON response.
  • Ability to work in new technologies as per project needs. Learned and worked in ExtJS, Highcharts, Azure and AWS Cloud, Hadoop, SSRS, Websphere Commerce Server, Adobe Flex 3.5 and Informatica.
  • Proficient in NoSQL DB such as Apache Cassandra DB, MongoDB, Neo4j and Couch DB .
  • Used JavaScript, jQuery for user interactions in pages.
  • Creating a responsive web application integrating Bootstrap with AngularJS and media queries.
  • Responsible for creating web and website based applications using JavaScript, Node JS .
  • Implemented Angular JS and Node JS to create some dynamically changing websites.
  • Configuring the job in Jenkins to automate the process of running the node JS test cases.
  • Report generation in MongoDB using JavaScript, shell scripting, java.
  • Used various jQuery and Bootstrap plug-in like date picker, Bootstrap selectors.
  • RESTful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation.
  • Worked with modules like mongoose for database persistence using Node.js to interact with MongoDB.
  • Used Mongoose Connector to connect to MongoDB through Express framework.
  • Developed UI components using Angular JS dependency Injection, Models, data binding and controllers.
  • Used XStreamAPI to transfer data back and forth between Spring MVC and Angular JS.
  • Involved in developing a Single-Page Application pages using AngularJS, REST Services.
  • Used GitHub repository to run the Jenkins job for Continues Integration.
  • Used DAO pattern to fetch data from database using Hibernate to carry out various database.
  • Used DevOps to refer to emphasize the collaboration and communication of both software developers and IT professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.
  • Restful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation.
  • Worked on Initial Spring and Maven Configuration set for the Project Spring - Maven Framework.
  • Created Spring Boot applications testing suite using Spring Junit plug-in and Mockito framework.
  • To work on test and end-to-end environment servers, used LINUX commands to see the application Logs.
  • Extensively Used Jenkins as Continuous Integration tool to deploy Spring Boot Microservices to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) using build pack. Used Pivotal Cloud Foundry to quickly build, deploy & update the applications. Worked on Pivotal Cloud Foundry to host Cloud based Applications.
  • Used Pivotal Cloud Foundry to role-based access controls, applying and enforcing roles and permissions to ensure that users can only view and affect the spaces for which they have been granted access.
  • Develop the micro-service in spring cloud framework to support Next generation cloud framework.
  • Developed modules with spring, XML and deployed them on JBoss Application Server.
  • JUnits for extensive functional and unit testing code. Wrote AngularJS services to consume Restful web service to load data.
  • Worked with high volume and complex PL/SQL stored procedures and packages using TOAD.
  • Have been working on Query optimization, functions and Stored Procedures and other database objects and Worked on Oracle 11g.
  • Used DAO pattern to fetch data from database using Hibernate to carry out various database specific operations and avoided redundant database access statements and thus achieved decoupling and flexibility.
  • Developed test cases and performed unit testing using Karma, Jasmine and JUNIT Test cases.
  • Developed multiple unit and integrations tests using Mockito, Easy Mock.
  • Used version control repository SVN (Subversion by apache) and JIRA for issue tracking.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JDK 1.6,HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, XML, AngularJS, Node JS, Spring 4.x, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Multi-Threading, Hibernate 4.x, JBOSS 4.0, My SQL, Shell Scripting, Restful Services, Swings, Jenkins, Spring Pivotal Cloud Foundary, Docker, SVN, JUnit, Karma, Jasmine, Mockito, Eclipse, JIRA 5.x, Oracle 11g, Mongo DB.

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