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Sr. Ja Developer Resume

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  • Over 16 years of experience in design, development, testing of Object Oriented and Internet applications in various domains like telecom, financial, insurance and travel.
  • Expertise in developing web based and standalone applications using Java (Free Marker, JSP, Servlets, Angular JS, Swing, Struts, Java - API, EJB, Java Mail, JMS, Web services), VB, ASP, Java Script, HTML.
  • Experience in full System Development Life Cycle
  • Expertise in designing and implementing frameworks such as Struts 1.2 /2, spring, Spring Web-flow, MVC Architecture.
  • Hands on Experience in product/project deployment in Application servers such as RAD6.0, Websphere 5.1, WebLogic 7.0, Tomcat 6.0.
  • Experience with DB2, Oracle9i/10g, MS SQL Server 2000 and My-SQL Databases.
  • Strong Knowledge in Object Oriented Analysis, Design & Programming (OOAD, OOP), Design Patterns.
  • Experience in using Open Source frameworks like Junit, JTest, Mockito, Log4J, ANT, Hibernate, JDBC, Applets, Swing, JNDI and iBatis Framework.
  • Experience in Configuration Management and Version Control tools like Visual Source Safe, Perforce, Subversion 1.4 and Concurrent Versions System (CVS).
  • Experience in AS/400 environment.
  • Extensive expertise in requirements gathering and analysis, documentation, and translation in technical specifications.
  • Experience in using Jprobe.
  • Experience in Agile Software Development process.
  • Experience in Production support and Debugging of live applications.
  • Excellent Problem Solving, Analytical, Communication, Interpersonal and leadership skills.


O/S: Linux 8.0/ 9.0, UNIX, Windows 95/ 98/ NT/ 2000/ XP, AS/ 400

Languages: JAVA,RPG/400, CL/400, COBOL/400, VB, UML.

Web Technologies: AngularJS, Servlets, JSP, Struts 1.2/2, Spring, Spring Webflow 2.0.7, JSTL, Node js, Hibernate, iBatis, Java Beans, EJB, AJAX,JQuery,DHTML, JAXP,JAX-RPC, XML, XSD, XSLT, Web Services, ASP,Java Scrip.

App Servers: Web sphere 6.0/ 5.1, Web logic 8.1, JBoss 3.2.2, Tomcat 6.0IDEEclipse 3.3.1, RAD 6.0, WSAD 5.1, Net Beans 5.5


Tools: Dream viewer, Adobe Flex, Editplus, Jprobe, JTest, Junit, Mercuri Quality center, PMD, PVCS, PVCS Tracker Bugzilla, VSS, CVS, Subversion, TOAD 8.0, ANT


Confidential, VA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Worked in Agile development environment and used Jira to update day-to day status.
  • Worked in a fast pace continuous integration process with 21 days’ iteration period
  • Involved in planning process of iterations under the Agile Scrum methodology
  • Involved in creatingand enhancing UI pages using JSP, JQuery
  • Involved in creating and sending notifications through email, alerts and secure message.
  • Build REST web service by building Spring Restful Services in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front-end calls.
  • Integrated the server modules with RESTful Web Services
  • Developing application using various Java/J2EE design patterns to improve usability and flexibility.
  • Worked in NSP admin, Frequent Port modules
  • Used Junit and Mockito for unit testing.
  • Wrote service level unit tests using Junit and Mockito
  • Wrote junits for all layers
  • Developed custom exception classes for exception handling in service layer.
  • Used Restful web services using Jackson and Json for API development
  • Used Spring frame work to develop application modules
  • Used Hibernatein persistence layer
  • Used SOAP UI for testing SOAP and Restful Services.
  • Generatedxsl report using for analytics.
  • Used Spring Security for Authentication and Authorization using LDAP. Used Maven for building project and configured to add dependencies to existing projects.
  • Build and deployed using Git and Jenkins.

Environment: Java1.8, Jsp, jQuery, Servlets, Hibernate 4, Oracle 10g, Spring 4, Agile Methodology(Jira), Maven, GitHub, Jenkins, Restful web services, Json, xml, UNIX, Mockito, Junit 4, Tomcat 7, Oracle SQL Developer.

Confidential, VA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Worked in Agile development environment and used Rally to update day-to day status.
  • Worked in a fast pace continuous integration process with 15 days’ iteration period
  • Involved in planning process of iterations under the Agile Scrum methodology
  • Worked in Terms admin, Agreement attachments modules
  • Followed the test-driven development (TDD)using the JUNIT and Mockito framework.
  • Used Cobertura for code coverage report
  • Wrote service level unit tests using Mockito
  • Wrote junits for all layers
  • Used Restful web services using Jackson and Json for API development
  • Used Angularjs for UI development
  • Developed UI controllers, Services with Angular JS
  • Developed custom directives and custom filters with Angular JS
  • Developed UI unit tests with Karma and Jasmine
  • Used Selenium and Cucumber for automation
  • Used Spring frame work to develop application modules
  • Used Crucible for code review
  • Used Hibernate(JPA) in persistence layer
  • Memory profiling with Dynatrace monitor heap memory consumption, checking for memory leaks, time duration for service calls etc
  • Integrated with static code review tools PMD, checkstyle, findbugs
  • Used Sonar analysis for code standards and code coverage.

Environment: Java1.7, AngularJS, NodeJS, Servlets, HTML5, bootstrap, css3, STS 3.2, Hibernate 4, Oracle 10g, Spring 4, Agile Methodology(Rally), Crucible, Jenkins, Selenium, Cucumber, Karma, Jasmine, Restful web services, Json, xml, UNIX, Mockito, Junit 4, Tomcat 6, Toad.

Confidential, CA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Worked in Agile development environment and used Jira to update day-to day status.
  • Worked in a fast pace continuous integration process with 15 days’ iteration period
  • Involved in planning process of iterations under the Agile Scrum methodology
  • Involved in development of Integration of Visa payment process in Gap checkout page.
  • Involved in Development of creating visa promotions setup.
  • Used Restful web services using JERSEY and Json for API development.
  • Developed REST APIs for exposing PPC application
  • Enhanced the checkout page using jQery.
  • Implement Google address auto complete feature in checkout page.
  • Followed the test-driven development using the JUNIT and Mockito framework.
  • Used Sonar analysis for code standards and also ran test suite using EMMA tool to make sure that 100% code coverage.
  • Used iBatis (ORM Mapping tool) framework to interact with the database to update, retrieve, insert and delete data effectively.

Environment: Java1.6, jsp, Xwork, JSTL, jQuery, Ajax, Servlets, HTML5, css3, My Eclipse 3.2, iBatis, Oracle 10g, Struts, Spring 3.2, Agile Methodology(Jira), Electric commander, Restful web services(Jersey), Jason, xml, UNIX, EclEmma 1.3, Junit, Tomcat 6, Toad.

Confidential, CA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Design developed new features and enhances the existing functionalities in EQDAS using Java, Jsp, EXTJS, JSON and Oracle DB.
  • Involved in Development of Bonus wafers, Retest, Shipment Operations, Archive flows, Wafer layout change, Xlith shipments, Scheduler Admin User interface s along with business logic Using Java, JSP, JSON and Oracle DB.
  • Involved in Development of SAP - MES EQDAS integration project using technologies Java, web services, JSP, JSON and Oracle DB.
  • DevelopedREST APIs for exposing eqdas application.
  • Configured quartz scheduler for pushing data to SAP using JAX-WS Web service.
  • Used JAX-RS to communicate with other pic department servers.
  • Developed build script for auto deployment on different servers based on user selection.
  • Responsible for deploying application on different environments like QA, Prod

Environment: Java1.6, Spring 2.5, Jsp, JSTL, java script, Exits, Servlets, My Eclipse 3.2, Oracle 10g, web services (JAX-WS and JAX-RS), xml, SOAP, Apache Ant, Log4J, Tomcat 6, Toad.

Confidential, CA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Followed Agile software development process
  • Involved in production support and development tasks.
  • Developed new services using Spring and Hibernate as oracle backend DB
  • Used Jmock framework for test driven development (TTD).
  • Used version control system - SVN.

Environment: Java1.5, J2EE1.4, Spring, Hibernate, Servlets, EJB, Eclipse 3.2, Oracle 10g, JMock, Web Logic 10.2, web services, xmlbeans, SOAP, Apache Ant, Log4J, UNIX, Anthill Pro, HP QC, Toad, Introscope.

Confidential, Fairfield, CA

Senior Developer


  • Designed, coded and implemented several Web Service applications that interacted with other Web applications using open standards that include XML and SOAP
  • Assisted the company in their transition to SAP. Designed Web Service applications that would make transactions with SAP.
  • Prepared design document for this application.
  • Responsible for delivering Technical specifications.
  • Developing user interface as well as business logic at the backend using various tools and technologies.
  • Used AJAX with jQuery framework.
  • Developed the presentation layer components using Spring webflow framework, Free marker, HTML and CSS.
  • Implemented Internationalization
  • Used JavaScript extensively for client side validations.
  • Used iBatis in persistence layer.

Environment: Java, Spring webflow 2.0, spring MVC, Axis2, SOAP, SOAP UI, Ajax, Free marker, CSS, jQueryiBatis 2.3, DB2, Resin 3.1, CVS, AS/400, Windows XP

Confidential, Walnut Creek, CA

Sr. Developer


  • Followed Agile software development process.
  • Used Spring MVC and Spring Web flow
  • Lowerfunnel is converted from Spring MVC to Spring Webflow.
  • Involved in Design and implementation.
  • Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate.
  • Implemented WebServices using SOAP and XML over HTTP to interact with various Confidential interfacing systems such as Vision and ETM using Apache HttpClient.
  • Used Spring remoting, xml over http, Axis2, JAX-RPC methods to make webservice calls between various applications like Commerce, Self Service, Advanced reports, ECPD system, Vision and ETM.
  • Used JMS Listeners and Queues on Weblogic 10.3.
  • Used JSP, Tiles, JSTL, Custom Tags, Ajax, HTML and CSS for implementing the layouts and UI pages.
  • Used AJAX with Mootools framework.
  • Responsible for writing unit test cases using JUnit and bug fixing.
  • Used StarTeam, Subversion for code versioning and Maven, ANT for build and deployment.
  • Used JProbe profiling tool to diagnose memory usage, performance and test coverage.
  • MyBusiness Customization is implemented in MBA using Spring MVC framework.
  • MyBusinessAdministration module was developed on Struts Framework.
  • Involved in the integration of Customization with existing Struts MVC My Business Administration application.
  • Deployment and configuration of My Business and My Business Administrator on Weblogic 8.1.

Environment: Core Java 1.5, Spring 2.5.6, Spring Webflow 2.0.7, Struts 1.2, JSP, Tiles, JSTL, Hibernate 3.3.1, WebServices, AJAX, Ant, Weblogic 10.3, Weblogic 8.1, Oracle 10g, JProbe 7.1, Maven, SVN, StarTeam 6.0, JUnit 3.8.2, Eclipse 3.4.2, SQL Navigator 6.1, Mercury Quality Center 9.0, Windows, Solaris.

Confidential, Cincinnati, OH

Lead Developer


  • Involved in the full life cycle of the software design process including, requirements definition, design, interface implementation, unit testing and maintenance.
  • Prepared design documents for various modules in the application.
  • Responsible for the design of initial Base Version that complies Application Architecture and Layered approach.
  • Responsible for delivering Technical specifications.
  • Involved in developing base platform on which various products like Travel Easy, Protection plus and Home plus are developed.
  • Developing user interface as well as business logic at the backend using various tools and technologies.
  • Used Java mailing Service APIs for mailing The Policy documents to the User.
  • Used Adobe Flex in webpage design.
  • Used AJAX Extensively.
  • Developed the presentation layer components using Struts2 framework, JSP, JSTL HTML and CSS.
  • Implemented Internationalization
  • Used xworks2 framework and JavaScript extensively for client side validations.
  • Used iBatis in persistence layer.
  • Developed interfaces with the web database to extract the required data in XML and uploads into the production database with required validations.

Environment: Java2.0, Java Cryptography Extension (JCE), Struts 2.0, spring, AJAX, JSP, JSTL, CSS, Adobe Flex, Adobe PDF Generator, iBatis, XML, Oracle 9i, DB2, WSAD 5.1, BlazeDS, Web Sphere, Windows XP, Unix, AS/400

Confidential, San Antonio, TX

Sr. J2EE Developer


  • Involved in software development including designing, development, enhancement and production support.
  • Developing user interface as well as business logic at the backend using various tools and technologies.
  • Followed Agile software development process.
  • Responsible for review and delivery of work products
  • Developed action classes and used struts/JSTL tag libraries in the JSPs.
  • Used Struts validation framework extensively. Developed JSPs using Struts tag libraries and tiles.
  • Involved in writing Hibernate queries.
  • Used JTest for checking coding standards and code refectory.
  • Involved in J2EE components assembly, build and packaging using Apache Ant Build scripts
  • Developed student assessment reports using XML, XSLT dynamically.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JCE, Struts 1.2, Hibernate, XML, XSLT, JTest, Jprobe, Oracle 9i, Web Sphere Application Server 5.1, IBM RAD, Rational Clear Case, Windows XP, Sun Solaris


Sr. System Analyst


  • KA phase, Estimation & Analysis of Trackers
  • Prepared HLD, LLD s for Application
  • Used Struts framework for developing web pages.
  • Implemented J2EE patterns like, Data Access Object, Session façade.
  • Implemented complex business rules for issuing discounts based on the products selected.
  • Developed entity/session beans for business logic processing. Implemented Session Façade design pattern.
  • Used Web Services to communicate external client applications.

Environment: Java, JSP, Struts 1.2, EJB, WebServices, SOAP, XML, Web logic, Ant, Oracle, IBM Mainframes


Sr. Developer


  • Analysis and Design and coordinated with the Business Analyst to gather requirement.
  • Involved in developing server interface using Swing
  • Involved in developing Standalone Server which communicates between Aztech and Confidential servers.
  • Written shell scripts for starting and stop server.
  • Developed message driven beans for processing request from JMS Queue.
  • Involved in implementing JMS to communicate with other systems
  • Developed Session beans for business logic process.
  • Developed SQL and stored procedures for database operations.
  • Involved in developing data transfer between Aztec and Confidential using JAX RPC and SOAP

Environment: JSP, Java Swing, C++, EJB, Jboss3.2.2, JMS, SOAP, Xml, JAX RPC, Ant, DB2 UDB, Linux 9.0.

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