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Application Systems Engineer Resume

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Des Moines, IowA


  • Over 7+ years of professional experience in analysis, design, implementation and testing of object oriented application in Client/Server environment using Java - J2EE Technologies.
  • Involved in all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Analysis, Design, Development, Integration and Implementation.
  • 6+ years of experience in various Agile, Waterfall & Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodologies.
  • Collaborating with team members, architects, Business Analyst and Product owner, currently working with Backend team.
  • Independent contributor with Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills, Worked on Security and PII compliance.
  • Strong experience in working with Core Java applications involving Collections, Multithreading, networking and Exception Handling.
  • Design and implementation of RESTful Web services with HATEOS principle, Develop new web servers like Farmers Roadmap.
  • Expertise in developing MVC pattern-based application with Struts 2, Spring MVC and Servlets.
  • Hands on experience in developing front end applications and webpages using HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, GWT (Google Web Toolkit), bootstrap and JS libraries.
  • Experienced in OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design), Class modeling and UML diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Worked with WebSphere, WebLogic application servers and Tomcat, JBoss web servers.
  • Experience in various web-based applications using J2EE 6/7, Java-Servlets3.0/3.1, JDBC, Node JS, JSON, SOAP.
  • Expertise in developing the presentation layer components using Angular JS, JSP 2.3, Servlets 3/3.1, Ajax, JavaScript, XML, HTML 5 and DHTML.
  • Extensive development experience with Spring core, DAO, JDBC, security and AOP modules.
  • Good experience in CI/CD, Jenkins and Unix.
  • Experience in scripting languages like Python, JavaScript. Experience in Git, GitHub flow and good knowledge on Instances EC2 AWS.
  • Solid experience inrelational databases likeIBM DB2, Oracle, SQL Server & MySQLusingSQL.
  • Sound exposure onXML technologieslikeDOM, SAX, XML Schema, XSL, XSLT, XPath, DTD, XSD, JAXBfor data exchange and presentation.
  • Experience in visual modeling and component construction of enterprise-level software applications usingRational Rose and UML.
  • Good knowledge and understanding on Mongo DB, No SQL.
  • Exposed various capabilities as Web Services using REST, SOAP.
  • Familiar with industries Best known Methods, monitoring team and driving process improvement.
  • Good knowledge on Micro Services, Maven.
  • Extensive experience in design, development and implementation ofJavaandXMLbased applications for healthcare.
  • Strong knowledge on data schemes, databases and on cloud services like SaaS, PaaS and MBaaS.
  • Used HL7 interfaceis a frequently used phrase in the healthcare IT marketplace.
  • Expertise in Amplitude solving problems and researching new Technologies. Expert in ability to demonstrate reasons and technical design trade-offs during product development.
  • Excellent client relation skills and the drive to complete tasks TEMPeffectively and efficiently as well as the ability to communicate TEMPeffectively with all levels of management and with the client community.
  • Strong Technical Documentation Skills and ability to learn new technologies quickly.


J2EE Technologies: JDBC, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JSTL, JPA, JSF, JMS, XML and JNDI

Application Servers: Web Sphere, Web logic, Tomcat and Jboss

Tools: /Utilities: Log4j, Ant and Junit

Development IDE(s): Eclipse, Net Beans, IntelliJ and IBM’s RAD

Modeling: OOAD with Rational Rose, ORM and UML

Web Technologies: JSP, Java Script, Ajax, XML, HTML4/5, DHTML, SOAP and RESTful, Python, NodeJS.

Frameworks: MVC, Apache Struts, Hibernate, Spring, jQuery, Bootstrap and AngularJS

Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, AWS, MS Access, MySQL and IBM DB2, Mongo DB, No SQL

Languages: Java, C++, SQL and PL/SQL

Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX and Linux.

Version Control Tools: CVS, Clear Case and Sub Version(SVN)


Confidential, Des Moines, Iowa

Application Systems Engineer


  • Used Angular JS, JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 to develop and interactive Front-End.
  • Added routing and developed factories, worked on root level variables and functions using Angular JS/2/4/5.
  • Developed front end test cases usingJasmine,Using GitHub.
  • Involved in designing and implementing design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, Front Controller, MVC, Data Transfer Objects and Data Access Objects.
  • Involved in configuring the Dispatcher Servlet and ensured that the Dispatcher Servlet (front controller) functioned smoothly to handle all requests from the client.
  • Implemented RESTful service using Spring Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.
  • Used the light weight container of theSpring Frameworkto provide architectural flexibility for Dependency Injection (DI) / inversion of controller (IOC).
  • Turned static methods and classes into spring beans.
  • Changed xml-based application server configurations specifically JMS into bean based.
  • Developed ValueObjects/POJOclasses to hold the values between Data Layer and Business logic layer.
  • Segregated DAOs being used as DTOs to DTOs.
  • Used Hibernate ORM framework with spring framework for creating entities, data persistence and transaction management in DAO.
  • Implemented application specific exception handling and logging framework usingLog4j.
  • Developed unit test cases with JUnit and TestNG by using Mockito and Power Mock Framework.
  • Involved in production support and resolved the production defects.
  • Used AppDynamics to monitor application performance in various environments.
  • Used IBM BPM for task handling during each stage of loan fulfillment process.
  • Used Subversion and Git for activities tracking Version Controlling and Change Management.
  • Used SQL Developer Tool to interact with the Oracle database by executing the queries.
  • Used Splunk to monitor logs from various environments.
  • Used JIRA for issues and project tracking.
  • Used Apache Maven for Build and Deploy Automation.
  • Deployed the application in JBoss Application Server, working on AWS.

Environment: JDK1.8, Angular JS/2/4/5, HTML 5, CSS3, Spring 4.3.2, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, JIRA, SVN 1.6.17, REST,JBOSS 7.0,Eclipse Neon,Maven 3.0.5,Oracle 10g, SQL Developer,Hibernate 5.1.0, Jasmine, IBM BPM, AppDynamics, Mockito, PowerMock, Log4j, Splunk, TestNGand JUnit.

Confidential, Richmond, VA

Web Developer


  • Agile methodology was adopted in the development and used Scrum method of project management.
  • Involved in building interface components.
  • Worked on various EJB message driven beans to handle the service calls as handlers and on Hibernate configuration files for database interaction.
  • Worked with Enterprise Service Development team in handling the Webservices.
  • Created the WSDL and used Apache Axis 2.0 for publishing the WSDL.
  • Used XML Spy for validating the WSDL and XSD's, Used SOAP-UI for testing the Web-Services.
  • Used HL7 Interface Integration improves patient care saving time and money. Custom Integration. Faster Lab Integration.
  • Configured the WebSphere Application Server 7.x.x and deployment descriptor, Used Log4j for logging.
  • Useddatabase methodologies and DB2 for database access.
  • Coordinated with BA group for better understanding of functional requirements analyzed and designed the business requirements to documented and implemented.
  • Responsible for Design and development of Web pages using PHP, HTML, CSS including Ajax controls and XML.
  • Coded Business Logic component using PHP.
  • Developed UIusing JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript validations and XML.
  • Implemented applications in JavaScript, PL/SQL and MYSQL.
  • Worked extensively with the File management and image libraries.
  • Performed Client-side validations using JavaScript.
  • Fixed bugs and provided support services for the application.
  • Tested/Debugged web browser using Firebug.Performed graphical design and web site contract work for small business and working professionals.
  • Met one-on-one with clients in exploring the best possible options for their web presence.
  • Handled duties ranging from creative design to code implementation.

Environment: Java 1.6,J2EE, EJB, Hibernate, SOAP Webservices, Rational Application Developer (RAD) 7.x.x, ClearCase, WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 7.x.x, IBM DB2, XML Technologies, SOAP-UI, XML Spy, Log 4j.

Confidential, San Pedro, CA

Web Developer


  • Developed application service components and configured beans using Spring IoC, creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema.
  • Implemented business logic using Struts action components in the Struts and Hibernate framework.
  • Designed and developed the web-tier using Html, JSP’s, Servlets, Struts and Tiles framework.
  • Implemented JSF framework in the application which is based on MVC design architecture.
  • Developed the application using 3 Tier Architecture me.e. Presentation, Business and Data Integration layers in accordance with the customer/client standards.
  • Implemented WSDL specification in combination with SOAP and XML Schema to provide Web Services.
  • Developed the Web Services Client using SOAP, WSDL description to verify the credit history of the new customer to provide a connection.
  • Worked on the Eclipse SDK framework to develop the Code and Deploy the Application by Integrating to the Tomcat Server.
  • Involved in Deployment of port lets and war files on WebSphere Portal.
  • Used Filenet for Content Management and for streamlining Business Processes.
  • Created Managed Beans for handling JSF pages and include logic for processing of the data on the page.
  • Created service layer for managing transactions and implemented services.
  • Developed Business Objects in the business layer to include the business logic and access methods in the Data Integration Layer.
  • Implemented Hibernate for Database Transactions on DB2.
  • Worked on PL/SQL and created views, triggers, procedures, function and stored procedures.
  • Used Log4j framework to log/track application.
  • Creating and updating existing build scripts using Ant for deployment Tested and implemented/deployed application on WAS 6.1 server.
  • Used Rational Clear Case for Version Control.

Environment: FileNet, IBM RAD 6.0, Java 1.5, JSP, Servlets, JSF, ICE Faces, Hibernate, Web Services- SOAP, WAS 6.1, XML, IBM Websphere 6.1, Rational Clear Case, Log 4j, IBM DB2.

Confidential, Newark, NJ

Web Developer


  • Developed Application based on J2EE using Hibernate, Spring, JSP frameworks and SOAP/REST web services.
  • Used Spring Framework for Dependency Injection and Using annotation-based Spring MVC.
  • Developed complex and critical objects, class and functions using Core Java and Java Beans.
  • Designing and implementing RESTful Enterprise platforms using JVM software (Java).
  • Designed and developed the UI using JSP/JSF, HTML, Bootstrap, Swing, CSS and JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON.
  • Responsible for building single-page-applications(SPA) using AngularJS development framework.
  • Created Node JS middleware application server to encapsulate modern JS widget framework.
  • Used the Node JS and AngularJS MVC Frameworks in the development of the web applications.
  • Experience with Angular 2 in two-way binding.
  • Worked with Angular 4 for creating own html elements for building web.
  • Utilized various JavaScript and Angular 2 frameworks and Ajax for form validation and other interactive features.
  • Designed frontend with in object-oriented JavaScript Framework like React JS.
  • Created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML5 and React JS.
  • Involved in developing object-oriented JavaScript and experienced with AJAX, jQuery, HTML5, Angular 4, Node JS and CSS.
  • Implemented Angular 2 controllers to maintain each view data. Implemented Angular service calls using Angular factory.
  • Developing GUI Components using Swingand AWT.
  • REST Web services written in Groovy/ Grails wrapped by Jersey JAX-RS.
  • Used SOAP UI for checking (testing) request/response ofwebservices.

Environment: Java 7, JDK, UML, Struts, HTML5, Angular 4, React JS, Spring MVC, Spring framework 4.0, Eclipse, Angular 2, JSON, REST, Oracle, Tomcat, JSP, jQuery, Servlets, Hibernate 4.3, XML, CSS3, Junit, Jira, SVN, Log4j, UNIX, Agile, Camel.


Web Developer


  • Involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Understanding the requirement documents.
  • Developed Use case, Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams for the modules using UML and Rational Rose.
  • Designed front page forms using JSP and HTML.
  • Developed presentation components using JSP, JavaScript and custom tag libraries. Used Eclipse IDE extensively for the development.
  • Designed and developed application based on Spring MVC design pattern, used Spring validation and wrote validation rules.
  • Involved in Unit & Integration Testing using JUnit framework.
  • Used different design patterns like Data Access Object (DAO), Data Transfer Object (DTO) and Business Delegate to develop the application.
  • Used AWT for creation of user interfaces and graphics.
  • Extensively worked with Eclipse and Tomcat to develop and deploy the complete application.
  • Involved in XML config file used XPath, XQuery for query passing.
  • Developed and Implemented DAO classes using Hibernate for database transactions.
  • Used Hibernate Query language (HQL) to perform queries against the database.
  • Analyzing and fixing bugs and updating necessary documents.
  • Designed GUI based on the requirements specification.
  • Coded SQL scripts and created and altered backend database objects.
  • Interacted with SQL database using JDBC.
  • Used Maven as the build tool and CVS as version control system.

Environment: J2EE, Servlets, JSP, SQL, Eclipse, AWT, Maven, Hibernate, Tomcat, CVS, HQL, JUnit, HTML, XML, JDBC, Log4j, DAO and DTO.

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