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Software Engineer Resume

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Roanoke, VA


  • Overall experience of 5 years in complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the software development process including analysis, design, planning, development and integration.
  • Experience in working with Agile/Scrum software development methodology.
  • Expertise in implementing web and enterprise applications using Java SE/EE, JSP, Servlet, Spring, WSDL, WADL, XSD and XML technologies.
  • Experience with Singleton, Facade, Builder, Decorator, Factory and MVC design patterns.
  • Understanding the GUI technologies like HTML, CSS, JQuery, AJAX, Node.js, AngularJS, JavaScript, AJAX and JSON.
  • Experience in using JDBC for database connectivity to Oracle.
  • Experience of developing persistence layer with JPA and Hibernate.
  • Involved in creating and modifying web services like RESTful and SOAP.
  • Experience with IDE like Eclipse, IntelliJ and NetBeans.
  • Configuring, deploying application in different environments using Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic servers.
  • Involved in writing SQL queries using Spring JDBC Template and implemented PL/SQL stored procedures.
  • Involved in performing unit integration and system testing using JUnit, JMock, EasyMock, TestNG and Mockito.
  • Experience in ANT, Jenkins, Shell, Maven build tools and also tinylog, Log4J for logging utility.
  • Proficient in using source control tools such as SVN, GitHub, Git, CVS.
  • Understanding of Rational Rose for designing UML case diagrams, class diagrams and sequence diagrams.
  • Efficient team member with excellent work management, communication and interpersonal skills and ability to understand & co - operate with group requirements efficiently.


Languages: Java, SQL, PL/SQL.

J2EE Technologies: JSP, Servlet, JPA, JDBC, JNDI, JMS.

Frameworks: Spring, Hibernate, Struts, EJB.

Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, AngularJS, Node.js JSON.

XML/Web Services: JAX-WS, Jersey, JAX-RS, Metro, JAXB, RESTful, SOAP, WSDL.

Application/Web Servers: Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, WebLogic.

Relational DBMS: Oracle, MySQL.

Methodology/Design Pattern: OOAD, UML, SOA, Singleton, Facade, MVC, Decorator, Factory Patterns.

IDE's: Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans.

Operating System: Windows, LINUX, UNIX.

Other tools: ANT, Maven, Jenkins, Log4J, Bamboo, Git, GitHub, tinylog, Gradle, GitHub, TestNG, TFS, JUnit, Mockito, EasyMock, JMock, JMeter, Jasmine, SVN, CVS.


Confidential, Roanoke, VA

Software Engineer


  • Participated in the APM-DDL Demo Q4 release project in GE Digital with each phase of Agile Life Cycle.
  • Involved in APM application development and followed TDD throughout the project.
  • Worked with the front-end application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, Angular 1.x.
  • Used AngularJS for creating single page application in the front end using data binding.
  • Involved in adding new partners to the Demo and also ingesting the required Asset Hierarchy using Excel Sheet and JSON files.
  • Optimized the daily asset failures for various assets and created alerts, criticality, analytics and templates.
  • Used features of AngularJS like routing and services to connect to Back end application which is Spring with Restful Web Services.
  • Used Core Java such as Exceptions, Java 8, Multi-Threading, Data Structures and Collections.
  • Involved in white listing the new partner members like Deloitte, Infosys etc.
  • Involved in ingesting assets in Meridium Side which is RDMS and in Predix Cloud.
  • Involved in doing required changes to the Python files to generate the necessary output.
  • Python scripts are used to convert the Excel Sheet to JSON file and viceversa.
  • Installed Predix Machine along with Modbus Simulator to simulate the asset tags for real time data.
  • Deployed the mainframe application to AWS Cloud using Elastic Bean stalk.
  • Used Spring Core along with Spring Boot and used Log4J to debug/trace log messages.
  • Used RESTful Web Services for consuming and producing purposes with JAX-RS.
  • Involved in deletion of the complete Asset hierarchy in both M and P side using SQL Query and POSTMAN respectively.
  • Worked in various tenants like SWAT, Unified SWAT, Pre-Prod and Prod.
  • Experience with front-end development tool NPM for installing libraries.
  • Experience migrating On-Premise data centers to AWS Cloud infrastructure using Predix platform.
  • Worked with Hibernate to connect to the Oracle DB from Spring application.
  • Used Eclipse for the back-end code changes which TEMPhas RESTAssured API. For front-end, NodeJS is involved.
  • Worked with shell scripting for the deployment and supported production team throughout the project.
  • Used Tomcat web server for the deployments in the Windows OS.
  • Jenkins build script are used for generating the builds, CI, CD and JUnit are used for unit testing.
  • Used Rally for tracking daily stories and GitHub for version control, source code repository with release builds.

ENVIRONMENT: Java 8, J2EE, JSP, Servlet, XML, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python, JQuery, Angular 1.x, AJAX, JavaScript, Jenkins, TestNG, XSLT, JSON, Excel Sheet, SQL, HTTP, Postman, Hibernate, Oracle, Restful Web Services,Log4J, GitHub, NPM, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Rally, Eclipse, Tomcat, AWS, Predix, Windows OS.

Confidential, Tampa, FL

Jr. Java Full Stack Developer


  • Worked in the inPharmacy project with all phases of Agile methodology.
  • Involved in various pair programming and code review sessions as part of Agile cycle.
  • Used various technologies in the development of UI with various XML technologies, client-side validations such as HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JQuery, AngularJS, JavaScript, AJAX.
  • Created Restful WS with JAX-RS implementation of Jersey Library in the midddleware with various HTTP requests.
  • Created UI Single page application using AngularJS with library called JQuery.
  • Implemented the application using Spring MVC and usable tools like Java Beans, Controllers where we are adding retailers to this application in Eclipse.
  • Expertise in using database queries and operations in Oracle with JPA.
  • Used design patterns like Singleton design pattern to handle the business flow and to follow TDD approached within the project. Tested the UI application with Jasmine.
  • Implemented Spring Core for DI/IOC and used Log4J to store log messages.
  • Used Apache Tomcat application server for the deployments in LINUX OS.
  • Extensively used new Java 8 features like Lambda expressions, Streams, Method Reference etc.
  • Experience migrating On-Premise data centers to AWS Cloud infrastructure.
  • Maven and Bamboo build scripts are used for generating the builds, continuous integration and TestNG is used for unit testing, system testing for the application and EasyMock for mocking.
  • Used JIRA for tracking the issues and Git for version control, source code repository with release builds. Used Jasmine for testing front-end code.
  • Actively worked with QA team in preparation and review of test cases for newly added retailers from end-to-end to the application. Involved in Production Support for every month releases with L1 teams.

ENVIRONMENT: Java 8, J2EE, JSP, Servlet, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, AngularJS, JavaScript, Bamboo, TestNG, XSLT, JSON, Oracle, Restful,Log4J, SVN, AWS, JIRA, Spring AOP/MVC, Jasmine, TortoiseGit, Git, JPA, JIRA, Eclipse, Tomcat, Maven, EasyMock, LINUX OS.

Confidential, Wilmington, DE

Jr. Java Applications Developer


  • Involved in projects like Chase Pay, CarMax, RegE, IDMS with all phases of Agile methodology.
  • Participated in code and peer reviews by Crucible and involved in various pair programming sessions.
  • Designed applications using Fusion framework which is a Spring based MVC architecture.
  • Expertise in the development of UI using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery.
  • Implemented SQL database queries and operations using Oracle DB.
  • Used Bootstrap for development of the mobile application of the Chase Pay.
  • Used JAXB for marshalling and unmarshalling of XML in the current application.
  • Used Spring Web Services with SOAP and used Apache Tomcat web servers for the deployments in Eclipse in the Windows OS
  • Experience working with the Mortgage loans, Credit Card applications.
  • Used design patterns to handle the business flow and also followed TDD approached within the project.
  • Worked with EJB legacy applications to make calls to Spring with SOAP based application and deployed in WebSphere application server.
  • Used Spring Core for Dependency Injection/Inversion of control and used Log4J to store log messages.
  • Used Exceptions, Data Structures, OOPS Concepts, Algorithms, Multi-Threading and Collections.
  • Deployed the total Java application code in DEV, QA, UAT, PERF, PROD environments in Putty.
  • Used SOAP UI by importing the various services of inline WSDLs to functional test the web services.
  • Maven and Jenkins build scripts are used for generating the builds, CI, CD and used JUnit for unit testing. system testing of the application, Mockito for mocking purposes.
  • Used JIRA for tracking daily tasks & SVN for version control, source code repository.
  • Worked with QA and DevOps teams in preparation, review of test cases for various operations and for release builds for production.
  • Used Cucumber for automation testing of the application and followed BDD.
  • Participated in several meetings with the team to resolve the production defects, bug fixes from both front and back ends and to deliver the best quality to the clients.
  • Supported production release with L2, L3 teams for successful deployment in PROD.

ENVIRONMENT: Java 6 & 7, J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring AOP/WS, JSP, Servlet, Jenkins, JUnit, XSLT, Oracle, HTML, CSS, JS, SOAP and Restful Web Services,Hibernate, Log4J, XSD, WSDL, Bootstrap, SVN, SQL, SOAPUI, JIRA, Eclipse, WebSphere, Cucumber, Apache Tomcat, Maven, Crucible, ALM, EJB, Putty, Mockito, UNIX, Windows OS.




  • Responsible for developing the application according to the requirements and designs by Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in WaterFall process.
  • Developed the application in Java with various technologies like Servlet, Spring MVC, SOAP Web Services, OOPS Concepts etc.
  • Created Servlets for developing Control Logic and Java Beans for developing Business Logic of the application.
  • Implementation of Spring MVC architecture by separating the Business Logic from Presentation Logic using JSP and used JDBC for creating Data Access Layer.
  • Developed DAO classes for the data interaction and service classes for the Business Logic.
  • Implemented SOAP Web Services and functional testing can be done by SOAP UI.
  • Used Apache Tomcat web server for deployment and administration of the components.
  • Used tinylog for logging utility in the UNIX OS and TestNG for unit testing.
  • Used NetBeans as software development platform for developing the whole application.
  • Used CVS for the version control management and wrote ANT build scripts and used TFS for tracking issues.
  • Created SQL queries and PL/SQL stored procedures and deployed on MySQL server.
  • Responsible for End User Training and Application/Production Support and also involved in Client Interaction as well as Client Demonstration.

ENVIRONMENT: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlet, tinylog, Spring MVC, JDBC, Tomcat, NetBeans, CVS, SQL, PL/SQL, SOAP Web Services, TestNG, MySQL, UNIX OS.

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