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Sr. Java/j2ee & Web Developer Resume

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San Antonio, TX


  • 8+ Years of experience in analysis, design, implementation and testing of Object Oriented Applications in Client/Server environments using Java/J2EE.
  • Experienced in Java Web - based, Desktop Based Development with Concepts of Object Oriented Design (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and its implementation.
  • Experience working with various Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies based on Agile, Scrum, Waterfall Model, Iterations.
  • Expertise in design and development of various web and enterprise-level applications using Java/J2EE technologies Such as spring, Hibernate, Struts framework, EJB, Servlets 3.x.
  • Experienced in Middleware persistence framework like Hibernate/JPA for mapping Java classes with database and using Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
  • Experienced In front End frame works such as, JQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, Nodejs, ReactJs, BackBoneJs, Angular js.
  • Experienced in, Client side validations, Client-Server data interaction using ajax in Node, js,
  • Experienced in creating dash boards, reports using BackboneJS.
  • Expertise in Object Oriented and Multi-threaded/Concurrent Programming using Java and J2EE related technologies.
  • Experienced in Full stack front end technologies using Grunt js, Glup Server, Yoman generator for Angular.
  • Implemented based on corresponding view components with view components JSP, Html, html5, CSS 3, XSD, XSTL.
  • Experience in developing Mobile web applications using JQuery Mobile and phone gap for Smartphones & Tablets.
  • Experienced in implementing Service oriented architecture and Web Services using SOAP, RESTFUL.
  • Experience in working with Service Oriented Architecture, which includes Universal Description and Discovery Integration (UDDI) lookups and Web Services Description Language (WSDL) using SOAP protocol.
  • Developed web applications by implementing Model View Control (MVC) architecture and considerable experience in various front-end technologies.
  • Expertise in XML technologies such as DTD/Schemas, DOM, SAX and XSLT.
  • Extensively used different Tag Libraries like JSF Tags, Struts Tags, JSTL, Spring Tags, DisplayTag, XML/XSD.
  • Experienced in frameworks: Spring MVC, Jakarta struts framework, JSF, spring and Hibernate.
  • Strong experience in Spring Framework modules such as Spring MVC, IOC, AOP and Spring JDBC, Spring JTA, Spring IO, Spring Boot with Thyme leaf.
  • Experience in Spring Security Framework for User access Management and involved LDAP configuration for authentication, authorization.
  • Experienced in Distributed Transaction Management system with Spring JTA Based on Atomikos.
  • Responsible for Offshore & technical support and maintenance of its daily batch jobs, implemented spring batch for 1million transaction.
  • Experienced in Working with Spring JDBC Template, JMS Template, EMS, and Java Beans.
  • Developed applications using latest technologies like EJB3.0, Spring2.x/3.x/4.x, Hibernate3.2/4.x, and REST based Web services (axis2.0, JAX WS 2.0), Rule Engines (Drools4.1, ILOG), XML API and tools.
  • Experience in implementing Java EE design patterns such as MVC, Singleton, Session Facade, DAO, DTO, and Business Delegate in the development of Multi-Tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
  • Experience in configuring and deploying the applications on Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic and JBoss Servers.
  • Experience in creating the Messaging system configuration in WebLogic and WebSphere Servers.
  • Experienced in developing UNIX shell scripts for batch processing.
  • Experienced in writing complex SQL queries, procedures, Triggers and Stored Procedures in various databases such as Oracle, DB2 and MySQL.
  • Experienced in working on modern MEAN Stack- MongoDB, Express.JS, AngularJS, and Node.JS.
  • Experienced in working with multiple databases like Oracle 10/11g, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Sybase, NOSQL DB (mongo, Cassandra).
  • Worked on Mule soft studio with Sound knowledge on Enterprise Service Bus.
  • Experienced in performing unit testing using JUnit, integration and deployment of applications using tools such as ANT and Maven & debugging through log4j.
  • Experience in JUnit frame work with Mockito and Easy mock, SpringJunitRunner.
  • Experienced in Development, testing and deployment of enterprise applications on Windows & UNIX platforms using IDE's such as Eclipse, Rational Application Developer (RAD), Netbeans, intellij 14.x/15.x
  • Experience in using different version controlling/tracking systems Subversion, CVS, GIT, and Rational Clear Case.
  • Experience in document preparation including Requirement Specification, Analysis, design documents, Test cases and User Training documents and Technical Help documents.
  • Experienced in Splunk Log Management Creating dash boards, monitoring, reporting, Email Notification to Users for threashold limit.
  • Responsible for monitoring the dash boards, reports for notification which includes in day to day activity.
  • Excellent verbal, written communication and presentation skills, problem solving and conflict resolution skills.
  • Good Knowledge in Apache Active Mq Series with Camel most widely used as service bus
  • Good knowledge of SAP-MM Module & MDM Principles, Architecture.


Languages/API: Java 5/6/7/8, Java/J2EE, C, C++, JDBC, DTD, UML, Design Patterns, Shell Scripts, Richfaces,HTML, PHP, JavaScript, SQL and PL/SQL

Operating Systems: Windows, Unix and Linux.

Frameworks: Struts 1.x/2.0, Spring 2.x/3.0, Hibernate3.0/4.0.

Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, DHTML, Servlets, JSPs, EJB, JNDI, JMS, XML, XSLT, XSD, JSF, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, NodeJs, ReactJs, BackBoneJs, Bootstrap.

Web/Application Servers: Apache Tomcat 5.x/6.x/7.x/8.x, IBM WebSphere, BEA Web Logic 9.x/10.x/12.x, J-Boss 6.x/7.x

IDE’s: Eclipse, NetBeans, RAD and Rational Rose, Intellij 14.x/15.x, Spring Tool suite 2.x/3.x

Database: Oracle 11i/11g/10g/9i/8i, SQL Server, MySql, PL, Sybase 12.5 and DB2

Web Services: AXIS, SOAP, JAX-WS, WSDL, JAX-P, JAX-B and Restful

Version Control: JIRA, CVS, Subversion and Clear Case

Build Tool / plugin: ANT, Log4j and Maven 3.x, Hudson 3.x, Jenkins 2.x

Testing Frameworks: Junit, Jtest.


Confidential, San Antonio, TX

Sr. Java/J2EE & Web Developer


  • Responsible for the technical direction and implementation of the Spring Batch framework according to new design with spring security.
  • Responsible for Offshore & technical support and maintenance of its daily batch jobs.
  • Responsible to support the operations, monitoring & reporting according to the requirement of higher management team by making Splunk Dashboards.
  • Implemented various features of spring framework such as Dependency Injection, IOC, Annotations and Spring integration with Hibernate.
  • Implemented application architecture of the System is based on Spring MVC (Model View Controller) and J2EE specifications.
  • Experienced in Security-System development for Web Applications. Involved and developed all phases of security implementation using spring security system against modes of authentications: LDAP authentication, Database authentication and Pre-Authentication.
  • Implemented application security including User Management, LDAP authentication, authorization (users have restricted access to app components according to their permissions).
  • Integrated application with Spring Security for form based authentication and authorization by used spring security jsp tags to provide UI level spring security.
  • Stored authentication and authorization detail in database, used these DB authorization detail with spring security annotation on method for apply method level spring security.
  • Worked on Spring Security for application authentication based on role-based security system for web-based administrative applications.
  • Linked Amazon Web Services such as S3 to Splunk Cloud for log data ingestion
  • Improving performance, security and usability of existing application.
  • Implementing security Single Sign-On application to share user management, authentication and authorization among multiple applications.
  • Implemented Dynamic batch feature for batch processing with Spring batch.
  • Worked extensively on batch job schedulers for Pausing and Resuming job features according to the business need.
  • Experience in working with Spring Quartz framework and developed various quartz jobs
  • Implemented Dynamic job scheduling according to the business need (daily, weekly, monthly etc) same using Quartz scheduler.
  • Implemented new design based on Spring Batch system to process over 1 million transactions a night.
  • Developer Spring Quartz jobs to run the backend jobs and generated reports.
  • All the functionality is implemented using Spring IO / Spring Boot, Thymeleaf and Hibernate ORM.
  • Implemented Java EE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions and Spring security modules.
  • Strong hands-on experience with Spring IO, Spring Boot with Thymeleaf.
  • Recommend and develop strategy for integrating internal security model into new projects with Spring Security and Spring Boot.
  • Implementing or exposing the Micro services to base on RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC.
  • This functionality is implemented by developing RESTFUL web services using Spring boot, Spring RESTFUL template
  • Designed, built, and deployed a multitude applications utilizing almost all of the AWS stack (Including EC2, R53, S3, RDS, DynamoDB, SQS, IAM, CloudFormation and lambda functions), focussing on high-availability and fault tolerance
  • Worked on spring boot, Spring Restful template to develop Application level MicroServices.
  • Developed Applications using Rule Engines, Drools 4.x, and ILOG with corresponding to validate the business User Roles.
  • Worked on using Rule Engines, Drools 4.x, and ILOG with corresponding to validate the business User Roles.
  • Worked with a team in order to develop and maintain an internal Log Delivery System, utilizing various Apache products, Kafka, Storm, and Tomcat.
  • Used JTA, HQL and POJO for Data management of accounting system.
  • Worked on Distributed Transaction Management system to achieve multiple resource (or XA) transactions with Spring JTA Based on Atomikos, tomcat.
  • Implemented Hibernate/JPA for data persistence.
  • Implemented the application using design patterns such as Session Façade, Business Delegate, Bean Factory, Singleton, Data Access Object, and Service Locator.
  • Implemented Hibernate Template to great extent making use of HQL, Named Parameters, Named Queries and interfaces such as Expression, Query and Criteria.
  • Implemented and developed UI components using Angular JS features like dependency Injection, Models, data binding and controllers.
  • Implemented AngularJS client-side form validation, format view results using various controls and filters.
  • Created multiple views using layout template and AngularJS ngRoute
  • Developed test cases for Angular JS using karma and grunt
  • UI design and development using JSF, richfaces and myfaces.
  • Extensively used Java server Faces (JSF) Navigation rules and JSF tags for enhanced user Interface.
  • Developed Interactive web pages using AngularJS, ReactJs, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Develop various screens for the front end usingReactJS and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and React Redux library
  • Created an inline-edit andwidget-collapse feature for the web page.
  • Administered and deployed applications into WebSphere Application Server.
  • Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report.
  • Worked with JAXB, SAXP and XML Schema for exporting data into XML format and importing data from XML format to data base and JAXB in the web service's request response data marshalling as well as unmarshalling process.
  • Used SAX and DOM parser to parse the XML documents and XSLT for transformations.
  • Used PL/SQL stored procedures for applications that needed to execute as part of a scheduling mechanisms.
  • Involved in the development of project back-end layer using by most of corejavafeatures such as Collection frameworks, Interfaces,Multi-threading, and Exceptions.
  • UsedjavaCollectionsAPI extensively such as Lists, Sets and Maps.
  • Worked with corejavatechnologies likeMulti-Threadingand synchronization.
  • Multithreading was used to process data in chunks to improve performance.
  • HandledJavaMulti-Threadingpart in back-end component, one thread will be running for each user, which serves that user
  • Involved in creating test cases using JUnit strictly following Test Driven Development(TDD) methodology.
  • Used JUnit, Mocktio and Power Mocks framework for unit testing of application and implemented Test Driven Development (TDD) methodology.
  • Defined strategic initiatives on Continuous Integration & Delivery (CI/CD) model with Test-driven development, Extreme programming (XP), and build automation, in an AGILE development environment to help, respond quickly to business needs and to ship world class Quality products.
  • Worked on SOA Web Services using SOAP for transmission of large blocks of XML data over HTTP.
  • Used Maven, Nexus and Jenkins to automate the build and deploy process.
  • Experienced in Writing the Splunk queries for reporting, dash boards for analysis, Generated Dashboard through Splunk.
  • Hands on experience with Searching and Reporting with Splunk 5.x.
  • Involved in full project management life cycle from development to integration, testing and release to lower environments.
  • Gathered and defined User Requirements by developing the use case documents and decomposed them to system specifications and tracked them through entire Rational Unified Process (RUP).
  • Documentation functional specifications using Use case diagrams, Object diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using UML.
  • Used log4j for logging errors in the application.
  • Involved in testing the JMS integration between queues and topics using GEMS.
  • Used Mockito Framework for Junits.
  • Implemented Continous Integration of automation framework using tools like Jenkins, Hudson.
  • Integration of automation batch run job with Jenkins. Worked with Jenkins Continuous Integration tool and Build Tool Ant.
  • Involved in JAD sessions to gather requirements from the end clients.
  • Used GIT as version management, Jira for defect management system.
  • Used JUnit for unit testing of the application and log4j for logging.

Environment: Java 7.0, Spring 4, Hibernate 4.2, Spring batch, Spring quartz, Spring security, Spring Jta, Spring Boot, JPA, Java Scripts, AngularJS, HTML 4.0, CSS, JMS, JAXP (SAX & DOM), WebSphere Application Server 8.5, Eclipse/RAD 8.0, Oracle 11g, SOAP, RUP, Maven, log4j, Junit, XML, Web Services, ILog JRules 5.0, Splunk, GIT.

Confidential, Norwalk, CT

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved End to End Design, Development and Testing of Streamlets module.
  • Implemented the Model View Controller (MVC) framework and spring.
  • Worked on Web Services for transferring XML data between two interfaces.
  • Designed and developed the UI using spring view component, JSP, HTML, CSS, JQuery and AngularJS.
  • Used spring validator framework for client side and server side validation. Also implemented dynamic loading of JSP’s using AJAX.
  • Used Spring Core for dependency injection/Inversion of control (IOC), and integrated frameworks like Struts and Hibernate.
  • Responsible for Offshore & technical support and maintenance of its daily batch jobs.
  • Utilized Hibernate for Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) purposes for persistence onto the Oracle database.
  • Designed RESTful web services for handling AJAX requests.
  • Responsible for writing Hibernate Criteria and HQL queries.
  • Used J2EE design patterns like Value Object Pattern, Business Delegate, service locator, session façade, Singleton, Factory and DAO.
  • Involved in writing Thread Safe blocks for multithread access to make valid transactions.
  • Tested Service and data access tier using JUnit in TDD methodology.
  • Responsible for Designing the output formats of the jobs based on the client requirements like Parquet file format, Text Format, Avro Format
  • Process Avro Data to Store in Parquet Files, Stored the data into HDFS for analysis and Created HIVE tables on top of that files.
  • Responsible for Configuring Kafka Consumer and Producer metrics to visualize the Kafka System performance and monitoring.
  • Responsible for migrating existing modules in IBM MQ to Kafka.
  • Have Worked on Web module to reduce user efforts to add entries in LDAP server developed web interface using Spring framework.
  • Worked on DAO’s to pull the data from the source Databases and converted into JSON formats and then published into Kafka Streams.
  • Responsible for Creation of processors to Consume the data from the Kafka Streams and ingestion into Splunk.
  • Implemented ExecutorService in the application, which is capable of executing tasks in the background, which is similar to a thread pool.
  • Experienced in Splunk development - Splunk search language, Splunk Web Framework, simple xml, alerts configuration, report building, custom dashboard building and data modelling.
  • Created Splunk Search Processing Language (SPL) queries, Reports and Dashboards.
  • Prepared, arranged and tested Splunk search strings and operational strings.
  • Created and configured management reports and dashboards.
  • Configure alerts for thresholds set for each components of the contact center.
  • Worked on Splunk DB Connect APP to load the data into Splunk from Oracle Database.
  • Consulting client/team members in Splunk.
  • Developed the dashboards for platform components, configured and deployed Splunk components (Universal/Heavy Forwarders, Indexers etc.).

Environment: Java 8.0, Spring 4, Hibernate 4.2, Spring batch, Spring quartz, Spring security, Spring Boot, JPA, JavaScript, AngularJS, HTML 4.0, CSS, WebSphere Application Server 8.5, Eclipse/RAD 8.0, Oracle 11g, Maven, log4j, Junit, XML, Web Services, Kafka, IBM MQ, Hive, HDFS, Splunk, BITBUCKET.

Confidential - NYC, NY

Sr. Java/J2EE Consultant


  • Involved in various SDLC phases like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development and the project was developed using Agile based SCRUM Methodology.
  • Implemented Struts Framework and Hibernate in the new version of the Application.
  • Involved in coding for the presentation layer using Struts and JavaScript.
  • Developed Action classes, Dyna Action Forms and used Validation framework.
  • UsedEJBStateless/Stateful session beans to implement business logic, session handling, and transaction and deployed Enterprise Java Beans both Session and Entity on WebSphere Application Server
  • Implement modules intoNodeJsto integrate with designs and requirements.
  • Developed real time tracking of class schedules usingNodeJs(socket.io based on socket technology, ExpressJSframework).
  • Taken care ofjavaMulti-Threadingin commonjavaclasses/library.
  • Extensively used Java Scripts to enforce client side validations and also used JQuery for Ajax processing.
  • Involved in development/ maintenance of various web services using IBM Websphere to interact with other Applications.
  • Wrote various select/update/insert SQL queries and stored procedures for Sql Server.
  • Successfully executing offshore modeling by effective and on time knowledge sharing with offshore project groups through weekly team meetings and daily status update calls.
  • Involved in unit testing, troubleshooting and debugging. Modifying existing programs with enhancements.
  • Involved in fixing bugs the bugs or defects in the application.
  • Developed the UNIX shell scripts to automate jobs.
  • Developed Entity Beans as Bean Managed Persistence Entity Beans and used JDBC to connect to backend database DB2.
  • Worked on linux environment for deploying the application, running scripts for jobs.
  • Worked as the part of a core team to monitor and enhance the performance of the application.
  • Provide guidance and direction to team members in their day-to-day activities.

Environment: Jakarta Struts Framework 2.0, Core Java, Hibernate 3.0, EJB, Web Services, CSS, NodeJs, eclipse Helios, CVS, WebSphere Application Server 7.0, JUnit, UNIX, JavaScript, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JQuery, DB2.

Confidential, San Ramon, CA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Designed Use Case and Sequence Diagrams according to UML standard using Rational Rose.
  • Implemented Model View Controller (MVC-2) architecture and developed Form classes, Action Classes for the entire application using Struts Framework.
  • Performed client side validations using JavaScript and server side validations using in built Struts Validation Framework.
  • Implemented the data persistence functionality of the application by using Hibernate to persist java objects to the relational database.
  • Used Hibernate Annotations to reduce time at the configuration level and accessed Annotated bean from Hibernate DAO layer.
  • Used HQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database.
  • Transformed, Navigated and Formatted XML documents using XSL, XSLT.
  • Used JMS for asynchronous exchange of message by applications on different platforms.
  • Developed the view components using JSP, HTML, Struts Logic tags and Struts tag libraries.
  • Involved in designing and implementation of Session Facade, Business Delegate, Service Locator patterns to delegate request to appropriate resources.
  • Involved in developing SQL queries, stored procedures, and functions.
  • Creation of database objects like tables, views using oracle tools like Toad, and SQL* plus.
  • Involved in writing Stored Procedure in using PL/SQL.
  • Worked on Linux environment for jobs scheduling for inbound data on monthly basis.
  • Used JUnit Testing Framework for performing Unit testing.
  • Deployed application in WebSphere Application Server and developed using Rational Application Developer RAD.

Environment: Struts 2.0 Hibernate 3.0, JSP, RAD, JMS, CVS, JavaScript, XSL, XSLT, Servlets 2.5, and Web sphere Application Server6.1, Oracle 10g.


Java Programmer


  • Developed presentation screens by using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.
  • Developed Session beans for functionality as per the requirement.
  • Prepared Unit test cases for existing functionality as per the requirement and execute the same.
  • Involved in the Integration testing support and involved in bug fixing.
  • Responsible for writing detail design documents and class diagrams and sequence diagrams.
  • Used Spring MVC framework for implementing the Web tier of the application.
  • Used different Design patterns like MVC pattern, DAO pattern, and singleton to achieve clean separation of layers.
  • Developed Custom tag libraries to separate presentation and processing logic.
  • Used Hibernate API to perform database operations
  • Worked on Hibernate persistence tier. This involves developing mapping files and Hibernate (POJOs/ DAOs)
  • Used Lo4j debugging tool to monitor the Error Logs.
  • Involved in developing SQL queries, stored procedures, and functions.
  • Involved in tracking and resolving Production issues.

Environment: Servlets 2.5, JSP 2.1, spring, JDBC, JavaScript, HTML, Oracle, PL/SQL, SVN, Hibernate 3.0 and Weblogic 7.0.

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