Java/web Services Developer Resume
Harrisburg, PA
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Unix
Programming languages: Java, JavaScript, Python Script, C, C++
Java Technologies: JSP, JDBC, JavaBean, Servlet
Markup Language: XML, HTML, HTML5 and CSS.
Software Development Frameworks: Spring 4.0.5, Hibernate 4.3.5, Bridges framework, MVC Struts 2
Software Development/Testing Tools: Eclipse, Maven, Junit, Oracle SQL Developer, Apache Subversion (SVN), Atlassian Tools, Jenkins, Nexus Repository, Test Harness, SOAP UI, Rational ClearQuest, ClearCase, VMWare
Web Application Servers: IBM WebSphere Application Server (versions 7 and 8), Apache Tomcat, Web Logic 10.3
Other software products/Applications: IBM DB2, IBM FileNet 1.1.5, MySQL, MediationZone, SharePoint, Microsoft Visio, MS Office, HP Quality Center, Splunk Enterprise 6.2
Java/Web Services Developer
Confidential, Harrisburg, PA
- System Analysis, Design methodology and development to capture client requirements.
- Development of Web Services
- Developing Java Code using Eclipse as IDE.
- Unit testing of various modules. participating in code reviews, and debugging.
- Writing database queries for accessing, manipulating and updating IBM DB2 database resources.
- Development part of DMS application and Correspondence Service.
- Debugged and fixed several defects/tickets reported during QAT, QAT2, STRESS and in production.
- Completed several Code change requests (CR).
- Completing the code by storing it in local/branches and later checking it into trunk
- Uploading all projects related process documents, task, and related design patterns, in Confluence application.
- Coordinating with other development and configuration teams and developing good working relationship.
Java/J2EE Developer
Confidential, Harrisburg, PA
- Development part of VaCMS and CommonHelp applications.
- Maintenance of all Client's front end Java based applications
- Development and maintenance of Web pages using JSP, used JSP for the presentation layer and EJB Session Beans for model layer
- Debugged and fixed several Defects/Tickets found during QAT, UAT, Integration test and in Production.
- Uploading all projects related process documents, task, and related design patterns in Confidential E - Room application.
- Used IBM RAD (Rational Application Developer) for developing Java code
- Created JavaScript code for running all the VaCMS batch programs.
- Wrote database queries using SQL for accessing and updating Oracle database.
- Defined Hibernate O/R mapping, used hibernate and data access objects (DAO) to implement the database.
- Unit testing of various modules. participated in code reviews and debugging
Java/J2EE Programmer
Confidential, Tampa, FL
- Worked on Digital Route, MEDIATION ZONE platform for all the assignments.
- Extensively used MediationZone platform, from development stage to unit testing stage.
- Fixed several defects found during Integration testing and in production, implemented CRs (change requests), IMRs and Camits.
- Merge code and propagate it to different environments, releases using SVN
- Extensively used SQL Developer and wrote SQL database queries for accessing, and updating various forms of data.
- Project coordination with other development teams, technical architects, testers, Business Analysts.
Java/J2EE Developer
Confidential, Minneapolis, MN
- Responsible for constructing network diagrams for both WLPODS and WLPSPIDER.
- Responsible for completing the code by storing it in CVS branches and later merging it into CVS head.
- Developed all the Java Code using Eclipse as IDE.
- Used JUnit for the unit testing of various modules, participated in code reviews.
- Wrote database queries using SQL for accessing, manipulating and updating.
- Debugged and fixed several defects/tickets found during integration testing and in production.
Junior Java Programmer
Confidential, Austin, TX
- Worked on the CTS (Command and Control Solutions) which provides call handling support for various departments within DIR (Department of Information Resources).
- Built and deployed Gravitant's Cloud Matrix application
- Developed database queries using MySQL.
- Configured Ant build scripts for Web projects and configured Ant dependency libraries for the Cloud Matrix related Eclipse workspace.
- Developed the Java Code using Eclipse as IDE.