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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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Minneapolis, MN


  • IT professional with 8 years of experience in Object Oriented design and development of Multi - Tier distributed, Enterprise application using Java/JEE/J2EE technologies with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Experience in System Analysis, Design, Configuration, Code management and maintenance in the sectors of Banking, Finance, E-commerce, Health.
  • Experienced in developing the UI screens using HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, Ajax, and Bootstrap.
  • Expertise in Object Oriented functional JavaScript and its libraries/ frameworks such as JQuery, AngularJS, NodeJS and ExtJS.
  • Strong experience with implementing application usingAngularJS. Solid understanding of Angular directives.
  • UsedNodeJS forNode Package Manager (NPM) and Grunt plugin for building the Projects.
  • Having experience with Cloud APIComputing Service environment like Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Experience with AWS (EC2,IAM, EBS, S3, RDS, SES, ELB, Cloud Formation, Elastic Cache, Cloud Watch, Lambda, SNS, Dynamo DB).
  • Knowledge onJAVA8 Lambda Expressions to retrieve the data from Collections.
  • Good Exposure toFunctionalInterfaces and stream API to supportfunctional-style operations on streams of elements.
  • Developing inter-operable Web Services and its related technologies like SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, JAX-WS, JAXB, JAX-RPC using tools like Apache Axis, good understanding of Service oriented architecture (SOA).
  • Hand on experience with Restful web services, used JAX-RS to implement RESTful applications in Java.
  • Experience in using frameworks likeStruts, Spring, JSF, Hibernateand build tools likeANT, MAVENand log4J for logging.
  • Experience in J2EE Technology's (Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JNDI, JSTL, JSON, POJO, JMS, JSF MyFaces,Rich Faces,PrimeFaces, JPA, JAX-WS, JAX RS).
  • Expertise in Core javaconcepts, such as Multi-Threading, Generics, Exception Handling and Collections.
  • Experience in developing server side code with good knowledge of enterprise and persistence design patterns like Singleton, Factory Prototype, Business Delegate, Session Facade, and Service locator, Front Controller, Data Access Object and MVC.
  • Experience in application development using JSP, Servlets, JSTL, EJB transaction implementation (CMP, BMP, and Message-Driven Beans), JMS, Swing, Java Beans, JDBC, XML, Web Services, JNDI, Multi-Threading.
  • Expertise in XML technologies such as XSL, XSLT, XML schemas, XPath, XForms, XSL-FO and parsers like SAX, DOM.
  • Worked on data exchange from website using XML,Python and Web Services.
  • Experience with application servers likeWeb Logic, JBOSS andIBM WebSphere and Web Server like Apache Tomcat.
  • Experience with Micro Servicesto provideRESTfulAPI’s utilizingSpringBoot framework.
  • Generated reports using SQL Server reporting Services (SSRS), integrated and deploying them in SharePoint.
  • Created a news feed aggregator in PHP which displayed news dynamically using news feed.
  • Excellent knowledge in working with various databases like SQL Server (RDBMS), MySQL, DB2, ORACLE and MongoDB (NoSQL).
  • Proficient in SQL and wrote Stored Procedures, Triggers besides writing DDL, DML and transaction queries with development tools like TOAD and Aqua Data Studio.
  • Extensive development experience in different IDE's like Spring Tool Suite, RAD, Eclipse and IntelliJ.
  • Experience in development, deployment and troubleshooting Web based and enterprise based applications on Windows, UNIX and Linux(RedHatLinux) platforms.
  • Subversion SVN, CVS, IBM Clear Case and Git as versioning software tools.
  • Hands on experience on Reporting tools like Qlikview, Jasper.
  • Experience writingJunit using tools like JMeter and TDDfor application integration testing and unit testing.
  • Developed the JSON structure for the data transfer in between the Goggle Web Toolkit (UI) and business tier.
  • Developed Hibernate configuration files and queries and Implemented DAO classes.
  • Developed the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as a gateway between the business tier and UI to make the business tier separate from UI.
  • Hands on experience in developing reports using Crystal Reports and JXL Excel Reports.
  • Experienced in JMS over messaging to exchange the information in more reliable and asynchronous way in Enterprise Applications. Used Apache Active MQ as JMS provider.
  • Expertise in working with Agile methodologies like Test Driven Development (TDD) and Scrum Methodology.


Languages: C, C++, Java, SQL, PL/SQLEnterprise Java Java, J2EE, Swing, RMI, Sockets, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JMS, Java Beans, JSTL, JSF, Struts, EJB, Spring, JTA, JNDI and JPA

Web/XML Technologies: HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, AngularJS, CSS, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, Backbone JS, DOJO, NodeJs.

Tools: & Framework: Struts, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, JMS, JSF, Log4J, SOA, Jasper reports, SOAP UI, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, and Spring Data.

Web services: SOAP, RESTful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS JAX-WS, JAX-B, Apache Axis2, Apache CFX, JMS,Rabbit MQ, AWS

Web/App Servers: Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Weblogic

Database: Oracle, MySQL server, DB2, MongoDB and NoSQL

Development Tools: Eclipse, RAD, Spring Tool Suite (STS), IntelliJ

O-R mapping: Hibernate, ibatis,JPA, JTA

Modeling/ CASE Tools: Rational Rose, MS Visio Professional, Star UML

Testing Tools/ Others: JUnit, SoapUI, Putty, Rational Clear Quest, RTC, LoadUI, JIRA

Version Control: GIT, CVS, SVN, Rational clear case

Platforms: Windows, Sun Solaris, UNIX,RedHat.

Cloud Technologies: AWS


Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Sr. Java Developer


  • Developed the view-controller components usingJSPs,HTML5,CSS3,AJAX,JavaScript (jQuery).
  • Implemented routing logic and navigation from screen to screen and implemented login functionality on the client side inAngularJS.
  • Implementedcorefeatures ofAngularJSframework such as dependencyInjection,Data-binding,Filters, Directives, Templates, Services and Deep Linking Designing.
  • Used java8 Lambda expressions along with Streams for performing chain operations such as Filter, Map, Collect on a collection.
  • Used Spring AOP for solving crosscutting concerns like keeping logged data and transactions details etc.
  • Used Spring Batch for processing large amount of data like transaction management, job processing, resource management and logging.
  • Secured the API's by implementing Oauth2 token based authentication/authorization scheme using spring security.
  • DevelopedMicro Servicesto provideRESTfulAPI’s utilizingSpringBoot framework.
  • Worked with Cassandra to store non-relational data into collection and retrieve them whenever required.
  • Used WebLogic serverto route our JMS queue messages to different business floors and configured routes in WebLogic and used JMS in e-mail notification.
  • Worked on setting up Maven scripts to build, package, and deploy application code to the target WebLogic Application Servers and worked on continuous integration servers like Jenkins.
  • Involved in migrating existing monolithic application in to Micro Service Architecture based RESTful Service and deployments were done on AWS.
  • Worked on developing Restful endpoints to cache application specific data in in-memory data clusters like REDIS and exposed them with Restful endpoints.
  • Involved in creating EC2 instances and installed required configurations and applications on it and created S3 buckets for storing object level data into it.
  • Used AWS Cloud Watch to monitor the application and to store the logging information.
  • Focused onTestDrivenDevelopmentthere by creating detailedJUnittests for every single piece of functionality before writing the functionality.
  • Worked in Agile TDD environment using SDLC tools like GIT, Jira, Jenkins, Maven for build packaging and deployments of the application components.

Environment: Agile methodology, Java, J2EE, Spring, XML,JSP, JAX-RS, Spring AOP, Spring security, Cassandra, JSP, HTML, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, GIT, JIRA, PL/SQL, STS, JUnit, Log4J, Maven, Jenkins, WebLogic Application Server, AWS IAM, EC2, S3, RDS, SQS.

Confidential, Burlingtion, MA

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Involved in Client Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of the application using AGILE methodology (SCRUM).
  • Designed various modules using technologies likeCSS Media Queries, HTML5, AJAX, JSON,and JavaScript.
  • Worked on JavaScript and HTML5 Browser Cache mechanism for storing and retrieving data for the website.
  • Designed, developed a custom, singlepage, responsive web application on front end using AngularJS.
  • UsedAngularJSto connect the web application to back-end APIs, used RESTFUL methods to interact with several API's, and wrote custom directives for a responsive, CSS-animated user interface.
  • Implemented routing logic and navigation from screen to screen and implemented login functionality on the client side inAngularJS.
  • Working as an application developer experienced with controllers, views and models in NodeJs.
  • Used Java 1.8 Lambda expressions and Stream API to supportfunctional-style operations on streams of elements.
  • The Stream API is integrated into the Collections API, to perform bulk operations on collections, like sequential
  • UsedMulti-Threadingand collection framework including List, Map etc.
  • Involved in multi-tiered J2EE design utilizing Spring Inversion of Control (IOC), AOP, MVC and Hibernate.
  • Developed the persistence layer using Hibernate Framework, created the POJO objects and mapped using Hibernate annotations and Transaction Management.
  • Creating REST API implementation using Spring Boot framework and writing test cases for those API’s.
  • Deploying application in AWS cloud using services like EC2, DynamoDB, Aurora, ELB, VPC etc.
  • Used NoSQL database Amazon Dynamo DB to store data of reporting Application.
  • Hands on experience working with Java IDE's like Intellij.
  • Extensively used Junit and JMockit for writing unit test cases.
  • Hands on experience in creatingDockercontainers and images and deployed the code using docker and AWS Services.
  • Involved in CICD process using GIT,Nexus, Jenkins job creation, Maven build, Create Docker image and deployment in AWS environment.
  • Designed and developed API specification with testing case(Swagger).
  • Used Log4j to capture the logs that include various levels of information like error, info, debug into the log files.
  • Tracking the bugs and improvements through JIRA.
  • Handling the project with GIT version control.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery AJAX, Bootstrap, AngularJS, EXTJS, NodeJs, Agile(SCRUM), SpringBoot, Hibernate, DynamoDB, Kafka, Docker, Nginx,GIT, JUnit, Maven, Restful, JAX-RS, Log4J, AWS, Swagger,MicroServices, JIRA, Jenkins.

Confidential, Sunnyvale, CA

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Involved in gathering system requirements for the application and worked with the business team to review the requirements.
  • Used Agile (SCRUM) methodologies for application development.
  • Upgraded existing UI with HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and Bootstrap with AngularJs interaction.
  • Developed forms for user event handling and validations using JavaScript's and AJAX.
  • Created cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant CSS-based page layouts.
  • Used AJAX&JSONcommunication for accessingRESTfulweb services data payload.
  • Developed the view-controller components using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Servlets/JSPs, and Angular.
  • Implemented routing logic and login functionality on the client side using AngularJS.
  • Implemented the application using Spring IOC, Spring MVC Framework, Spring Batch, and Spring Boot and handled the security using Spring Security.
  • Java programming withMulti-threadingand performance tuning experience.
  • Used Spring Framework AOP Module to implement logging in the application to know the application status.
  • Used Hibernate for ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and DAO (Data Access Object) implementation.
  • Designed and developed MicroServices business components using Spring Boot.
  • Designed and developed third-party payment services, REST services to offer users convenient payment methods using various APIs provided by various third-party payment processor based on OAuth protocol.
  • Exposed Restful Web Services using JAX-RS specification.
  • ImplementedSpringIntegrationframework for messaging abstraction while making REST calls.
  • Developed new business workflows using the Java Business Process Management (JBPM) tool.
  • Involved in designing and developing the JSON, XML Objects with NoSQL database like MongoDB.
  • Used WebSphere serverto route our JMS queue messages to different business floors and configured routes in WebSphereand used WebSphere in e-mail notification.
  • Involved in installing and configuring Maven for application builds and deployment
  • Extensively used Junit and JMockit for writing unit test cases.
  • Used Sonar, Jenkins to build the projects.
  • UsedJIRAto fix bugs and track the workflow.
  • Used GIT version control to track and maintain the different version of the application.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, GWT, AJAX, Bootstrap, Multi-Threading, AngularJS, BackboneJS, Agile(SCRUM), Hibernate, Spring, Spring Integration, MongoDB, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Servlet, XML, GIT, JUnit, Maven, RedHat,JMS,JBPM,WebSphere, Restful, JAX-RS, Log4J, MicroServices, JIRA,Sonar, Jenkins.

Confidential, ST. Louis, MO

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Understand and analyze the requirement document, to come up with design.
  • Implemented Agile methodology throughout the project development lifecycles.
  • Developed rich GUI interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJs, JSP and Servlets.
  • Developed a single page application (SPA) eligibility verification module using AngularJS.
  • Implemented Page events using JQuery, JavaScript such as click, submit, change, and etc.
  • Applying Spring Framework for transaction Management and Spring JDBC for building ORM, and Dependency Injection.
  • Designed and developed Business Services using Spring Framework (Dependency Injection) and DAO Design Patterns.
  • UsedSpringDI (Dependency Injection),SpringBatchto inject the dependencies to parent object.
  • Responsible for designing ibatis mapping files based on business logic and Object relationships.
  • Integrated Spring and ibatis together and worked on developing backend components and services using ibatis and spring.
  • Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Singleton, Data Access Object, and Service Locator.
  • The site is built onWCSplatform with integrated mutable third party application.
  • Established Database Connectivity using JDBC, ibatis O/R mapping with Spring ORM for Oracle.
  • Handled the database management using PL/SQL DML and DDL SQL statements.
  • Involved in writing Stored Procedures,Triggers for handling complex queries.
  • Involved in writing SQL Queries for interacting with database through JDBC.
  • Used the WebLogic application server to run the application, and test it.
  • Parsed the XML content and updated the database using DOM and SAX parser.
  • ImplementedWeb servicesusingWSDL/SOAP.
  • DevelopedSOAPbased requests for communicating withWeb Services
  • Used XML, XSD and JSON messages for Data transfer. Used JAXB API and DOM for XML parsing messages.
  • Packaged and deployed the application in JBoss.
  • Hands on experience Jasper reports for generating reports.
  • Used Log4j for Logging various levels of information like error, info, debug into the log files.
  • Used Gradle tools for building and deploying the Web applications, implemented the Junit testing.
  • Used JIRA for tracking the Project Stories in Agile Methodology.
  • Used Subversion for version control.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, AngularJS, JSON, XML, Spring, ibatis, SOAP, WSDL, HQL, SQL, JBoss, Oracle, WebLogic, RAD, WCS, JVM, JMS, JNDI, Gradle,Jasper, JUNIT, JIRA, Subversion.

Confidential, Parsippany, NJ

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in SDLC requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing of application developed using Agile methodology.
  • Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using HTML, CSS, JQuery, Ajax and Java script.
  • Involved in the coding and integration of several business critical modules usingJava, JSF,PrimeFaces, Hibernate and Oracle.
  • Involved in integrating application with JSF/PrimeFaces.
  • Used Spring MVC and Dependency Injection for handling presentation and business logic.
  • Integrated Spring DAO for data access using Hibernate.
  • Implemented persistence framework using Hibernate & handled Transaction Management using the provided data source.
  • Extensively used JSON to parse the data from server side to satisfy the business requirement.
  • Responsible for designing Hibernate mapping files based on business logic and Object relationships.
  • Integrated Spring and Hibernate together and worked on developing backend components and services using Hibernate and spring.
  • Developed Strutsbased presentation layer, hibernate based DAO layer and integrated them using Spring Dependency injection, ORM and Web modules.
  • Extensively used HQL and SQL for querying databases.
  • Developed Message Driven Bean for asynchronous sending Messages using JMS.
  • Used Apache Axis Service Engine for creating and deploying Web Service clients using SOAP, WSDL.
  • Used Web Services for creating rate summary and used WSDL and SOAPmessages for getting useful plans from different module.
  • Used Spring JMS module for lookup for the queues and MDBs for the listeners
  • Established Database Connectivity using JDBC, Hibernate O/R mapping with Spring ORM for Oracle.
  • Helped tune the JVMby tuning Heap size and Garbage Collector.
  • Packaged and deployed the application in JBoss.
  • Used Log4J for application logging and notification tracing mechanisms.
  • Used Maven tools for building and deploying the Web applications.
  • Analysis and Bug fixing of the production problems and defects along with enhancements and worked with Unix shell scripts for running the batch jobs.
  • Implemented JUNIT test cases for unit testing and Suites for end to end testing.
  • Used JIRA for tracking the Project Stories in Agile Methodology.
  • Used SVNto maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, XML, AJAX, JQuery, JSF, Swing,Prime Faces, Struts, Hibernate, Spring MVC, SOAP, WSDL, HQL, SQL,Unix Shell Scripts, JBoss, Oracle, JVM, JMS, JNDI, Maven, RMI, Eclipse IDE, UML, JIRA, JUNIT, SVN.

Confidential, Desmoines, IA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Developed web GUI involving HTML, JavaScript under MVC architecture
  • Used Jquery for Ajaxcalls for doing the validations and developed the GUI with Swing.
  • Integrated Struts with Spring framework
  • Used StrutsFramework&Tag Libraries for Executing Client request.
  • Have used Struts Validator Framework for Client and Server side validation.
  • Hibernate used as the persistence mechanism ORM Mapping along with advanced features such as Criteria based querying
  • Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML using CXF framework tool/Apache Commons. Worked on parsing the XML files using DOM/SAX parsers.
  • Involved in developing XML utilities and Interfaces using JAXB.
  • Wrote complex queries and mapped database views using DAO in Oracle.
  • Involved in writing Stored Procedures for handling complex queries with help of TOAD and access them through Java Programs.
  • Created the EAR file usingRADand send the EAR file to Linux server using FTP by using CuteFTP.
  • Responsible for configuring the various properties to integrate theWCSapplication with third party interfaces.
  • Performed deployment of applications on IBM WebSphere Application Server.
  • Developed an E-commerce system which is associated to this project.
  • Developed build script for the application using ANT
  • Wrote test cases in Junit for unit testing of classes and implemented the logging using Log4j.
  • Developed Unixshellscripts for running the batch jobs
  • UsedJIRAto fix and track the workflow.
  • Used Rabbit MQSeries and JMS API for application integration and used JMS for various asynchronous processes.
  • Interacting with QA team and Business team to resolve defects
  • Used Rational Clear Case for Version controlling.

Environment: HTML, JSP, JavaScript, XML, Servlet, Struts, JNDI, Hibernate, JMS, JVM, Log4j, Ant,WCS,RAD, WebSphere, Scrum, Oracle, Web Services (SOAP/WSDL), JUNIT, Rational Clear Case,Shell Script,UNIX.


J2EE/Java Developer


  • Involved in client requirement gathering, analysis & application design.
  • CreatedHTMLWireframes based in the Detailed System Specification document.
  • Developed rich user interface using JavaScript, JSTL, CSS, JQuery and JSP’s.
  • Implemented client side data validations using JavaScript.
  • Implemented server side data validations using Java Beans.
  • Implemented views using JSP & JSTL. Implemented the Data Access Object (DAO) component of the application that abstracts and encapsulates the data access from the application to Hibernate.
  • Extensively used HQL and SQL for querying databases.
  • Involved in design, coding for the business layer using Java, and Spring Framework and EJBs.
  • UsedApache Axisas the Web Service framework for creating and consumingWeb Serviceclients usingSOAP and WSDL.
  • Used Oracle as the backend database. Involved in creating the PL/SQL scripts for the database.
  • Implemented J2EE Core design patterns like Front Controller, Business Delegate, etc.
  • Developed Aspects (AOP) for the Transaction, Logging, and Database Retry purpose.
  • Installed, configured and administrated Oracle database and Web Logic Application Server and Enterprise Messing Services in the development environment.
  • Used SVN as version control system
  • Used ANTscripts to build the application and deployed on Web Sphere Application Server

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Spring, Soap, PL/SQL, Hibernate, Ant, UML, WebLogic, XML, Oracle, SVN.

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