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Sr. Ios Developer Resume

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Seattle, WashingtoN


  • 7 years of experience as a software developer including about 4 years as iOS developer in designing & developing Rich User Interface applications, integrating with various Databases, Client - Server applications and as a Java developer.
  • Well versed in user-friendly design, performance improvement, documenting code, refactoring, continuous integration and deployment, and unit testing
  • Proficient noledge of programming experience using Objective-C, Swift.
  • Extensive experience in iPhone and all aspects of iPad application development including designing for all types of screen sizes and orientations.
  • Familiar with UI design implementation using both Storyboards and NIB files
  • Updated noledge of Xcode 9.0, iOS 11, Swift 4
  • Extensive noledge of various frameworks including: UIKit, Map Kit, CoreData, CoreML, JavaScriptCore, AVFoundation, ARKit, EventKit, AddressBook, MessageUI, Core Graphics and Core Location frameworks.
  • Expertise in MVC design architecture, Cocoa design patterns, MVVM, VIPER, Dependency injection, Singleton, and delegation
  • Followed teh Agile SCRUM and Waterfall methodologies for implementing teh projects.
  • Stored data persistently in different ways: CoreData, SQLite, NSCoding, Realm, NSUserDefaults, and Keychain
  • Proficient in Memory Management: Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) and Manual Reference Counting (MRC)
  • Proficient in using Instruments for memory leaks/ memory management and performance analysis.
  • Familiar with repository using Git and Subversion
  • Native experience with NSURLConnection, NSURLSession and third party experience with RestKit, AFNetworking, and AlamoFire.
  • Experienced in consuming REST and SOAP Web Services and data parsing forms such as XML and JSON to dynamically display data on iPhone/iPad
  • Working noledge on GraphQL, a query language for your API
  • Experience in creating auto layout constraints programmatically using NSLayoutAnchor, NSLayoutConstraintand Visual Format Language
  • Working Knowledge on API like Google Maps API, Twitter API, Facebook API with OAuth token handling.
  • Experience implementing Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics.
  • Expertise creating Signing Certificates, provisioning profiles, building IPA and apk files.
  • Worked with offshore teams to ensure that features are being completed and implemented correctly
  • Experience in writing Unit tests, Integration tests and UI tests
  • Developed basic Android applications and have beginning noledge of hybrid development (PhoneGap) and cross platform technologies like Xamarin
  • Good team player, self-motivated and able to take initiatives


Programming Languages: Objective-C, Swift, Go, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, SQL, ASP.NET, JQuery

Version Control Tools: GIT/SVN

Databases: SQLite, MySQL, SQL Azure database

Markup Languages: XHTML, HTML5, CSS3 and XML

IDE: Xcode, Eclipse, Android Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio

Operating Systems: macOS, Windows, Linux


Confidential, Seattle, Washington

Sr. iOS Developer


  • Works extensively with other stakeholders, including program managers of other systems, editors and operations management
  • Involved in code reviews for both apps and back end Go services
  • Added enhancements to teh Breaking News for iOS app
  • RESTful web services development with Go lang
  • Used Urban Airship - for providing Apple Push Notifications
  • Integrated Adobe Analytics to capture app activity, like usage metrics, time spent & gestures
  • Used Instruments to tune teh app performance and used ARC as teh memory management technique
  • Multithreaded some of teh tasks like downloading images, Service Notification updates and Utilization logging in iOS by running tasks in a separate thread using GCD blocks and NSOperationQueue for optimizing teh performance
  • Participated in daily Scrums to discuss teh progress in sprints
  • Worked with AVFoundation framework for audio and video
  • Created auto layout constraints programmatically using NSLayoutAnchor
  • Lead an offshore team who owns teh API layer of NBCNews.com and Today.com

Environment: macOS, Windows, Xcode, Jira, GitHub, Jenkins, HockeyApp, Caching, Asynchronous image loading

Confidential, Seattle, Washington

Sr. iOS/Android Application Developer


  • Wrote technical specifications and maintained all reports pertaining to application development process
  • Communicated effectively with stakeholders to manage expectations
  • Partnered with product management team to create a road map
  • Responsible for design, development, and technical team leadership over teh project
  • Lead an offshore team of software developers in performing software design, development and unit testing
  • Development team responsible for iOS and Android applications
  • Experience in creating auto layout constraints programmatically using NSLayoutAnchor, NSLayoutConstraintand Visual Format Language
  • Assist with integration and usability testing
  • Managed data and memory management from streamlining code and using various debugging tests
  • Map View implementation using teh MapKit and CoreLocation Frameworks.
  • Took care of Code Review, Code Fixes, Bug Fixes, followed teh Apple UI guidelines throughout teh project

Environment: macOS, Windows, Xcode, Android Studio, Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, Jacaco

Confidential, Bothell, Washington

iOS Application Developer


  • Designed UI layer which handles all user interaction and receives input from teh hardware bar code scanner.
  • Written client API which handles local database operations and manages synchronizations with teh middleware and receives notifications from teh APNS.
  • Used UltraLite as a client database for teh local persistence of all downloaded and user-created data. Used MobiLink library which exposes APIs to synchronize teh database with teh middleware.
  • This MobiLink Synchronization is a component of SQL Anywhere which allows two way synchronizations. This happens between consolidated databases (ODBC) and remote databases.
  • Included a Settings bundle used by iOS to present an options screen specific to IMR in teh iOS settings app. These settings are read by teh client API.
  • Involved in writing scan manager module which provides application-wide barcode hardware scanning management, configuration and notifications. It uses DTDevices third party library.
  • Scan Manager responsible for configuring teh Infinite Peripherals Linea Pro5 iPhone attached scanner for optimized 2D barcode scanning.
  • Enterprise Appstore: Created development and distribution certificates. Distributed teh app through teh MobileIron Enterprise app store.

Environment: Mac OS X, Xcode 7.x, iOS 9, Objective-C, Swift, ERP Central Component ECC, RFC (Remote Function Call), SMP (SAP Mobile Platform), MobiLink, TeamCity, XCTest, Stash(Git), JFrogArtifactory, MobileIron.


iOS Application Developer


  • Integrated app with Office 365 SharePoint services
  • Implemented integration with ADFS STS service for autantication.
  • Implemented WKNavigationDelegate and built custom pop up to handle NTLM challenge (ADFS)
  • “FedAuth” and “rtFa” cookies are passed along as cookie values with subsequent SharePoint requests.
  • Used Azure Web Service application as a chat service that exposes a REST API and responsible for sending messages to firebase
  • Implemented Push notifications with Firebase.
  • Created SharePoint discussion Boards to serve as teh backend for Group chat functionality.
  • Coded delegates to communicate between view controller and data set objects
  • Integrated Adobe Analytics to capture app activity, like usage metrics, time spent & gestures.

Environment: macOS, Xcode 7.x, 8.0, iOS 9.x,10.x Jenkins, Jira, AlamoFire, SwiftyJSON, SQL Azure database, Hockey, VSO, SDWebImage, SharePoint, AWS


iOS Application Developer


  • Hands-on experience with MDM solutions like MobileIron
  • Worked Extensively with MobileIron vendor to provide access to enter resources to BYOD devices and enforce configuration policies for those devices.
  • Created wrapped versions of both internal and third party apps using MI wrapper to provide VPN connectivity to internal resources.
  • Distributed apps using MI labels to different groups of users.
  • Configured some key MobileIron policies and configurations for EQM and Dev environments.
  • Experience with deployments of over 200 users (pre-pilot)

Confidential, Sunnyvale, CA

iOS Developer


  • Upgraded reporting system of teh application Confidential My Account for analytics
  • Developed complete client iPad login and signup module that includes UI design and backendcommunication with Web Services
  • Developed new components like infinite scrolling section for sliding table view
  • Solved major defects in navigation controller behavior for teh application
  • Developed Facebook integration for teh application
  • Improved teh efficiency of teh application by optimization that resulted in faster loading of playerand streaming data. (Main thread and secondary thread)
  • Provided mechanism to avoid loading of duplicate data in table views (Problem due to concurrentserver calls)
  • Handled scenarios of no data for application during good network signal
  • Explained teh design problem of invocation by drawing flowcharts
  • Assisted Project Manager with release build schedules
  • Documented teh technical specifications
  • Managing teh work log and following teh schedule to ensure completion of projects before deadline
  • Followed a work data flow principal for design and development

Environment: Objective-C, Xcode 4.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, Mac OSX, Cocoa Touch, Foundation, UIKit, Core Graphics,and RESTful JSON converted to existing Soap Services, iOS 5, 6.1, iPhone Simulator 6.1, Device integratedwith Barcode Scanners, AirWatch Mobile Device Management App Store, and Subversion (SVN)


Java/J2EE Developer


  • XLDP is DB driven website with Struts Action Controller and SQL Server database.
  • Used ANT scripts to build teh application and deployed on WebSphere Application Server.
  • Used Rational Rose for Use case diagrams, Activity flow diagrams, Class diagrams and Object diagrams in teh design phase.
  • Developed Custom Tags to simplify teh JSP code. Designed UI screens using JSP, Struts tags and HTML. Used JavaScript for client side validation.
  • Used Struts with Spring Framework in teh application, which is based on MVC, design pattern.
  • Used Hibernate Persistence Strategy to interact with database.
  • Developed teh different components of application such as JSPs, Servlets, EJB’s using WebSphere Studio Application Developer and used CVS for version control.
  • Actively involved in designing and implementing Business Delegate, Data Access Object, and Session Façade, Service Locator and Data Transfer Object design patterns.
  • Used Java Message Service (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information.
  • Designed and developed Message driven beans that consumed teh messages from teh Java message queue.
  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design and development.
  • Used DAO pattern to retrieve teh data from database.
  • Used Web services for sending and getting data from different applications using SOAP messages.
  • Used JUnit framework for Unit testing of application.
  • Monitored teh error logs using Log4J and fixed teh problems.

Environment: Struts 1.1, Hibernate 2.0, Spring 1.0, JSP1.2, Servlets 2.3, JMS, XML, SOAP, WSD, JDBC, JavaScript, UML, HTML, JNDI, CVS, Log4J, JUnit, WebSphere Application Server 5.1, WSAD 5.1.2, Rational Rose, IBM DB2 UDB.

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