Java Consultant Resume
Wayne, PA
- 7+ years of IT experience in analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, troubleshooting, supporting and implementation Multi - Tier distributed application for both Client-side and Server-side.
- Strong ability of creating UML diagrams basic on different business request, such as ER diagram, Use Case diagram, Class diagram by using UML based tools such as Visio.
- Extensive experience in Java and J2EE technologies such as Servlet, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, JavaBeans, JMS.
- Hands-on experience of implement design patterns such as Data Access Object (DAO), Model-View-Controller (MVC), Singleton, Factory.
- Ability of writing complex SQL queries, Stored Procedures to accessing, managing RDBMS such as Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server.
- Extensive experience in implementing Data Access wif JDBC and Object Relational Mapping Framework, such as Hibernate.
- Extensive experience in Spring Framework such as Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring JDBC, Spring ORM, Spring Boot.
- Ability in front-end UI development using scripting languages such as JSP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX.
- Hands-on experience in designing, development MVC framework implement by Spring MVC.
- Extensive experience in underlying network protocol such as TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP.
- Hands-on experience on using Linux tool to testing protocol such as telnet, traceroute, curl
- Extensive experience in developing web-services such as REST, SOAP.
- Hands-on experience in Dockerlize application.
- Strong noledge in Building Tools (Maven, ANT), version control (SVN, GIT).
- Experience in deploying application into various application servers such as JBoss, Tomcat, WebLogic.
- Extensive experience of using various IDEs such as IntelliJ, Eclipse and VIM.
Operating System: Windows, UNIX, Linux.
Programming Languages: Java, SQL, C/C++, HTML, XML, JavaScript, Unix Shell Scripting.
Java Technologies: JSP, Servlet, JDBC, JNDI, JMS.
Databases: Oracle 10g, MS SQL Server 2008, MySQL.
Framework: Spring, Hibernate, Struts2, JSF, Spring Security, Spring MVCUI Scripting JavaScript, JQuery
Testing Tools: JUnitApplication
Servers: Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Oracle WebLogic, IBM Websphere.
IDEs: Eclipse, IntelliJ, VIM
Building Tools: Maven, ANT
Version Control: Git, SVN
JAVA Consultant
Confidential, Wayne, PA
- Designing the application base on separate the frond-end and back-end logic.
- Building front-end project structure by using npm package manager and Webpack module bundler.
- Designing friendly web user interface by static web develop language, html5, CCS3, JavaScript.
- Designing the front-end style sheet based on Bootstrap framework and SASS framework
- Implementing simple DOM operation and event operation by JQuery framework.
- Implementing AJAX request and receive component by JQuery framework, Json as message format.
- Implementing Single-Page Application by using Angular front end framework.
- Implementing front page logic by using TypeScript.
- Implementing Reverse proxy for managing dynamic web request to back-end port by setting Nginx web service configuration.
- Developing back-end application base on Spring boot framework.
- Implementing Rest API for receiving and responding front-end http request by using Spring MVC framework.
- Developing Data Access Object layer for application data persistence by using Hibernate framework.
- Integrating Database CRUD operation and DAO layer by Spring Data JPA component.
- Involving Sql Server database as the application database.
- Involving Tomcat as the application server.
- Involving Gradle as java building tool.
Environment: webpack, html5, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular, ajax, json, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Rest web service, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, Nginx, SQL server, tomcat, Gradle
JAVA Consultant
The Walt Disney Company, Burbank, CA
- Rebuilt old application by using Spring Boot.
- Designed the application Web components and Rest API by using Spring MVC.
- Implemented Spring Framework integrate Hibernate ORM to access to database.
- Implemented application access security and API access security by using Spring Security framework.
- Developed application using Spring Core Container component by Dependency Injection Spring beans.
- Developed SQL script to query, analysis, integrate and generate the report.
- Designed the front page by Bootstrap framework and developed the detail tools by jQuery framework.
- Modified front page detail by CSS.
- Dockerlize application by set Dockerfile, Docker Compose plugin.
- Designed the unit test for the application by JUnit, Groovy.
- Joined couple automation test tool by Cucumber and Groovy.
- Troubleshooting based on Linux tool such as grep, tail, cat, find, telnet, traceroute, crontab.
- Implemented the order system for high speed transfer framework, such as Signiant and Aspera.
Environment: Java, Spring MVC, JDBC, JSP, JQuery, Maven, JUnit, Tomcat, Microsoft SQL Server, Signiant, Aspera, Groovy
JAVA Developer Consultant
Confidential, San Diego, CA
- Implement distributed application basic on Spring Framework, such as IOC, AOP, Security, MVC.
- Developed multithreading workflow by composed different design pattern, such as Factory, Abstract, Singleton.
- Integrated Hibernate wif Spring framework for implementing database access.
- Created a component to exchange data wif underlying network protocol such as TCP/IP, UDP.
- Implement REST api by Spring MVC.
- Using SOAP UI and Postman to do SOAP and REST webservice end point test.
- Implement Data Transfer Object layer for multiple application communicate.
- Configured Spring property config for multiple environment. Set up over write property file path.
- Created a timing script to sending report by Linux crontab, groovy.
- Configured Docker file for moving application into container.
- Created an Openshift PaaS service for distributed application.
- Implement front UI by Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, JSP, JavaScript.
- Involved Aglie develop planning meeting.
Environment: HTML, JSP, Servlets, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Spring MVC, Rest, SOAP, Hibernate, Tomcat.
JAVA Developer Consultant
Confidential, North Hollywood,CA
- Used different design pattern to increase efficiency for the application.
- Designed and Implemented domain layer using Spring Framework based on Inversion of Control, Aspect Oriented Programming.
- Implemented the Object-relational Mapping by using Hibernate Framework.
- Implemented the front controller by using Spring MVC.
- Developed Hibernate criteria and native SQL and create Stored Procedure for MS SQL server.
- Developed front end view using HTML, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS3, LESS.
- Used JQuery to implement the Ajax.
- Designed and developed REST web services using Spring rest controller.
- Prepared test plans and integrated testing using Junit.
- Used GIT to control the version of the application.
Environment: Core Java, J2EE, HTML, JSP, Servlets, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Spring, Hibernate, Rest web service, MS SQL server, Jboss.
JAVA Developer
Confidential, New York, NY
- Involved in the entire life cycle of the project.
- Designed and Implemented domain Layer using Spring Framework based on the concept of Inversion of Control (IOC), Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and Spring Security.
- Implemented database calls and retrieving records from database by Hibernate framework.
- Developed HQL queries and create Stored Procedure.
- Developed server side logic behind the screens and DB logic.
- Developed front end view using HTML, JSP, JSTL, JavaScript, JQuery and Ajax.
- Built application architecture using JSF Navigation rules and event handling code for various actions.
- Designed and Developed REST Web services using Jersey Framework to expose services for other application.
- Involved in preparation of test plans and integrated testing using Junit.
- Used SVN for code repository and as version control mechanism.
Environment: Core Java, J2EE, HTML, JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle, PL/SQL, Web Service, JSON, WebLogic.